2,133 research outputs found

    Knowledge and use of netbook of Junta de Andalucía and of free software in the primary school. A case study

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    El presente artículo trata de exponer un adelanto de un proyecto de investigación que se está llevando a cabo en la provincia de Huelva, exponiendo algunas de las conclusiones a las que se han llegado a cabo. El proyecto pretende conocer, a partir de un estudio de caso de un centro de Huelva, el conocimiento y uso del profesorado y del alumnado del software libre, así como los ultraportátiles entregados por la Junta de Andalucía a unos y otros, una de las más importantes inversiones realizadas por la Consejería. Los primeros resultados dejan entrever el lento pero progresivo aumento del uso de los citados ultraportátiles, así como un conocimiento limitado del enorme abanico de herramientas libres educativas. Se ha decidido publicar este avance de resultados previa finalización del estudio debido a su importancia, con el fin de invitar a toda la comunidad educativa a continuar con estudios similares y entre todos analizar el impacto real de las TIC en nuestras aulas.This article presents a preview of a research project being carried out in the province of Huelva, exposing some of the conclusions based on the development of the unfinished research. The project tries to deepening, from a case study on a specific school, about knowledge and use of the teachers and students of the free software, and netbooks handed out by the Junta de Andalucía to one another, one the most significant investments made by the Department. The initial results hint at the slow but progressive increase in the use of those ultraportables, and a limited knowledge of the huge range of free educational tools. It has been decided to publish this preliminary study, before to complete of the study because its importance, to invite the entire school community to continue with similar studies and together analyze the real impact of ICT in our classrooms

    Conocimiento y uso del ultraportátil de la Junta de Andalucía y del software libre en la Educación Primaria. Un estudio de caso

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    El presente artículo trata de exponer un adelanto de un proyecto de investigación que se está llevando a cabo en la provincia de Huelva, exponiendo algunas de las conclusiones a las que se han llegado a cabo. El proyecto pretende conocer, a partir de un estudio de caso de un centro de Huelva, el conocimiento y uso del profesorado y del alumnado del software libre, así como los ultraportátiles entregados por la Junta de Andalucía a unos y otros, una de las más importantes inversiones realizadas por la Consejería. Los primeros resultados dejan entrever el lento pero progresivo aumento del uso de los citados ultraportátiles, así como un conocimiento limitado del enorme abanico de herramientas libres educativas. Se ha decidido publicar este avance de resultados previa finalización del estudio debido a su importancia, con el fin de invitar a toda la comunidad educativa a continuar con estudios similares y entre todos analizar el impacto real de las TIC en nuestras aulas.This article presents a preview of a research project being carried out in the province of Huelva, exposing some of the conclusions based on the development of the unfinished research. The project tries to deepening, from a case study on a specific school, about knowledge and use of the teachers and students of the free software, and netbooks handed out by the Junta de Andalucía to one another, one the most significant investments made by the Department. The initial results hint at the slow but progressive increase in the use of those ultraportables, and a limited knowledge of the huge range of free educational tools. It has been decided to publish this preliminary study, before to complete of the study because its importance, to invite the entire school community to continue with similar studies and together analyze the real impact of ICT in our classrooms

    Spatial Interaction Regional Model for the Mexican Economy (SIRMME): A Special Case for Mexico City Metropolitan Area

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    This paper analyzes empirically a macro model and a regional model to explain Mexico and Mexico City economies respectively. Typically, regional economic modeling considers either a top-down or bottom-up approach to model regional difference in economic growth. This paper shows results that explain regional difference in Mexico from the bottom-up through a special case that focuses on the spatial interaction between Mexico City -the main economic engine of Mexico- and the rest of the country during the period 2000-2010. Our results indicate that variables associated with human capital, internal migration, "creative class", micro-firms and spatial interaction among micro-regions were conditioning the differential growth between Mexico City and the whole country during the period 2000-2010. Likewise, we present econometric results of a typical macro model that explains economic growth in Mexico by different income effects on components of aggregate demand during the period 1993-2010. The purpose of both exercises is to motivate future research for the Mexican case to link macro components (such as export driven forces, Mexico´s dependency to the USA´s business cycle, loss of government spending, etc.) with their local counterparts such as agglomeration economies, human and creative capital stock, regional spillovers, natural resources, dynamic population, etc. to explain regional differential growth

    Transversal competences and employability of university students: converging towards service-learning

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    We are living in times of great transformations within the field of education and the labor market. These changes are connected and have to do with an expanded knowledge society, whose implications reach the levels of employability in times of uncertainty. Within this framework, the main purpose of our study is to perform a theoretical analysis and an empirical approach to the influence that transversal competences (soft skills) may have on the degree of employability of university students. We have identified some of those competences and we have tested them with a sample of 83 employers and 1249 students using a Likert scale. Our results show the interest of employers in the mastery of transversal competences and inequalities in terms of students’ perception thereof. We did not find any significant differences between students starting their degree and those who were about to complete it. However, we did find differences between the students who participated in experiential activities and those who did not, in favor of the former. Due to the importance of experiential learning in our results, we dedicate our discussion to theoretically exploring whether the pedagogical approach of Service-Learning (SL) might contribute to a better connection between transversal competences and employabilityS

    A Comparative Approach to Integration and Trade Openness in the Economic Growth of the European Union and Latin America

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    El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en probar si la integración económica y la apertura comercial en los países de la Unión Europea (UE) y América Latina (AL), ayudaron a aliviar los desequilibrios de balanza de pagos previos. La principal contribución del trabajo descansa en el análisis comparativo entre la UE y AL en dos periodos distintos de tiempo (de acuerdo con su integración económica) utilizando la técnica de panel cointegrados de Westerlund (2007 y 2008) para probar la validez de la ley de Thirlwall. Con los resultados, se encontró que los precios relativos no influyeron de manera relevante en los periodos de integración y apertura comercial, por lo que resultó más adecuado trabajar con el multiplicador dinámico del comercio de Harrod. Es importante mencionar que, aunque el enfoque contrafactual se aplica a momentos históricos de Europa y América Latina distintos, con sus resultados se pudo concluir que la integración económica ayudó a aliviar los desequilibrios de balanza de pagos en los países europeos y la apertura comercial provocó un mayor crecimiento compatible con el equilibrio de balanza de pagos, para la mayoría de los países de América Latina.The aim of this research is to prove whether Economic Integration and Trade Openness in countries of the European Union (EU) and Latin America (LA) helped alleviate previous Balance of Payments imbalances. The main contribution of the work consists on the comparative analysis between the EU and LA in two different periods of time (according to their economic integration) using the Westerlund panel cointegration technique (2007 and 2008) to prove the validity of Thirlwalls Law. The results show that the relative prices are not relevant in periods of Economic Integration and Trade Openness, consequently it was more appropriate to work with Harrods Dynamic Trade Multiplier. It is important to mention that, although the counterfactual approach is applied to different historicalmoments in Europe and Latin America, the results showed that the Economic Integration helped alleviate the Balance of Payments imbalances in European countries and Trade Openness caused a greater growth compatible with the Balance of Payments equilibrium for most Latin American countries

    Estudio de accesibilidad a las zonas verdes urbanas mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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    La creciente preocupación por parte de la sociedad respecto del medio ambiente que nos rodea, ha hecho que las administraciones de ámbito local recojan las inquietudes de los ciudadanos e intenten dar soluciones mediante la creación de lo que se viene a denominar espacios verdes urbanos: son nuestros parques y jardines públicos. Sin embargo, día a día surgen nuevas demandas por parte de los distintos grupos sociales, pasando de la mera creación o representación estética del campo en la ciudad a dotar a estos entornos de elementos en los que la practicidad toma un valor relevante. El objetivo del presente trabajo es servir como instrumento de información a las distintas administraciones en su labor de planificación de zonas verdes urbanas utilizando para ello Sistemas de Información Geográfic

    Improving the care management of trans patients: focus groups of nursing students’ perceptions

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    To know the perspectives of nursing students in trans patients’ care and their access to health services and how to improve the quality of care in trans patients, related to the barriers identified by nursing students

    Supramolecular self-assembly of a symmetric imine ligand functionalized with a dansyl fluorophore moiety

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    The 20th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Polymer and Supramolecular ChemistryWe report the synthesis and characterization of a symmetric [N4] tetradentate imine-type ligand H2L that incorporates a dansyl fluorophore group in both ligand arms. Two binding domains separated by a short arene spacer and two bulky arms with an anti conformation make this organic molecule suitable as precursor of metallosupramolecular species such as helicates. The molecular structure of H2L has been analyzed by X-ray diffraction. This technique has revealed the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bond interactions that lead to the supramolecular self-assembly of ligand molecules in the solid state and the generation of oval-shaped channels in the 3D crystal packin

    Influence of Bitartrate Ion Concentration in the Copper Electrodeposition Onto a Polycrystalline Gold Electrode

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    In the present work, the influence of the concentration of bitartrate ions (HT) on the copper electrodeposition process was analyzed. The study was carried out from an aqueous solution containing 0.001 M of CuX (where X = (NO3–)2 ,(Cl–)2, SO42–) and x M KHT (where x = 0.005 M, 0.01 M, and 0.015 M). From voltammetric and chronoamperometric studies, the results indicate that copper electrodeposition is a diffusion-controlled process. The current density transients were well described through a kinetic mechanism involving capacitive and faradaic contributions. The diffusion coefficient values of Cu1+ and Cu2+ result to be similar at the different concentration values of potassium bitartrate used in this work. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License