129 research outputs found

    Races potencialment perilloses. Un debat en la societat actual

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Solid-state organization of n-type carbazole-based semiconductors for organic thin-film transistors

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    The development of new organic semiconductors has been mainly led by the search of new p-conjugated cores, but recently the use of flexible side chains is attracting more and more attention to control the molecular packing and order in the solid state to improve the charge-transporting properties. In this work, the charge transport properties of a series of tricyanovinyl-substituted carbazole-based materials with different alkyl chain length have been investigated and correlated with the respective intermolecular interactions and molecular packing via X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Molecular order of air-stable p-type organic thin-film transistors by tuning the extension of the pi-conjugated core: the cases of indolo[3,2-b]-carbazole and triindole semiconductors

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    Charge transport in organic devices depends strongly on the molecular order and morphology of the organic semiconductor thin films. In the design of new organic semiconductors, the selection of the appropriate core plays a key role in the molecular packing and charge transport characteristics of the organic device. Four derivatives of carbazole that mainly differ in the extension of the pi-conjugated core, including indolo[3,2-b] carbazole and triindole derivatives, exhibited hole mobilities ranging from 10(-5) to 10(-2) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) as active layers in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). X-ray analyses of the single crystals and evaporated thin films gave insights into the molecular packing of the compounds that justified their OTFTs characteristics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    L’educació artística com una eina de canvi i transformació social en escoles d’alta complexitat

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Mestre d'Educació Primària, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutora: Gemma Aznar Escalas[cat] En aquest treball es pretén conèixer la potencialitat de l’educació artística com una eina de canvi i transformació social, aplicada en contextos escolars d’alta complexitat. Per això, s’estudien diversos referents i es recerquen experiències educatives desenvolupades dins aquesta concepció de l’educació artística, per tal de conformar un fonament sòlid des del qual entendre l’art com una eina social. Partint d’aquí, es dissenya i s’implementa una intervenció contextualitzada a una escola de màxima complexitat, l’Escola Tarlatana, per tal de comprovar i explorar en major profunditat quines limitacions i quines oportunitats genera el treball artístic dins aules amb aquests contextos tan complexes. Tot això es fa a través d’una metodologia purament qualitativa, que inclou la observació, la discussió, implementació d’un disseny d’intervenció i la documentació del procés de desenvolupament d’aquest.[eng] In this thesis, we intend to explore the potential in art education when it comes to social transformation and change, applied in schools in highly complex contexts. To achieve so, we study several authors and research educational experiences developed under said understanding of art education, in order to build a solid theoretical base from which to understand art as a social tool. From there, we design and a project and implement it in a school with a highly complex context, Escola Tarlatana, so that we can explore in more depth which limitations and which opportunities art education brings in said context. All this is done through a purely qualitative methodology, which includes observation, discussion, implementation on the design, and documentation of its process of development

    Hybridizing the commons. Privatizing and outsourcing collective irrigation management after technological change in Spain

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    [EN] During the last decades, several regions of the world have experienced an increasingly forceful penetration by commercial service companies into irrigation water management, altering the institutional structures and procedures of common-pool resources management. In many cases, private-sector penetration takes place when water user organizations require a company to implement high-tech water control such as pressurized irrigation systems, as part of 'modernization policies'. This study focuses on four representative cases of these processes with differing degrees of private-enterprise penetration in the Valencia Region (Spain). The research analyzes the strategies of collective-private confrontation and collaboration that are emerging in irrigator communities, and characterize how they affect the management of these irrigation systems. Results show how private enterprise intrusion has unequally affected the interactions between the different components of these irrigation systems. This has created different hybrids between private and common pool-resources management institutions, as well as different autonomies, dependencies and socio-political subjects. Users' capacity to guide this coproduction process and maintain local control over their irrigation systems is essential to ensure the stability and preserve the robustness of each irrigation system. The quality of human capital and the recognition of collective water management values makes irrigation entities more robust vis-a-vis external pressures and disturbances, which in some of the cases analyzed have generated major social conflicts.This work has been done under the research project on Design and evaluation of strategies to adapt to global climate change in Mediterranean watersheds by using irrigation water intensively (ADAPTAMED) funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain with FEDER funding.García Molla, M.; Ortega-Reig, M.; Boelens, R.; Sanchis Ibor, C. (2020). Hybridizing the commons. Privatizing and outsourcing collective irrigation management after technological change in Spain. World Development. 132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.10498313

    Déficits bilaterales y asimetrías morfofuncionales en jóvenes esgrimistas

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    El componente técnico en esgrima se desarrolla de forma unilateral provocando déficits bilaterales y asimetrías morfofuncionales en el esgrimista de élite. El objetivo del presente estudio fue valorar en qué grado estos desequilibrios morfofuncionales estaban patentes en jóvenes esgrimistas (20 hombres: 14,8±0,9 años; 12 mujeres: 14,2±3,3 años) en sus primeras etapas de formación hacia la élite

    Stability of the potent antioxidant peptideSNAAC identified from Spanish dry cured ham

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    [EN] Antioxidant peptides positively regulate oxidative stress in the human body as well as delay, retard or prevent protein and lipid oxidation in food products. Spanish dry-cured ham has been reported as a good source of bioactive peptides, being SNAAC the most active antioxidant peptide identified to date. In this work, the stability of this peptide against in vitro digestion, heat treatments and different salt concentrations was evaluated using three methods for measuring antioxidant activity: D-carotene bleaching assay, ABTS radical scavenging capacity and ORAC assay. The results evidenced a marked decrease in the antioxidant activity of SNAAC after gastrointestinal digestion, and the MALDI-ToF MS analysis revealed the degradation of the peptide after the process, the generation of the fragment SNAA and the presence of a peptide dimer throughout the in vitro digestion. On the other hand, the peptide SNAAC showed good heat stability after exposure to different temperatures (50 degrees C, 72 degrees C, and 90 degrees C), but its antioxidant activity evaluated by ORAC assay decreased substantially when exposed to 100 degrees C as compared with the control at 37 degrees C. SNAAC remained stable in the presence of salt at concentrations ranging from 0 to 8% NaCl as well as it was able to inhibit about 40% of lipid oxidation in an emulsion system. These results reported the stability of the antioxidant peptide SNAAC to several conditions used in meat industry for the processing of dry-cured hams and ham-derived products and its effectiveness to partially prevent the lipid oxidation in these products. However, some strategies would be needed in order to increase the stability of the peptide during gastrointestinal digestion and thus improve its bioavailability to be used as functional food ingredient.Emerging Research Group Grant from Generalitat Valenciana in Spain (GV/2015/138) and Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract to LM are acknowledged. Grant Agreement 614281 (HIGHVALFOOD) and contract to MG are also acknowledged. The proteomic analysis was performed in the proteomics facility of SCSIE University of Valencia that belongs to ProteoRed, PRB2-ISCIII, (IPT13/0001 - ISCII-SGEFI/FEDER).Gallego-Ibáñez, M.; Mora Soler, L.; Reig Riera, MM.; Toldrá Vilardell, F. (2018). Stability of the potent antioxidant peptideSNAAC identified from Spanish dry cured ham. Food Research International. (105):873-879. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2017.12.006S87387910

    The effects of irrigation modernization on the cost recovery of water in the Valencia Region (Spain)

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    The modernization of the irrigation systems has been the main strategy followed by the regional administration of the Valencia Region to cope with the structural water deficit of the region, which has been particularly severe during the last three decades. These policies have been oriented to the substitution of gravity irrigation systems for drip technology. The technological change has involved an important investment effort, developed by different public administrations and also the farmers and water users associations (WUAs). This transformation, has also involved a change in the structure of costs of the WUAs. This paper analyzes the changes in costs and tariffs of irrigation after the important investments made in the modernization of irrigation. The effects of subsidies on the percentage of the cost recovery in the services of water for irrigation are also considered. All of them have developed modernization projects in the recent years. It can be concluded that conflict between two objectives proposed by the Water Framework Directive may exist. On the one hand, significant reductions of water supply are observed; meanwhile, on the other hand, the cost recovery percentage diminishes significantly.García Molla, M.; Ortega Reig, MV.; Sanchis Ibor, C.; Avella Reus, LF. (2014). The effects of irrigation modernization on the cost recovery of water in the Valencia Region (Spain). Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 14(3):414-420. doi:10.2166/ws.2013.215S41442014

    Bioactive peptides generated in the processing of dry-cured ham

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    [EN] Peptides and free amino acids are naturally generated in dry-cured ham as a consequence of proteolysis phenomenon exerted by muscle peptidases. The generation of bioactive peptides in different types of dry-cured ham produced in Spain, Italy and China is reviewed in this manuscript. Major muscle proteins are extensively hydrolysed firstly by endogenous endo-peptidases followed by the successive action of exo-peptidases, mainly, triand di-peptidylpeptidases, aminopeptidases and carboxypeptidases. Such proteolysis is very intense and consists of the generation of large amounts of free amino acids and a good number of peptides with different sequences and lengths, some of them exerting relevant bioactivities like angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity, antioxidant activity, di-peptidylpeptidase IV inhibitory activity among other and in vivo antihypertensive, hypoglycemic or anti-inflammatory activity. This manuscript reviews the recent findings showing that dry-cured ham constitutes a good source of natural bioactive peptides that have potential benefit for human health.The research leading to these results received funding from Grant AGL2017-89831-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity and FEDER funds The Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral contract to LM is also acknowledged.Toldrá Vilardell, F.; Gallego-Ibáñez, M.; Reig Riera, MM.; Aristoy, M.; Mora, L. (2020). Bioactive peptides generated in the processing of dry-cured ham. Food Chemistry. 321:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126689S19321Agyei, D., Ongkudon, C. M., Wei, C. Y., Chan, A. S., & Danquah, M. K. (2016). Bioprocess challenges to the isolation and purification of bioactive peptides. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 98, 244-256. doi:10.1016/j.fbp.2016.02.003American Cancer Society (2012) ACS Guidelines for Nutrition and Physical Activity. https://www.cancer.org/healthy/eat-healthy-get-active/acs-guidelines-nutrition-physical-activity-cancer-prevention/guidelines.html. (Accesed 25 february 2020).Arroume, N., Froidevaux, R., Kapel, R., Cudennec, B., Ravallec, R., Flahaut, C., … Dhulster, P. (2016). Food peptides: purification, identification and role in the metabolism. Current Opinion in Food Science, 7, 101-107. doi:10.1016/j.cofs.2016.02.005Bosse (née Danz), R., Müller, A., Gibis, M., Weiss, A., Schmidt, H., & Weiss, J. (2017). Recent advances in cured raw ham manufacture. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(4), 610-630. doi:10.1080/10408398.2016.1208634Carrasco-Castilla, J., Hernández-Álvarez, A. J., Jiménez-Martínez, C., Gutiérrez-López, G. F., & Dávila-Ortiz, G. (2012). Use of Proteomics and Peptidomics Methods in Food Bioactive Peptide Science and Engineering. Food Engineering Reviews, 4(4), 224-243. doi:10.1007/s12393-012-9058-8Chenni, F. Z., Taché, S., Naud, N., Guéraud, F., Hobbs, D. A., Kunhle, G. G. C., … Corpet, D. E. (2013). Heme-Induced Biomarkers Associated with Red Meat Promotion of colon Cancer Are Not Modulated by the Intake of Nitrite. Nutrition and Cancer, 65(2), 227-233. doi:10.1080/01635581.2013.749291Dellafiora, L., Paolella, S., Dall’Asta, C., Dossena, A., Cozzini, P. & Galaverna, G. (2015). Hybrid in Silico/in Vitro Approach for the Identification of Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides from Parma Dry-Cured Ham. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry, 63, 6366−6375. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b02303.EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) (2017). Re-evaluation of potassium nitrite (E 249) and sodium nitrite (E 250) as food additives. The EFSA Journal, 15, 4786. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.4786.Escudero, E., Aristoy, M.-C., Nishimura, H., Arihara, K., & Toldrá, F. (2012). Antihypertensive effect and antioxidant activity of peptide fractions extracted from Spanish dry-cured ham. Meat Science, 91(3), 306-311. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2012.02.008Escudero, E., Mora, L., Fraser, P. D., Aristoy, M.-C., Arihara, K., & Toldrá, F. (2013). Purification and Identification of antihypertensive peptides in Spanish dry-cured ham. Journal of Proteomics, 78, 499-507. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2012.10.019Escudero, E., Mora, L., Fraser, P. D., Aristoy, M.-C., & Toldrá, F. (2013). Identification of novel antioxidant peptides generated in Spanish dry-cured ham. Food Chemistry, 138(2-3), 1282-1288. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.10.133Escudero, E., Mora, L., & Toldrá, F. (2014). Stability of ACE inhibitory ham peptides against heat treatment and in vitro digestion. Food Chemistry, 161, 305-311. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.03.117Flores, M., Mora, L., Reig, M., & Toldrá, F. (2019). Risk assessment of chemical substances of safety concern generated in processed meats. Food Science and Human Wellness, 8(3), 244-251. doi:10.1016/j.fshw.2019.07.003Gallego, M., Aristoy, M.-C., & Toldrá, F. (2014). Dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitory peptides generated in Spanish dry-cured ham. Meat Science, 96(2), 757-761. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2013.09.014Gallego, M., Grootaert, C., Mora, L., Aristoy, M. C., Van Camp, J., & Toldrá, F. (2016). Transepithelial transport of dry-cured ham peptides with ACE inhibitory activity through a Caco-2 cell monolayer. Journal of Functional Foods, 21, 388-395. doi:10.1016/j.jff.2015.11.046Mora, L., Gallego, M., & Toldrá, F. (2018). New approaches based on comparative proteomics for the assessment of food quality. Current Opinion in Food Science, 22, 22-27. doi:10.1016/j.cofs.2018.01.005Gallego, M., Mora, L. & Toldrá, F. (2018b). Perspectives in the use of peptidomics in ham. Proteomics, 18, 1700422 (1-9). doi: 10.1002/pmic.201700422.Gallego, M., Mora, L., & Toldrá, F. (2018). Health relevance of antihypertensive peptides in foods. Current Opinion in Food Science, 19, 8-14. doi:10.1016/j.cofs.2017.12.004Gallego, M., Mora, L., & Toldrá, F. (2018). Characterisation of the antioxidant peptide AEEEYPDL and its quantification in Spanish dry-cured ham. Food Chemistry, 258, 8-15. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.03.035Gallego, M., Mora, L., Reig, M., & Toldrá, F. (2018). Stability of the potent antioxidant peptide SNAAC identified from Spanish dry-cured ham. Food Research International, 105, 873-879. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2017.12.006Gallego, M., Mora, L., & Toldrá, F. (2019). Potential cardioprotective peptides generated in Spanish dry-cured ham. Journal of Food Bioactives, 6. doi:10.31665/jfb.2019.6188Gierse, J., Thorarensen, A., Beltey, K., Bradshaw-Pierce, E., Cortes-Burgos, L., Hall, T., … Masferrer, J. (2010). 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    Effect of cooking and in vitro digestion on the antioxidant activity of dry-cured ham by-products

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    [EN] Dry-cured ham by-products have been traditionally used in Mediterranean household cooking of broths and stews. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of cooking treatments and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the antioxidant activity of natural peptides found in bones from Spanish dry-cured hams. The antioxidant activity was tested using five different assays and results demonstrated that cooking using conventional household methods increased the antioxidant activity of ham by-products when assessed using different antioxidant assays with the exception of the ABTS radical scavenging measurement assay. Simulated gastrointestinal digestion showed no significant effect on the antioxidant activity of ham by-products and antioxidant activity decreased when assessed using the ORAC and beta-carotene bleaching assays. Analysis by MALDI-TOF MS revealed a considerable breakdown of peptides due to the action of gastrointestinal enzymes, mainly in samples cooked at 100 degrees C for 1 h. In addition, 459 peptides derived from 57 proteins were identified and quantified using mass spectrometry in tandem, evidencing that peptides derived from collagen protein were responsible for the differences in antioxidant activities observed between the uncooked and cooked samples after digestion. The results show the potential of dry-cured ham bones as a source of antioxidant peptides that retain their bioactivity after household cooking preparations and gastrointestinal digestion.Emerging Research Group Grant from Generalitat Valenciana in Spain (GV/2015/138) and Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract to LM are acknowledged. Grant Agreement 614281 (HIGHVALFOOD) and contract to MG are also acknowledged. The proteomic analysis was performed in the proteomics facility of SCSIE University of Valencia that belongs to ProteoRed, PRB2-ISCIII, (IPT13/0001 - ISCIII-SGEFI/FEDER).Gallego Ibáñez, M.; Mora Soler, L.; Hayes, M.; Reig Riera, MM.; Toldrá Vilardell, F. (2017). Effect of cooking and in vitro digestion on the antioxidant activity of dry-cured ham by-products. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 296-306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2017.04.027S29630