54 research outputs found


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    Pasung as an inhumane act can lower dignity and reduce the quality of life of people with mental illness., They need family support, especially by a spouse to achieve recovery and return to productive. The conditions of divorce and neglect by the living environment can cause problems for people with mental illness. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of people with mental illness in living post-pasung life without the support of a spouse.Method: research uses qualitative design with phenomenological approach to explore the life experiences of participants after being abandoned by their wives. Four Participants were chosen by purposive sampling method. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews then analyzed by the Colaizzi method.Results: The divorce experienced has an impact on the lives of participants. Two themes produced from this study are grieving in response to financial separation and limitations as obstacles to building a new family.Conclusion: Divorce leaves a deep sadness forpeople winth mental illness so that assistance is needed from family, community and health workers during the grieving process and during the recovery process

    Improvement in Patients’ Ability to Care for Anxiety and Impaired Body Image: A Case Report of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Family Psychoeducation

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    Heart failure and hypertension are non-communicable diseases that are responsible for 70% of deaths worldwide and cause anxiety and impaired body image. Nursing interventions (therapy in general) and acceptance and commitment therapy increase patients’ acceptance of the disease and commitment to alleviate anxiety and improve impaired body image. Meanwhile, family psychoeducation improves the family’s ability to care for the patient. This case report presents two patients with heart failure and hypertension. The two patients experienced a decrease in symptoms on the cognitive aspects (difficulty concentrating, focusing on self, and decline body changes), affective aspects (worry, shame, and despair), physiological aspects (sleep disorders and appetite), and behavioral aspects (daydreaming, decreased productivity, and social difficulties). Patients who find difficulty enjoying daily activities and increasing their ability and commitment to overcome anxiety and impaired body image should receive nursing intervention, acceptance and commitment therapy, and family psychoeducation as part of nursing services. Abstrak Peningkatan Kemampuan Klien Merawat Ansietas dan Gangguan Citra Tubuh: Laporan Kasus Acceptance and Commitment Therapy dan Psikoedukasi Keluarga. Gagal jantung dan hipertensi merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi penyebab 70% kematian di dunia serta menyebabkan ansietas dan gangguan citra tubuh. Tindakan keperawatan ners dan ners spesialis Acceptance and commitment therapy diberikan pada klien agar dapat meningkatkan penerimaan terhadap penyakit dan komitmen merawat ansetas dan gangguan citra tubuh. Psikoedukasi keluarga dilakukan agar keluarga mampu membantu merawat klien dalam menghadapi penyakitnya. Metode yang digunakan berupa laporan kasus dalam bentuk case series pada dua klien dewasa dengan gagal jantung dan hipertensi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kedua klien mengalami penurunan gejala pada aspek kognitif berupa sulit konsentrasi, fokus pada diri sendiri, tidak menerima perubahan tubuh; afektif: khawatir, malu dan putus asa; aspek fisilogis: gangguan tidur dan tidak nafsu makan; perilaku: melamun, penurunan produktivitas; dan sosial: sulit menikmati kegiatan harian serta terjadi peningkatan kemampuan klien dalam menerima penyakit dan komitmen merawat ansietas dan gangguan citra tubuh. Pemberian tindakan keperawatan ners dan ners spesialis acceptance and commitment therapy serta psikoedukasi keluarga perlu dibudayakan dalam pemberian pelayanan keperawatan di unit umum. Kata Kunci: acceptance and commitment therapy, ansietas, gangguan citra tubuh, hipertensi, psikoedukasi keluarg

    Improvement in Patients’ Ability to Care for Anxiety and Impaired Body Image: A Case Report of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Family Psychoeducation

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    Heart failure and hypertension are non-communicable diseases that are responsible for 70% of deaths worldwide and cause anxiety and impaired body image. Nursing interventions (therapy in general) and acceptance and commitment therapy increase patients’ acceptance of the disease and commitment to alleviate anxiety and improve impaired body image. Meanwhile, family psychoeducation improves the family’s ability to care for the patient. This case report presents two patients with heart failure and hypertension. The two patients experienced a decrease in symptoms on the cognitive aspects (difficulty concentrating, focusing on self, and decline body changes), affective aspects (worry, shame, and despair), physiological aspects (sleep disorders and appetite), and behavioral aspects (daydreaming, decreased productivity, and social difficulties). Patients who find difficulty enjoying daily activities and increasing their ability and commitment to overcome anxiety and impaired body image should receive nursing intervention, acceptance and commitment therapy, and family psychoeducation as part of nursing services. Abstrak Peningkatan Kemampuan Klien Merawat Ansietas dan Gangguan Citra Tubuh: Laporan Kasus Acceptance and Commitment Therapy dan Psikoedukasi Keluarga. Gagal jantung dan hipertensi merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi penyebab 70% kematian di dunia serta menyebabkan ansietas dan gangguan citra tubuh. Tindakan keperawatan ners dan ners spesialis Acceptance and commitment therapy diberikan pada klien agar dapat meningkatkan penerimaan terhadap penyakit dan komitmen merawat ansetas dan gangguan citra tubuh. Psikoedukasi keluarga dilakukan agar keluarga mampu membantu merawat klien dalam menghadapi penyakitnya. Metode yang digunakan berupa laporan kasus dalam bentuk case series pada dua klien dewasa dengan gagal jantung dan hipertensi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kedua klien mengalami penurunan gejala pada aspek kognitif berupa sulit konsentrasi, fokus pada diri sendiri, tidak menerima perubahan tubuh; afektif: khawatir, malu dan putus asa; aspek fisilogis: gangguan tidur dan tidak nafsu makan; perilaku: melamun, penurunan produktivitas; dan sosial: sulit menikmati kegiatan harian serta terjadi peningkatan kemampuan klien dalam menerima penyakit dan komitmen merawat ansietas dan gangguan citra tubuh. Pemberian tindakan keperawatan ners dan ners spesialis acceptance and commitment therapy serta psikoedukasi keluarga perlu dibudayakan dalam pemberian pelayanan keperawatan di unit umum. Kata Kunci: acceptance and commitment therapy, ansietas, gangguan citra tubuh, hipertensi, psikoedukasi keluarg


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    Patients with mental disorders experience disturbances in thoughts, feelings, and behavior. They have several psychological problems, such as inadequate emotional regulation and lack of flexibility to adapt to the conditions experienced. One of the psychotherapies that can be used is acceptance and commitment therapy with an Islamic approach. The principle of this therapy is to accept the current condition of having a mental disorder by surrendering to Allah SWT and committing to being more active in achieving healing by endeavoring. This study aims to determine the effect of applying ACT using an Islamic approach on the psychological flexibility of patients with mental disorders. Methods: This research was a quasi-experiment one-group pre-post-test design. This study involved 31 patients with mental disorders treated at the Dadi Hospital in South Sulawesi Province, who were Muslim and had good insight. ACT using the Islamic approach was given in four sessions. The data was collected with a demographic data questionnaire and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II (AAQ-II) and then analyzed using the Paired T-Test with a significance level of < 0.05.  Result: The majority of respondents are male (87.1%), unmarried (71%), and working (68.1%). The analysis showed an increase in the psychological flexibility of patients with mental disorders after ACT with an Islamic approach (p-value = <0.001).  Conclusion: ACT with an Islamic approach can improve the psychological flexibility of patients with mental disorders, so nurses need to apply ACT as a therapy modality for patients with mental disorders


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    This research was carried out using social psychological approach. It analysed the influence of Don Vito Corleone towards the attitudes of his men. The objectives of this study are to find out Don Vito Corleone's motivation, form and process in influencing the attitude of his men. Some social psychological theories that are applied to analyze the influence of Don Vtito Corleone are social interaction and social influence theory, motivation theory, and attitude and attitude change theory. The methodology used in this study is descriptive-qualitative method. The primary data were taken from Mario Puzo's novel entitled "The Godfather". In collecting the data, the researcher directly read the novel, gathered the data, and gave them certain code and category. The steps done in analyzing the data are: (1) the collected data were arranged in a list of data, (2) the data were categorized into some themes, (3) the data in each theme were arranged systematically from the most important to the less ones, (4) the data in each theme were interpreted based on psychological theories, (5) the researcher holistically viewed the relationship between one theme with the others, (6) the conclusion was drawn after the analysis had been checked to examine wether the theories employed were enough or not. Based on the analysis, the findings show the following. First, Don Vito Corleone's motivation in the process of influencing the attitude of his men includes (1) he needed to be accepted and approved by others while the society neglected him; (2) he had to keep his family survive in such a hard life; (3) he had to reach a high status in order to gain his men's respect and loyalty; (4) he needed an authority so he could control his men; (5) he had a desire to help others. Second, the forms of influence that were conducted by Don Vito Corleone were: (1) a change in behavior or attitude brought about by a desire to follow the standards of Don Vito Corleone; (2) efforts to persuade his men in order to produce a certain behavior or agreement; (3) efforts to force the people under his power to follow his request and his offer. Third, the processes were conducted by Don Vito Corleone in influencing the attitudes of his men were: (1) used his credibility, attractiveness and intent to deliver persuasive messages; (2) used a certain word framing, message that rose fear, and two-side arguments; (3) taken advantage from the condition or the characteristic of his men to create persuasive communications

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Elektronik Government Terhadap Kedisiplinan Guru Di Sekolah Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Enrekang Kabupaten Enrekang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of the use of electronic government on teacher discipline in Enrekang State Madrasah Aliyah School, Enrekang Regency. This study used the method. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire  in the form of a checklist and documentation. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with a simple linear regression formula. The data was explained in the form of tables, frequency and narrative of the processed data with the help of SPSS. The results showed that there was an effect of the use of electronic government on teacher discipline at the Enrekang Enrekang District Madrasah Aliyah which was very significant, namely the effect of efficiency (X1) on teacher discipline (Y) of 0.012 or 1.2%, Effect of effectiveness (X2) on discipline teacher (Y) was 0.073 or 7.3%, The effect of transparency (X3) on teacher discipline (Y) was 0.076 or 7.6%, the effect of accountability (X4) on teacher discipline (Y) was 0.161 or 16.1% which showed that the use of electronic government affects teacher discipline and the rest was influenced by other variables that had not been examined in this study. Therefore, the hypothesis in the study was accepted because it was supported by a significance value.Keywords: Influence, Utilization of Electronic Government, Teacher Disciplin

    Pengaruh Waktu, Minat dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar pada Mata Kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan FT-UNM Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    ABSTRAK Rasmawati Ridwan, Pengaruh Waktu, Minat dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar pada Mata Kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan FT-UNM Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2018, Muhammad Ardi dan Rahmansah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM; (2) Waktu Belajar (X1), Minat Belajar (X2), Motivasi Belajar (X3) mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM; (3) Pengaruh Waktu Belajar (X1), Minat Belajar (X2), Motivasi Belajar (X3) secara sendiri-sendiri dan secara bersama-sama terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional, dengan jumlah populasi 83 orang dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 75 orang mahasiswa Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM dengan Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Probability sampling jenis Cluster random sampling dengan pendekatan Slovin. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan teknik angket dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, dan analisis inferensial yaitu: regresi sederhana dan regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) Prestasi belajar (Y) mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM berada pada kategori baik; (2) Waktu Belajar (X1) berada pada kategori rendah, Minat Belajar (X2) berada pada kategori tinggi, dan Motivasi Belajar (X3) berada pada kategori sangat tinggi pada mata kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM; (3) Secara sendiri-sendiri Waktu Belajar (X1), Minat Belajar (X2), dan Motivasi Belajar (X3) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Prestasi Belajar (Y) pada mata kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM hanya saja pengaruh dan kontribusi yang diberikan masih kecil dan Terdapat pengaruh Waktu Belajar (X1), Minat Belajar (X2), Motivasi Belajar (X3) berpengaruh secara bersama-sama dan yang hanya Waktu Belajar (X1) yang berpengaruh singnifikan terhadap Prestasi Belajar (Y) pada mata kuliah Konstruksi Bangunan I Jurusan PTSP FT-UNM hanya saja pengaruh dan kontribusi yang diberikan masih kecil. Kata Kunci: Prestasi belajar, Waktu, Minat, Motivasi


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    Nurses are vulnerable to violent behavior, especially in the psychiatric ward. Objective: identify violent behavior that is often experienced by nurses and the factors that influence it. Method: using a cross sectional design with an analytic observational approach. The research was conducted at X Hospital in the psychiatric ward: Psychiatry High Care Unit, adult women, men with criminal case and two rooms for men without criminal cases. Sample consisted of 63 nurses through a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was the Perception of Prevalance of Aggression Scale (POPAS). Data analysis with univariate and bivariate through chi square test with p<0.05. Results: the most violent behavior of patients towards nurses was verbal then physical and sexual violence. There were significant differences in violent behavior received by male and female respondents, such as: provocative and physical threats. There were significant differences in violent behavior based on the type of psychiatric ward such us: nagging, insulting, threats, humiliation to nurses, provocative, physical threats, physical violence that caused minor and serious injuries. Minor injuries were more experienced by male. Sexual temptation is more experienced by women, especially in adult men's treatment rooms, both with and without criminal cases. Conclusion: the most violent behavior of patients towards nurses in psychiatric ward was verbal then physical and sexual violence. There were significant differences in violent behavior based on gender and the type of psychiatric ward. More minor injuries were experienced by male, while sexual temptation was experienced more by women, especially in adult male rooms.Perilaku kekerasan rentan dialami perawat terutama di ruang perawatan jiwa. Tujuan penelitian: mengidentifikasi perilaku kekerasan yang sering dialami perawat dan factor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode penelitian: menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan pendekatan observasional analitik. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah sakit X di ruang perawatan jiwa: Psikiatry High Care Unit (PHCU), dewasa wanita, laki-laki dengan kasus pidana dan dua ruangan laki-laki tanpa kasus pidana. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 63 perawat melalui tekhnik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan Perception of Prevalance of Aggression Scale (POPAS). Analisia data dengan univariate dan bivariate melalui uji chi Square dengan p value <0,05. Hasil penelitian: perilaku kekerasan pasien pada perawat yang paling banyak adalah kekerasan verbal kemudian fisik dan seksual.  Ada perbedaan secara signifikan perilaku kekerasan yang diterima responden perempuan dan laki-laki seperti: provokatif dan ancaman fisik kepada perawat. Ada perbedaan secara signifikan perilaku kekerasan berdasarkan jenis ruangan perawatan, seperti:  mengomel, mencaci, ancaman kepada perawat, penghinaan kepada perawat, provokatif, ancaman fisik, kekerasan fisik yang menyebabkan cedera ringan dan serius. Cedera ringan lebih banyak dialami responden laki-laki. Godaan seksual lebih banyak dialami wanita terutama di ruang perawatan laki-laki dewasa baik dengan kasus pidana maupun tanpa kasus pidana. Kesimpulan: perilaku kekerasan pasien pada perawat di ruang perawatan jiwa yang paling banyak adalah kekerasan verbal kemudian fisik dan seksual. Ada perbedaan secara signifikan perilaku kekerasan berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan jenis ruang perawatan. Cedera ringan lebih banyak dialami responden laki-laki, sedangkan godaan seksual lebih banyak dialami wanita terutama di ruang perawatan laki-laki dewasa

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Model Pembelajaran Point Cunter Point Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Wonomulyo Kab Polewali Mandar

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika pada materi Teorema Phytagoras, Setelah model pembelajaran Point Counter Point diterapkan rata-rata hasil belajar matematika pada materi Teorema Phytagoras dapat dilihat bertahap dari hasil belajar pada siklus I nilai rata-rata hasil belajar adalah 67,13 dengan persentase 61,29% di kategorikan tuntas, 38,71% dikategorikan belum tuntas dan siklus II nilai rata-rata hasil belajar adalah 82,16 dengan persetase 96,77% dikategorikan tuntas, 3,23% dikategorikan belum tuntas. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar matematika pada materi lingkaran yang signifikan setelah model pembelajaran Point Counter Point diterapkan siswa pada kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Wonomulyo Kec.Wonomulyo Kabupaten Polewali mandar
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