2,802 research outputs found

    Local covariant density functional constrained by the relativistic Hartree-Fock theory

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    The recent progress in the localized covariant density functional constrained by the relativistic Hartree-Fock theory is briefly presented by taking the Gamow-Teller resonance in 90Zr as an example. It is shown that the constraints introduced by the Fock terms into the particle-hole residual interactions are straight forward and robust.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of NSD12, Opatija, Croatia, 9-13 July 201

    Origin of the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb in nuclear mean-field models

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    We study whether the neutron skin thickness (NST) of 208Pb originates from the bulk or from the surface of the nucleon density distributions, according to the mean-field models of nuclear structure, and find that it depends on the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy. The bulk contribution to NST arises from an extended sharp radius of neutrons, whereas the surface contribution arises from different widths of the neutron and proton surfaces. Nuclear models where the symmetry energy is stiff, as typical relativistic models, predict a bulk contribution in NST of 208Pb about twice as large as the surface contribution. In contrast, models with a soft symmetry energy like common nonrelativistic models predict that NST of 208Pb is divided similarly into bulk and surface parts. Indeed, if the symmetry energy is supersoft, the surface contribution becomes dominant. We note that the linear correlation of NST of 208Pb with the density derivative of the nuclear symmetry energy arises from the bulk part of NST. We also note that most models predict a mixed-type (between halo and skin) neutron distribution for 208Pb. Although the halo-type limit is actually found in the models with a supersoft symmetry energy, the skin-type limit is not supported by any mean-field model. Finally, we compute parity-violating electron scattering in the conditions of the 208Pb parity radius experiment (PREX) and obtain a pocket formula for the parity-violating asymmetry in terms of the parameters that characterize the shape of the 208Pb nucleon densities.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; minor stylistic changes in text, new Ref. [56] added (new measurement of the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb

    Manual practico para la deteccion electroforetica de isoenzimas y otras proteinas

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    Procedures for the electrophoretic detection of isoenzymes and other proteins contained in cassava, beans, and legumes are described. Diagrams illustrating the construction and assembly of equipment required to conduct starch gel and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and protein electrophoresis are included. The preparation of the starch and polyacrylamide gels, buffer solutions, and sample solutions is described in detail. Procedures for sample cutting, voltage application time and values, and staining of the main enzymes under study (acid phosphatase, catalase, esterase, fumarase, and peroxidase) are specified. Protein electrophoresis is a much simpler procedure, since protein bands are not influenced by the equipment used in extraction procedures or by the physiological state of the plant material. Total proteins, water-soluble proteins (albumins), salt-soluble proteins (globulins), alcohol-soluble proteins (gliadins), acetic acid-soluble proteins (glutenins), and insoluble or residual proteins can be extracted by these methods. The general procedure for protein extraction consists in mixing 0.4 N sodium chloride and centrifuging until the desired protein is obtained; electrophoresis using basic and acid polyacrylamide gels is described. An analysis is presented of electrophoretic patterns, which can be made by using samples of known identity or through visual intensity measurements. (CIAT)Se describen los procedimientos para la deteccion electroforetica de isoenzimas y proteinas presentes en materiales de yuca, frijol y leguminosas. Se detallan por medio de graficas la construccion y ensamble del equipo necesario para llevar a cabo electroforesis con gel de almidon y con gel de poliacrilamida y la electroforesis de proteinas. Se describen en detalle la preparacion de la gel de almidon y de poliacrilamida, las soluciones tampon, las soluciones para la preparacion de las muestras. Se especifican procedimientos de corte, tiempos de aplicacion de voltajes, voltajes y procedimientos para coloracion de las principales enzimas evaluadas (fosfatasa acida, catalasa, esterasa, fumarasa y peroxidasa). La electroforesis de proteinas es un procedimiento mas sencillo, dado que las bandas proteinicas no estan influenciadas por los artefactos utilizados en los procedimientos de extraccion o el estado fisiologico del material vegetal. Se pueden extraer por medio de estos metodos las proteinas totales, proteinas solubles en agua (albuminas), proteinas solubles en sal (globulinas), proteinas solubles en alcohol (gliadinas), proteinas solubles en acido acetico (gluteninas), proteinas insolubles o residuales. El procedimiento en general para la extraccion de las proteinas consiste en hacer mezclas de cloruro de sodio 0.4 N y centrifugar hasta conseguir la proteina deseada; se describe la electroforesis en geles de poliacrilamida basica y la acida. Se presenta un analisis de evaluacion de los patrones electroforeticos, el cual puede ser mediante la comparacion con muestras de identidad conocida o medicion de la intensidad visual. (CIAT

    Analysis of bulk and surface contributions in the neutron skin of nuclei

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    The neutron skin thickness of nuclei is a sensitive probe of the nuclear symmetry energy having multiple implications for nuclear and astrophysical studies. However, precision measurements of this observable are difficult. The analysis of the experimental data may imply some assumptions about the bulk or surface nature of the formation of the neutron skin. Here, we study the bulk or surface character of neutron skins of nuclei following from calculations with Gogny, Skyrme, and covariant nuclear mean-field interactions. These interactions are successful in describing nuclear charge radii and binding energies but predict different values for neutron skins. We perform the study by fitting two-parameter Fermi distributions to the calculated self-consistent neutron and proton densities. We note that the equivalent sharp radius is a more suitable reference quantity than the half-density radius parameter of the Fermi distributions to discern between the bulk and surface contributions in neutron skins. We present calculations for nuclei in the stability valley and for the isotopic chains of Sn and Pb.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Analysis of bulk and surface contributions in the neutron skin of nuclei

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    The neutron skin thickness of nuclei is a sensitive probe of the nuclear symmetry energy having multiple implications for nuclear and astrophysical studies. However, precision measurements of this observable are difficult. The analysis of the experimental data may imply some assumptions about the bulk or surface nature of the formation of the neutron skin. Here, we study the bulk or surface character of neutron skins of nuclei following from calculations with Gogny, Skyrme, and covariant nuclear mean-field interactions. These interactions are successful in describing nuclear charge radii and binding energies but predict different values for neutron skins. We perform the study by fitting two-parameter Fermi distributions to the calculated self-consistent neutron and proton densities. We note that the equivalent sharp radius is a more suitable reference quantity than the half-density radius parameter of the Fermi distributions to discern between the bulk and surface contributions in neutron skins. We present calculations for nuclei in the stability valley and for the isotopic chains of Sn and Pb.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Sensitivity of the electric dipole polarizability to the neutron skin thickness in 208{}^{208}Pb

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    The static dipole polarizability, αD\alpha_{\rm D}, in 208{}^{208}Pb has been recently measured with high-resolution via proton inelastic scattering at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP). This observable is thought to be intimately connected with the neutron skin thickness, rskinr_{\rm skin}, of the same nucleus and, more fundamentally, it is believed to be associated with the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy. The impact of rskinr_{\rm skin} on αD\alpha_{\rm D} in 208{}^{208}Pb is investigated and discussed on the basis of a large and representative set of relativistic and non-relativistic nuclear energy density functionals (EDF).Comment: Proceedings of NSD12, Opatija, Croatia, 9-13 July 201

    Relationship initiation and formation in post-match Tinder chat conversations

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    This article uses conversation analysis to investigate the communicative practices of unacquainted, matched Tinder users in chat conversations, in the process of developing a potential romantic relationship. Drawing on data from 157 Tinder conversations, the analysis explores the occasioning of talk about personal and intimate matters. The analysis shows that the interactional device through which the revelation of personal and intimate information is prompted is the ‘elicited self-disclosure sequence’. In cases in which a direct question fails to prompt a disclosure from the recipient, the ‘volunteered self-disclosure sequence’ emerges as an alternative to promote the revelation of further intimate information. We conclude by observing that relationships are ongoing routine accomplishments arising in mundane sociorelational contexts. The data are in Spanish and Catalan with English translations

    An XMM-Newton view of FeK{\alpha} in HMXBs

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of the whole sample of available XMM-Newton observations of High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) until August, 2013, focusing on the FeK{\alpha} emission line. This line is a key tool to better understand the physical properties of the material surrounding the X-ray source within a few stellar radii (the circumstellar medium). We have collected observations from 46 HMXBs, detecting FeK{\alpha} in 21 of them. We have used the standard classification of HMXBs to divide the sample in different groups. We find that: (1) FeK{\alpha} is centred at a mean value of 6.42 keV. Considering the instrumental and fits uncertainties, this value is compatible with ionization states lower than FeXVIII. (2) The flux of the continuum is well correlated with the flux of the line, as expected. Eclipse observations show that the Fe fluorescence emission comes from an extended region surrounding the X-ray source. (3) FeK{\alpha} is narrow (width lower than 0.15keV), reflecting that the reprocessing material does not move at high speeds. We attempt to explain the broadness of the line in terms of three possible broadening phenomena: line blending, Compton scattering and Doppler shifts (with velocities of the reprocessing material V=1000-2000 km/s). (4) The equivalent hydrogen column (NH) directly correlates with the EW of FeK{\alpha}, displaying clear similarities to numerical simulations. It highlights the strong link between the absorbing and the fluorescent matter. The obtained results clearly point to a very important contribution of the donors wind in the FeK{\alpha} emission and the absorption when the donor is a supergiant massive star.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 13 pages, 16 figures + Appendice

    Nuclear charge-exchange excitations in localized covariant density functional theory

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    The recent progress in the studies of nuclear charge-exchange excitations with localized covariant density functional theory is briefly presented, by taking the fine structure of spin-dipole excitations in 16O as an example. It is shown that the constraints introduced by the Fock terms of the relativistic Hartree-Fock scheme into the particle-hole residual interactions are straightforward and robust.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of INPC2013, Florence, Italy, 2-7 June 201

    Electric dipole polarizability and the neutron skin

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    The recent high-resolution measurement of the electric dipole (E1) polarizability (alphad) in 208Pb [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 062502 (2011)] provides a unique constraint on the neutron-skin thickness of this nucleus. The neutron-skin thickness (rskin) of 208Pb is a quantity of critical importance for our understanding of a variety of nuclear and astrophysical phenomena. To assess the model dependence of the correlation between alphad and rskin, we carry out systematic calculations for 208Pb, 132Sn, and 48Ca based on the nuclear density functional theory (DFT) using both non-relativistic and relativistic energy density functionals (EDFs). Our analysis indicates that whereas individual models exhibit a linear dependence between alphad and rskin, this correlation is not universal when one combines predictions from a host of different models. By averaging over these model predictions, we provide estimates with associated systematic errors for rskin and alphad for the nuclei under consideration. We conclude that precise measurements of rskin in both 48Ca and 208Pb---combined with the recent measurement of alphad---should significantly constrain the isovector sector of the nuclear energy density functional.Comment: Manuscript contains 5 pages, 2 figures, and 1 table. Submitted to Physical Review Letter