308 research outputs found

    Stochastic Robustness: Towards a Comprehensive Robustness Tool

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    Stochastic robustness is a simple technique to determine the robustness of linear, time-invariant systems by Monte Carlo methods. Stochastic stability robustness has been described previously. Those results are extended here to provide insight into control system design for performance. Together, stochastic stability and performance robustness concepts constitute a comprehensive tool that can be used to analyze control system robustness properties. As well, they offer control system design insight that can set the stage for stochastic robustness synthesis. The concept of stochastic stability robustness is reviewed, stochastic performance robustness is introduced, and stochastic robustness synthesis is described qualitatively. Confidence intervals necessary for comparing control laws statistically are presented

    Alien Registration- Laurie, Ray (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Retaining physical therapists in North Carolina public schools

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    The intent of this research was to describe school-based physical therapists in North Carolina (NC) and examine relationships between personality traits of this group, their job satisfaction and their perception of factors that influence decisions to remain at or leave their jobs. School-based physical therapists across NC (n=97) anonymously completed a web-based survey. The web-based survey was comprised of three separate survey instruments: *Big Five Factors Mini-Markers, a personality assessment, *Measure of Job Satisfaction, a job satisfaction assessment and *a demographic questionnaire asking about participants their work environments, personal and professional lives Results suggested that school-based physical therapists want to stay on the job and are motivated by: the meaningfulness of the work, making a difference, the schedule, autonomy and teamwork. Poor opportunity for career development and advancement along with paperwork, inadequate salary and inadequate administrative support encourages them to consider leaving. Small administrative adjustments can improve job satisfaction and may ensure students with disabilities have access to these professionals in every school

    National Producer and Consumer Survey: Increasing Alfalfa Hay Sales to Horse Owners

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    Horse owners were surveyed regarding their hay feeding choices. Unique factors of this market are discussed

    Producing “Society-Ready” Foresters: A Research-Based Process to Revise the Bachelor of Science in Forestry Curriculum at Stephen F. Austin State University

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    “Society-ready” foresters are capable of dealing effectively with the complex economic, ecological, and social issues involving forestry in the 21st century. To assess the knowledge areas, skill sets, abilities, and behaviors needed by society-ready, entry-level foresters today, we surveyed 800 forestry employers and forestry alumni from Stephen F. Austin State University (SFASU), and we also conducted focus group sessions with a total of 58 forestry employers. Important areas of knowledge on emerging issues for society-ready Bachelor of Science in Forestry (BSF) graduates included climate change, water availability and quality, and dealing with invasive plants, pathogens, and insects. However, the skill sets and abilities that involve dealing effectively with people were ranked highest in terms of areas in which the BSF curriculum at SFASU should be strengthened. This basic message—the need to improve people skills while maintaining strength and relevance in technical skills—is consistent with reports, studies, and conferences on forestry education in the United States since the early 1900s. At SFASU, we are revising the BSF curriculum to address the results of our research-based process, and we are also targeting research and outreach to address the century-old, chronic issue of how to measurably improve the knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors needed for foresters to work most effectively with people. In our research and application of results, we learned that the process of curriculum revision is just as important as the product: learning from our process will help guide other program leaders in forestry and natural resources to evaluate and revise undergraduate curricula. When done well, we believe work of this type will strengthen both the rigor and relevance in a curriculum, and the process will also strengthen relationships with alumni, employers, and other key constituents

    Stress-responsive pathways and small RNA changes distinguish variable developmental phenotypes caused by MSH1 loss.

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    BACKGROUND: Proper regulation of nuclear-encoded, organelle-targeted genes is crucial for plastid and mitochondrial function. Among these genes, MutS Homolog 1 (MSH1) is notable for generating an assortment of mutant phenotypes with varying degrees of penetrance and pleiotropy. Stronger phenotypes have been connected to stress tolerance and epigenetic changes, and in Arabidopsis T-DNA mutants, two generations of homozygosity with the msh1 insertion are required before severe phenotypes begin to emerge. These observations prompted us to examine how msh1 mutants contrast according to generation and phenotype by profiling their respective transcriptomes and small RNA populations. RESULTS: Using RNA-seq, we analyze pathways that are associated with MSH1 loss, including abiotic stresses such as cold response, pathogen defense and immune response, salicylic acid, MAPK signaling, and circadian rhythm. Subtle redox and environment-responsive changes also begin in the first generation, in the absence of strong phenotypes. Using small RNA-seq we further identify miRNA changes, and uncover siRNA trends that indicate modifications at the chromatin organization level. In all cases, the magnitude of changes among protein-coding genes, transposable elements, and small RNAs increases according to generation and phenotypic severity. CONCLUSION: Loss of MSH1 is sufficient to cause large-scale regulatory changes in pathways that have been individually linked to one another, but rarely described all together within a single mutant background. This study enforces the recognition of organelles as critical integrators of both internal and external cues, and highlights the relationship between organelle and nuclear regulation in fundamental aspects of plant development and stress signaling. Our findings also encourage further investigation into potential connections between organelle state and genome regulation vis-á-vis small RNA feedback

    ATCOFA Monograph 1-2014

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    Producing ‘Society-ready’ Foresters: A Research-based Process to Revise the Bachelor of Science in Forestry Curriculum at Stephen F. Austin State Universityhttps://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/atcofa_monograph_series/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Intern Penyaluran Kredit Pada PD BPR Rokan Hulu

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    Bank yang mempunyai kegiatan utamanya menyalurkan dana kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit mempunyai resiko yang cukup besar, oleh karena itu diperlukan sistem pengendalian intern penyaluran kredit yang efektif untuk mengurangi dan mencegah resiko tersebut. PD. BPR Rokan Hulu merupakan salah satu lembaga keuangan yang kegiatan utamanya adalah menyalurkan dana kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penerapan sistem pengendalian intern dalam penyaluran kredit yang dilaksanakan oleh PD. BPR Rokan Hulu. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari kuesioner dan dokumentasi, teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode studi kasus yang berfokus pada sistem pengendalian intern penyaluran kredit pada PD. BPR. Rokan Hulu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis data tentang komponen-komponen sistem pengendalian intern dari hasil dokumen, dan menghitung hasil keusioner mengunakan rumusan champion.Hasil analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa sistem penyaluran kredit yang dilaksanakan oleh PD. BPR Rokan Hulu telah didukung oleh penerapan sistem pengendalian intern yang sangat efektif, berdasarkan hasil jawaban kuesioner yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 92,90% yaitu berada dalam rentang 76% - 100% atau penerapan pengendalian intern sangat efektif dalam menunjang prosedur penyaluran kredit, dan telah memenuhi kelima komponen sistem pengendalian intern yaitu lingkungan pengendalian, penafsiran risiko, aktivitas pengendalian, informasi dan komunikasi, dan pemantauan