171 research outputs found

    Kaolin und Löschkalk gegen Drosophila suzukii in Kirschhalb- und Hochstammbäumen

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    Der Druck durch D. suzukii auf die Kirschhalb- und Hochstammbäume war wegen der anhaltenden Trockenheit während der gesamten Versuchsperiode tief. In den Monitoringfallen in den Kirschbäumen wurden aber stets Kirschessigfliegen gefangen. In den Kirschen der unbehandelten Kontrolle hatte es eine signifikant höhere Eiablage als in den mit Kaolin behandelten Kirschen, nicht aber als in den mit Löschkalk behandelten Kirschen. Auf einem der beiden mit Löschkalk behandelten Betriebe wirkte Löschkalk aber dennoch reduzierend auf die Eiablage. Viele Einstichstellen hatten verkorkte Ränder und die Früchte zeigten keinen Verfall. Die Einstiche konnten aber D. suzukii zugeordnet werden. Bei im Labor exponierten Kirschen zeigte sich, dass die Stärke des Kaolin-Belages auf den Früchten entscheidend für die Wirksamkeit ist. Die Versuche mit Kaolin und Löschkalk in Kirschhalb- und Hochstammbäumen müssen bei feuchteren Witterungsbedingungen und damit höherem Schädlingsdruck wiederholt werden, um abschliessende Aussagen zur Wirksamkeit zu treffen. Kaolin verringerte ebenfalls den Befall der Kirschenfliege R. cerasi. Eine kombinierte Behandlung beider Schädlinge wäre in Zukunft sicher wünschenswert, die optimalen Behandlungszeitpunkte und die Wirksamkeit müssen aber in weiterführenden Studien untersucht werden

    Note sur deux Cortinaires recoltés dans le centre de la France

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    Notes sobre dos Cortinarius trobats en el centre de França. S'aporten descripcions i comentaris sobre dues espècies de Cortinarius recol·lectades en el centre de França: C. ornithopus Hry. i un taxon proper a C. miraculosus que es descriu en el present article amb el nom provisional de C. submiraculosus.Note on two Cortinarius growing in the center of France. A description and a discussion are given concerning two species of Cortinarius growing in the center of France: C. ornithopus Hry. and a taxon in a neighbourhood of C. miraculosus Melat, described here, under the provisional name C. submiraculosus

    Interview de Bernard Reumaux

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    Interview de Bernard Reumaux, ancien journaliste, directeur des Editions La Nuée Bleue et rédacteur en chef de la revue Saisons d’Alsace. Q. Bernard Reumaux, vous avez été longtemps journaliste dans un grand quotidien régional. On associe souvent la liberté de la presse à sa pluralité. Or on constate en Alsace que chacun des deux grands quotidiens, l’Alsace et les Dernières nouvelles d’Alsace, est en situation de monopole dans les zones géographiques qu’ils couvrent respectivement. Cette situ..

    Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies attenuate the monocyte response to LPS and shape macrophage development

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    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) vasculitis is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies to myeloperoxidase and proteinase-3, which bind monocytes in addition to neutrophils. While a pathological effect on neutrophils is acknowledged, the impact of ANCA on monocyte function is less well understood. Using IgG from patients we investigated the effect of these autoantibodies on monocytes and found that anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies (MPO-ANCA) reduced both IL-10 and IL-6 secretion in response to LPS. This reduction in IL-10 and IL-6 depended on Fc receptors and enzymatic myeloperoxidase and was accompanied by a significant reduction in TLR-driven signaling pathways. Aligning with changes in TLR signals, oxidized phospholipids, which function as TLR4 antagonists, were increased in monocytes in the presence of MPO-ANCA. We further observed that MPO-ANCA increased monocyte survival and differentiation to macrophages by stimulating CSF-1 production. However, this was independent of myeloperoxidase enzymatic activity and TLR signaling. Macrophages differentiated in the presence of MPO-ANCA secreted more TGF-β and further promoted the development of IL-10- and TGF-β-secreting CD4(+) T cells. Thus, MPO-ANCA may promote inflammation by reducing the secretion of antiinflammatory IL-10 from monocytes, and MPO-ANCA can alter the development of macrophages and T cells to potentially promote fibrosis

    Novel insights into the aetiology of granulomatosis with polyangiitis—a case–control study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink

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    Objectives We aimed to provide insights into the aetiology of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), by conducting a large case–control study using a general population-based, prospectively collected database of healthcare records. Methods We compared all incident cases of GPA in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink 1990–2014, with up to 10 age-, sex- and general practice-matched controls. We identified potential risk factors, recorded numbers of cases and controls exposed to each, and calculated odds ratios (ORs) using conditional logistic regression. Our main analysis excluded data recorded during 1 year before diagnosis, to prevent early symptoms being mistaken for risk factors. Results We identified 757 people with GPA and matched 7546 controls. People with GPA were five times more likely to have a previous diagnosis of bronchiectasis (OR = 5.1, 95% CI: 2.7, 9.4; P 5 years prior to diagnosis. People with GPA were two to three times more likely than controls to have previous diagnoses of autoimmune diseases or chronic renal impairment, and these effects also remained stable >5 years prior to diagnosis. People with GPA were more likely to have a diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis (OR = 5.7, 95% CI: 1.7, 19.5; P = 0.01) and sinus infections (OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.8, 4.2; P < 0.0001) recorded in the 3 years before diagnosis, but not before this. We also found former smoking, some medications and higher socio-economic status significantly, but less strongly, associated. Conclusion We found novel long-term associations between GPA and pre-existing bronchiectasis and autoimmune diseases

    Exposure to Sodium Fluoride Produces Signs of Apoptosis in Rat Leukocytes

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    Fluoride is naturally present in the earth’s crust and can be found in rocks, coal, and clay; thus, it can be found in small quantities in water, air, plants, and animals. Therefore, humans are exposed to fluoride through food, drinking water, and in the air they breathe. Flouride is essential to maintain bone strength and to protect against dental decay, but if it is absorbed too frequently, it can cause tooth decay, osteoporosis, and damage to kidneys, bones, nerves, and muscles. Therefore, the present work was aimed at determining the effect of intake of sodium fluoride (NaF) as an apoptosis inducer in leukocytes of rats treated for eight weeks with 1 or 50 parts per million (ppm) NaF. Expression of p53, bcl-2, and caspade-3 were used as apoptotic and general metabolism indicators of leukocyte-like indicators of the (INT) oxidation system. Male rats were exposed to NaF (1 and 500 ppm) for eight weeks, and then sacrificed weekly to obtain blood samples. Expression of p53, bcl-2, and caspase-3 were determined in leukocytes by Western blot, and general metabolism of leukocytes was analyzed with a commercial kit. We found changes in the expression of the proteins described, especially when the animals received 50 ppm of NaF. These results indicate that NaF intoxication can be an apoptosis inducer in rat leukocytes treated with the compound for eight weeks

    p38MAPK, ERK and PI3K Signaling Pathways Are Involved in C5a-Primed Neutrophils for ANCA-Mediated Activation

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    BACKGROUND: The complement system is one of the important contributing factors in the development of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV). C5a and the neutrophil C5a receptor play a central role in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-mediated neutrophil recruitment and activation. The current study further investigated the signaling pathways of C5a-mediated priming of human neutrophils for ANCA-induced neutrophil activation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The effects of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) inhibitor (SB202190), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibitor (PD98059), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor (6o) and phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor (LY294002) were tested on respiratory burst and degranulation of C5a-primed neutrophils activated with ANCA, as well as on C5a-induced increase in expression of membrane-bound PR3 (mPR3) on neutrophils. For C5a-primed neutrophils for MPO-ANCA-induced respiratory burst, the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) value was 254.8±67.1, which decreased to 203.6±60.3, 204.4±36.7, 202.4±49.9 and 188±47.9 upon pre-incubation with SB202190, PD98059, LY294002 and the mixture of above-mentioned three inhibitors (compared with that without inhibitors, P<0.01, P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.05), respectively. For PR3-ANCA-positive IgG, the MFI value increased in C5a-primed neutrophils, which decreased upon pre-incubation with above-mentioned inhibitors. The lactoferrin concentration increased in C5a-primed neutrophils induced by MPO or PR3-ANCA-positive IgG supernatant and decreased upon pre-incubation with above-mentioned three inhibitors. mPR3 expression increased from 923.3±182.4 in untreated cells to 1278.3±299.3 after C5a treatment and decreased to 1069.9±188.9, 1100±238.2, 1092.3±231.8 and 1053.9±200.3 by SB202190, PD98059, LY294002 and the mixture of above-mentioned three inhibitors (compared with that without inhibitors, P<0.01, P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.01), respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Activation of p38MAPK, ERK and PI3K are important steps in the translocation of ANCA antigens and C5a-induced activation of neutrophils by ANCA
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