17 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Local Wisdom for Character Education through the Indonesia Language Learning: An Ethno-pedagogical Methodology

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    Developing good characters may take quite a process of enculturation early at the primary schools. Character education may include local wisdom or local knowledge learnt through the Indonesia language curriculum. Bali’s local wisdom, which adheres in the Hindu philosophy, is potentially rich for the development of character education’s themes and sub-themes. The central themes and sub-themes fleshed out from the Hindu philosophy are coherently tied into a system of meaningful moral entity. Children may learn the moral characters contextually and meaningfully through the national language of Indonesia at schools. However, caution should be taken as the themes and the sub-themes are critically beyond the first and second graders’ cognitive and moral development stages


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    This study aims to determine the analysis of cultural semiotics, sociosemiotic and structural semiotic of poem entitled Pesona Batik. The design of this research was qualitative descriptive research design. The data of this research was taken from a poem entitled Pesona Batik by Uswatun Khasanah. The data was collected through observation, note-taking and library research. Data analysis was performed by data reduction, data presentation, data verification and data interpetation. The meaning implied by the poem was analyzed by cultural semiotic theory. It was found that the cultural element was expressed deeply through the beauty of Batik depicted in the poem. In addition, through structural semiotic analysis, it was also found that words were arranged in the form of phrases and clauses which were easily to be understood.  The word meaning found in this poem was more denotative and lexiconic

    Analisis Wacana Esai Kajian Struktur Supra, Mikro dan Makro pada Esai Hasil Pelatihan Menulis Esai Sekolah Menengah Se-kecamatan Rendang Tahun 2011

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    This qualitative descriptive study aims to describe and analysis (1) supra structure (2) micro structure and (3 macro structure of the result of training essay writing essay middle school level at Rendang district in 2011. Subject of this study is a collection of essays on the results of training high school essay writing at Rendang district in 2011. Data collection method used is the method of recording the document. Data were analyzed with descriptive and qualitative analysis. The results of this study were (1) the structure of the essay consists of discourse supra 1) introduction, 2) a thesis sentence, 3) or body content, and 4) cover, (2) micro structures, consisting of 1) background, 2) modality, 3) details, 4) active and passive voice sentences, 5) marker cohesion and coherence, 6) the use of pronouns, 7) use of graphics, and 8) metaphor; 3) the macro-structure of discourse essay is 1) character education, 2) youth oath, 3) global warming 4) the use of Indonesian, 5) virtual world, 6) Bali clean and green, 7) Bali clean and beautiful, and 8) free education. In accordance with these findings suggested to the teachers and students to use this research to improve the quality of writing skills. Language Education Program students are advised to use the results of this study into consideration research with similar studies

    Ujaran Kebencian dalam Twitter #Sebelum2024JokowiLengser: Kajian Cyberpragmatics

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    Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah ujaran kebencian dan kajian cyberpragmatics. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bentuk, jenis, serta makna pragmatik ujaran kebencian dalam Twitter #Sebelum2024JokowiLengser. Terdapat 36 data yang digolongkan ke dalam ujaran kebencian. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik simak dengan teknik lanjutan bebas libat cakap. Hasil penelitian terdapat bentuk ujaran frasa dan kalimat. Jenis ujaran kebencian yang ditemukan adalah penghinaan, pencemaran nama baik, penistaan, perbuatan tidak menyenangkan, data penyebaran bohong, dan menghasut/ memprovokasi. Terdapat 9 makna pragmatik ujaran kebencian, yaitu makna menyindir, menggambarkan sosok pemimpin, makna mempertanyakan, makna memberikan anjuran, makna membandingkan, makna memerintah, makna membual, makna mengajak, dan makna mengeluh. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan pembaca mampu mengetahui ujaran kebencian di media sosial serta makna di balik ujaran.The problems discussed in this research is hate speech and cyberpragmatics studies. This study aims to describe the forms, types, and pragmatics meanings of hate speech on Twitter #Sebelum2024JokowiLengser. There are 36 data that are classified into hate speech. This research approach is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique using the advanced technique of free involvement proficient. The results of the study are in the forms of phrases and sentences. The types of hate speech found were insults, defamation, blasphemy, unpleasant acts, spreading false data, and inciting/provoking. There are 9 pragmatic meanings of hate speech, namely the meaning of satirizing, describing a leader, the meaning of questioning, the meaning of giving advice, the meaning of comparing, the meaning of commanding, the meaning of boasting, the meaning of inviting, and the meaning of complaining. With this research, it is hoped that readers will be able to find out hate speech on social media and the meaning behind the utterance

    Interferensi Bahasa Bali dan Bahasa Asing dalam Cerita Lisan Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VII Siswa SMP Negeri 10 Denpasar

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    This study uses the technique of observation, record, record. The results of this study showed 18 students did not slip Balinese language and foreign language, whereas 32 respondents are interference ranges one and two interference in a discourse. In Bali interference there are kind interferences, those are phonology interference, morphology, syntax, and semantics, while the interference of foreign languages ​​are syntactic and semantic. Balinese language interference into the Indonesian language showing that interference is not due to deliberate by students in order to facilitate the delivery of his thoughts, but it is because control systems first language (Balinese) they are higher than their ability recalled the Indonesian language. It was concluded that the interference is part of sociolinguistics that occur due to the use of two or more languages ​​in a multilingual speech community

    Pelaksanaan Brata Penyepian di Desa Adat Lokapaksa Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Hindu

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    The implementation of Catur Brata Penyepian is a brata activity or restraint of lust at the time of welcoming the celebration of Nyepi Day. throughout Indonesia, especially in the Bali Region, a series of caatur brata retreat activities are carried out from generation to generation once a year.Probematically, this assignment has a functional application so that this paper uses a functional and qualitative perspective. To collect data in the field, this writing can use the methods of observation, participation and elicitation. The results of the writing show that a series of ceremonies carried out on Nyepi Day by Hindus is a very very sacred ritual ceremony held before the turn of the Caka Year. From the results of this study, it can be concluded how the implementation of the series of activities of Catur Brata Penyepian can run well according to the religious coordinator and can be carried out in accordance with teachings according to the instructions of the holy book and it is hoped that there will not be the slightest violation in the implementation of Catur Brata Penyepian. Keywords: Nyepi, Catur Brata Penyepia

    Pathogenic bacteria contamination of loin of Bali cattle slaughtered at modern and traditional abattoirs

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    The aim of this study was to observe the contamination of pathogenic bacteria on the loin of the Bali cattle at abattoirs with modern cutting systems and traditional one. The loin samples were taken at modern abattoirs of Mambal which is managed by the Office of the Livestock Marine District of Badung. Loin sample that cutting traditional slaughter system was taken at Mambal village. The loins were taken into the laboratory of “Teknologi Hasil Ternak dan Mikrobiologi”, Faculty of Animal Science Udayana University to test their pathogen bacteria content. The design used in this study was completely randomized design (CRD). Data obtained were analyzed with Two Independent Sample test (T-Test). The results showed that the total microbial content of TPC (Total Plate Count) on the loins cutting at modern abattoir were 1.2 x 105 and they were higher significantly different (P < 0.05) than the loins at the traditional abattoir 7.6 x 104. The content of coliform bacteria for 3.93 X103 indicate the results of the loin of the Bali cattle which was slaughtered in a modern abattoir, were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than at the traditional one  (3.28 x 104)


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    This research is intended to find out the forms of discourse, which are relevant to the develop¬ment of thinking abilities of the elementary school children of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades. For this purpose, experiment has been conducted in 8 (eight) elementary schools, covering 4 urban elemen¬tary schools and 4 city elementary schools. As a whole, there are 160 samples involved in this study. These samples are determined by making use of stratified random sampling technique. The data being collected in this first stage of research are in the forms of the ability in comprehending the content of reading text. These data were collected by means of test which were administered 48 times for every subject, within 24 weeks of experimentation. The data of the test were collected in the forms of interval data rates. For the purpose of completing the data, an interview as to the development of the children’s thinking ability in relation to the forms of discourse, in this case reading texts, was also carried out. The data were analyzed by using univariant statistical analysis and variant analysis. The result of the analysis shows that: (1) the forms of discourse (reading text) relevant to the development of thinking ability of the third grade of elementary school are narration; (2) the forms of discourse relevant to the fourth grade are narration and exposition; (3) for the fifth grade are exposition, description, and argumentation; (4) and for the sixth grade are a mixture of all forms of discourse or texts