244 research outputs found

    Evaluating Company’s Readiness for Adopting Product Line Engineering: a Second Evaluation Round

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    Product lines have emerged in the software industry as an attractive approach to perform planned reuse of code. Nevertheless, a product line solution is not appropriate in all cases and also requires some conditions to be implemented successfully. The literature offers several contributions regarding the adoption of product lines. However, only a few of them are able to support decision-makers in making informed decisions in favor of or against following this approach. We proposed APPLIES, a framework for evaluating the organization’s motivation and preparation for adopting product lines. This article presents the second version of the APPLIES framework as well as the second iteration of the evaluation of this approach. This evaluation consisted of (i) a workshop with a practitioner who had experience in adopting the product line production approach and; (ii) a review of the content by five product line experts. The results obtained from the evaluation resulted in modifications to the framework content, mainly to simplify the statements and eliminate redundant elements. Also, we detected new functionalities and modifications that we expect to be resolved in the following evaluation iterations. Further evaluations and improvements are needed to mature the framework. Moreover, we expect to incorporate APPLIES into a process that covers the aspects that a company must consider before deciding to adopt this production paradigm

    Evaluating Company’s Readiness for Adopting Product Line Engineering: a Second Evaluation Round

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    Product lines have emerged in the software industry as an attractive approach to perform planned reuse of code. Nevertheless, a product line solution is not appropriate in all cases and also requires some conditions to be implemented successfully. The literature offers several contributions regarding the adoption of product lines. However, only a few of them are able to support decision-makers in making informed decisions in favor of or against following this approach. We proposed APPLIES, a framework for evaluating the organization’s motivation and preparation for adopting product lines. This article presents the second version of the APPLIES framework as well as the second iteration of the evaluation of this approach. This evaluation consisted of (i) a workshop with a practitioner who had experience in adopting the product line production approach and; (ii) a review of the content by five product line experts. The results obtained from the evaluation resulted in modifications to the framework content, mainly to simplify the statements and eliminate redundant elements. Also, we detected new functionalities and modifications that we expect to be resolved in the following evaluation iterations. Further evaluations and improvements are needed to mature the framework. Moreover, we expect to incorporate APPLIES into a process that covers the aspects that a company must consider before deciding to adopt this production paradigm

    El Alquerque de 12 de la desaparecida ermita de San Miguel de Okariz (San Millán/Donemiliaga, Álava) y otros tableros del entorno alavés

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    Entre los numerosos fragmentos lapidarios y de estelas reutilizados para la construcción de la ermita de San Miguel de Okariz, se encuentra una peculiar laja caliza grabada con un curioso diseño geométrico que ha sido interpretado de distintas formas por los investigadores que se han acercado a su estudio. En este trabajo exponemos las razones que nos han llevado a identificar dicha pieza con un tablero del popular juego de mesa medieval llamado «alquerque de 12». Además, mostramos otros ejemplares inéditos que hemos localizado en el transcurso de la investigación

    Importancia pronóstica, predictiva de respuesta y terapéutica de las fosfatasas MKP-1 y PP2A en el cáncer de mama humano

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    El cáncer de mama es la principal causa de muerte por cáncer en mujeres en los países occidentales. La caracterización biológica de los tumores de mama de acuerdo a patrones de expresión génica mayoritarios estableció una clasificación molecular en diferentes “subtipos biológicos”, que se establecieron como estándar en el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama. Los biomarcadores clave para clasificar los tumores de mama son: el receptor de estrógenos (ER), el receptor de progesterona (PR) y el receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico humano 2 (HER2). La terapia principal de erradicación de esta enfermedad es la cirugía del tumor, junto a la quimioterapia adyuvante y/o neoadyuvante. El panorama actual de pronóstico y predicción de la enfermedad y su respuesta a las diferentes terapias (incluyendo terapias personalizadas) es insuficiente, sin embargo, para conseguir la erradicación completa del cáncer de mama. Se precisan, por tanto, nuevos marcadores con valor pronóstico, predictivo y terapéutico. Las proteínas fosfatasas MKP-1 y PP2A influyen en la señalización celular de las células tumorales de mama lo suficiente como para ser consideradas potenciales biomarcadores de esta enfermedad. Así, analizamos las respuestas de líneas celulares de cáncer de mama a los fármacos docetaxel y doxorrubicina en un contexto de sobreexpresión inducida de MKP-1, observando una mayor resistencia de estas células a los tratamientos. Esta sobreexpresión de MKP-1 inhibió la activación de JNK1/2, lo que incrementó la supervivencia celular frente a ambos quimioterápicos. Además, analizamos la proteína PP2A en estas mismas líneas celulares, que se encuentra inhibida por hiperfosforilación y por la expresión de las moléculas reguladoras CIP2A y SET. La activación inducida de la actividad fosfatasa de PP2A mediante el fármaco FTY720 sensibilizó a las células tumorales de mama al tratamiento con doxorrubicina. Finalmente, determinamos en biopsias de tumores de mama que la expresión de MKP-1 / p-JNK1/2, por un lado, y p-PP2A / CIP2A, por otro, correlacionaron con peor supervivencia clínica y con peor respuesta de las pacientes a la quimioterapia adyuvante y neoadyuvante. En consecuencia, nuestro trabajo demue stra el potencial de las fosfatasas MKP-1 y PP2A como marcadores en el diagnóstico clínico y en la previsión de la posible respuesta terapéutica del cáncer de mama

    Discriminating interacting dark energy models using Statefinder diagnostic

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    In the present work, we perform a comparative study of different interacting dark energy (DE) models using the Statefinder diagnostics. In particular, 17 different forms of the energy transfer rate Q between DE and dark matter (DM) were focused on, belonging to the following categories: (i) linear models in energy densities of DE and DM, (ii) non-linear models, (iii) models with a change of direction of energy transfer between DE and DM, (iv) models involving derivatives of the energy densities, (v) parametrized interactions through a function of the coincidence parameter, and finally we also consider (vi) two kinds of models with a self-interaction between DM, without DE. These models have been already studied in the literature and constrained with observational data available at that time. In order to discriminate between them at background level, we use the Statefinder diagnostic, based on the computation and study of the so-called Statefinder parameters r, s in addition to the deceleration parameter q. We plot the evolution trajectories for the several interacting models on the r −q, r −s planes, and we find some distinctive features and departures from CDM and other DE models, as Quintessence, Chaplygin Gas, running vacuum models (RVM) and Galileon.A.R. acknowledge financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana through PROMETEO PROJECT CIPROM/2022/13. A.R. is funded by the Maria Zambrano contract ZAMBRANO 21-25 (Spain). N. Videla and J. Saavedra acknowledge the financial support of Fondecyt Grant 1220065

    Franco Fábrica. Análise da Publicidade do Seat 600 (1957-1973)

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    Presentamos en este artículo los resultados de un análisis sociosemiótico efectuado sobre una muestra de publicidad gráfica y audiovisual, que pretende conocer los mecanismos discursivos utilizados como ejes de comunicación para el vehículo “Seat 600” y su relación con el contexto político-económico español. En una época como la actual donde las marcas luchan por insertarse en el “consciente colectivo”, por generar empatías a través de medios cada vez más segmentados y al menor coste, es oportuno dedicarle unas palabras a este pequeño producto que pudo haberlo conseguido.Apresentamos neste artigo os resultados de uma análise realizada sobre uma amostra sócio-semiótica da publicidade e do audiovisual, que procura compreender os mecanismos discursivos utilizados como centros de comunicação para o veículo "Seat 600" e sua relação com o contexto espanhol político e econômico. Em um momento como o presente onde as marcas estão lutando para ser inserido na "consciência coletiva", para gerar empatia com os meios cada vez mais segmentada e com menor custo, é necessário dedicar algumas palavras a este produto pouco que poderia ter alcançado.We present in this paper the results of a socio-semiotic analysis on a large sample of graphical and audio-visual advertising. This analysis tries to know the language mechanisms used as communication axes in the advertisements of “Seat 600”. At a time like the present when the brands are struggling to fit into a "collective consciousness", generating empathy through segmented media at the lowest cost, it is appropriate to devote some words to this small product that might have succeeded

    Publicizando a bolha. Uma aproximação metodológica para a análise do discurso publicitário no setor hipotecário na Espanha

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    This paper aims to test the methodology of discourse analysis in the mortgage industry advertising in Spain. The experiment reported here was conducted on a sample of ten newspaper advertisements published in Spanish at the beginning of the so-called housing bubble. These ten pieces graphs, from banks and thrifts, different discourses forth. Our goal is to understand the strategies of advertising production and reception, which served to promote mortgage products during the housing bubble in Spain. Check the validity of the method now, we surely will serve to address the analysis phase of a larger entity whose work representativeness of the sample, allow us to infer the characteristics and peculiarities of advertising promotion of the housing boom in Spain.Este artículo pretende ensayar la metodología de análisis del discurso publicitario en el sector hipotecario en España. La experimentación que aquí presentamos se ha realizado sobre una muestra de diez anuncios aparecidos en prensa española en el inicio de la llamada burbuja inmobiliaria. Estas diez piezas gráficas, provenientes de bancos y cajas de ahorro, enuncian discursos diferentes. Nuestro objetivo es entender las estrategias de producción y recepción publicitarias, que sirvieron para la promoción de los productos hipotecarios durante la época de la burbuja inmobiliaria en España. Verificar la validez del método ahora, nos servirá para abordar con seguridad la fase de análisis de un trabajo de mayor entidad cuya representatividad de la muestra, nos permitirá inferir características y peculiaridades de la promoción publicitaria del boom inmobiliario en España.Este artigo tem como objetivo testar a metodologia da análise do discurso na indústria da publicidade hipotecária espanhola. A experiencia aqui relatada foi realizada sobre uma amostra de dez anúncios nos jornais publicados na Espanha no início da chamada bolha imobiliária. Estas dez peças gráficas, de bancos e instituições de poupança, anunciam discuros diferentes. Nosso objetivo é compreender as estratégias de produção e da recepção em publicidade que serviram para promover os produtos hipotecários durante a bolha imobiliária em Espanha. Verificar a validade do método, neste momento, certamente servirá para abordar a fase de análise de uma quantidade maior de anúncios, cuja representatividade da amostra, permite inferir as características e peculiaridades da promoção e da publicidade do boon imobiliário espanhol

    Jóvenes y publicidad de apuestas deportivas online. La experiencia española

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    This study investigates the perception of young Spaniards about online sports betting and its advertising. The initiative arises from the recent regulation of commercial communications in this sector in Spain. We reviewed the literature related to the phenomenon and the foundations that gave rise to the regulations. Starting from discussion groups with young people between the ages of 15 and 21, we use advertisements as an impulse to learn about beliefs and perceptions about sports betting, the regulations in force and their advertising. There is a certain lack of concern in the group with the influence of advertising and the health risks of possible addictive behaviors. Studies of this type, we believe, could serve as a reference for future regulatory frameworks in the Latin American region, a territory in which this industry is in full expansion.En este estudio se investiga la percepción de los jóvenes españoles sobre las apuestas deportivas online y la publicidad de las mismas. La iniciativa surge a raíz de la reciente regulación de las comunicaciones comerciales de este sector en España. Revisamos la literatura relacionada con el fenómeno y los fundamentos que dieron lugar a la normativa. A partir de grupos de discusión con jóvenes de edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 21 años, empleamos anuncios publicitarios como impulso para conocer las creencias y percepciones con respecto a la apuestas deportivas, la regulación en vigor y la publicidad de las mismas. Se percibe en el grupo cierta despreocupación sobre la influencia publicitaria y sobre los riesgos para la salud de posibles conductas adictivas. Estudios de este tipo estimamos que podrían servir de referencia para futuros marcos regulatorios en la región latinoamericana, un territorio en el que esta industria se encuentra en plena expansión. &nbsp

    A microanalytical study

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    UIDB/00693/2020 UIDP/00693/2020Motherese has been studied particularly in its prosodic features. The scientific literature has underlined the importance of this type of communication on the infants’ vocal responsiveness. However, we still know little about the role of motherese on preterm infants’ vocal responsiveness. We intend to know the prosodic and communicative characteristics of motherese in preterm dyads and particularly to understand its relationship with the preterm infant’s vocal responsiveness. At NICU, mothers (N = 38) were asked to speak and to sing without words (humming) to their preterm infants in kangaroo care during five periods of three minutes alternating voice and silence, controlling the order effect (silence – speech or humming – silence – humming or speech – silence). A microanalytical study about prosodic and communicative/affectionate features of motherese was performed using ELAN, MAXQDA, and PRAAT software. According to results, tonal contours (sinusoidal, U-shaped and falling) and infants’ vocalizations seem to contribute for preterm dyads’ vocal modulation. A high use of phatic and conative functions, interrogative utterances, infants’ positive aspects, infants designated by affectionate words, and utterances connected with infants' needs were observed. This study contributed to explore the role of the communicative/affectionate and prosodic features of the motherese on preterm infants’ vocal responsiveness during the kangaroo care in NICU. Still, more studies are needed to deepen these preliminary results.publishersversionpublishe

    El Papel de la Seguridad y Convivencia en la Construcción de la Política Pública de la Comuna 20 de la ciudad de Cali

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    Diariamente se registran en la ciudad de Cali y sus alrededores más de 130 denuncias por hurtos y delitos que atentan la seguridad ciudadana. Esta cifra tiende a aumentar; la falta de oportunidades de empleo y de educación ha traído como consecuencia que más jóvenes vayan a las calles a buscar alternativas para su supervivencia. Los altos índices de hacinamiento habitacional y el desplazamiento a la ciudad del cual fueron víctimas muchos habitantes del Cauca, Nariño y Chocó han contribuido al aumento de la inseguridad de algunos sectores, así como la herencia social y cultural que aún permea la ciudad relacionada con el narcotráfico de los años 80´s y 90´s. El homicidio está por encima de la media del país a pesar de su disminución en los últimos dos años. Las políticas públicas implementadas en la ciudad y sus alrededores, evidencian no ser suficientes ante la grave problemática de violencia e inseguridad que vive Cali. Los planes de seguridad de la ciudad y el departamento terminan atendiendo intereses particulares de las instituciones que en el afán por ser reconocidos ante la problemática y no son generadoras de verdaderos procesos de transformación. La legitimación de comportamientos y acciones de violencia en la cotidianidad, por parte de la sociedad y la falta de compromiso de los medios de comunicación hacen que la problemática no se evidencie en la magnitud que ocurre para llamar la atención sobre ella. Palabras clave: Cali, ciudadanía, convivencia, educación, seguridadMore than 130 complaints of theft and crimes that threaten citizen security are registered daily in the city of Cali and its surroundings. This figure tends to increase as the lack of job opportunities and education have resulted in more young people going to the streets to seek alternatives for their survival. The high rates of housing overcrowding and the displacement to the city of which many inhabitants of Cauca, Nariño and Chocó were victims have contributed to the increase in insecurity in some sectors, as well as the social and cultural heritage that still permeates the city related to the drug trafficking of the 80's and 90's. Homicide is above the country's average despite its decline in the last two years. The public policies implemented in the city and its surroundings have not resolved the serious problem of violence and insecurity that Cali is experiencing. The security plans of the city and the department end up serving particular interests of the institutions that, in the effort to be recognized, act the problem and are not generators of true transformation processes. The legitimation of behaviors and actions of violence in daily life, by society and the lack of commitment of the media mean that the problem is not evident in the magnitude that occurs to draw attention to it. Keywords: Cali, citizen coexistence, education, securit