1,426 research outputs found


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    With 1.8 billion investments on the web in the first semester of 2008, being 14.7% of publicity investments , E-marketing is a discipline which is in the middle of media strategies. However, the evolutions of internet and of e-marketing tools have developed a discipline becoming increasingly complex to understand.Although there are still many different methods of piloting, essentially based on the measure via the discipline of the Web Analytics, it’s difficult today to predict e-marketing actions to set up to make fluctuate key performance indicators of web site and active e-marketing lever statistic auditing solution. However it is starting from these indicators that success is measured and that the profits of the online activities are maximized. Thus we propose through this article, a method of qualification of the Best Practices in order to assist the online marketers in the choice and the selection of those to improve the performance of a site and associated actions E-Marketing.e-Marketing, best practices, technological watch, innovative indicators, knowledge management, decision making.

    Papillitis as the prominent ocular sign in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

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    A 29-year old homosexual presented with clinical symptoms and an immunological picture of AIDS syndrome. Ocular involvement started in August 1986 with reduction of visual acuity in the right eye rapidly progressing to amaurosis. The most prominent ophthalmoscopical sign was of papillitis which had, in the beginning, the characteristics of an ischaemic optic neuropathy. Besides this, cotton-wool spots, retinal haemorrhages and limited areas of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis were found. Choroid was also involved with secondary CMV retinitis. On the other hand, sheathing of retinal vessels and Roth’s spots were absent. Although papilloedema, haemorrhages, cotton-wool exudates and CMV retinitis completely disappeared by October 1986, the general condition aggravated and the patient finally succumbed.peer-reviewe

    Prevalance study of glaucoma in Malta and Gozo

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    A glaucoma survey was carried out in Malta and Gozo. Using non-contact pulseair tonometer, 2245 participants selected on a random basis, aged 40 years and above, were examined and 3.29% were found to have glaucoma. Among them 1.69% were newly detected glaucoma cases. The main risk factors were diabetes mellitus in the personal past history and glaucoma in the family history. Age was confirmed to be a risk factor, but arterial hypertension and myopia could not be proved as risk factors. About 4000 glaucoma cases were estimated to be present in Malta and Gozo at the time of the survey. Some other ocular conditions were also found in relatively high percentages: cataract -3.3%, myopic maculopathy -2.9% and diabetic retinopathy -1.5%.peer-reviewe

    Ocular manifestations in lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy

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    Ocular manifestations of leprosy in 100 patients examined were reported on; -80% were suffering from the lepromatous type of the disease. The most frequent change was loss of eyebrows (40%) which was seen mainly in lepromatous patients. The sclera and cornea were rarely affected separately, but sclerokerato-iridocyclitis was found in 3%. On the other hand, the iris was involved rather more often -16% (atrophy of the iris -4, atrophy of the pupillary margin -3, miosis -1, posterior synechiae -6, keratic precipitates -1, and iris "pearls" -1). The iritis always had an insidious chronic evolution. The origin of the iritis is probably multifactorial: a) neuroparalytic due to involvement of the autonomic nerves supplying the iris muscles, primarily dilator; b) direct effect of Mycobacterium leprae on the iris tissue; and c) immune or auto-immune mechanisms. The posterior uvea was rarely affected (2%). No case of primary glaucoma was detected, but secondary glaucoma due to sclerokerato-iridocyclitis was found in 2 cases. Cataract seems to occur more frequently in leprosy patients (20%) than in the general population. The anterior segment was mostly affected (21%), and all these cases belonged to the lepromatous (16) or borderline lepromatous (5) type.peer-reviewe

    Band selection and disentanglement using maximally-localized Wannier functions: the cases of Co impurities in bulk copper and the Cu (111) surface

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    We have adapted the maximally-localized Wannier function approach of [I. Souza, N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 65, 035109 (2002)] to the density functional theory based Siesta method [J. M. Soler et al., J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 14, 2745 (2002)] and applied it to the study of Co substitutional impurities in bulk copper as well as to the Cu (111) surface. In the Co impurity case, we have reduced the problem to the Co d-electrons and the Cu sp-band, permitting us to obtain an Anderson-like Hamiltonian from well defined density functional parameters in a fully orthonormal basis set. In order to test the quality of the Wannier approach to surfaces, we have studied the electronic structure of the Cu (111) surface by again transforming the density functional problem into the Wannier representation. An excellent description of the Shockley surface state is attained, permitting us to be confident in the application of this method to future studies of magnetic adsorbates in the presence of an extended surface state

    Aliveness metaphor for an evolutive gesture interaction based on coupling between a human and a virtual agent

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    International audienceThis paper presents a model that provides adaptive and evolutive interaction between a human and a virtual agent.After introducing the theoretical justifications, the aliveness metaphor and the notion of coupling are presented. Then, we propose a formalization of the model that relies on the temporal evolution of the coupling between participants and the existence of phases during the interaction. An exampleon a fitness exergame is provided and some illustrations show the behavior of the model during an interaction. A video complements this example

    INGREDIBLE : A platform for full body interaction between human and virtual agent that improves co-presence

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    International audienceThis paper presents a platform dedicated to a full body interaction between a virtual agent and human or between two virtual agents. It is based on the notion of coupling and the metaphor of the alive communication that come from studies in psychology. The platform, based on a modular architecture , is composed of modules that communicate through messages. Four modules have been implemented for human tracking, motion analysis, decision computation and rendering. The paper describes all of them. Part of the decision module is generic, that is it could be used for different interactions based on sensorimotor, while part of it is strictly dependent on the type of scenario one wants to obtain. An application example for a fitness exergame scenario is also presented in this work

    InGredible : Une plateforme dédiée à l'interaction corporelle entre humain(s) et/ou agent(s) virtuel(s) basée sur la notion de couplage

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    Cet article dresse une synthĂšse de travaux menĂ©s dans le cadre d'un projet sur l'interaction corporelle entre un humain et un agent virtuel ou entre deux agents virtuels. Nous prĂ©sentons principalement la plateforme logicielle support qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Elle est composĂ©e de modules inter-connectĂ©s capables de rĂ©aliser la capture des mouvements, leur analyse, une prise de dĂ©cision interactive basĂ©e sur la dĂ©finition d'un geste ou d'une expressivitĂ© a transmettre, ou encore une synthĂšse et un rendu comportemental. Au delĂ  de cette synthĂšse, nous insistons sur l'originalitĂ© du travail qui repose sur la notion de couplage sensorimoteur entre les interactants et qui donne lieu Ă  des comportements adaptatifs et Ă©volutifs, que nous relions au sentiment de co-prĂ©sence. Elle peut ĂȘtre exploitĂ©e dans des domaines aussi diffĂ©rents que le sport ou les arts interactifs

    Rigid motion revisited: rigid quasilocal frames

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    We introduce the notion of a rigid quasilocal frame (RQF) as a geometrically natural way to define a "system" in general relativity. An RQF is defined as a two-parameter family of timelike worldlines comprising the worldtube boundary of the history of a finite spatial volume, with the rigidity conditions that the congruence of worldlines is expansion-free (constant size) and shear-free (constant shape). This definition of a system is anticipated to yield simple, exact geometrical insights into the problem of motion in general relativity. It begins by answering the questions what is in motion (a rigid two-dimensional system boundary), and what motions of this rigid boundary are possible. Nearly a century ago Herglotz and Noether showed that a three-parameter family of timelike worldlines in Minkowski space satisfying Born's 1909 rigidity conditions has only three degrees of freedom instead of the six we are familiar with from Newtonian mechanics. We argue that in fact we can implement Born's notion of rigid motion in both flat spacetime (this paper) and arbitrary curved spacetimes containing sources (subsequent papers) - with precisely the expected three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom - provided the system is defined quasilocally as the two-dimensional set of points comprising the boundary of a finite spatial volume, rather than the three-dimensional set of points within the volume.Comment: 10 pages (two column), 24 pages (preprint), 1 figur

    Reproducibility and Diagnostic Accuracy of Kellgren-Lawrence Grading for Osteoarthritis Using Radiographs and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Images

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    Copyright © 2014 The International Society for Clinical Densitometry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. The authors would like to thank all the study volunteers, radiographers Lana Gibson and Jennifer Scott as well as Carol McKerron for administrative support. The acquisition of scans was supported in part by an award (Ref: WHMSB_AU_068_071) from the Translational Medicine Research Initiative - a consortium made up of the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow, the four associated NHS Health Boards (Grampian, Tayside, Lothian and Greater Glasgow & Clyde), Scottish Enterprise and Pfizer. Kanako Yoshida is funded by the Grampian Osteoporosis Trust (GOT). Jennifer Gregory is supported by the Medical Research Council [G0901242].Peer reviewedPostprin
