11 research outputs found

    Ice-Shelf Tidal Flexure and Subglacial Pressure Variations

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    We develop a model of an ice shelf-ice stream system as a viscoelastic beam partially supported by an elastic foundation. When bed rock near the grounding line acts as a fulcrum, leverage from the ice shelf dropping at low tide can cause significant (approx 1 cm) uplift in the first few kilometers of grounded ice.This uplift and the corresponding depression at high tide lead to basal pressure variations of sufficient magnitude to influence subglacial hydrology.Tidal flexure may thus affect basal lubrication, sediment flow, and till strength, all of which are significant factors in ice-stream dynamics and grounding-line stability. Under certain circumstances, our results suggest the possibility of seawater being drawn into the subglacial water system. The presence of sea water beneath grounded ice would significantly change the radar reflectivity of the grounding zone and complicate the interpretation of grounded versus floating ice based on ice-penetrating radar observations

    Northwest Greenland Active Source Seismic Experiment

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    Line Starting Position (lat/long): 78.05494 -68.43001 Line Ending Position (lat/long): 78.06791 -68.36563In summer of 2018, the Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) team conducted a geophysical field investigation on the Greenland ice sheet in northwestern Greenland at a location where a previous airborne radar survey by Palmer et al. (2013) had detected the signatures of a subglacial lake. The field site is located approximately 50 km north of the town of Qaanaaq. This site was chosen for the SIIOS project as it provides an opportunity for studying how a lander station could be used to detect subsurface water at an icy-ocean world. The purpose of the investigation was to confirm the presence of the subglacial lake and to measure its physical properties such as seismic impedance, as well as to estimate its depth and volume. One component of the investigation consisted of an active source seismic survey that was used to create a reflection image of the lake, as well as to measure the ice-bottom reflection coefficient. The survey was conducted along a roughly northeast oriented traverse, which started above the subglacial lake and crossed the lake’s eastern boundary.Funding for this work was provided by the NASA Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research (PSTAR) Grant # 80NSSC17K0229

    Suppressed basal melting in the eastern Thwaites Glacier grounding zone

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    This work is from the MELT project, a component of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC). Support from the National Science Foundation (NSF, grant no. 1739003) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, grant no. NE/S006656/1). Logistics provided by NSF U.S. Antarctic Program and NERC British Antarctic Survey. The ship-based CTD data were supported by the ITGC TARSAN project (NERC grant nos. NE/S006419/1 and NE/S006591/1; NSF grant no. 1929991). ITGC contribution no. ITGC 047.Thwaites Glacier is one of the fastest-changing ice–ocean systems in Antarctica1,2,3. Much of the ice sheet within the catchment of Thwaites Glacier is grounded below sea level on bedrock that deepens inland4, making it susceptible to rapid and irreversible ice loss that could raise the global sea level by more than half a metre2,3,5. The rate and extent of ice loss, and whether it proceeds irreversibly, are set by the ocean conditions and basal melting within the grounding-zone region where Thwaites Glacier first goes afloat3,6, both of which are largely unknown. Here we show—using observations from a hot-water-drilled access hole—that the grounding zone of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS) is characterized by a warm and highly stable water column with temperatures substantially higher than the in situ freezing point. Despite these warm conditions, low current speeds and strong density stratification in the ice–ocean boundary layer actively restrict the vertical mixing of heat towards the ice base7,8, resulting in strongly suppressed basal melting. Our results demonstrate that the canonical model of ice-shelf basal melting used to generate sea-level projections cannot reproduce observed melt rates beneath this critically important glacier, and that rapid and possibly unstable grounding-line retreat may be associated with relatively modest basal melt rates.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Suppressed basal melting in the eastern Thwaites Glacier grounding zone

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    Thwaites Glacier is one of the fastest-changing ice–ocean systems in Antarctica1,2,3. Much of the ice sheet within the catchment of Thwaites Glacier is grounded below sea level on bedrock that deepens inland4, making it susceptible to rapid and irreversible ice loss that could raise the global sea level by more than half a metre2,3,5. The rate and extent of ice loss, and whether it proceeds irreversibly, are set by the ocean conditions and basal melting within the grounding-zone region where Thwaites Glacier first goes afloat3,6, both of which are largely unknown. Here we show—using observations from a hot-water-drilled access hole—that the grounding zone of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS) is characterized by a warm and highly stable water column with temperatures substantially higher than the in situ freezing point. Despite these warm conditions, low current speeds and strong density stratification in the ice–ocean boundary layer actively restrict the vertical mixing of heat towards the ice base7,8, resulting in strongly suppressed basal melting. Our results demonstrate that the canonical model of ice-shelf basal melting used to generate sea-level projections cannot reproduce observed melt rates beneath this critically important glacier, and that rapid and possibly unstable grounding-line retreat may be associated with relatively modest basal melt rates

    Subglacial bathymetry and sediment distribution beneath Pine Island Glacier ice shelf modeled using aerogravity and in situ geophysical data: New results

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    Pine Island Glacier (PIG) in the Amundsen Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is losing mass and contributing to global sea-level rise at an accelerating rate. Although recent observations and modeling have identified the incursion of relatively warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) beneath the PIG ice shelf (PIGIS) as the main driver of this ice-mass loss, the lack of precise bathymetry limits furthering our understanding of the ice–ocean interactions and improving the accuracy of modeling. Here we present updated bathymetry and sediment distribution beneath the PIGIS, modeled by the inversion of aerogravity data with constraints from active-source seismic data, observations from an autonomous underwater vehicle, and the regional gravity-anomaly field derived from satellite gravity observations. Modeled bathymetry shows a submarine ridge beneath the middle of PIGIS that rises ∼350 to 400 m above the surrounding sea floor, with a minimum water-column thickness of ∼200 m above it. This submarine ridge continues across the whole width of the 45-km wide ice shelf, with no deep troughs crossing it, confirming the general features of the previously predicted sub-ice-shelf ocean circulation. However, the relatively low resolution of the aerogravity data and limitations in our inversion method leave a possibility that there is an undetected, few-kilometers-wide or narrower trough that may alter the predicted sub-ice-shelf ocean circulation. Modeled sediment distribution indicates a sedimentary basin of up to ∼800 m thick near the current grounding zone of the main PIG trunk and extending farther inland, and a region seaward of the submarine ridge where sediments are thin or absent with exposed crystalline basement that extends seaward into Pine Island Bay. Therefore, the submarine ridge marks the transition from a thick sedimentary basin providing a smooth interface over which ice could flow easily by sliding or sediment deformation, to a region with no to little sediments and instead a rough interface over which ice flows mainly by deformation. We hypothesize that the post-Last Glacial Maximum retreat of PIG stabilized at this location because of the spatial transition in basal conditions. This in turn supports the hypothesis that the recent retreat of PIG was strongly forced, probably by changes in ocean circulation, rather than occurring because of ongoing response to the end of the ice age or other changes inland of or beneath PIG

    Subglacial bathymetry and sediment distribution beneath Pine Island Glacier ice shelf modeled using aerogravity and in situ geophysical data

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    The Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica Ice Sheet is losing mass at a rate that has more than doubled in the past four decades, and continues to increase. Pine Island Glacier (PIG), the second largest drainage basins in this sector, experienced the fastest grounding-line retreat and its ice-mass loss increased more rapidly than any others in the last two decades. The large mass imbalance of PIG is attributed to the increased sub-ice-shelf melting by the incursion of relatively warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) beneath the PIG ice shelf (PIGIS), although the lack of precise bathymetry data have restricted thorough understanding of the ice-ocean interactions. Here we present updated bathymetry and sediment distribution beneath PIGIS, modeled by inversion of aerogravity data with constraints from active-source seismic and autonomous underwater vehicle data, and the regional gravity anomaly derived from satellite gravity observations. Modeled bathymetry shows that the submarine ridge beneath the middle of PIGIS appears to continue across the width of the ice shelf, with no major deep troughs crossing it, consistent with previously predicted sub-ice-shelf ocean circulation. However, the relatively low resolution of the aerogravity data and limitations in our inversion method leave a slight possibility that there is an undetected, few kilometer-scale narrow trough that may alter this predicted sub-ice-shelf ocean circulation. Modeled sediment distribution indicates that the submarine ridge marks the transition from a thick sedimentary basin (soft, smooth bed for ice flow) around the current grounding zone of the main PIG trunk to a region of thin-to-no sediment with some exposed crystalline basement (rough, resistant bed for ice flow) that extends seaward into Pine Island Bay. We hypothesize that this transition in basal conditions caused the post-Last Glacial Maximum retreat of PIG to stabilized near this geological boundary