535 research outputs found

    Sources of Stress, Levels of Stress, and Coping Strategies of Faculty and Staff at Northern Caribbean University

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    Statement of the problem. Northern Caribbean University, formerly West Indies College, attained university status in June 1999. The purpose of this study was to describe the levels and sources of stress and coping strategies of faculty and staff at Northern Caribbean University (NCU) and to determine if these (levels, sources, and coping strategies) are related to selected demographic characteristics (such as gender, age, marital status, years of employment, and employment status---faculty or staff). Method. A descriptive survey research design was used to conduct this study in which the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI) was administered to the facultyand staff of NCU. A demographic questionnaire consisting of three sections was also used. The instruments were distributed to the faculty and staff with letters of explanation and self-addressed envelopes to return responses. One hundred and seventeen faculty and staff participated in the study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t tests for independent samples, One-way Analysis of Variance, and Canonical Correlation Analyses. Results. The subjects were mostly female (66%), staff (62%), and married (47%). Over half (57%) of the participants were recent employees (0-4 years). More than three-fourths of the participants were below the age of 50 years. In general, faculty and staff at NCU experience normal levels of stress, although 2%-6% may have experienced strong probability of maladaptive stress, debilitating strain, or both. They also have average coping resources.Although within normal range, levels of stress due to certain sources and types were related to gender, marital status, age, and length of employment. Canonical correlation analyses suggest that lower levels of stress are associated with bettercoping strategies. Conclusion. Given the tremendous changes that Northern Caribbean University has gone through during the last few years (e.g., increased enrollment with few significant increases in human resources and facilities), the result of this study was somewhat surprising. I expected higher levels of stress among the facultyand staff. This was not the case. Possible reasons could be due to commitment to the mission of the University

    COS-Weak: Probing the CGM using analogs of weak Mg II absorbers at z < 0.3

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    We present a sample of 34 weak metal line absorbers at z<0.3z< 0.3 complied via the simultaneous detections (3σ3\sigma) of the SiIIλ1260\lambda1260 and CIIλ1334\lambda1334 absorption lines, with WrW_{r}(SiII)<0.2<0.2 \AA\ and WrW_{r}(CII)<0.3<0.3 \AA, in archival HST/COS spectra. Our sample increases the number of known low-zz "weak absorbers" by a factor of >5>5. The column densities of HI and low-ionization metal lines obtained from Voigt profile fitting are used to build simple photoionization models using CLOUDY. The inferred densities and total hydrogen column densities are in the ranges of 3.3<lognH/cm3<2.4-3.3 < \log n_{\rm H}/{\rm cm^{-3}} < -2.4 and 16.0<logNH/cm2<20.316.0 < \log N_{\rm H}/{\rm cm^{-2}}<20.3, respectively. The line of sight thicknesses of the absorbers have a wide range of \sim1 pc-50 kpc with a median value of \sim500 pc. The high-ionization OVI absorption, detected in 12/18 cases, always stems from a different gas-phase. Most importantly, 85% (50%) of these absorbers show a metallicity of [Si/H]>1.0\rm [Si/H] > -1.0 (0.0). The fraction of systems showing high metallicity (i.e., [Si/H]>1.0\rm [Si/H]>-1.0) in our sample is significantly higher than the HI-selected sample (Wotta et al. 2016) and the galaxy-selected sample (Prochaska et al. 2017) of absorbers probing the circum-galactic medium (CGM) at similar redshift. A search for galaxies has revealed a significant galaxy-overdensity around these weak absorbers compared to random places with a median impact parameter of 166 kpc to the nearest galaxy. Moreover, we find the presence of multiple galaxies in 80\sim80% of the cases, suggesting group environments. The observed dN/dzd\mathcal{N}/dz of 0.8±0.20.8\pm0.2 indicates that such metal-enriched, compact, dense structures are ubiquitous in the halos of low-zz galaxies that are in groups. We suggest that these are transient structures that are related to outflows and/or stripping of metal-rich gas from galaxies.Comment: Published (2018MNRAS.476.4965M) after minor revision. Appendix A is newly added

    Women Superintendents: Promotion of Other Women to Central Office Administration

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    More women are leading schools in the role of superintendent, but numbers are still low when compared to men. There is limited research connecting women superintendents and the promotion of other women to leadership positions. Archival data from Texas schools showed that there is no difference between districts led by women superintendents or males for percentages of women central office leaders

    Influence of Role Model and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention among Undergraduates of the University of Ibadan

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    Self-employment is taking centre-stage among university undergraduates as white collar jobs are hard to come by after graduation. Empowering students for self-employment has therefore become imperative. This study aims to investigate two predictors of entrepreneurial intention: role model and self-efficacy among undergraduate students of the University of Ibadan. Cross-sectional survey design using three instruments: Role Model Scale, Self-efficacy Scale and Entrepreneurial Intention Scale were used to collect data from 200 conveniently sampled&nbsp;undergraduates (male: 105; female: 95). Data were analyzed using zero-order correlation, t-test of independent samples, and standard multiple regressions analysis. The results showed a significant positive correlation between entrepreneurial intention and role model. Male students reported higher entrepreneurial intention than their female counterparts. Furthermore, role model and self-efficacy jointly predicted entrepreneurial intention. Finally, role model independently predicted entrepreneurial intention. However, self-efficacy did not independently predict entrepreneurial intention among the undergraduates. The study concluded that role model, self-efficacy and gender tend to be influential factors in entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduates of the University of Ibadan. The study recommended that the university authority should intensify courses on entrepreneurship and invite seasoned entrepreneurs to come and give lectures on entrepreneurship to prepare students for careers after graduation. &nbsp

    Protein binding of β-lactam antibiotics in critically Ill patients: can we successfully predict unbound concentrations?

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    The use of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) to optimize beta-lactam dosing in critically ill patients is growing in popularity, although there are limited data describing the potential impact of altered protein binding on achievement of target concentrations. The aim of this study was to compare the measured unbound concentration to the unbound concentration predicted from published protein binding values for seven beta-lactams using data from blood samples obtained from critically ill patients. From 161 eligible patients, we obtained 228 and 220 plasma samples at the midpoint of the dosing interval and trough, respectively, for ceftriaxone, cefazolin, meropenem, piperacillin, ampicillin, benzylpenicillin, and flucloxacillin. The total and unbound beta-lactam concentrations were measured using validated methods. Variabilities in both unbound and total concentrations were marked for all antibiotics, with significant differences being present between measured and predicted unbound concentrations for ceftriaxone and for flucloxacillin at the mid-dosing interval (

    Salivary melatonin onset in youth at familial risk for bipolar disorder

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    Melatonin secretion and polysomnography (PSG) were compared among a group of healthy adolescents who were at high familial risk for bipolar disorder (HR) and a second group at low familial risk (LR). Adolescent participants (n = 12) were a mean age 14 ± 2.3 years and included 8 females and 4 males. Saliva samples were collected under standardized condition light (red light) and following a 200 lux light exposure over two consecutive nights in a sleep laboratory. Red Light Melatonin onset (RLMO) was defined as saliva melatonin level exceeding the mean of the first 3 readings plus 2 standard deviations. Polysomnography was also completed during each night. HR youth, relative to LR, experienced a significantly earlier melatonin onset following 200 lux light exposure. Polysomnography revealed that LR youth, relative to HR, spent significantly more time in combined stages 3 and 4 (deep sleep) following red light exposure. Additionally, regardless of the group status (HR or LR), there was no significant difference in Red Light Melatonin Onset recorded at home or in the laboratory, implying its feasibility and reliability

    Exome-wide association study of pancreatic cancer risk

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    We conducted a case-control exome-wide association study to discover germline variants in coding regions that affect risk for pancreatic cancer, combining data from 5 studies. We analyzed exome and genome sequencing data from 437 patients with pancreatic cancer (cases) and 1922 individuals not known to have cancer (controls). In the primary analysis, BRCA2 had the strongest enrichment for rare inactivating variants (17/437 cases vs 3/1922 controls) (P=3.27x10(-6); exome-wide statistical significance threshold P&lt;2.5x10(-6)). Cases had more rare inactivating variants in DNA repair genes than controls, even after excluding 13 genes known to predispose to pancreatic cancer (adjusted odds ratio, 1.35, P=.045). At the suggestive threshold (P&lt;.001), 6 genes were enriched for rare damaging variants (UHMK1, AP1G2, DNTA, CHST6, FGFR3, and EPHA1) and 7 genes had associations with pancreatic cancer risk, based on the sequence-kernel association test. We confirmed variants in BRCA2 as the most common high-penetrant genetic factor associated with pancreatic cancer and we also identified candidate pancreatic cancer genes. Large collaborations and novel approaches are needed to overcome the genetic heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer predisposition

    Customizing your social strategy to the platform

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    Optimization of flucloxacillin dosing regimens in critically ill patients using population pharmacokinetic modelling of total and unbound concentrations

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    Background: Initial appropriate anti-infective therapy is associated with improved outcomes in patients with severe infections. In critically ill patients, altered pharmacokinetic (PK) behaviour is common and known to influence the achievement of PK/pharmacodynamic targets. Objectives: To describe population PK and optimized dosing regimens for flucloxacillin in critically ill patients. Methods: First, we developed a population PK model, estimated between-patient variability (BPV) and identified covariates that could explain BPV through non-linear mixed-effects analysis, using total and unbound concentrations obtained from 35 adult critically ill patients treated with intermittent flucloxacillin. Second, we validated the model using external datasets from two different countries. Finally, frequently prescribed dosing regimens were evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations. Results: A two-compartment model with non-linear protein binding was developed and validated. BPV of the maximum binding capacity decreased from 42.2% to 30.4% and BPV of unbound clearance decreased from 88.1% to 71.6% upon inclusion of serumalbumin concentrations and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR; by CKD-EPI equation), respectively. PTA (target of 100%fT(>MIC)) was 91% for patients with eGFR of 33mL/min and 1 g q6h, 87% for patients with eGFR of 96 mL/min and 2 g q4h and 71% for patients with eGFR of 153 mL/min and 2 g q4h. Conclusions: For patients with high creatinine clearance who are infected with moderately susceptible pathogens, therapeutic drug monitoring is advised since there is a risk of underexposure to flucloxacillin. Due to the non-linear protein binding of flucloxacillin and the high prevalence of hypoalbuminaemia in critically ill patients, dose adjustments should be based on unbound concentrations