187 research outputs found

    The development of lexical-semantic competence through derivative morphology

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    La morfología léxica puede llegar a ejercer una influencia clave en el desarrollo de la competencia léxico-semántica del aprendiz de español, aunque en muchas ocasiones se presenten como realidades lingüísticas desvinculadas. El conocimiento de los mecanismos morfológicos de la lengua no solo ayuda a la comprensión del significado de términos desconocidos, sino que también incrementa la productividad léxica, mejora el acceso a los términos almacenados en el lexicón mental y permite al hablante manejar con más precisión los significados de los términos conocidos. De este modo, el conocimiento de las reglas de inflexión y derivación morfológicas se convierte en una vía para acceder a un nivel lingüístico diferente y reforzar, desde una doble perspectiva, la competencia comunicativa del hablante. Este hecho obliga a reconsiderar la importancia que se otorga a la morfología léxica tanto en el ámbito de la enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (E/LE) como en la enseñanza de Lengua Española en la Educación Secundaria.Derivative morphology can have a key influence on the development of the lexical-semantic competence of the Spanish learner, although these linguistic realities are often presented as unrelated. Knowing the morphological mechanisms of the language not only helps to understand the meaning of unknown terms, but also increases lexical productivity, improves access to the terms stored in the mental lexicon and allows the speaker to handle the mean- ings of known terms more precisely. In this way, the knowledge of the rules of inflection and morphological derivation becomes a method to access a different linguistic level and reinforce, from a double perspective, the communicative competence of the speaker. This fact makes it necessary to reconsider the importance given to derivative morphology both in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language and in the teaching of the Spanish Language in Secondary Education

    Behavior and Emotion in Dementia

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    During the course of disease, the patient and caregiver face emotional and behavioral problems that may occur. Therefore, it is important to knowing how emotions and the perception of them are modified and thus to know the impact they have on mood and behavior of the patient and caregiver. Publicizing the type of pathology, both emotional and behavioral levels, in a patient with dementia can help in the development of nonpharmacological interventions that could slow the symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients

    Dark Carbon Uptake in Emerged Sediments: Seasonal and Daily CO2 Flux Patterns in a saline wetland.

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    Inland water bodies are currently shrinking due to alterations of the water cycle, exposing extensive areas of previously submerged sediments to the atmosphere. Consequently, the carbon cycle is altered, leading to an increased emission of CO2. To study this, we performed monthly surveys throughout one year to measure CO2 fluxes from dawn to dusk in the calcite- rich emerged sediments of the endorheic saline wetland of La Laguna de Fuente de Piedra, Málaga (Spain). Consistent with existing literature, CO2 emission fluxes predominated in these sediments. However, at dawn and dusk fluxes were considerably lower, and even CO2 uptake into the sediment occurred. Consequently, we conducted three campaigns over a full 24-hour cycle to measure CO2 fluxes in the emerged sediments and their most influential environmental drivers. This approach revealed a net CO2 emission from the sediment during daylight hours, while a net CO2 uptake by the sediment was measured during darkness. The magnitude of CO2 fluxes exhibited seasonality with both highest uptake and emission fluxes in summer, reaching a maximum emission and uptake value of 0.29 g(CO2)m-2h-1 and -0.14 g(CO2)m-2h-1 respectively. In contrast, winter showed the lowest fluxes, with a maximum emission value of 0.04 g(CO2)m-2h-1 and a maximum uptake value of –0.01 g(CO2)m-2h-1. Our results reveal that, in addition to seasonal variability of CO2 fluxes magnitude in Fuente de Piedra, a daily trend in CO2 fluxes exists. This trend shows that CO2 emissions from sediments increase towards midday but decrease towards midnight resulting in CO2 uptake by the sedimentUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Production and nutrimental quality of cowpea pods, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp, as function of topological arrangement and fertilization type

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    El frijol chino (FC) se utiliza en alimentación humana y se cultiva en espaldera viva de maíz, pero, son escasos los estudios sobre arreglos topológicos adecuados. En este sistema, la biofertilización (BIO) y fertilización foliar (FF) podrían complementar la nutrición. En Huitzuco, Guerrero, México, durante el periodo lluvioso se sembró FC tipo guía en espaldera de maíz a 80 (D8) y 160 cm (D16) de distancia entre hileras (D), con y sin BIO (B y SB) y con y sin FF (F y SF), para determinar los efectos de D, BIO y FF sobre el rendimiento y calidad nutrimental de vainas. La emergencia del FC se presentó a los 6 días después de la siembra (dds), la floración a los 58 dds, el primer corte de vaina a los 70 dds y el último a los 110 dds. El mayor rendimiento de vaina se logró con D8-B-F (851 g m-2), seguido por D8-SB-F (758 g m-2) y D16-B-F (657 g m-2), con los que se generó la más alta concentración de minerales (6,5%) y proteínas (28,1%), y la menor de carbohidratos solubles y fibras. El mayor rendimiento y calidad nutricional de vaina verde se obtuvo con D8-B-F.Cowpea (FC) is usedin human feeding, and is cultivated on maize living trellis; however, few studies about suitable topological arrangements are available. Plant nutrition in this system could be completed by biofertilization (BIO) and foliar fertilization (FF). In Huitzuco, Guerrero. Mexico, during the rainy season FC guide type was sowing on trellis maize at 80(D8) and 160 cm (D16) of distance between rows (D), with and without BIO (B and SB), and with and without FF(F and SF), in order to determine the effect of D, BIO and FF on yield and nutritional quality of pods. Emergency of FC occurred at 6 days after sowing (dds); flowering at 58 dds; the first pod cut at 70 dds and the last at 110 dds. The higher pod yield was achieved with D8-B-F (851 g m-2), followed by D8-SB-F (758 g m-2) and D16-B-F (657 g m-2). This last treatment also generated the highest concentration of minerals (6.5%) and proteins (28.1%), but less carbohydrates and fiber. The highest yield and quality of green pod was obtained with D8-B-F.Fil: Apáez Barrios, Patricio. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de HidalgoFil: Escalante Estrada, José Alberto Salvador. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Sosa Montes, Eliseo. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Apáez Barrios, Maricela. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Rodríguez González, María Teresa. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Raya Montaño, Yurixhi Atenea. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalg

    Layered in Time: Exploring the Impact of Nearly 8 Months of Stratification on Carbon Dynamics in a Mediterranean Reservoir.

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    Ecosystem metabolism determines its role as a CO2 source or sink. In lakes and reservoirs, metabolism is conditioned by the phytoplankton community. This relationship was studied throughout a hydrological year in El Gergal, a Mediterranean mesotrophic and warm monomictic reservoir used for water supply to the city of Seville, Spain. Aerobic metabolic rates (respiration and primary production) were modeled using high-resolution data, including temperature, PAR, oxygen, salinity, and meteorological variables. The size structure of the phytoplankton community was examined using flow cytometry. Thermal stratification persisted for 7.7 months. During this period the aerobic ecosystem metabolism was autotrophic, with a net O2 production of 0.06 ± 0.03 mg l–1 day–1, and ultraphytoplankton (an intermediate size group between pico- and nanophytoplankton) dominated the community. Notably, the epilimnion was the only layer exhibiting net O2 production, while the metalimnion remained almost neutral and the hypolimnion was heterotrophic. During the mixing period, El Gergal was heterotrophic (net O2 consumption: 0.12 ± 0.03 mg l–1 day–1) with picophytoplankton (the smallest size group) dominating the community. On an annual scale, El Gergal reservoir was slightly heterotrophic, raising concerns about its role as a CO2 sin

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora briofítica de la comarca de la Axarquía y la ZEC Sierra de Camarolos (Málaga, España)

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    Through the collection of samples and study of 61 localities, the bryophytic flora of the Axarquía region and the ZEC Sierra de Camarolos is studied. The bryophyte diversity is estimated at 140 species, of which 124 are mosses and 16 liverworts. Husnotiella sinuosa (Mitt.) J.A. Jiménez & M.J. Cano is recorded for the first time from Andalusia, Orthotrichum macrocephalum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka, O. schimperi Hammar, and Tortella inflexa (Bruch) Broth. are reported for the first time from Malaga province. Most of the species in the catalogue (about 85%) are new for the studied territory.Resumen Mediante las recolecciones en un total de 61 localidades muestreadas, se lleva a cabo un estudio de la flora briofítica de la comarca de la Axarquía (Málaga) y la ZEC Sierra de Camarolos (Málaga). La diversidad briofítica se estima en 140 especies, de ellas 124 son musgos y 16 hepáticas. Husnotiella sinuosa (Mitt.) J.A. Jiménez & M.J. Cano se cita por vez primera de Andalucía, Orthotrichum macrocephalum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka, O. schimperi Hammar y Tortella inflexa (Bruch) Broth. son novedades para la brioflora malacitana. La mayoría de las especies del catálogo (alrededor del 85%) son novedades para el territorio estudiado

    Occurrence of persistent and mobile chemicals and other contaminants of emerging concern in Spanish and Portuguese wastewater treatment plants, transnational river basins and coastal water

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    This work investigated, during one year, the occurrence and fate of 52 contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in transnational river basins and coastal areas of the North of Portugal and Galicia (NW Spain) and the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) discharging on these environments. The different CECs investigated included pharmaceuticals, personal care products, industrial chemicals, among others, of which ca. 90 % would fulfill the persistence, mobility and toxicity criteria proposed by the German Environmental Agency. The results showed the ubiquitous presence of these CECs and an incomplete removal of over 60 % of them with current conventional WWTPs. These findings highlight the requirement of a prominent and coordinated upgrade of WWTP treatments in order to meet the future European Union regulations on urban wastewater treatment and surface water quality. In fact, even some compounds exhibiting high removals, such as caffeine or xylene sulfonate, were frequently detected in river and estuarine waters at the high ng L−1 level. Thus, our preliminary risk assessment study concluded that 18 of the CECs presented a potential risk for the environment, being caffeine, sulpiride, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), diclofenac, fipronil and perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) the most concerning ones. Yet, additional toxicity data as well as a more robust information on persistence and mobility of CECs are necessary for better estimating the magnitude of the problem and improve risk assessment. As an example, in the case of the antidiabetic metformin, recent research has revealed toxicity for model fish species at concentration levels below those found in 40 % of the river water samples analyzed in this workThis work was financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020 (ref. 0725_NOR_WATER_1_P), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (ref. PID2020-117686RB-C32) and the Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Universidades da Xunta de Galicia (ref. ED431C 2021/06). The study was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the projects [UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020]. R.M. acknowledges Banco Santander and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela for her outstanding researcher contract, N. A. acknowledges the FCT for his Ph.D. grant DFA/BD/6218/2020 and T.N. acknowledges FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2022 (2022.02925.CEECIND). The authors also want to acknowledge Agilent Technologies for providing the equipment described in Section 2.4 and the different entities which have collaborated in the sampling campaign: VIAQUA, Augas de Galicia, Confederación Hidrográfica do Miño-Sil, Águas do Porto, Efacec and Águas do NorteS

    Saltpan as carbon sink.

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    Part of the Marchamalo saltpans (Murcia, Spain) has been abandoned for 28 years. The project “RESALAR” aims to restore 8 ha of this saltpan to extract salt in a traditional way while preserving biodiversity and historical heritage. The principal primary producers in hypersaline wetlands are microorganisms such as cyanobacteria and chlorophytes. Once the microorganism’s biomass becomes part of the decomposing sediment organic matter, the high sediment salinity and moisture levels leads to an anoxic environment, allowing it to be buried in the sediments. In this context, our study, previous to the restoration, aims to assess the carbon stock accumulated during the period of disuse as well as measure the carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux from the saltpan to the atmosphere and the effect of various physicochemical variables on soil CO2 emissions. To determine the carbon stock in the first 0.5 m we extracted a core from every tank, analyzed the bulk density, organic carbon, inorganic carbon and salinity in 5 cm sections. CO2 fluxes were measured using a soil respiration chamber connected to an infrared gas analyzer, and samples were taken from the first 10 cm of soil to analyze physicochemical variables. Our preliminary results shows that mean carbon stock value was 1349.71±251.39 Mg ha-1 and mean CO2 flux was 0.55±0.84 g m-2 h-1. Temperature was the main CO2 flux driver, while sediment moisture was the main carbon burial driver. Our results will be used to suggest management strategies to make the salt extraction compatible with carbon burialUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Chronic environmentally relevant levels of simvastatin disrupt embryonic development, biochemical and molecular responses in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    This is the postprint (accepted manuscript) version of the article published in Aquatic Toxicology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.05.014Simvastatin (SIM), a hypocholesterolaemic compound, is among the most prescribed pharmaceuticals for cardiovascular disease prevention worldwide. Several studies have shown that acute exposure to SIM causes multiple adverse effects in aquatic organisms. However, uncertainties still remain regarding the chronic effects of SIM in aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of SIM in the model freshwater teleost zebrafish (Danio rerio) following a chronic exposure (90 days) to environmentally relevant concentrations ranging from 8 ng/L to 1000 ng/L. This study used a multi-parameter approach integrating distinct ecologically-relevant endpoints, i.e. survival, growth, reproduction and embryonic development, with biochemical markers (cholesterol and triglycerides). Real Time PCR was used to analyse the transcription levels of key genes involved in the mevalonate pathway (hmgcra, cyp51, and dhcr7). Globally, SIM induced several effects that did not follow a dose-response relationship; embryonic development, biochemical and molecular markers, were significantly impacted in the lower concentrations, 8 ng/L, 40 ng/L and/or 200 ng/L, whereas no effects were recorded for the highest tested SIM levels (1000 ng/L). Taken together, these findings expand our understanding of statin effects in teleosts, demonstrating significant impacts at environmentally relevant concentrations and highlight the importance of addressing the effects of chemicals under chronic low-level concentrationsT. Neuparth was supported by the Postdoctoral fellowship SFRH/BPD/77912/2011 from Foundation of Science and Technology, Portugal. R. Montes, R. Rodil and J.B. Quintana acknowledge financial support from the Spanish “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” (project no. CTM2014-56628-C3-2-R), the Galician Council of Culture, Education and Universities (ED431C2017/36) and FEDER/ERDFS

    Transcriptomic data on the transgenerational exposure of the keystone amphipod Gammarus locusta to simvastatin

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    The use of transcriptomics data brings new insights and works as a powerful tool to explore the molecular mode of action (MoA) of transgenerational inheritance effects of contaminants of emerging concern. Therefore, in this dataset, we present the transcriptomic data of the transgenerational effects of environmentally relevant simvastatin levels, one of the most prescribed human pharmaceuticals, in the keystone amphipod species Gammarus locusta. In summary, G. locusta juveniles were maintained under simvastatin exposure up to adulthood (exposed group - F0E) and the offspring of F0E were transferred to control water for the three subsequent generations (transgenerational group - F1T, F2T and F3T). To gain insights into the biological functions and canonical pathways transgenerationally disrupted by simvastatin, a G. locusta de novo transcriptome assembly was produced and the transcriptomic profiles of three individual G. locusta females, per group, over the four generations (F0 to F3) - solvent control groups (F0.C, F1.C, F2.C and F3.C), F0 320 ng/L simvastatin exposed group (F0.320E) and F1 to F3 320 transgenerational group (F1.320T; F2.320T and F3.320T) - were analyzed. Briefly, Illumina HiSeq™ 2500 platform was used to perform RNA sequencing, and due to the unavailability of G. locusta genome, the RNA-seq datasets were assembled de novo using Trinity and annotated with Trinotate software. After assembly and post-processing steps, 106093 transcripts with N50 of 2371 bp and mean sequence length of 1343.98 bp was produced. BUSCO analyses showed a transcriptome with gene completeness of 97.5 % Arthropoda library profile. The Bowtie2, RSEM and edgeR tools were used for the differential gene expression (DEGs) analyses that allowed the identification of a high quantity of genes differentially expressed in all generations. Finally, to identify the main metabolic pathways affected by the transgenerational effects of SIM across all generations, the DGEs genes were blasted onto KEGG pathways database using the KAAS webserver. The data furnished in this article allows a better molecular understanding of the transgenerational effects produced by simvastatin in the keystone amphipod G. locusta and has major implications for hazard and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and other emerging contaminants. This article is related to the research article entitled “Transgenerational inheritance of chemical-induced signature: a case study with simvastatinThis article was developed under the Transobesogen project - Trans-phyletic obesogenic responses: from epigenetic modules to transgenerational environmental impacts (reference PTDC/CTA-AMB/31544/2017 - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-031544), cofunded by Portugal 2020, the European Union through the ERDF and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT. This article was also supported by FCT through national funds (UIDB/04423/2020; UIDP/04423/2020), by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (CTM2017-84763-C3-2-R) and by the Galician Council of Culture, Education and Universities (ED431C2017/36), cofounded by ERDF. A PhD grant awarded to Susana Barros acknowledges the doctoral grant attributed by FCT with reference PD/BD/143090/2018S