800 research outputs found

    Water Quality Index In An Urban Watershed

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    This study aimed to verify the water quality of Ribeirão das Pedras (Stones River), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil through the implementation of the Water Quality Index (WQI) and comparison with Brazilian legislation (Resolution of the National Environment Council - CONAMA 357/2005), thus being able to initiate discussions about anthropic interferences in watercourses located in urban areas. Ribeirão das Pedras is part of an urban watershed that suffered, and still suffers, from the rapid and intense urban and housing boom, finding its territorial space almost fully occupied. For the execution of this work, six sample points were defined in order to allow a discussion between the land use within their respective drainage area and the results of the WQI applications. The WQI is composed of nine parameters: dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, nitrogen, temperature, thermotolerant coliforms, turbidity, phosphorus, pH, and total solids. The first sample point refers to the main watercourse source, four sample points are located throughout the watershed and the last point is located in its base level, at the confluence between Ribeirão das Pedras and its main stem, Ribeirão das Anhumas (Anhumas River). The results of water quality analysis obtained based on the WQI concept were featured as 'GOOD'; however, the isolated analysis of each parameter allows to compare them with the Brazilian legislation, where it appears that none of the points meets all established quality parameters. Thus, it can be concluded that the watercourse suffers significant impacts along its course, probably derived from the use of the surrounding drainage areas. © 2016 WIT Press.1161037104

    Comportamento Dos Consumidores E Os Efeitos Da Oferta De Cultivares Francesas De Batatas

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    The present work aimed to analyze the factors that affect the purchase of potatoes in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil, and the effects of the availability of many different French cultivars to this market. In France, there is a large variety of potatoes with different shapes, skin colors and textures and indications for different culinary uses. Therefore, cluster analysis was performed and a mixed effects linear regression model was adjusted to analyze the factors that can influence the purchase of potatoes by consumers. The factors analyzed were the size, skin color and texture and the presence of information about the cultivar name, culinary use and seal of quality. Age, education, region and income were important parameters in determining a groups’ intent to purchase, and factors such as potato shape, skin color and presence of a seal of quality were significantly important in the analysis. The presence of information related to the name of the cultivar and recommended culinary use had no significant effect on purchase intention. Last, the introduction of new French potato cultivars into such markets as Belo Horizonte city should be preceded by an educational process to prepare consumers to receive information regarding the recommended culinary use of potatoes and the final sensory quality of the preparations illustrated with these potatoes. © 2016, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia. All rights reserved.32230831

    Performance, carcass characteristics and ingestive behavior of feedlot lambs fed fresh or ensiled sugar cane

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    Trinta cordeiros da raça Santa Inês, 26,2±0,6kg e 151±1,7 dias de idade, foram confinados para avaliar os efeitos da utilização de silagens de cana-de-açúcar sobre o desempenho, as características da carcaça e o comportamento ingestivo. As rações experimentais foram compostas de 50% de volumoso e 50% de concentrado, diferindo quanto ao tipo do volumoso utilizado: cana-de-açúcar in natura, silagem de cana-de-açúcar sem aditivo e silagem de cana-de-açúcar aditivada com Lactobacillus buchneri (5x10(4) UFC/g de MV). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para o consumo de MS, ganho de peso vivo, conversão alimentar e parâmetros de carcaça entre os tratamentos. O tempo de ingestão (min/g FDN) e a eficiência de ruminação (g MS/h) foram menores (P<0,05) para os tratamentos contendo silagem de cana-de-açúcar. Silagens de cana-de-açúcar não alteraram o desempenho e as características da carcaça dos cordeiros em relação à cana de açúcar in natura. A utilização do aditivo microbiano contendo o L. buchneri na ensilagem da cana-de-açúcar não alterou as variáveis avaliadas.Thirty Santa Ines ram lambs, 26.2±0.6kg and 151±1.7 day-old, were penned to evaluate the effects of feeding sugar cane silages on performance, carcass characteristics and ingestive behavior. Lambs were fed a 50:50 (concentrate:roughage ratio) TMR. Experimental treatments were: fresh sugar cane, sugar cane silage without additive and sugar cane silage treated with Lactobacillus buchneri (5x10(4) cfu/g wet basis). No differences (P>0.05) on dry matter intake, average daily gain, feed conversion and carcass characteristics were observed among treatments. Eating time (min/g NDF) and rumination efficiency (g DM/h) were lower (P<0.05) for silage diets. Sugar cane silage had no detrimental effect on lamb performance and carcass characteristics compared to fresh sugar cane. Adding L. buchneri to sugar cane silage did not change the evaluated characteristics

    Estimation of morphoestructural traits in moxoto breed goats

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    The raising goat systems in Brazil are characterized as extensive or semi-extensive in the majority of them. In native breeds dominate the extensive system, being common introduction of exotic breed as Anglo Nubian and Boer. In addition, the geographic isolation difficulty change of sires, promote genetic isolation and changes in breed pattern, consequently. The objective of the present work were to evaluate eleven quantitative morphoestructural traits: raised to the withers (RW), raised to the entrance of croup (RC), thoracic perimeter (PT), width of croup (WC), length of croup (LC), width of head (WH), face length (FL), width of face (WF), ear size (ES), shin circumference of the cinnamon (CCi) of 313 Moxoto animal breed of several municipality of Pernambuco and Paraíba States, northeastern, semi arid region of Brazil. According to canonical analyses it is possible to verify diferentiation and sub populations formation.Os sistemas de produção de caprinos no Brasil caracterizam-se na sua maioria como extensivo ou semi-extensivo. Porém, na criação de caprinos nativos predomina o sistema ultra-extensivo, sendo comum a introdução de animais exóticos, principalmente das raças Anglo Nubiana e Boer para cruzamento com o rebanho local, fato que tem contribuído para diluição genética e perda das características raciais.. Além disso, o isolamento geográfico a que estão submetidos, dificulta a troca de reprodutores entre rebanhos, promove isolamento genético e como conseqüência final, mudanças no padrão racial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar onze variáveis morfo-estruturais de natureza quantitativas, tais como: longitude da cabeça (LC); longitude do rosto (LR); largura da cabeça (LCa); comprimento do corpo (CC); perímetro torácico (PT); altura da cernelha (AC); altura da região sacral (ARS); largura da garupa (LG); longitude da garupa (LGa); perímetro da canela (PCa) e; tamanho da orelha (TO) de 313 animais da raça caprina Moxotó, de diferentes municípios dos Estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba, região semi-árida do Nordeste brasileiro. Pela análise canônica foi possível verificar diferenciação e formação de sub-populações dentro da raça

    Nova cultivar de amendoim para as condições do nordeste brasileiro.

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    A BRS 151 L-7 é uma nova cultivar de amendoim, de sementes de coloração vermelha, de forma oblonga, desenvolvida pela Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Algodão (CNPA), e destinada ao consumo in natura e à indústria de alimentos. A cultivar é de porte ereto, resultante do cruzamento entre a cultivar produtiva IAC-Tupã (tipo Valência) e a cultivar Senegal 55-437 (tipo Spanish), de ciclo curto. Em ensaios regionais realizados em 27 municípios de quatro estados da Região Nordeste, a cultivar apresentou grande potencial para produtividade de sementes, ciclo vegetativo de 87 dias, tolerância ao estresse hídrico, e grande adaptação ao cultivo em clima semi-árido. Sua produtividade média de vagens em condições experimentais é de 1.850 kg ha-1 em cultivo de sequeiro, e 4.500 kg ha-1 em condições irrigadas, o que corresponde a uma elevação na ordem de 12% e 38%, respectivamente, com relação à produtividade da cultivar tradicional Tatu. No aspecto nutricional, a cultivar BRS 151 L-7 tem baixo teor de óleo (46%), e sua farinha desengordurada contém 55% de proteína; entre os aminoácidos essenciais, é limitante apenas no teor de lisina, em comparação com o padrão da FAO/85

    Single carrier optical FDM in visible light communication

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    In this paper a comparison between a spiral and a strip shaped LED is presented in terms of the maximum link distance achievable in visible light based car to car communications (VLC-C2C). The transmitted data is recovered from the frame brightness of the video signal. The intensity modulated LED is captured from two scenarios, using a focused and unfocused camera. A data rate of 180 bps with the bit error rate performance below the FEC limit of 10-3 at a distance of 100 cm is successfully achieved, sufficient for transmitting road safety messages for VLC-C2C. It is shown that under the same conditions, the strip LED can effectively recover the data from a greater distance than its spiral counterpart

    Anti rickettsia-antibody for spotted fever group in horses and dogs in the North of Paraná Stated, Brazil

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    The Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is a zoonosis that can be fatal if not trteated. As there are few studies of the BSF in the Paraná State, the occurrence of BSF was serologically investigated in dogs and horses by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), in the North of that State, in animals that are regarded as sentinels for BSF. A total of 241 samples of sera of equine, four of asinine, and 29 of dogs were collected in nine farms of three municipalities in the North of Paraná: Arapongas, Douradina, and Umuarama. From fifteen samples of equine serum with positive titres for RIFI, eight (53.3 %) had titre of 64 against R. rickettsii, two (13.3 %) 128 against R. rickettsii, and five (33.3 %) were reactants for R. parkeri and R. rickettsii, with titres ranging from 64 to 2048, and 128 to 1024, respectively. The results showed that domestic animals, sentinels for BSF, are under low exposition to ticks infected with spotted fever group Rickettsia, indicating low risk of human infection by these agents in the studied area

    Impact of micronutrients supplementation on bone repair around implants: microCT and counter-torque analysis in rats

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    The use of natural substances and micronutritional approaches has been suggested as a therapeutic alternative to benefit the bone healing associated with no side effects. Nevertheless, the influence of micronutritional interventions with therapeutic propr2414551sem informaçãosem informaçã

    PU tensile tests: conventional and digital image correlation analysis

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    Polyurethane (PU) is a polymer, used as coating, paint, foam, adhesive, and even in biomedical devices. To furthermore expand its applications, it can be combined with additives such as Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3), an inexpensive material, widely available in nature, or with fibers, such as glass fibers explored in several sectors, likewise the aerospace and automobile industries. To determine the mechanical properties of these materials, the tensile test is the most used due to its great ease of application and flexibility. However, conventional processes, such as the use of strain gauges or crosshead displacement data, may not provide detailed information about the strain field, or cannot be able to evaluate the Poisson's ratio and the true stresses for the entire stressstrain curve. Thus, digital image correlation (DIC) methods are a promising alternative, consisting of strain field measurement without contact with the surface of the structure. In this context, this study carried out the tensile characterization of two main polyurethane samples: one petrochemical, distributed by Sika (R), reinforced with type E glass fiber: and the other, natural, manufactured by Kehl (R) from castor oils, and combined with CaCO3 particles. During the tests, DIC was applied to evaluate the Poisson's ratio and, subsequently, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analyses were performed, revealing a higher number of bubbles on Sika's polymer, which contributes to the reduction of the maximum supported stresses, since these pores, with dimensions of up to 25 hm, were regions where the cracks started and headed the breakage. Poisson's ratios were all around 0.4 and the highest tensile strength values were obtained from E-glass reinforced samples (TS015), around 117.24 +/- 13.20MPa. CaCO3 particles also acted as reinforced, increasing maximum stress reached from 20MPa to values between 29 and 37MPa.This research was partially funded through the base funding from the following research units: UIDB/00690/2020 (CIMO).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Infection Biomarkers Based on Metabolomics

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    Funding Information: Funding: This work was supported by the project grant DSAIPA/DS/0117/2020 supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal; and by the project grant NeproMD/ISEL/2020 financed by Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.Current infection biomarkers are highly limited since they have low capability to predict infection in the presence of confounding processes such as in non-infectious inflammatory processes, low capability to predict disease outcomes and have limited applications to guide and evaluate therapeutic regimes. Therefore, it is critical to discover and develop new and effective clinical infection biomarkers, especially applicable in patients at risk of developing severe illness and critically ill patients. Ideal biomarkers would effectively help physicians with better patient management, leading to a decrease of severe outcomes, personalize therapies, minimize antibiotics overuse and hospitalization time, and significantly improve patient survival. Metabolomics, by providing a direct insight into the functional metabolic outcome of an organism, presents a highly appealing strategy to discover these biomarkers. The present work reviews the desired main characteristics of infection biomarkers, the main metabolomics strategies to discover these biomarkers and the next steps for developing the area towards effective clinical biomarkers.publishersversionpublishe