19 research outputs found

    Flexwork in the context of Burnout-Research

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    In dieser Arbeit wird das Thema Flexwork im Kontext der Burnout-Forschung vorgestellt. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf potentiell negativen Folgen des Flexwork. Ziel dieser Ausarbeitung ist es, das Konstrukt des Flexwork konkreter zu fassen und zu untersuchen, ob das Burnout-Syndrom eine spezifische Folge von Flexwork sein kann. ZunĂ€chst werden einschlĂ€gige theoretische Grundlagen erlĂ€utert. Nach einer EinfĂŒhrung in die methodische Vorgehensweise qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsinstrumente werden die Interviewergebnisse dargestellt. Anschließend wird der Entwurf fĂŒr einen Fragebogen vorgestellt, der das Ziel hat, zu erfassen, ob und inwiefern Flexwork einen Auslöser fĂŒr das Burnout-Syndrom darstellt. Im Diskussionsteil dieser Projektarbeit erfolgen eine kritische Betrachtung der methodischen Vorgehensweise sowie eine zusammenfassende Bewertung der Thematik.This research report approaches the subject of Flexwork in the context of Burn-out-Research. The focus lies on the underlying negative effects of Flexwork. The key objective of this paper is to specify the construct of Flexwork and to analyze whether the Burnout-Syndrome can be a specific consequence of Flexwork. Initially, theoretical fundamentals are elucidated. After an introduction into the methodological procedure of qualitative and quantitative instruments of research, the interview-results are illustrated. Subsequently, a blue-print of a questionnaire with the goal of measuring whether or not Flexwork can be seen as an actuator of the Burnout-Syndrome is presented. In the discussion, a critical consideration of the methodological procedures and an overall conclusion is given

    GrundzĂŒge gemeinschaftsgetragenen Unternehmertums

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    Gemeinschaftsgetragenes Unternehmertum hat in den letzten Jahren an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Innerhalb der bestehenden Wirtschaftsordnung stellt es eine Alternative zum dominanten marktwirtschaftlichen System dar. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die GrundzĂŒge dieses Modells in Abgrenzung zu anderen Wirtschaftsformen

    Introduction to the Special Issue “A Systemic Perspective on Urban Food Supply: Assessing Different Types of Urban Agriculture”

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    The production of food within cities through urban agriculture can be considered as a nature-based solution and is argued to be an important response to the current COVID-19 pandemic as well as to climate change and other urban challenges. However, current research on urban agriculture is still fragmented, calling for a systematic and integrative assessment of different forms of urban agriculture and the drivers and constraints for their effective realization. In this context, the Special Issue presents conceptual and empirical research articles from around the world on the impact and implementation potential of various types of urban agriculture. The studies of this Special Issue cover a broad range of impact and implementation dimensions, asssessment methods and geographical backgrounds that can support future studies to develop a systemic perspective on urban food production.Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftBundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und ForschungCzech Science FoundationPeer Reviewe

    Flexwork in the context of Burnout-Research

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    In dieser Arbeit wird das Thema Flexwork im Kontext der Burnout-Forschung vorgestellt. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf potentiell negativen Folgen des Flexwork. Ziel dieser Ausarbeitung ist es, das Konstrukt des Flexwork konkreter zu fassen und zu untersuchen, ob das Burnout-Syndrom eine spezifische Folge von Flexwork sein kann. ZunĂ€chst werden einschlĂ€gige theoretische Grundlagen erlĂ€utert. Nach einer EinfĂŒhrung in die methodische Vorgehensweise qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsinstrumente werden die Interviewergebnisse dargestellt. Anschließend wird der Entwurf fĂŒr einen Fragebogen vorgestellt, der das Ziel hat, zu erfassen, ob und inwiefern Flexwork einen Auslöser fĂŒr das Burnout-Syndrom darstellt. Im Diskussionsteil dieser Projektarbeit erfolgen eine kritische Betrachtung der methodischen Vorgehensweise sowie eine zusammenfassende Bewertung der Thematik.This research report approaches the subject of Flexwork in the context of Burn-out-Research. The focus lies on the underlying negative effects of Flexwork. The key objective of this paper is to specify the construct of Flexwork and to analyze whether the Burnout-Syndrome can be a specific consequence of Flexwork. Initially, theoretical fundamentals are elucidated. After an introduction into the methodological procedure of qualitative and quantitative instruments of research, the interview-results are illustrated. Subsequently, a blue-print of a questionnaire with the goal of measuring whether or not Flexwork can be seen as an actuator of the Burnout-Syndrome is presented. In the discussion, a critical consideration of the methodological procedures and an overall conclusion is given

    Chapter 7 Cost effects of local food enterprises

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    This book examines the role of local food movements, enterprises and networks in the transformation of the currently unsustainable global food system. It explores a series of innovations designed to re-integrate sustainable modes of food production and encourage food sovereignty. It provides detailed insights into a specialised network of social actors collaborating in novel ways and creating new economic arrangements across different geographical locales. In working to devise ‘local solutions to global problems’, the initiatives explored in the book represent a ‘second generation’ food social movement which is less preoccupied with distinctive local qualities than with building socially just food systems aimed at delivering healthy nutrition worldwide. Drawing on fieldwork undertaken in sites across Europe, the USA, and Brazil, the book provides a rich collection of case studies that offer a fresh perspective on the role of grassroots action in the transition to more sustainable food production systems. Addressing a substantive gap in the literature that falls between global analyses of the contemporary food system and highly localised case studies, the book will appeal to those teaching food studies and those conducting research on civic food initiatives or on environmental social movements more generally

    Chapter 7 Cost effects of local food enterprises

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    This book examines the role of local food movements, enterprises and networks in the transformation of the currently unsustainable global food system. It explores a series of innovations designed to re-integrate sustainable modes of food production and encourage food sovereignty. It provides detailed insights into a specialised network of social actors collaborating in novel ways and creating new economic arrangements across different geographical locales. In working to devise ‘local solutions to global problems’, the initiatives explored in the book represent a ‘second generation’ food social movement which is less preoccupied with distinctive local qualities than with building socially just food systems aimed at delivering healthy nutrition worldwide. Drawing on fieldwork undertaken in sites across Europe, the USA, and Brazil, the book provides a rich collection of case studies that offer a fresh perspective on the role of grassroots action in the transition to more sustainable food production systems. Addressing a substantive gap in the literature that falls between global analyses of the contemporary food system and highly localised case studies, the book will appeal to those teaching food studies and those conducting research on civic food initiatives or on environmental social movements more generally

    The economic principle of small units. Community-supported agriculture as an example to achieve resilience through community-based supply structures

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    Am Beispiel der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft (SoLawi) skizziert die Untersuchung ein dezentrales, kleinrĂ€umiges und bedarfsgerechtes Wirtschaftsprinzip der kleinen Einheiten. Eigenschaften einer gemeinschaftsgetragenen und maßvollen ErnĂ€hrungsversorgung werden analysiert, um die Perspektive eines resilienten regionalen Wertschöpfungsraumes jenseits anonymer Fremdversorgung und komplexer Wertschöpfungsarchitekturen aufzuzeigen. (DIPF/Orig.)Using the example of community-supported agriculture, the study outlines a decentralized, small-scale and demand-oriented economic principle of small units. Characteristics of a community-based and moderate food supply are analysed to show the perspective of a resilient regional value creation area beyond anonymous external supply and complex value creation architectures. (DIPF/Orig.