12 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kekerabatan Fenetik Pisang di Kecamatan Kabawetan, Kabupaten Kepahiang, Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Study of the genetic relationship between bananas carried out in Kabawetan Subdistrict, Kepahiang District, Bengkulu Province, from April to October 2019. Data collection on banana exploration studies is carried out in several locations of houses and community gardens in the form of wild plants and cultivation. Morphological data were compiled based on observations of morphological characters of specimens in the field, the character status was adapted from banana descriptors (IPGRI 1996). Morphological characterization results were observed and continued with character selection based on kinship in the form of a tree phenogram. Data were analyzed using the Numerical Taxonomy System (NTsys-pc) 2.02 program with the Unweight Pair Group Arithmetic Mean Method (UPGMA). The results found 6 types of banana diversity collection from 32 pseudo stands (individuals). The collection results obtained in the field are 1 collection of wild bananas and 5 cultivation collections. There are 6 banana distribution locations, namely Mekasari Village, Sumbersari Village, Babakan Village Bogor, Sumbersari Village, Tugu Rejo Village, Sido Rejo Village. Kinship of 6 types was found to have a similarity coefficient between 0.27 - 0.63. Phenograms divide into 2 large groups of 6 types of bananas, namely group A and group B, these two groups are separated by a similarity coefficient value of 0.27. Group A has a total of 5 types of bananas namely kapal, kapok , gembor, and jantan bananas

    Hubungan Kekerabatan Fenetik Pisang di Kecamatan Kabawetan, Kabupaten Kepahiang, Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Study of the genetic relationship between bananas carried out in Kabawetan Subdistrict, Kepahiang District, Bengkulu Province, from April to October 2019. Data collection on banana exploration studies is carried out in several locations of houses and community gardens in the form of wild plants and cultivation. Morphological data were compiled based on observations of morphological characters of specimens in the field, the character status was adapted from banana descriptors (IPGRI 1996). Morphological characterization results were observed and continued with character selection based on kinship in the form of a tree phenogram. Data were analyzed using the Numerical Taxonomy System (NTsys-pc) 2.02 program with the Unweight Pair Group Arithmetic Mean Method (UPGMA). The results found 6 types of banana diversity collection from 32 pseudo stands (individuals). The collection results obtained in the field are 1 collection of wild bananas and 5 cultivation collections. There are 6 banana distribution locations, namely Mekasari Village, Sumbersari Village, Babakan Village Bogor, Sumbersari Village, Tugu Rejo Village, Sido Rejo Village. Kinship of 6 types was found to have a similarity coefficient between 0.27 - 0.63. Phenograms divide into 2 large groups of 6 types of bananas, namely group A and group B, these two groups are separated by a similarity coefficient value of 0.27. Group A has a total of 5 types of bananas namely kapal, kapok , gembor, and jantan bananas

    Bird Species in Rojolelo Forest Park (TAHURA) Central Bengkulu, Bengkulu

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    Rojolelo Forest Park (TAHURA) is a green open space in Central Bengkulu Regency. The research aimed to determine the species, diversity, and conservation status of birds in the Rojolelo Forest Park (TAHURA) Central Bengkulu Regency. The research was conducted February-April 2022 in three locations such as Shrubs, Irrigation dan TAHURA Office. The sample used point counts method. The Research showed 33 bird species from 21 families and 115 individuals, the diversity index (H’) = 3, 01. The family most commonly was founded Nectariniidae (4 species). Five bird species were protected such as Meiglyptes tukki (Buff-necked woodpecker), Eurylaimus ochromalus (Black and yellow broadbill), Ictinaetus malayensis (Black Eagle), Spilornis cheela (Crested serpent Eagle), and Pitta sordida (Hooded Pitta)

    Diversity of Canna on Enggano Island, Bengkulu Province

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    Cannaceae is only genus Canna. The origin of Canna was South America, it dispersed and cultivated in tropical areas of the world. The diversity of Canna particularly in Enggano Island is not known well. This research was to provide the update information of Canna in Enggano Island. The study used exploration method. The result of research was found 1 species of Canna indica L. and 3 variation cultivar Canna hybrida (‘Yellow King Humbert’, ‘Fire Red’, and ‘Ra’). C. indica L. and C. hybrida have differences in terms of utilization. C. indica L. was utilized as food plant. Peoples utilized rhizome of C. indica L. as food alternative. C. hybrida was utilized as ornamental plant. C. hybrida known as ornamental plant due to their flower colors

    Perspektif Saintifik, Estetik, dan Komersial Awetan Tumbuhan untuk Pengayaan Koleksi Sekolah dan Peserta Didik di SMP IT Generasi Rabbani Kota Bengkulu

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    Perspektif saintifik, yaitu pendekatan menggunakan langkah-langkan serta kaidah ilmiah dalam proses pembelajaran. Sumber ilmu dan informasi bisa ditemukan dimana saja terutama di alam, berbagai sumber ilmu dan kreativitas pada tumbuhan dapat dijadikan prepektif saintifik bagi siswa. Tumbuhan memiliki teknik pengelolaan awetan sebgai sumber belajar serta kreativitas bagi siswa. Banyaknya tumbuhan berbunga di sekitar perkarangan menjadi potensi dalam membuat pemanfaatan produk kreatif dengan menggunakan awetan tumbuhan. Diharapkan dengan adanya pelatihan pemanfaatan tanaman perkarangan, hias dan budidaya menjadi produk kreatif bernilai seni dan ekonomis dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dan peserta didik sebagai upaya alternatif peningkatan pendapatan. Tujuan pengabdian kegiatan pemanfaatan tumbuhan sekitar sekolah dalam pembuatan awetan tumbuhan untuk media kreativitas tumbuhan (botani). Kegiatan ini dapat diaplikasikan sebagai media pada materi keanekaragaman tumbuhan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai kegiatan wirausaha berbasis biologi. Kata kunci: Awetan, tumbuhan, saintifik, SMP IT Rabban

    Perspektif Saintifik, Estetik, dan Komersial Awetan Tumbuhan Untuk Pengayaan Koleksi Sekolah dan Peserta Didik di SMP IT Generasi Rabbani Kota Bengkulu

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    Perspektif saintifik, yaitu pendekatan menggunakan langkah-langkan serta kaidah ilmiah dalam proses pembelajaran. Sumber ilmu dan informasi bisa ditemukan dimana saja terutama di alam, berbagai sumber ilmu dan kreativitas pada tumbuhan dapat dijadikan prepektif saintifik bagi siswa. Tumbuhan memiliki teknik pengelolaan awetan sebgai sumber belajar serta kreativitas bagi siswa. Banyaknya tumbuhan berbunga di sekitar perkarangan menjadi potensi dalam membuat pemanfaatan produk kreatif dengan menggunakan awetan tumbuhan. Diharapkan dengan adanya pelatihan pemanfaatan tanaman perkarangan, hias dan budidaya menjadi produk kreatif bernilai seni dan ekonomis dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dan peserta didik sebagai upaya alternatif peningkatan pendapatan. Tujuan pengabdian kegiatan pemanfaatan tumbuhan sekitar sekolah dalam pembuatan awetan tumbuhan untuk media kreativitas tumbuhan (botani). Kegiatan ini dapat diaplikasikan sebagai media pada materi keanekaragaman tumbuhan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai kegiatan wirausaha berbasis biologi

    Keanekaragaman dan Hubungan Kekerabatan Pisang (Musaceae) di Kota Bengkulu, Provinsi Bengkulu

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    This study was to determine the diversity and banana phylogeny (Musaceae) in Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Province. The results of this study are expected to be an information material for development to achieve improvements in banana varieties / cultivars. Collection of exploration study data in selected Bengkulu City, namely 3 Districts of Muara Bangkahulu, Sungai Serut, and Teluk Segara. The location of specimen collection consists of wild and cultivated plants in the yard and a community garden in the city of Bengkulu. Morphological data were compiled based on observations of morphological characters from specimens in the field, characters adapted from banana descriptors. Morphological data were compiled based on observations of specimens, the results of morphological characters were analyzed to form fenogram to see phylogeny, using the NTSYS-pc 2.02 program. 22 collections and 10 varieties of bananas (Musaceae), wild bananas and cultivation by the community were found in 3 sub-districts of Muara Bangkahulu, Sungai Serut, and Teluk Segara. Cultivated bananas that are planted in general, the community planted in the home yard for home-based commodities. The relationship between wild bananas (Musaceae) and cultivation in the city of Bengkulu, divided into two main groups, namely group A, namely the type of Musa acuminata Colla and group B is the type of Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana. Both of these groups have similarity coefficient values of phylogeny between 0.45 to 0.60