10 research outputs found

    Fluorescence emission analysis of photodynamic therapy photosensitizer as a monitoring biomarker

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    Photodynamic Therapy is a selective optical tumor destruction technique with practically no secondary effects. Monitoring by fluorescence photosensitizer emission is essential for an adequate treatment dosimetry, which avoids recurrence.This work has been partially supported by the project “New active phases in transition metals and rare earth nano-oxides stabilized at high pressure” (MAT2015-69508-P) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, cofunded by FEDER funds, and by the San Cándido Foundation

    Optical characterization of tissue-simulating phantoms with microparticles by Digital Image Plane Holography

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    Digital Image Plane Holography (DIPH) is a non-invasive optical technique which is able to recover the whole object wave. An object is illuminated and the diffused backscattered light is carried to a digital sensor by using a lens, where it interferes with a divergent reference wave with its origin in the lens aperture plane. Selecting each aperture image in the Fourier plane, the amplitude and the phase of the object beam are obtained. If two holograms are recorded at different times, after a small displacement, the reconstructed intensity distributions can be taken as a speckle field, while the phase difference distribution can be analyzed by an interferometric approach. In this work scattering media are investigated by using digital holography. The aim of this paper is to determine the viability of the technique to characterized optical properties of the sample. Different scattering media are modeled with different scattering properties. Each model generates a speckle pattern with different statistical properties (size, contrast, intensity). Both the visibility of the interferometric fringes and the properties of speckle pattern are related with optical properties of the media such as absorption and scattering coefficient. The ability to measure these properties makes the technique a promising method for biomedical applications.This work has been partially supported by the project “New active phases in transition metals and rare earth nano-oxides stabilized at high pressure” (MAT2015-69508-P) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, cofunded by FEDER funds, and by the San Cándido Foundation

    Analysis of nanoparticles optical propagation influence in biological tissue simulating phantoms

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    The applications of nanoparticles in optical techniques of diagnosis and treatment of biological tissues are increasing. Image contrast can be improved in diagnostic approaches such as fluorescence, spectroscopy or optical coherence tomography. The therapeutic effect can be increased if nanoparticles are previously incorporated in the biological tissue. This is the case in thermotherapy, or in Photodynamic Therapy. All these applications take advantage of specific properties of the nanoparticles involved, either optical up- or down-conversion, thermal confinement or the ability to act as a drug-carrier. Although many biomedical applications that involve nanoparticles are being proposed and tested, there is a need to take into account the influence of those nanoparticles on optical radiation propagation. The previously mentioned optical treatment and diagnosis techniques assume a particular optical propagation pattern, which is altered by the addition of nanoparticles. This change depends on the nanoparticle material, shape, size and concentration, among other parameters. In order to try to quantify these changes, in this work several phantoms that include different nanoparticles are analyzed, in order to estimate the influence of nanoparticles in optical propagation. A theoretical model of optical propagation, which takes into account the absorption and scattering changes in the medium, is also considered. Nanoparticles of different sizes from 40 nm to 1µm are analyzed. Nanoparticle materials of interest in biomedical applications are employed. The results are relevant in diagnosis interpretation of images and treatment outcome evaluation when nanoparticles are present.This work has been partially supported by the project “New active phases in transition metals and rare earth nano-oxides stabilized at high pressure” (MAT2015-69508-P) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, cofunded by FEDER funds, and by the San Cándido Foundation

    Implementación y verificación de un enlace todo-óptico de banda ancha mediante fibras especiales en la última milla

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    A greenfield installation of an all-optical system that adjusts to the in force regulation in one-family housings is developed. The reproduction of the final section of the access network, it offers a spatial and descriptive vision of the configuration FTTH. The implantation in the last mile of the special fibers AllWave FLEX ZWP and AllWave Zero Water Peak (ZWP) with the external coating of B3CABLE SOLUTIONS is a highly satisfactory solution. The profile G.652 constitutes a notable solution for the distribution networks whereas the insensitive fiber to curvatures is positioned as suitable solution for the most demanding assaults from the physical point of view

    Pérdidas en curvaturas del estándar de fibra óptica g-657 para su implantación en la última milla

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    The solutions based on FTTx are in continuous expansion, parallel to their associate problematic. Due to the lack of a mathematical trustworthy model who predicts the bend losses of an optical fiber in conjunction with climatic fluctuations, in this work the characterization of special fibers for their implantation in the last mile of an hypothetical broad band system is presented; characterization that returns in essentially to guarantee his suitability in a certain environment and subject to variations. The fiber tested supports perfectly the most aggressive tests with real applicability against his structure, without exceeding the limits of the manufacturer and this way one concludes his suitability for this intention

    Etología. Introducción a la ciencia del comportamiento

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    1ª ed., 3ª reimp.El objetivo de este libro es proporcionar una introducción a la Etología. Ésta ciencia responde al interés por profundizar en el conocimiento de las costumbres animales; por comprender la variedad de comportamientos que en diferentes situaciones exhiben los individuos de diferentes especies. Una posible definición de Etología podría ser: el estudio científico del comportamiento de los seres vivos. A lo largo de esta obra se analizan todos los aspectos que tienen que ver con el comportamiento animal, desde las causas y mecanismos de actuación o la adaptación y evolución y el bienestar animal.The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to Ethology. This science responds to the interest in deepening the knowledge of animal customs; to understand the variety of behaviour that in different situations exhibit individuals of different species. A possible definition of ethology could be: the scientific study of the behavior of living beings. Throughout this book all aspects related to animal behavior, from the causes and mechanisms of action or adaptation and evolution and animal welfare, are analyzed

    Estudio de la espectroscopía de ruptura inducida por láser aplicada a tejidos biológicos craneales

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    Las técnicas ópticas de tratamiento, diagnóstico y cirugía constituyen una aproximación del máximo interés en la práctica médica. En particular, la aplicación de fuentes ópticas a la cirugía de tejidos aporta precisión en el corte sin daño a tejidos adyacentes. El diagnóstico mediante espectroscopía de ruptura inducida por láser (LJBS) permite llevar a cabo una caracterización del tejido bajo tratamiento. De esta forma es posible asegurar el procedimiento quirúrgico. En este trabajo se describe el proceso de ablación láser, así como el diagnóstico mediante LIBS, para aplicarlo a intervenciones craneales. Mediante espectros LIBS de tejidos craneales de interés, se desarrolla un algoritmo basado en análisis de componentes principales, y se estima su capacidad de caracterización para servir de ayuda a la cirugía.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el proyecto del Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España "Nuevas fases activas en nano-óxidos de metales de transición y tierras raras estabilizadas a alta presión" (MAT2015-69508-P), cofinanciado con fondos FEDER, y por la Fundación San Cándido

    II Colombian Tromboemblism Venous Consensus

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    En el trombembolismo venoso (TEV), incluye la trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) y la embolia pulmonar (EP), como manifestaciones de una misma enfermedad. Constituye un fenómeno común con una incidencia de 300-600.000 casos de TVP y cerca de 50.000 muertes anuales causadas por EP, en Estados Unidos, y 10.000 muertes anuales, por la misma razón, en Francia.171-18