37 research outputs found


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    A study of the Melolonthidae and Passalidae beetle fauna of Conkal and Tzucacab, Yucatan, Mexico is presented. Data from 6,378 specimens were obtained during 2001-2002 with 74 days of collecting effort in tropical deciduous forest and secondary vegetation, located between 9-70 m of altitude. Forty nine species of the genera Phyllophaga, Diplotaxis, Anomala, Chasmodia, Macraspis, Plesiorutela, Pelidnota, Cyclocephala, Ligyrus, Strategus, Coelosis, Phileurus, Gymnetis, Cotinis, Hoplopyga, Balsameda, Amithao, Euphoria, Trigonopeltastes, Passalus, Heliscus and Verres, are recorded. Species were more abundant in April, May and June. Most of them were from Conkal, but higher species richness was found in Tzucacab. Eighteen species are reported for the first time from Yucatan State. Hoplopyga ocellata G. & P. and Euphoria subguttata Burmeister are confirmed as part of the Mexican fauna. A key to the 49 species, as well as comparative data between scarab beetle fauna of Tzucacab, Conkal and other tropical localities of Mexico, are included. Some biogeographically, agricultural and conservational aspects of these fauna are briefly discussed.Se presenta un estudio faunístico de las especies de Melolonthidae y Passalidae que habitan en el bosque tropical caducifolio y comunidades secundarias ubicadas entre los 9 y 70 m de altitud en los municipios de Tzucacab y Conkal, Yucatán. Durante 74 días de colecta distribuidos entre 2001 y 2002 se obtuvieron 6,378 ejemplares que representan a 49 especies de los géneros Phyllophaga, Diplotaxis, Anomala, Chasmodia, Macraspis, Plesiorutela, Pelidnota, Cyclocephala, Ligyrus, Strategus, Coelosis, Phileurus, Gymnetis, Cotinis, Hoplopyga, Balsameda, Amithao, Euphoria, Trigonopeltastes, Passalus, Heliscus y Verres. La abundancia de estas especies fue mayor durante los meses de abril, mayo y junio. La mayoría de los ejemplares procede de Conkal, pero la riqueza de especies fue más elevada en Tzucacab. Dieciocho especies se registran por primera vez para el estado de Yucatán, y se confirma la presencia en México de Hoplopyga ocellata G. & P. y Euphoria subguttata Burmeister. Se incluye una clave para separar las 49 especies, se comparan la fauna de Conkal con la de Tzucacab y con otras localidades tropicales de México, y se discuten algunos aspectos biogeográficos, agropecuarios y de conservación relacionados con la coleopterofauna yucateca

    Susceptibility of Sphenarium purpurascens purpurascens (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) instars to a commercial strain of Metarhizium acridum (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) in Michoacan, Mexico.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of a commercial strain of the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium acridum, on the different instars of the grasshopper pest Sphenarium purpurascens purpurascens, as well as its sporulation via bioassays under laboratory conditions, in Michoacan, Mexico. The most susceptible instars were nymphs one, two and four, with an average survival time of less than 6.91 days. The least susceptible was the adult, with a survival time of 8.36 days. The instars with the highest post mortem sporulation were nymphs one, two and three. A moderate negative association was registered between S. p. purpurascens and the sporulation of M. acridum, in advanced instars (nymph 4 and adult), in which sporulation was lower compared to early instars. All instars showed survival rates below 5 %, so M. acridum can be considered to be a viable option for controlling this pest in the field

    Haematological parameters in a free-ranging population of Didelphis virginiana from Mexico

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    The American opossum Didelphis virginiana is the marsupial species with the largest geographic distribution in North America, a very important natural host and key to the maintenance and transmission of many zoonotic pathogenic microorganisms of importance in public health, and one of the wild mammals with the greatest adaptation to the human environment, but despite all that very little is known about some physiological aspects in their free-ranging populations. In the present study, basic haematological parameters of 201 opossums from a synanthropic population of D. virginiana in a rural locality of the state of Yucatan, are first described. The average values of haemoglobin, packed cell volume, red blood cells, and eosinophils were higher in males and adults (except eosinophils) than in females and juveniles, respectively, and juvenile opossums had higher values of lymphocytes, neutrophils, and platelets than males. Non-pregnant females had significantly higher values of mean corpuscular volume, lymphocytes and platelets than pregnant ones, while red blood cell count and segmented neutrophils showed higher values in pregnant females. The establishment of the basic haematological parameters for free-ranging populations of D. virginiana is a very useful reference for both the health monitoring of the populations and further studying the host-parasite relationship of some zoonotic pathogens present in the Yucatan Peninsula

    Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909 (Nematoda: Ascarididae) in Mexico: three clinical cases from the Peninsula of Yucatan

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    Human lagochilascariasis (HL) is a parasite produced by Lagochilascaris minor Leiper 1909 that also can be found in cats and dogs. HL is considered an emerging zoonosis in the Americas, spreading from Mexico to Argentina, and the Caribbean Islands. The present paper describes three HL cases from the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico, recorded in the last decade. It describes the characteristics of the lesions and discusses the route of transmission in humans and particularly in the observed patients.La Lagochilascariasis humana (HL) es producida por Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909; el cual es un parásito que puede ser encontrado también en gatos y perros. HL es considerada una zoonosis emergente en América distribuida desde México hasta Argentina y las islas del Caribe. El presente artículo describe tres casos de HL en la Península de Yucatán, México registrados en la última década. Se describen las características de las lesiones y se discute la ruta de transmisión en humanos y particularmente en los pacientes observados

    Primer registro de megaselia sp. (diptera: phoridae) como parasitoide de sphenarium purpurascens purpurascens (orthoptera: pyrgomorphidae)

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    The presence of a Megaselia species parasitizing Sphenarium purpurascens purpurascens is documented for the first time. Some data on its biology are included from specimens collected in maize agroecosystems in the municipality of Erongarícuaro, Michoacan, Mexico.RESUMEN. Se documenta por primera vez la presencia de especiesde Megaselia parasitando a Sphenarium purpurascens purpurascens. Se incluyen algunos datos de su biología desde especímenes colectados en agroecosistemas de maíz en la comunidad de Erongarícuaro, Michoacán, México.


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    This study longitudinally investigated the association between Triatoma dimidiata infestation, triatomine infection with Trypanosoma cruzi and household/backyard environmental characteristics in 101 homesteads in Molas and Yucatan, Mexico, between November 2009 (rainy season) and May 2010 (dry season). Logistic regression models tested the associations between insect infestation/infection and potential household-level risk factors. A total of 200 T. dimidiata were collected from 35.6% of the homesteads, mostly (73%) from the peridomicile. Of all the insects collected, 48% were infected with T. cruzi. Infected insects were collected in 31.6% of the homesteads (54.1% and 45.9% intra- and peridomiciliary, respectively). Approximately 30% of all triatomines collected were found in chicken coops. The presence of a chicken coop in the backyard of a homestead was significantly associated with both the odds of finding T. dimidiata (OR = 4.10, CI 95% = 1.61-10.43, p = 0.003) and the presence of triatomines infected with T. cruzi (OR = 3.37, CI 95% = 1.36-8.33, p = 0.006). The results of this study emphasize the relevance of chicken coops as a putative source of T. dimidiata populations and a potential risk for T. cruzi transmission

    Zoonosis, cambio climático y sociedad

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    La sociedad contemporánea se enfrenta a uno de los retos más grandes de la historia humana, el calentamiento global, mismo que acarrea enormes consecuencias, tales como los disturbios climáticos, así como los patrones de las enfermedades de origen animal transmisibles al hombre. Precisamente ante este escenario las instituciones educativas de nivel superior deben dar cumplimiento a su responsabilidad y ser las generadoras de alternativas de solución mediante el trabajo especializado de investigación; y para ello, la pesquisa científica es la mejor de las alternativas a nuestro alcance para comprender y encarar estos desafíos.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, S.A. de C.V

    Observaciones sobre la biología del Maquech, Zopherus chilensisGray, 1832 (Coleoptera: Zopheridae) en Yucatán, México

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    The Maquech (Zopherus chilensis) is a beetle that is decorated and sold as a pet or live souvenir in different markets of Merida city, Yucatan, Mexico. Though the species is culturally very well known, there is a lack of basic knowledge about its biology and behavior, causing misinformation between sellers and buyers about the basic requirements for keeping the insect alive. Because of this, the present paper deals with the distribution, sexual behavior, feeding habits and some basic biological aspects of the Maquech. Additionally, we present information about cultural aspects of the use of this species in Yucatan. The information is a result of field collections, captivity observations and informal interviews with people involved in the capture and commercialization of this species.El Maquech (Zopherus chilensis) es un coleóptero que se expende como artesanía viva, mascota o souvenir en diferentes mercados de la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México; sin embargo, a pesar de que la especie es culturalmente conocida, existe carencia de conocimientos básicos sobre su biología y comportamiento, lo que genera que tanto las personas que lo venden y distribuyen, como los que lo adquieren no tengan información sobre las necesidades básicas del insecto para tenerlo en cautiverio. Dada esta problemática, se presenta un trabajo sobre distribución, comportamiento sexual, alimenticio y aspectos biológicos básicos del Maquech, así como información cultural sobre el uso de esta especie en Yucatán, México, recopilados a partir de colectas en campo, observaciones en cautiverio y entrevistas informales con personas involucradas en la colecta y comercialización de este insecto

    Copro-necrophagous beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) diversity in an agroecosystem in Yucatan, Mexico

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    Scarabaeinae are sensitive to structural habitat changes caused by disturbance. We compared copronecrophagous beetle (Scarabaeinae) community structure in three differently managed zones within an agroecosystem of the northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. We placed dung and carrion traps once a month from June 2004 through May 2005. The beetle community included 17 species from the genera Canthon, Canthidium, Deltochilum, Pseudocanthon, Malagoniella, Onthophagus, Phanaeus, Copris, Uroxys, Sisyphus and Ateuchus. The secondary vegetation had a higher beetle diversity than the other two zones. Species richness was highest in the Brosimum alicastrum plantation. The pasture had the lowest species diversity and richness, but exhibited the highest abundance of Scarabaeinae in the dry season. The two zones with extensive tree cover were the most diverse. Roller beetles were dominant over burrower species and small-sized species outnumbered large species. Our data show two important issues: beetle species in the pasture extended their activity to the beginning of the dry season, while abundances dropped in the other, unirrigated zones; and the possibility that the Scarabaeinae living in neotropical forests are opportunistic saprophages and have specialized habits for resources other than dung. The B. alicastrum plantation is beneficial to the entire ranch production system because it functions as a dispersion and development area for stenotopic species limited to tree cover

    Copro-necrophagous beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) diversity in an agroecosystem in Yucatan, Mexico

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    Scarabaeinae are sensitive to structural habitat changes caused by disturbance. We compared copronecrophagous beetle (Scarabaeinae) community structure in three differently managed zones within an agroecosystem of the northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. We placed dung and carrion traps once a month from June 2004 through May 2005. The beetle community included 17 species from the genera Canthon, Canthidium, Deltochilum, Pseudocanthon, Malagoniella, Onthophagus, Phanaeus, Copris, Uroxys, Sisyphus and Ateuchus. The secondary vegetation had a higher beetle diversity than the other two zones. Species richness was highest in the Brosimum alicastrum plantation. The pasture had the lowest species diversity and richness, but exhibited the highest abundance of Scarabaeinae in the dry season. The two zones with extensive tree cover were the most diverse. Roller beetles were dominant over burrower species and small-sized species outnumbered large species. Our data show two important issues: beetle species in the pasture extended their activity to the beginning of the dry season, while abundances dropped in the other, unirrigated zones; and the possibility that the Scarabaeinae living in neotropical forests are opportunistic saprophages and have specialized habits for resources other than dung. The B. alicastrum plantation is beneficial to the entire ranch production system because it functions as a dispersion and development area for stenotopic species limited to tree cover. Rev. Biol. Trop. 55 (1): 83-99. Epub 2007 March. 31.<br>Este estudio describe y compara la estructura de la comunidad de escarabajos copronecrófagos (Scarabaeinae) en tres zonas con diferente manejo al interior de un agroecosistema localizado en el norte de la Península de Yucatán. A lo largo de un año de muestreo sistemático se encontraron 17 especies de los géneros Canthon, Canthidium, Deltochilum, Pseudocanthon, Malagoniella, Onthophagus, Phanaeus, Copris, Uroxys, Sisyphus y Ateuchus. El área de vegetación secundaria tuvo la comunidad más diversa. En la plantación de Brosimum alicastrum (ramón) se encontró la mayor riqueza de especies. El potrero tuvo la menor riqueza y diversidad, pero en él se observó la mayor abundancia de Scarabaeinae en la estación seca. Las áreas con mayor cobertura arbórea tuvieron mayor diversidad y se encontró dominancia de las especies rodadoras sobre las cavadoras y de las especies de talla pequeña sobre las de tamaño grande. Nuestros datos muestran dos aspectos importantes: en el potrero (con riego) las especies de escarabajos extienden su actividad hasta el inicio de la época seca, mientras que las abundancias decaen en las áreas que no reciben riego; la posibilidad de que los Scarabaeinae neotropicales sean saprófagos oportunistas y tengan hábitos alimenticios especializados para disponer de otros recursos además del excremento. El ramonal beneficia al sistema completo pues provee de un espacio para la dispersión y permanencia de varias especies estenoecas a la cobertura vegetal