9 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy studies of straincompensated mid-infrared QCL active regions on misoriented substrates

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    In this work, we perform spectroscopic studies of AlGaAs/InGaAs quantum cascade laser structures that demonstrate frequency mixing using strain-compensated active regions. Using a three-quantum well design based on diagonal transitions, we incorporate strain in the active region using single and double well configurations on various surface planes (100) and (111). We observe the influence of piezoelectric properties in molecular beam epitaxy grown structures, where the addition of indium in the GaAs matrix increases the band bending in between injector regions and demonstrates a strong dependence on process conditions that include sample preparation, deposition rates, mole fraction, and enhanced surface diffusion lengths. We produced mid-infrared structures under identical deposition conditions that differentiate the role of indium(strain) in intracavity frequency mixing and show evidence that this design can potentially be implemented using other material systems

    Pseudomorphic growth of InAs on misoriented GaAs for extending quantum cascade laser wavelength

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    The authors have studied the impact of epilayer strain on the deposition of InAs/GaAs on (100) and (111)B with 2 degrees offset toward 2-1-1 surfaces. Consequences of a 7% lattice mismatch between these orientations in the form of three-dimensional growth are less apparent for (111)B with 2 degrees offset toward 2-1-1 surfaces compared to (100). By exploring a range of molecular beam epitaxy process parameters for InAs/GaAs growth and utilizing scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy to evaluate the quality of these strained layers, the authors develop empirical models that describe the influence of the process conditions in regards to surface roughness with \u3e92% accuracy. The smoothest InAs/GaAs samples demonstrated average surface roughness of 0.08 nm for 10 um-squre areas, albeit at very low deposition rates. The authors have found the most important process conditions to be substrate temperature and deposition rate, leading us to believe that controlling diffusion length may be the key to reducing defects in severely strained structures. InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum cascade laser structures were also produced on (111)B with 2 degrees offset toward 2-1-1 to take advantage of the piezoelectric effect, and the modified laser transitions due to these effects were observed

    Efficiency of small milk producers in the state of Rondônia

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    O mapa geográfico da produção leiteira no Brasil tem sofrido mudanças significativas nas últimas décadas, marcadas pela diminuição da importância relativa de bacias tradicionais e pela expansão das novas áreas produtoras. Outra transformação recente da cadeia leiteira é a concentração da produção nos maiores produtores de leite. O aumento da competição, ao reduzir as margens de lucro unitário, tem forçado os produtores a investirem tanto no aumento da produtividade, como também no volume de produção. A redução ou eliminação dos pequenos produtores da atividade leiteira é citada como um dos efeitos das transformações da cadeia agroindustrial de leite no longo prazo. Entretanto, apesar das tendências que sugerem essa eliminação, isso pode não se verificar, devido à eficiência desses produtores em utilizar os poucos recursos disponíveis, fazendo com que eles sobrevivam na atividade. Nesse sentido, este trabalho procurou analisar se os pequenos produtores de leite no estado de Rondônia, em face às transformações ocorridas nos últimos anos, são eficientes. Para isso, foram calculadas medidas de eficiência técnica e de escala dos produtores de leite utilizando-se a técnica não-paramétrica conhecida como Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) em uma amostra de 112 produtores. Inicialmente, os produtores foram comparados entre si e depois classificados como eficientes ou ineficientes. Em seguida, realizou-se a caracterização dos produtores, estratificados segundo a produção média de leite, ou seja, aqueles que produzem até 50 litros de leite por dia e os que produzem acima de 50 litros de leite por dia. Esses grupos de produtores foram comparados segundo os recursos disponíveis, o perfil tecnológico da produção e os indicadores de eficiência técnica e econômica. Por fim, utilizou-se a regressão linear, objetivando identificar a ação de fatores explicativos na eficiência técnica e de escala da propriedade. O resultados indicaram que os pequenos produtores apresentam ineficiências técnicas; porém estas não se constituem no principal problema. Embora a eficiência técnica dos pequenos produtores não seja significativamente diferente da dos demais, há o problema maior da ineficiência de escala, indicando a necessidade de crescimento no volume de produção.The geographical map of milk production in Brazil has suffered significant changes in the last decades, marked by the reduction of relative importance of traditional basins and by the expansion of new producing areas. Another recent transformation of the dairy sector is the concentration of production within the larger milk producers. The rise in competition, with the reduction of profit margins, has forced the producers to invest in increased productivity and volume of production. The reduction or elimination of small milk producers from the dairy activity is cited as one of the effects of transformations of the agro industrial milk chain in the long term. However, even though the tendency is suggesting to this elimination, this may not be what is happening due to the efficiency of these producers in utilizing the little resources available, which enable them to survive in the dairy activity. This paper seeks to analyze if the small milk producers in the state of Rondônia, in confronting these transformations that have occurred in the last years, are efficient. To achieve this, measures of technical and scale efficiencies of the small milk producers were calculated utilizing a non-parametric technique known as the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in a sample of 112 producers. Initially, the producers were compared between themselves after which they were classified as efficient or inefficient. Following which, they were characterized utilizing the criteria of average milk production, that is, those that produce up to 50 liters of milk daily and those that produce more that 50 liters daily. These groups of producers were compared utilizing the following criteria: available resources, the technological profile of production and technical and economic efficiencies indicators. Finally, a linear regression was utilized, with the objective of identifying the action of the factors that explain the technical and scale efficiencies of the farm. The results indicated that small milk farmers presented technical inefficiencies; however this is not the main problem. Although the technical efficiency of the small milk producers is not significantly different from the rest, the major problem is scale inefficiency, indicating a necessity for the growth or increase in volume of production.Dissertação importada do Alexandri

    Sensitivity of Strained and Unstrained Structure Growth on GaAs (111)B

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    Compared with traditional (100) surfaces, the growth window for achieving high-quality photonic device structures on (111) GaAs by conventional molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is very narrow. However, strained and unstrained structures produced on (111) substrates offer a new class of electronic and optoelectronic devices that benefit from the piezoelectric effect—a feature not accessible on symmetric (100) orientations—and additional material choices, such as InAs and InGaAs. In this work, we report on a series of investigations of strained and unstrained structures that include GaAs, AlGaAs/GaAs, and InAs/GaAs quantum layers deposited on epi-ready GaAs (111)B 2° → [21¯1¯ Si-doped substrates by conventional MBE

    Economias de escala na produção de leite: uma análise dos estados de Rondônia, Tocantins e Rio de Janeiro

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    Neste trabalho analisou-se o problema da manutenção, no longo prazo, dos produtores de leite na atividade. Foram analisados estabelecimentos nos estados de Rondônia, Tocantins e Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a existência de economias de escala entre os produtores de leite. A função que apresentou melhor aderência aos dados foi a de custo translog. Os fatores de produção considerados foram: capital, terra, trabalho e custeio. A análise econômica mostra a dificuldade de sobrevivência dos estabelecimentos no longo prazo. Isto ocorre porque a relação capital imobilizado/produção é muito alta. Os resultados da regressão revelam que a grande maioria dos produtores da amostra está na faixa de economias de escala, sendo que apenas 3,4% destes estão na faixa de deseconomias de escala. O ponto de custo médio mínimo foi obtido com média diária de 487 litros por dia. Outro grupo composto por 10% da amostra está mais próximo do ponto de custo médio mínimo e apresenta produção diária entre 183 e 487 litros por dia. E finalmente, o último grupo apresentando uma produção inferior a 180 litros/dia. Este grupo pode reduzir de forma significativa os custos aumentando a produção e, usufruindo assim das economias de escala.<br>This study aimed to analize the business maintenance issue faced by milk producers, in the long term. It was analized farms in the states of Rondônia, Tocantins and Rio de Janeiro. The main goal of this study was to verify the existence of economies of scale among milk producers. The function that presented better adequacy to the data was that of cost translog. The production factors taken into consideration were: capital, land, work and direct expenses. The economic analysis shows the difficulties to survive faced by farmers in the long term. This happens because the relation immobilized capital/production is very high. The regression results reveal that the vast majority of producers in this case study operate in economies of scale, being that only 3.4% of them do not. The point of minimum average cost was obtained at about 178 thousand liters per year, that is, an average of 487 liters per day. Another group formed by 10% of the case study is closer to the point of minimum average cost and presents a daily production between 183 and 487 liters. And finally, the last group which presents itself in a less favorable situation with a production lower than 180 liters per day. It is highlighted that these producers can significantly reduce their costs if they increase their production, once they are found in the most accentuated part of the average cost curve in the long term and can greatly develop in the activity by using the economies of scale