58,387 research outputs found

    Fuselage structure using advanced technology fiber reinforced composites

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    A fuselage structure is described in which the skin is comprised of layers of a matrix fiber reinforced composite, with the stringers reinforced with the same composite material. The high strength to weight ratio of the composite, particularly at elevated temperatures, and its high modulus of elasticity, makes it desirable for use in airplane structures

    A Cellular, Language Directed Computer Architecture

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    If a VLSI computer architecture is to influence the field of computing in some major way, it must have attractive properties in all important aspects affecting the design, production, and the use of the resulting computers. A computer architecture that is believed to have such properties is briefly discussed

    LGBT Equality and Sexual Racism

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    Bigots such as the trial judge in Loving have long invoked religion to justify discrimination. We agree with other scholars that neither religion nor artistic freedom justifies letting businesses discriminate. However, we also want to make manifest the tension between the public posture of LGBT-rights litigants and the practices of some LGBT people who discriminate based on race in selecting partners. We argue that some white people’s aversion to dating and forming relationships with people of color is a form of racism, and this sexual racism is inconsistent with the spirit of Loving. Part I provides a review of empirical literature on the prevalence of racial preferences in intimate relationships and shows that racial preferences are particularly pronounced among gay men. Part II supplements this overview with a qualitative exploration of how race informed the intimate experiences of people who sat for interviews as part of our ongoing study, LGBT Relationships and Well-Being. We also offer a theory that may partially explain sexual racism in the LGBT community. Specifically, exposure to mainstream gay culture may teach sexual minority men that race and desire are closely intertwined. In Part III, we propose ideas for further research, including a study that would test our theory

    Differential inflammatory response to Helicobacter pylori infection: etiology and clinical outcomes

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    The bacterial pathogen Helicobacter pylori commonly colonizes the human gastric mucosa during early childhood and persists throughout life. The organism has evolved multiple mechanisms for evading clearance by the immune system and, despite inducing inflammation in the stomach, the majority of infections are asymptomatic. H. pylori is the leading cause of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. However, disease outcomes are related to the pattern and severity of chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa, which in turn is influenced by both bacterial and host factors. Despite over 2 decades of intensive research, there remains an incomplete understanding of the circumstances leading to disease development, due to the fascinating complexity of the host-pathogen interactions. There is accumulating data concerning the virulence factors associated with increased risk of disease, and the majority of these have pro-inflammatory activities. Despite this, only a small proportion of those infected with virulent strains develop disease. Several H. pylori virulence factors have multiple effects on different cell types, including the induction of pro- and anti-inflammatory, immune stimulatory, and immune modulatory responses. The expression of multiple virulence factors is also often linked, making it difficult to assess the meaning of their effects in isolation. Overall, H. pylori is thought to usually modulate inflammation and limit acute damage to the mucosa, enabling the bacteria to persist. If this delicate balance is disturbed, disease may then develop

    Anti-Fat Attitudes in Healthcare

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    Background: Anti-fat attitudes and weight-based discrimination are well documented as pervasive in western society. The dominant medical narrative of weight serves to maintain the assumption that weight is wholly within an individual’s control. As such, fat people are discriminated against and blamed for their ill-health. The nation’s weight has gained further attention as a result of COVID-19 placing significant strain on our healthcare system. The current pandemic serves as another example of how fat people are discriminated against and seen as lower priority for care in comparison to others. Aims: To consider the public’s awareness and views about these issues, and whether there would be public support for future policies seeking to mitigate weight discrimination in healthcare. Method: Employing a critical realist approach, this study used qualitative methods of engaging twelve participants in semi-structured interviews. Interviews were analysed using Thematic Analysis. Results: Two main themes were identified. ‘Social Representations of Weight’ which considered the way that fat people are spoken about and the dominant narratives in our society that shape public views. The second theme, ‘Intersections with Services and Systems’ captured the moral and conceptual dilemmas involved in the prioritisation of healthcare and discrimination that fat people face. Conclusions: Findings highlighted the complex, yet flexible views that people hold in relation to fat people accessing healthcare. There was an awareness of the negative effects of discrimination on access to healthcare, and the inequity of this. Participants held contradictory views simultaneously; oscillating between the consideration that an element of discrimination is unavoidable, and possibly acceptable in some instance, whilst stating that discrimination is unethical, and that healthcare is a human right. The findings offer the hope that perhaps antifat attitudes are not as fixed as previous research indicates. Additionally, that there may be public support for policy change and the possibility of weight becoming a protected characteristic

    A simple model of EMI-induced timing jitter in digital circuits, its statistical distribution and its effect on circuit performance

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    A simple model has been developed to characterize electromagnetic interference induced timing variations (jitter) in digital circuits. The model is based on measurable switching parameters of logic gates, and requires no knowledge of the internal workings of a device. It correctly predicts not only the dependence of jitter on the amplitude, modulation depth and frequency of the interfering signal, but also its statistical distribution. The model has been used to calculate the immunity level and bit error rate of a synchronous digital circuit subjected to radio frequency interference, and to compare the electromagnetic compatibility performance of fast and slow logic devices in such a circuit

    Tackling disinvestment in health care services

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    Rising levels of demand due to ageing populations and increases in long term conditions (White 2007), increased levels of expectation amongst patients and inflationary pressure caused by the rising cost of new technologies are amongst the explanations for the funding shortfalls in government funded health systems across the world (Newhouse 1992). The challenge facing these health systems has also been intensified by the worldwide economic downturn. Within health systems, efforts have been made to increase productivity and efficiency and to control costs without reducing quality (Garner and Littlejohns 2011) but the scale of the task necessitates further action (Donaldson et al. 2010). Beyond productivity and efficiency gains the next logical step for decision makers is disinvestment in cost-ineffective services, prioritisation of funding for one service over another or what Prasad (2012) refers to as ‘medical reversal’. The aims of this study were to explore the experiences of budget holders within the English National Health Service (NHS) in their attempts to implement programmes of disinvestment, and to consider factors which influence the success (or otherwise) of this activity. This paper begins with clarification of terminology and a summary of the current state of knowledge with regard to health service disinvestment, before presenting and discussing findings. The research suggests that disinvestment activity is varied across organisations and ranges from ‘invest to save’ schemes through to ‘true disinvestment.’ Although the majority of interviewees accept that disinvestment is necessary most had made little progress at the time of interview beyond ‘picking the low hanging fruit’. Interviewees identify a number of determinants of disinvestment such as: local/national relationships, co-ordination/ collaboration and; professional understanding and support
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