18 research outputs found

    Avaliação de duas intervenções educativas sobre os hábitos nutritivos, de higiene e saúde em alunos do 1º e 2º Ciclo de Educação Primária dos 6 aos 13 anos / Educational intervention on nutritional, of hygiene and of health habits, in pupils of elementary

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    O trabalho que se apresenta, é uma investigação educativa, fruto de uma intervenção num espaço físico-desportivo com estudantes dos 6 aos 9 anos e de 10 aos 13 anos (1º e 2º Ciclo de Educação Primária). O objetivo fundamental foi o de averiguar as possíveis alterações naingestão de alimentos, nas atividades diárias e nos hábitos de higiene e saúde, em crianças saudáveis num acampamento de verão. Para isso foi realizada uma intervenção educativa, que incluía duas avaliações, uma pré-intervenção e uma pós-intervenção educativa. Os resultadosmostram que a intervenção realizada foi efetiva e melhoraram, na generalidade os hábitos nas atividades diárias, de higiene e de saúde das crianças participantes no acampamento

    Ciencias del deporte. Revistas científicas y formación universitaria. Sports Science. Journals and university education

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    Las revistas científicas son herramientas básicas que utilizan los investigadores para transmitir información. La rápida irrupción de revistas científicas electrónicas enfrenta al especialistaen formación a una fuente inagotable de información. En este trabajo se discute el presente y futuro de las publicaciones en el área de ciencias del deporte

    Neuropsicología de los pacientes con síndrome de fibromialgia: relación con dolor y ansiedad

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    Estudios previos han mostrado la presencia de alteraciones cognitivas en los pacientes con síndrome de fibromialgia (SFM), sin embargo, no han determinado la posible influencia de las distintas variables clínicas en estas alteraciones. El primer objetivo de nuestro estudio es determinar las diferencias en la función cognitiva entre 81 pacientes con SFM y 35 controles sanos mediante una batería de tests neuropsicológicos. El segundo objetivo es determinar la influencia de la ansiedad y el dolor en la función cognitiva en pacientes con SFM. Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que las pacientes con SFM desarrollan un rendimiento cognitivo significativamente inferior a los controles sanos en todos los parámetros valorados. El rendimiento neuropsicológico en pacientes con SFM está asociado al dolor, siendo esta relación independiente del nivel de ansiedad. La relación entre el rendimiento cognitivo y la ansiedad también es significativa. Por esta razón, concluimos que el rendimiento cognitivo está principalmente afectado por el dolor, pero además, el nivel de ansiedad explica parte de la variabilidad en los tests neuropsicológicos que no es explicada por el dolor

    Influence of birth month to play in the Spanish professional football

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    Los niños nacidos más tarde dentro del año de competición sufren de menores posibilidades de promoción, debido a su menor grado de madurez física, mental y emocional. Este fenómeno, es conocido como Efecto Relativo de la Edad o RAE. Objetivos: determinar si la fecha de nacimiento (mes de nacimiento) es un factor que interviene en la configuración de los equipos profesionales del fútbol español. Método: Se determinan los meses de nacimiento de los jugadores de la primera y segunda división del fútbol española. Un total de 42 equipos profesionales fueron analizados. Los datos se dispusieron en semestres y trimestres. Resultado: Hay una fuerte tendencia a la selección de los jugadores profesionales nacidos en los primeros trimestres del año frente a los nacidos en los últimos. Como conclusión en España hay un predominio de jugadores de fútbol profesionales en función del mes de nacimiento.Children born later in the year of competition have lower chances of promotion due to their low degree of physical, mental and emotional maturity. This phenomenon is known as Relative Age Effect or RAE. The objective of this study is to determine if the date of birth (month of birth) is a factor in the configuration of the professional teams of Spanish football. As for the methodology, we determined the months of birth of the players of the first and second division of Spanish football. A total of 42 professional teams were analyzed. The data were arranged in semesters and quarters. The results show that there is a strong tendency for the selection of professional players born in the first quarters of the year compared to those born in the later ones. In conclusion, in Spain there is a predominance of professional football players depending on the month of birth.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Influence of birth month to play in the Spanish professional football

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    Los niños nacidos más tarde dentro del año de competición sufren de menores posibilidades de promoción, debido a su menor grado de madurez física, mental y emocional. Este fenómeno, es conocido como Efecto Relativo de la Edad o RAE. Objetivos: determinar si la fecha de nacimiento (mes de nacimiento) es un factor que interviene en la configuración de los equipos profesionales del fútbol español. Método: Se determinan los meses de nacimiento de los jugadores de la primera y segunda división del fútbol española. Un total de 42 equipos profesionales fueron analizados. Los datos se dispusieron en semestres y trimestres. Resultado: Hay una fuerte tendencia a la selección de los jugadores profesionales nacidos en los primeros trimestres del año frente a los nacidos en los últimos. Como conclusión en España hay un predominio de jugadores de fútbol profesionales en función del mes de nacimiento.Children born later in the year of competition have lower chances of promotion due to their low degree of physical, mental and emotional maturity. This phenomenon is known as Relative Age Effect or RAE. The objective of this study is to determine if the date of birth (month of birth) is a factor in the configuration of the professional teams of Spanish football. As for the methodology, we determined the months of birth of the players of the first and second division of Spanish football. A total of 42 professional teams were analyzed. The data were arranged in semesters and quarters. The results show that there is a strong tendency for the selection of professional players born in the first quarters of the year compared to those born in the later ones. In conclusion, in Spain there is a predominance of professional football players depending on the month of birth.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    The use of sports psychology consultants in elite sports teams

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    This study investigates the use of psychology services in teams of the top division Spanish leagues of handball, basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, soccer and field hockey. Personal interviews were conducted to determine the composition of the multidisciplinary teams. The response rate was 81.8% (77 of 94). Though most teams have different professionals employed on a full-time basis, only 15.6% of these teams have a sport psychologist. Moreover, only three teams have a full-time sports psychologist. These results indicate that, compared to other professional services, managers and/or coaches do not perceive the need for psychological services. We discarded the hypothesis that most of the teams do not hire psychologists due to financial reasons. Sport psychology associations should reinforce the importance of the psychologist to enhance sports performance

    Influence of birth month to play in the Spanish professional football

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    Los niños nacidos más tarde dentro del año de competición sufren de menores posibilidades de promoción, debido a su menor grado de madurez física, mental y emocional. Este fenómeno, es conocido como Efecto Relativo de la Edad o RAE. Objetivos: determinar si la fecha de nacimiento (mes de nacimiento) es un factor que interviene en la configuración de los equipos profesionales del fútbol español. Método: Se determinan los meses de nacimiento de los jugadores de la primera y segunda división del fútbol española. Un total de 42 equipos profesionales fueron analizados. Los datos se dispusieron en semestres y trimestres. Resultado: Hay una fuerte tendencia a la selección de los jugadores profesionales nacidos en los primeros trimestres del año frente a los nacidos en los últimos. Como conclusión en España hay un predominio de jugadores de fútbol profesionales en función del mes de nacimiento.Children born later in the year of competition have lower chances of promotion due to their low degree of physical, mental and emotional maturity. This phenomenon is known as Relative Age Effect or RAE. The objective of this study is to determine if the date of birth (month of birth) is a factor in the configuration of the professional teams of Spanish football. As for the methodology, we determined the months of birth of the players of the first and second division of Spanish football. A total of 42 professional teams were analyzed. The data were arranged in semesters and quarters. The results show that there is a strong tendency for the selection of professional players born in the first quarters of the year compared to those born in the later ones. In conclusion, in Spain there is a predominance of professional football players depending on the month of birth.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    The validity of incremental exercise testing in discriminating of physiological profiles in elite runners

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    The goal of this study was to determine whether traditional ergoespirometric incremental exercise testing carried out to the point of exhaustion could be useful in distinguishing the physiological profiles of elite runners that compete in races that lasted about 8 minutes versus those that lasted about 2 hours. Ten male marathon runners (performance time: 2:12:04, coefficient of variation (CV) = 2.33%) and 8 male 3000 m steeplechase runners (performance time: 8:37.83, CV = 2.12%) performed an incremental test on the treadmill (starting speed 10 km. h–1; increments, 2 km. h–1; increment duration, 3 min to exhaustion). Heart rate (HR), VO2 , and lactate concentrations were measured at the end of each exercise level. At maximal effort, there were no differences between the groups regarding VO2max and maximal HR; however, the workload time, vVO2max and peak treadmill velocity were significantly higher in the 3000m steeplechase group (p<0.05). At submaximal effort, there were no significant differences between groups for VO2 (ml.kg–1.min–1), HR, or lactate. Our results show that this type of testing was not sufficient for discriminating the physiological profiles of elite runners who competed in middle-distance versus long-distance events (e.g. in the marathon and the 3000 m steeplechase

    Cardiac Biomarker Release after Endurance Exercise in Male and Female Adults and Adolescents.

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the responses of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) and NH2-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) after 60 minutes of swimming in male and female adults and adolescents with different pubertal status. STUDY DESIGN: Adolescent swimmers (25 male and 25 female) and adult swimmers (7 male and 9 female) participated in a 60-minute maximal swimming test with serial assessment of hs-cTnT and NT-proBNP at rest, immediately postexercise, and at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours postexercise. Adolescents were classified according to pubertal status: Tanner stages 3 (n = 14), 4 (n = 22), and 5 (n = 14). RESULTS: Exercise resulted in an increase in both biomarkers. hs-cTnT responses to exercise were similar in adolescents with different pubertal status and adults, although there was substantial individual variability in peak hs-cTnT, with the upper reference limit exceeding in 62% of the participants. Postexercise kinetics for hs-cTnT were largely consistent across all groups with a return to near baseline levels 24 hours postexercise. The male participants showed higher values of hs-cTnT at baseline and postexercise. All groups had similar NT-proBNP responses to acute exercise and recovery. One swimmer exceeded the upper reference limit for NT-proBNP. CONCLUSIONS: An exercise-associated increase in hs-cTnT and NT-proBNP occurred in response to a 60-minute maximal swimming test that was independent of pubertal status/adolescent vs adults. The present data also suggests that baseline and postexercise hs-cTnT values are higher in male compared with female, with no sex differences in NT-proBNP values