60 research outputs found

    Fitoextracción de metales pesados del suelo del pasivo ambiental minero Aurora-Patricia por las especies herbáceas Carex mandoniana, Equisetum bogotense y Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia, La Encañada, 2020

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    El departamento de Cajamarca presenta gran cantidad de pasivos ambientales mineros, uno de ellos es la ex minera Aurora – Patricia, que funcionó en el centro poblado de Polloc y desde el año 1985 las operaciones se encuentran paralizadas. A partir de ello, se determinó la capacidad fitoextractora de 13 metales pesados en las especies herbáceas con mayor índice de valor de importancia que crecen en el lugar, para esto se aplicó el método del metro cuadrado, donde se identificó 42 especies herbáceas en 10 parcelas, de las cuales se escogió a Equisetum bogotense, Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia y Carex mandoniana, se analizó la concentración de metales pesados tanto del suelo contaminado y no contaminado, al igual que en las especies herbáceas a fin de compararlas. Se obtuvo que la mayor correlación entre variables fue en la especie Carex mandoniana (0.995), seguida de Equisetum bogotense (0.975) y Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia que presentó una relación inversa negativa. Se calculó el Factor de Bioconcentración donde resultó que las especies herbáceas son excluyentes, no obstante, el Factor de Traslocación mostró que Equisetum bogotense y Carex mandoniana son fitoestabilizadoras, mientras que Muehlenbeckia tamnifolia es hiperacumuladora de metales pesados

    Treatment completion and anxiety sensitivity effects on smoking cessation outcomes

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    Introduction: Treatment completion is associated with abstinence outcomes in smoking cessation interventions. Previous research has stated that anxiety sensitivity (AS) is associated with smoking-related variables and smoking-cessation outcomes. To date, research has not examined the interaction between AS and treatment completion on smoking-cessation outcomes over time. This study aims to examine the main and the interactive effects of treatment completion and AS (total score and specific dimensions) on smoking-cessation outcomes at 3- , 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. Method: The sample consisted of 210 smokers enrolled in an eight-session smoking-cessation cognitivebehavioral treatment (62.1% women; Mage = 45.2, SD = 11.0). Participants were classified as completers (attended the eight treatment sessions) and non-completers (attended ≤ 7 sessions). Abstinence was biochemically confirmed. Results: Main effects indicated that completers had a higher likelihood of being abstinent over time when compared to non-completers. Regarding AS, those with greater AS-Physical Concerns had lower abstinence rates. Besides, a significant interaction between treatment completion, time and AS-Physical Concerns was found. Particularly, completers with greater AS-Physical Concerns had a higher likelihood of being abstainers than noncompleters over time, while no significant differences were found for those with lower AS-Physical Concerns. Conclusion: These data highlight the relevance of AS-Physical levels and smoking-cessation treatment completion on abstinence outcomes over time among treatment-seeking smokersRuben Rodriguez-Cano is supported by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Prevention (RP 170259, Drs. Chang and Shete, PIs) and by MD Anderson’s Cancer Center Support Grant (CA016672) funded by the National Cancer InstituteS

    Environmental reward and depressive symptoms in the relationship between avoidance and cigarette dependence in treatment-seeking smokers

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    Background: The current study sought to further examine the relation between avoidance, environmental reward, depressive symptoms and cigarette dependence. Method: The sample included 275 adult treatment-seeking daily smokers (Mage = 45.36, SD = 10.96; 61.5% female). To examine the relationships between the study variables, correlation and serial mediation analyses were conducted. Results: A significant positive relationship between cigarette dependence, avoidance, and depressive symptoms, and a negative relationship with environmental reward was found. Mediation analysis revealed a significant indirect pathway from avoidance to cigarette dependence through depressive symptoms; and also a significant indirect serial pathway from avoidance to cigarette dependence through environmental reward and depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Our findings suggest the importance of avoidance, environmental reward and depressive symptoms in cigarette dependence. Our findings contribute to the understanding of behavioral and psychological factors related to cigarette dependence, which is a well-known barrier to abstinence. Thus, it could be useful to assess and address such variables in the context of smoking-cessation interventions

    Cognitive-behavioral treatment with behavioral activation for smoking cessation: Randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction Behavioral Activation is a behavioral-based treatment that has been proposed as suitable for smoking cessation, as it simultaneously addresses reinforcement-related variables and also mood management. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation treatment with components of behavioral activation (SCBSCT-BA) with a standard cognitive-behavioral treatment (SCBSCT), and a wait-list control group (WL). Method The sample was comprised of 275 adults smokers (61.4% females, mean age = 45.36, SD = 10.96). After baseline assessment sessions, participants were randomized (ratio: 2.2.1.) to SCBSCT-BA, SCBSCT, or WL. Active groups received 8 weekly 1-hour face-to-face group sessions. Biochemically verified smoking abstinence and depressive symptoms were assessed at the end of treatment, and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. Results Significant treatment effects in 7-dayspoint prevalence abstinence rates were found for both active groups at the end of treatment. Abstinence rates at 12-months follow-up were 30% for SCBSCT-BA, and 18% for SCBSCT. Using Multiple Imputation for missing data, regression analysis showed significantly greater ORs for the SCBSCT-BA condition (vs. SCBSCT) at the end of treatment and at 3-months follow-up. At 6-, and 12-months follow-ups, ORs for the SCBSCT-BA condition, although greater, did not reach statistical significance. Multilevel analysis showed that abstinence was related to reductions in depressive symptoms. Conclusions SCBSCT-BA obtained positive results at short and medium term. Participants who quit smoking experienced a significant reduction in depressive symptoms. Findings support the benefit of adding BA to a cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation treatmentThis research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (Project reference: PSI2015-66755-R) and co-financed by FEDER (European Regional Development Fund; pluri-annual plan 2014-2020)S

    Evaluación de la Pérdida de Suelo por factores hídricos

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    La investigación se realizó en Tamiahua, Veracruz. Con el objetivo de evaluar la erosión hídrica; Se tomaron datos sobre la pérdida de suelo cada mes. Se utilizó la técnica de clavos y rondanas en dos sitios con diferente manejo de suelo, para ello, se trazaron dos áreas con tres transectos cada uno, separados a cinco metros cada punto. Se consideró el área con diferente cubierta vegetal. Se estimó la pérdida de suelo en ambas áreas, resultando con notoria diferencia entre ellas, mostrando con ello, que, si se mantiene el suelo con cubiertas vegetales naturales o antrópicas, se evita la pérdida de suelo, que, al medirse continuamente, se incrementa esa cantidad, lo que provoca un empobrecimiento del suelo con el paso del tiempo. Se pusieron barreras de protección o contención desde inicio, con madera de tarro en forma de V, con doble propósito, el primero, para evitar la pérdida de suelo y para realizar la toma de muestra, para su análisis en el laboratorio de suelos de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, donde ambas muestras resultaron con textura migajonosa (franca), con pH alcalino, también con suficiente materia orgánica. De esta forma, con la estimación de la pérdida del suelo en los sitios de  los  clavos  y  con  el  sedimento  atrapado  cerca  de ellos, se demuestra que, en pendientes  pronunciadas, en temporada de lluvias, existe riesgo de pérdida de suelo fértil si no se le realizan medidas preventivas de protección como barreras, incrementándose, además, si se mantiene el suelo desnudo, sin cubierta vegetal. Lo anterior, permite crear conciencia para dar un manejo adecuado a los suelos

    La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en fumadores que han recaído

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    Background: Previous studies have shown that smoking is associated with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) impairment. In order to evaluate HRQoL in a sample of Spanish relapsers, a cross-sectional study was conducted. Method: The sample was made up of 775 smokers who had relapsed after a period of abstinence. HRQoL was evaluated using the Euro-Qol questionnaire (EQ-5D); through the descriptive profi le, the EQ-5D index and the visual analogue scale (EQ-VAS). Results: Higher nicotine dependence was related to worse HRQL. According to the EQ-VAS, higher daily cigarette consumption and more years smoking were related to worse perceived health. In the EQ-5D those who had quit smoking in the previous year perceived worse health. Mobility and anxiety / depression are the dimensions affected by smoking. Those who are more nicotine dependent (OR = 2.29) and have been smoking for longer (OR = 4.12) are more likely to have mobility problems; and those who are nicotine dependent (OR = 1.85) and relapsed more than a year ago (OR = 0.63), are more likely to experience anxiety / depression. Conclusions: Nicotine dependence demonstrated a determining effect on HRQOL deterioration in smokers who have relapsedAntecedentes: estudios previos demuestran que fumar produce un deterioro de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS). Para evaluar la CVRS en fumadores españoles que han recaído se realizó un estudio transversal. Método: la muestra estaba formada por 775 fumadores que habían recaído tras un período de abstinencia. La CVRS se evaluó mediante el cuestionario Euro-Qol 5D (EQ-5D), utilizando el perfi l descriptivo, el índice EQ-5D y la escala visual-analógica (EQ-EVA). Resultados: a mayor dependencia de la nicotina peor CVRS. En la EQEVA, a mayor consumo diario de cigarrillos y más años consumiendo, peor estado de salud percibido. En el EQ-5D los que dejaron de fumar en el último año son los que perciben peor estado de salud. Movilidad y ansiedad/depresión son las dimensiones afectadas en esta muestra de fumadores que han recaído. Es más probable que tengan problemas en movilidad los que tienen dependencia (OR = 2,29) y llevan más años fumando (OR = 4,12), y es más probable que presenten ansiedad/depresión los dependientes (OR = 1,85) y los que recayeron hace más de un año (OR = 0,63). Conclusiones: la dependencia de la nicotina mostró un efecto determinante en el deterioro de la CVRS en fumadores que han recaídoThis research was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (References: PSI2012-31196) and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund)S

    Molecular Profiling of Circulating Tumour Cells Identifies Notch1 as a Principal Regulator in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Knowledge on the molecular mechanisms underlying metastasis colonization in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) remains incomplete. A complete overview integrating driver mutations, primary tumour heterogeneity and overt metastasis lacks the dynamic contribution of disseminating metastatic cells due to the inaccessibility to the molecular profiling of Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs). By combining immunoisolation and whole genome amplification, we performed a global gene expression analysis of EpCAM positive CTCs from advanced NSCLC patients. We identified an EpCAM+ CTC-specific expression profile in NSCLC patients mostly associated with cellular movement, cell adhesion and cell-to-cell signalling mediated by PI3K/AKT, ERK1/2 and NF-kB pathways. NOTCH1 emerged as a driver connecting active signalling pathways, with a reduced number of related candidate genes (NOTCH1, PTP4A3, LGALS3 and ITGB3) being further validated by RT-qPCR on an independent cohort of NSCLC patients. In addition, these markers demonstrated high prognostic value for Progression-Free Survival (PFS). In conclusion, molecular characterization of EpCAM+ CTCs from advanced NSCLC patients provided with highly specific biomarkers with potential applicability as a “liquid biopsy” for monitoring of NSCLC patients and confirmed NOTCH1 as a potential therapeutic target to block lung cancer dissemination.This work was funded by InveNNta (Innovation in Nanomedicine); Operational Programme for Cross-border Cooperation: Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Javier Mariscal is recipient of a fellowship from Escola de Doutoramento Internacional Campus Vida of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Laura Muinelo-Romay is supported by ISCIII as Responsible of the Liquid Biopsy Analysis UnitS

    La recaída en fumadores que dejan de fumar con un tratamiento psicológico: ¿una cuestión de sexo?

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    Aunque contamos con tratamientos eficaces para la dependencia del tabaco, la recaída continúa siendo un fenómeno frecuente en aquellos que consiguen dejar de fumar. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar si existían diferencias en función del sexo en la curva de recaída en hombres y mujeres que participaron en un tratamiento psicológico cognitivo-conductual para dejar de fumar. La muestra estuvo formada por 266 personas (59.8 % mujeres) que dejaron de fumar al finalizar el tratamiento. Los resultados indicaron que a medida que se incrementaba el tiempo transcurrido tras la intervención, disminuía el porcentaje de participantes abstinentes. No obstante, no se encuentraron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres en la curva de recaída, lo cual podría explicarse por la inclusión en el tratamiento de técnicas psicológicas eficaces para el afrontamiento de algunas de las principales causas de la recaída (e.g., estado de ánimo negativo). Dada la importancia que tiene la recaída en el proceso de dejar de fumar, es necesario profundizar en los distintos determinantes que la desencadenan. Although we have effective treatments for tobacco dependence, relapse is a frequent phenomenon in those who quit. The aim of this study was to analyze whether there were differences by gender in the relapse curve in men and women who participated in a cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation treatment. The sample was composed of 266 individuals (59.8 % women) who were abstinent at the end of treatment. The results indicate that as time after the intervention increases, the percentage of abstinent participants decreases. However, no significant differences between men and women in the relapse curve were found, which could be explained by the inclusion of effective psychological tools to cope with some of the main causes of relapse (e.g., negative affect) in the treatment. Given the importance of relapse in the smoking cessation process, it is necessary to deepen in its triggers

    Detection of MET Alterations Using Cell Free DNA and Circulating Tumor Cells from Cancer Patients

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    MET alterations may provide a potential biomarker to evaluate patients who will benefit from treatment with MET inhibitors. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the utility of a liquid biopsy-based strategy to assess MET alterations in cancer patients. We analyzed MET amplification in circulating free DNA (cfDNA) from 174 patients with cancer and 49 healthy controls and demonstrated the accuracy of the analysis to detect its alteration in patients. Importantly, a significant correlation between cfDNA concentration and MET copy number (CN) in cancer patients (r = 0.57, p <10−10) was determined. Furthermore, we evaluated two approaches to detect the presence of MET on circulating tumor cells (CTCs), using the CellSearch® and Parsortix systems and monitored patients under anti-EGFR treatment (n = 30) combining both cfDNA and CTCs analyses. This follow-up provides evidence for the potential of MET CN assessment when patients develop resistance to anti-EGFR therapy and a significant association between the presence of CTCs MET+ and the Overall Survival (OS) in head and neck cancer patients (P = 0.05; HR = 6.66). In conclusion, we develop specific and noninvasive assays to monitor MET status in cfDNA/CTCs and demonstrate the utility of plasma MET CN determination as a biomarker for monitoring the appearance of resistance to anti-EGFR therapyThis study was financed by all the donors who participated in the Liquid Biopsy Crowdfunding campaign in 2017. LMR is supported by Asociación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC). ADL is funded by a “Juan Rodés” contract (JR17/00016) from ISCIIIS

    Looking for a Better Characterization of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer by Means of Circulating Tumor Cells

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    Traditionally, studies to address the characterization of mechanisms promoting tumor aggressiveness and progression have been focused only on primary tumor analyses, which could provide relevant information but have limitations to really characterize the more aggressive tumor population. To overcome these limitations, circulating tumor cells (CTCs) represent a noninvasive and valuable tool for real-time profiling of disseminated tumor cells. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to explore the value of CTC enumeration and characterization to identify markers associated with the outcome and the aggressiveness of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). For that aim, the CTC population from 32 patients diagnosed with TNBC was isolated and characterized. This population showed important cell plasticity in terms of expression of epithelia/mesenchymal and stemness markers, suggesting the relevance of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) intermediate phenotypes for efficient tumor dissemination. Importantly, the CTC signature demonstrated prognostic value to predict the patients' outcome and pointed to a relevant role of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP1) and androgen receptor (AR) for TNBC biology. Furthermore, we also analyzed the usefulness of the AR and TIMP1 blockade to target TNBC proliferation and dissemination using in vitro and in vivo zebra fish and mouse models. Overall, the molecular characterization of CTCs from advanced TNBC patients identifies highly specific biomarkers with potential applicability as noninvasive prognostic markers and reinforced the value of TIMP1 and AR as potential therapeutic targets to tackle the most aggressive breast cancer