405 research outputs found

    Acceso a la propiedad y desigualdad social en el mundo rural catalán de mediados del siglo XIX

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    El análisis de la distribución de la propiedad de la tierra —y de las consecuencias sociales de ésta— entraña dificultades heurísticas y metodológicas importantes que suelen limitar la posibilidad de establecer comparaciones territoriales suficientemente sólidas y sistemáticas. Dicho análisis es difícilmente asumible a partir de aquellas estadísticas fiscales y catastrales que presentan los datos agregados y, por ello, ofrecen mayor cobertura territorial. Un acercamiento más realista y con mayor potencial sólo es posible combinando prospecciones locales en distintos ámbitos territoriales, en los cuales sea posible la identificación nominal tanto de los habitantes como de los propietarios de tierra usando simultáneamente padrones de población y relaciones catastrales. La presente comunicación pretende desarrollar un enfoque metodológico basado en el análisis de casos locales con el objetivo de analizar comparativamente el nivel de desigualdad social existente en la sociedad rural catalana de mediados del siglo XIX.propiedad de la tierra, desigualdad, Cataluña, siglo XIX

    Propiedad de la tierra y desigualdad social en el mundo rural catalán de mediados del siglo XIX

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    El análisis de la distribución de la propiedad de la tierra –y de las consecuencias sociales de ésta– entraña dificultades heurísticas y metodológicas importantes que suelen limitar la posibilidad de establecer comparaciones territoriales suficientemente sólidas y sistemáticas. Dicho análisis es difícilmente asumible a partir de aquellas estadísticas fiscales y catastrales que presentan los datos agregados y, por ello, ofrecen mayor cobertura territorial. Un acercamiento más realista y con mayor potencial sólo es posible combinando prospecciones locales en distintos ámbitos territoriales, en los cuales sea posible la identificación nominal tanto de los habitantes como de los propietarios de tierra usando simultáneamente padrones de población y relaciones catastrales. Este artículo pretende desarrollar un enfoque metodológico basado en el análisis de casos locales con el objetivo de analizar comparativamente el nivel de desigualdad social existente en la sociedad rural catalana de mediados del siglo XIX.Este artículo se ha realizado dentro de los proyectos HAR2010-20684-C02-01, HAR2012-38920-C02-02, HAR2011-25077 y HAR2012-35022 financiados por el gobierno español, y 895-2011-1020 del Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council de Canadá. Una primera versión fue presentada al XIII Congreso de Historia Agraria (SEHA) celebrado en Lleida en 2011. Agradecemos los comentarios recibidos en la sesión en que fue presentada y los realizados por los cinco evaluadores anónimos del artículo, así como la colaboración de Ricard Ginjaume en la gestión de los datos y la preparación de los cuadros

    Una nueva variante anfórica de la Hispania Citerior: La Pascual 1 Parva

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    Presentamos una variante de una producción anfórica ya conocida, la Pascual 1, a partir de ejemplares ya publicados, si bien hasta ahora no se había puesto de relieve su especificidad. Estos materiales nos permiten documentar una nueva variante anfórica, que proponemos denominar Pascual 1 parva, y que al parecer, se producía en diversos alfares cercanos a la desembocadura del Ebro y en, al menos, dos figlinae del NE de la Hispania Citerior.In this paper, we present a variant of an already known (from published copies) Pascual 1 amphorae, although its specificity has not been emphasized yet. These materials allow us to document a new amphoric variant, which we propose to call Pascual 1 parva, which apparently was produced in various kilns near the mouth of the Ebro river, and, at least, two kilns in the NE of Hispania Citerior

    Formas de gestión patrimonial y evolución de la renta a partir del análisis de contabilidades agrarias: los patrimonios del marqués de Sentmenat en el Vallés y en Urgell (1820-1917)

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    This essay is aimed at the microeconomic research of different farming exploitations, by means of analysis of private documentation and, particularly, that of accounting (1820-1917). This approach sheds new light on the management systems and land heritage reproduction. Within the framework of the effective technical availabilities and the ecological conditions, the changes introduced in farming structure and exploitation systems and land ownership, show the capacity of adaptation to the new conditions created starting from the crisis of the Ancien Régime

    The grape phylloxera plague as a natural experiment: the upkeep of vineyards in Catalonia (Spain), 1858-1935

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    We present a comparative analysis of the impact and outcome in Catalonia of the wine rush and crash unleashed by the spread of the Grape Phylloxera plague in Europe (1865-1890). In order to explain why many rural districts in the provinces of Barcelona and Tarragona were able to resume winegrowing after the plague, while most in the provinces of Girona and Lleida were not, a statistical model is used to check the economic resilience of the Catalan districts to the external ecological and economic shock. The model combines the population densities as a proxy of the opportunity cost in labour allocation, the demand pull of commercial growth measured by the time-distances to the city of Barcelona, and the agroclimatic land's suitability for growing vines, as measured by the Hugling and Winkler indices or the mean slopes of land. After comparing the vineyard allocation in every district in 1860, 1889 and 1920, these variables are used to explain the differing capacities to endure the Phylloxera plague in Catalonia

    Explaining vineyard specialization in the province of Barcelona (Spain) in the mid-19th century

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    We present a statistical model of agrarian vineyard specialization in the province of Barcelona towards 1860, that combines the Boserupian push of population increase, the demand pull of a Smithian-type of growth (measured by the time-distances to the nearest seaport), and the agrological lands suitability for sowing grain or growing vines (as measured by water stress, slopes and frost risk). The overall outcome of the adjusted R2 levels, which range from 0.608 to 0.826, can be considered very successful. The inequality in land ownership is another factor that we believe to have played an important role, but has had to be omitted for the moment due to the lack of statistical data. Further research is also needed to deal with a possible endogeneity problem that working with socio-demographic variables entails.wine international market integration, regional land-use patterns, vineyard specialization, population pressure, agrological suitability

    On preserving passivity in sampled-data linear systems

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    Passivity is a well know phenomenon in several engineering areas. Due to its interesting properties, it is used in several areas of control engineering. Generally, this property is lost under direct discretization. In this work a new methodology which allows to preserve continuous-time passivity is presented. This methodology is based on choosing a proper output, which preserves the passivity structure, while keeping the continuous-time energy function. Analytic formulation and numerical examples, both open and close loop, are provided in the paper

    Teaching, Analyzing, Designing and Interactively Simulating of Sliding Mode Control

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    This paper introduces an interactive methodology to analize, design, and simulate sliding model controllers for R2 linear systems. This paper reviews sliding mode basic concepts and design methodologies and describes an interactive tool which has been developed to support teaching in this field. The tool helps students by generating a nice graphical and interactive display of most relevant concepts. This fact can be used so that students build their own intuition about the role of different parameters in a sliding mode controller. Described application has been coded with Sysquake using an event-driven solver technique. The Sysquake allows using precise integration methods in real time and handling interactivity in a simple manner.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Teaching, Analyzing, Designing and Interactively Simulating of Sliding Mode Control

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    This paper introduces an interactive methodology to analize, design, and simulate sliding model controllers for R2 linear systems. This paper reviews sliding mode basic concepts and design methodologies and describes an interactive tool which has been developed to support teaching in this field. The tool helps students by generating a nice graphical and interactive display of most relevant concepts. This fact can be used so that students build their own intuition about the role of different parameters in a sliding mode controller. Described application has been coded with Sysquake using an event-driven solver technique. The Sysquake allows using precise integration methods in real time and handling interactivity in a simple manner.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version