1,231 research outputs found

    The Prentis Family and their Library

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    International-vergleichende Analyse regionaler Schulentwicklung: Yorkshire und Westfalen

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    In dem Artikel werden ausgewählte empirische Befunde aus zwei Forschungsprojekten integriert, um den möglichen Ertrag einer international-vergleichenden Analyse regionaler Schulentwicklung für die Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft auszuloten. Mit diesem Ziel werden amtliche Daten zu den allgemein bildenden Sekundarschulen in zwei englischen (York und Bradford) und zwei deutschen (Münster und Bochum) Großstädten in Tabellen systematisiert und in zwei Schritten ausgewertet: Es wird gezeigt, dass das Schulrecht in England und Nordrhein-Westfalen ein breites Spektrum von Prinzipien und Instrumenten der Schulgliederung eröffnet, das in jeder Stadt zur Entwicklung von ortsspezifischen und sehr differenzierten Schulangebotstrukturen geführt hat. Die Daten zur sozialräumlichen Vernetzung der Schulen geben darüber hinaus eine inoffizielle Typologie von Schulen zu erkennen, die andere Dimensionen der schulischen Profilbildung ergänzen oder überlagern. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse der empirischen Analyse im Kontext aktueller wissenschaftlicher und bildungspolitischer Debatten diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)The authors integrate selected empirical findings from two research projects in order to assess the usefulness of an international comparative analysis of regional school development for comparative educational science. Official data on general secondary schools in two English (York and Bradford) and two German (Muenster and Bochum) cities are systematized in tables and evaluated in two steps: it is shown that school regulations in both England and North Rhine-Westphalia offer a broad spectrum of principles and instruments for a subdivision into different school types, which has led to the development of region-specific and highly differentiated structures of schooling in each of these cities. Furthermore, data on the interconnection between individual schools based upon regional social conditions reveals an inofficial typology of schools which supplements or overrides other dimensions of a school\u27s profile development. Finally, the results of the empirical analysis are discussed within the context of recent debates on educational science and politics. (DIPF/Orig.

    What has caused global business cycle decoupling: Smaller shocks or reduced sensitivity?

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    According to a growing body of empirical literature, global shocks have become less important for business cycles in industrialized countries and emerging market economies since the mid-1980s. In this paper, we analyze the question of what might have caused a decoupling from the global business cycle: the smaller size of the global shocks or a reduced sensitivity of national business cycles to these shocks? To this end, we employ a large scale hierarchical dynamic factor model that decomposes the growth rates of GDP, consumption, and investment for 106 countries over 1961-2014 into a global, a group-, and a country-specific factor, as well as an idiosyncratic component. The factor loadings and conditional variances are allowed to vary over time according to random walk processes. Instead of assuming that the parameters change, we test for time variation using a Bayesian stochastic model specification search. Our results confirm a reduction in the importance of the global business cycle for the vast majority of our countries. However, the sensitivity of most countries to global or group-specific shocks as measured by the factor loadings has not changed over time. Instead, the magnitude of the global shocks relative to group-specific and country-specific shocks has decreased, resulting in a lower relevance of global shocks for national cycles

    A community and its neighborhoods: Charles Parish, York County, Virginia, 1630-1740

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    The majority of studies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century communities have examined either towns, the focus of social organization in New England, or counties, the equivalent for the Chesapeake. However, the parish, not the county, was the unit of government that dealt with the problems which affected seventeenth- and eighteenth- century Virginians. Because the parish served as a focus for the day to day activities of the majority of colonial Virginians, it seems logical to examine a parish community in order to learn about their lives. However, most of the Chesapeake historians have focused their studies on a county or several counties.;The following study focuses on the development of Charles Parish, York County, Virginia from 1630 to 1740 in order to contribute new information to what is already known about life in the early Chesapeake. A detailed approach based on biographical data about residents of Charles provides data about the impact of high mortality rates and immigration on the development of the parish community and its neighborhoods, the role that family members and neighbors played in associations, the different social levels within Charles and its neighborhoods, the ways in which local leaders exercised their power, and the impact of nearby Williamsburg and Yorktown on a rural area such as Charles Parish. The inclusion of all the free residents--women, free blacks, and small white planters, not just the successful white male planters--of Charles in a data base makes it possible to study the role of each group in the parish community. A variety of sources including the most complete birth and death registers extant for a seventeenth-century Virginia parish, colonial records, and court proceedings from York County furnish the necessary data to study the development of neighborhoods in Charles and the parish\u27s connections to the other parishes in York County and the nearby counties


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    The title compound, [Pt(C42H48N4)], was obtained through metallation of the corresponding free base with PtCl2, followed by crystallization from methyl­ene chloride/methanol. The mol­ecule exhibits an almost planar macrocycle with an average deviation of the 24 macrocyclic atoms from their least-squares plane (Δ24) of 0.04 Å and an average Pt—N bond length of 2.022 Å. Despite the unsymmetrical substitution pattern, there is no significant difference between distortion of the geometry at the phenyl substituted meso position and those of unsubstituted meso positions

    Do sojourn effects on personality trait changes last? A five-year longitudinal study

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    Richter J, Zimmermann J, Neyer FJ, Kandler C. Do sojourn effects on personality trait changes last? A five-year longitudinal study. European Journal of Personality. 2020;35(3):358-382.This study examined sojourners’ long-term personality trait changes over five years, extending previous research on immediate sojourn effects. A sample of German students (N = 1,095) was surveyed thrice (T1-T3) over the course of an academic year. Sojourners (n = 498) lived abroad shortly after T1 for one or two semesters, stayers (n = 597) remained in their home country. Five years after T1, we surveyed the same participants (n = 441, 40.3%) again (T4). Beyond substantial selection effects, latent neighbor-change models revealed that small differences between sojourners’ and stayers’ openness, agreeableness, and neuroticism changes occurred early after sojourn-induced contextual change. Model estimates suggested sustained sojourn effects on openness and neuroticism changes thereafter, and a reversed effect on agreeableness change after return. Due to reduced power and low accuracy at T4, these estimates were not statistically significant. Based on model comparison analyses, however, we could rule out reversed effects for openness and accentuated effects for agreeableness and neuroticism as least likely. Moreover, separating short-term and long-term sojourners revealed no substantial differences, but recurring sojourn experiences tended to play a role in sustaining differences. We discuss implications for future studies on patterns of sojourn effects on personality trait changes

    A rationale and model for addressing tobacco dependence in substance abuse treatment

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    Most persons in drug treatment smoke cigarettes. Until drug treatment facilities systematically treat their patients' tobacco use, millions will flow through the drug treatment system, overcome their primary drug of abuse, but die prematurely from tobacco-related illnesses. This paper reviews the literature on the health benefits of quitting smoking for drug treatment patients, whether smoking causes relapse to other drug or alcohol abuse, the treatment of tobacco dependence, and good and bad times for quitting smoking among drug treatment patients. It also presents a conceptual model and recommendations for treating tobacco in substance abuse treatment, and provides references to internet and paper-copy tools and information for treating tobacco dependence. At present, research on tobacco treatment in drug treatment is in its infancy. Although few drug treatment programs currently offer formal services, many more will likely begin to treat nicotine dependence as external forces and patient demand for these services increases. In the absence of clear guidelines and attention to quality of care, drug treatment programs may adopt smoking cessation services based on cost, convenience, or selection criteria other than efficacy. Because research in this field is relatively new, substance abuse treatment professionals should adhere to the standards of care for the general population, but be prepared to update their practices with emerging interventions that have proven to be effective for patients in drug treatment