438 research outputs found

    Angols's Africa policy. Egmont Paper 98, October 2017

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    Angola is experiencing an existential transition that will change the way power in the country is reconfigured and projected. The pragmatism and survivalist instinct that have defined its internal and foreign policies will be sorely tested under the reins of the new President, a financial crisis and regional turmoil. After almost four decades of rule under President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, the country inaugurated a new president in September 2017

    Spiritual Intelligence: an educational asset

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    Faz-se neste artigo um mapeamento da literatura sobre inteligência espiritual. Parte-se das primeiras teorias e percorre-se a evolução das mesmas, sinalizando os principais marcos tais como a teoria das inteligências múltiplas de Gardner (1995), a inteligência emocional de Goleman (1997) e a inteligência espiritual de Emmons (1999) e Zohar e Marshall (2004), prosseguindo-se com a análise do contributo de vários autores até 2013. Procura-se ainda evidenciar a necessidade de considerar este tipo de inteligência no campo da educação, nomeadamente as suas categorias de transcendência e integração que se nos afiguram como uma base adequada para a prossecução de uma educação transformadoraThis article maps the literature on spiritual intelligence. It starts by considering the first theories and follows their evolution, stressing some turning points such as the theory of multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1995), emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1997) and spiritual intelligence (Emmons, 1999; Zohar and Marshall, 2004). Further the contributions of other authors are analysed until 2013. We also seek to highlight the need of considering this type of intelligence in Education, namely its categories of transcendence and integration, which seem to us an adequate basis upon which a transformational education can be carried outinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sequencing, intensity and duration of economic transformation in Angola

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    Angola has a considerable natural resource base - extensive reserves of petroleum, diamonds and other minerals - a good climate and fertile soils, and yet has failed to profit from its economic potential. Social standards and living conditions are well below Sub-Saharan African averages: in 1992, life expectancy was estimated at 44 years, infant mortality at 30 per cent, adult literacy at 41 per cent, and less than 25 per cent of the population had access to safe water. In the last 15 years of Portuguese colonial rule (between 1960 and 1974), although the economy was structured to serve the interests of the metropole, Angola achieved an average annual real growth rate of eight per cent. The subjugation by Portugal of the indigenous peoples of Angolan was effected first by conquest, and thereafter by settlement of metropolitan Portuguese on lands taken, in many cases, from tribal ownership. The indigenous peasantry of Angola was, therefore, dispossessed ) and forced into contract labour, either as farm workers or unskilled industrial labourers, under harsh conditions. Portugal's own shortage of capital precluded the possibility of effective economic exploitation of Angola through investment, resulting in key agricultural and mining ventures passing into ownership of British American, German and Japanese corporations (Makidi 1983).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vigilância laboratorial da infeção a Enterovirus entre 2010 e 2013

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    Objetivo: Analisar os resultados do diagnóstico laboratorial de casos suspeitos de infeção a Enterovirus recebidos no INSA ao abrigo do Programa de Erradicação da Poliomielite (Vigilância Laboratorial da PFA e de Enterovirus) entre 2010 e 2013

    Chemical and sensorial properties of beetroot jam

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    The objective of the present work was to develop an innovative food product with nutritional properties as well as appealing organoleptic qualities. For this a jam was prepared on a basis of pear or apple, to which was added the water from boiling beetroot, without the addition of any conservatives. Five different jams were produced: pear jam, pear with beetroot, apple, apple with beetroot and finally apple with beetroot and cinnamon. The preparation of the products involved several trials until the optimum recipe was found. The final products were then submitted to sensorial analysis that revealed the panelists preference for the jam with apple, beetroot and cinnamon. Additionally, some chemical components were evaluated to characterize the product in terms of fat, sugars and antioxidant activity, being this one of the most important, given the interest of utilizing the antioxidant properties of the beetroot to produce a jam enriched with antioxidants. The results obtained revealed that the apple jam with beetroot and cinnamon had a low sugar content and a high antioxidant activity, enhancing the potential health benefits associated with its consumption

    Development of an innovative jambased on beetroot

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    The objective of the present work was to develop an innovative food prod- uct with nutritional properties as well as appealing organoleptic quali- ties. For this a jam was prepared on a basis of pear or apple, to which was added the water from boiling beetroot, without the addition of any con- servatives. Five different jams were produced: pear jam, pear with beetroot, apple, apple with beetroot and finally apple with beetroot and cinnamon. The preparation of the products involved several trials until the optimum recipe was found. The final products were then submitted to sensorial analysis that revealed the panelists preference for the jam with apple, beetroot and cinnamon. Additionally, some chemical components were evaluated to characterize the product in terms of fat, sugars and antioxidant activity, being this one of the most important, given the inter- est of utilizing the antioxidant properties of the beetroot to produce a jam enriched with antioxidants. The results obtained revealed that the apple jam with beetroot and cinnamon had a low sugar content and a high anti- oxidant activity, enhancing the potential health benefits associated with its consumption

    Rubéola congénita em Portugal entre 2009 e 2015

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    Objetivo: Analisar os resultados do diagnóstico laboratorial de casos suspeitos de rubéola congénita recebidos no Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) entre 2009 e 2015, ao abrigo do Programa de Eliminação do Sarampo, da Rubéola e da Rubéola Congénita na Região Europeia da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS)

    Representations des professeurs d’eux memes: adaptation portugaise de l’echelle “Teacher self-concept evaluation scale”

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    Este estudo foi apoiado financeiramente pela FCT e apresentado no XIV Colóquio Internacional da AFIRSE/AIPELF, sobre o tema “Para um Balanço da Investigação em Educação de 1960 a 2005. Teorias e Práticas”, realizado em 16, 17 e 18 de Fevereiro de 2006, na Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Lisboa.Apresenta-se o estudo de adaptação para Portugal da escala de autoconceito profissional dos professores, denominada “Teacher self-concept evaluation scale” (TSCES), de Villa e Calvete (2001). A amostra foi constituída por 251 professores de diferentes grupos disciplinares e níveis de ensino, diferenciados, ainda, quanto a variáveis pessoais, escolares e sociais. No estudo psicométrico da escala, recorreu-se à análise factorial de componentes principais com rotação varimax – que evidenciou os seis factores esperados (competência, relação com colegas, relação com os alunos, satisfação, aceitação de iniciativas, auto-aceitação); procedeu-se ainda à determinação dos coeficientes de fiabilidade, para diferentes grupos, sendo 57,59% a variância total explicada. Para o estudo da validade externa, considerou-se a relação entre os resultados na TSCES e os resultados na escala EAPP (Escala de Autoconceito Profissional dos Professores), de Veiga e outros (2003), observando-se significativas correlações. Os elementos apresentados mostraram-se consistentes e salientam as qualidades da “Teacher self-concept evaluation scale” em diferentes grupos, bem como a sua utilidade para a investigação com professores

    Diagnóstico laboratorial do sarampo em Portugal, 2011-2013

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    Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever os casos prováveis de sarampo enviados ao INSA para confirmação laboratorial entre 2011 e 2013 em Portugal