222 research outputs found

    Características de país e corporativas melhoram a divulgação ambiental, social e de governança? Evidências do Brasil e Alemanha

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    This research analyzed the country and corporate characteristics influencing companies’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure in Brazil and Germany. The methodology is descriptive, quantitative, and documentary, analyzing the period from 2010 to 2019 of Brazilian companies from Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão (B3) and German companies from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Regarding the analyzed country characteristics (carbon emissions and GDP), it was evidenced that carbon emissions positively influence the ESG disclosure of Brazilian companies and negatively in the scenario of German companies. GDP showed a negative relationship with the ESG disclosure of Brazilian companies. The corporate variables: market to book, liquidity, and financial leverage, were negatively related to the ESG disclosure of companies in Brazil and Germany. Business risk showed a positive relationship with the ESG disclosure of companies in Germany. These results reveal that different countries and corporate characteristics have implications for the ESG disclosure of Brazilian and German companies. This research helps companies by highlighting which country and corporate characteristics tend to improve ESG disclosure. It aims to promote greater discussions in the literature about factors little explored in studies that tend to improve environmental, social, and governance actions and benefit companies, the environment, and society. Furthermore, it adds knowledge to the literature on the impacts of country and corporate characteristics on the environmental, social, and governance disclosure of companies in developing (Brazil) and developed (Germany) countries.Esta pesquisa buscou analisar as características de país e corporativas que influenciam a divulgação ambiental, social e de governança (ESG) de empresas do Brasil e Alemanha. A metodologia caracteriza-se como descritiva, quantitativa e documental, com a análise do período de 2010 a 2019, de empresas brasileiras da Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão (B3) e alemãs pertencentes a Bolsa de Valores de Frankfurt. Em relação às características de país analisadas (emissões de carbono e PIB), evidenciou-se que as emissões de carbono influenciam positivamente a divulgação ESG de empresas brasileiras e negativamente no cenário de empresas da Alemanha. O PIB apresentou relação negativa com a divulgação ESG das empresas brasileiras. As variáveis corporativas: market to book, liquidez e alavancagem financeira se relacionaram negativamente com a divulgação ESG de empresas do Brasil e Alemanha. O risco do negócio apresentou relação positiva com a divulgação ESG de empresas da Alemanha. Estes resultados revelam que diferentes características de país e corporativas apresentam implicações na divulgação ESG de empresas brasileiras e alemãs. Esta pesquisa contribui para as empresas ao evidenciar quais características de país e corporativas tendem a melhorar a divulgação ESG. Visa promover na literatura maiores discussões a respeito de fatores pouco explorados nos estudos e que tendem a melhorar as ações ambientais, sociais e de governança e, consequentemente, beneficiar as empresas, o meio ambiente e a sociedade. Ademais, adiciona conhecimento à literatura sobre os impactos das características do país e corporativas na divulgação ambiental, social e de governança de empresas de países em desenvolvimento (Brasil) e desenvolvidos (Alemanha)

    Correlation from undiluted vitreous cytokines of untreated central retinal vein occlusion with spectral domain optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose: To correlate inflammatory and proangiogenic key cytokines from undiluted vitreous of treatment-naïve central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) patients with SD-OCT parameters. Methods: Thirty-five patients (age 71.1 years, 24 phakic, 30 nonischemic) underwent intravitreal combination therapy, including a single-site 23-gauge core vitrectomy. Twenty-eight samples from patients with idiopathic, non-uveitis floaterectomy served as controls. Interleukin 6 (IL-6), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) levels were correlated with the visual acuity (logMar), category of CRVO (ischemic or nonischemic) and morphologic parameters, such as central macular thickness-CMT, thickness of neurosensory retina-TNeuro, extent of serous retinal detachment-SRT and disintegrity of the IS/OS and others. Results: The mean IL-6 was 64.7pg/ml (SD ± 115.8), MCP-1 1015.7 ( ± 970.1), and VEGF-A 278.4 ( ± 512.8), which was significantly higher than the control IL-6 6.2 ± 3.4pg/ml (P=0.06), MCP-1 253.2 ± 73.5 (P<0.0000001) and VEGF-A 7.0 ± 4.9 (P<0.0006). All cytokines correlated highly with one another (correlation coefficient r=0.82 for IL-6 and MCP-1; r=0.68 for Il-6 and VEGF-A; r=0.64 for MCP-1 and VEGF-A). IL-6 correlated significantly with CMT, TRT, SRT, dIS/OS, and dELM. MCP-1 correlated significantly with SRT, dIS/OS, and dELM. VEGF-A correlated not with changes in SD-OCT, while it had a trend to be higher in the ischemic versus the nonischemic CRVO group (P=0.09). Conclusions: The inflammatory cytokines were more often correlated with morphologic changes assessed by SD-OCT, whereas VEGF-A did not correlate with CRVO-associated changes in SD-OCT. VEGF inhibition alone may not be sufficient in decreasing the inflammatory response in CRVO therapy

    Dynamics of pastures and fodder crops for Mirandesa cattle breed

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    Mirandesa cattle are a local breed from the Northeast region of Portugal, playing na important role on the maintenance of the rural spaces, contributing to the fixation of the populations ant to the environmental preservation. The aim of this study is to characterize the feed resources available along the year in this farming system. The animals graze natural pastures in Spring and beginning of Summer, being after fed with hays (of natural pasture or oat) and straws (oat, barley or wheat) and complemented with local feeds like squash or potatoes. Samples of feed were taken from three different farms in two consecutive years and analysed for crude protein (CP), cell wall components, minerals and in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD). Data were evaluated using ANOVA statistical approach. Seasonal variations were observed in natural pastures with decreases of CP from Spring to Summer (16.0 to 9.4% DM) and increases of NDF content from 32 to 41% DM. Consequently a reduction of OMD from 69 to 58% was observed. Regarding hays composition, differences were observed for CP content which was lower for oat hay, compared with that from natural (2.4 vs. 4.6% DM). Straw quality varied between farms and type of straw

    Continued trining of educators : impacts of the "educational table program for first childhood"

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    Orientador: Eliana AyoubDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de EducaçãoResumo: Esta pesquisa buscou analisar como as profissionais da educação infantil do município de Guarulhos/SP concebem o espaço de formação continuada "Programa Mesa Educadora para a Primeira Infância" (conhecido como Mesa Educadora - ME), na sua constituição como educadoras dessa etapa de ensino e, a partir disso, compreender os impactos do referido programa na formação dessas profissionais. Para tal, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo envolvendo a realização de entrevistas com cinco educadoras (professora, coordenadora pedagógica, vice-diretora, diretora e cozinheira) na perspectiva da história oral. Além das entrevistas, também compuseram o material de análise as cartas iniciais e avaliativas e os cadernos de memórias, os quais fazem parte das atividades do ME. Elegemos, como uma das preocupações centrais, a busca pela compreensão de como esse espaço pode ser um diferencial na formação lúdica das educadoras, e como isso pode auxiliar na apreensão das temáticas acerca da educação infantil na rotina escolar e na relação das educadoras com o lúdico. As temáticas que foram sendo produzidas na análise foram as seguintes: incentivo à participação no ME, por ex-cursistas; registro na prática docente - cadernos de memórias; impactos das brincadeiras na prática profissional; projeto institucional; partilha de experiências e brincadeiras no ME; espaço e sua organização; proposta de formação continuada: é preciso acesso; atividades complementares: um complemento na constituição humana; e a importância do brincar na formação das educadoras. Os resultados apontam que as participantes da pesquisa consideram o Mesa Educadora um programa relevante para a sua formação profissional, reconhecendo o seu valor como uma proposta de aproximação entre teoria e prática por meio da partilha de experiências e da vivência e conhecimento de práticas lúdicas, tendo em vista o brincar como uma atividade social da criança. Indubitavelmente, o programa Mesa Educadora é uma ação formativa de grande relevância, entretanto, as educadoras expuseram a necessidade de mais espaços formativos, nos quais possam debater os complexos temas da educação infantil, sobretudo aqueles relacionados ao universo do lúdico e do brincarAbstract: This research sought to analyze how the early childhood education professionals in the city of Guarulhos/SP conceive the space of continuing education "Program Mesa Educadora Program for Early Childhood" (known as "Mesa Educadora" -ME), in theirs constitution as educators of this step of teaching and, based on that, to understand the impacts of this program on the education of these professionals. To this end, we developed a field research involving interviews with five educators (teacher, pedagogical coordinator, vice director, director and cooker) in the perspective of oral history. In addition to the interviews, also composed the material for analysis the initial and evaluation letters and the notebooks of memories, which are part of the ME. We have chosen, as one of the central concerns, the search for understanding of how that space can make difference in ludic education, and how it can help in the apprehension of the themes about early childhood education in the school routine and the relationship of the educators with the ludic. The themes that were being produced in the analysis were as follows: encouraging participation in the ME, by ex-participants; registration in teaching practice - notebooks of memories; impacts of games in professional practice; institutional project; sharing of experiences and games on the ME; space and its organization; proposal for continuing education: access; complementary activities: an add-on in the human constitution; and the importance of play in the teacher education. The results indicate that the participants of the research consider the "Mesa Educadora" a program relevant to the professional education, recognizing his value as a proposal for a rapprochement between theory and practice through sharing of experiences and the experience and knowledge of ludic practices, in order to play as a children social activity. Undoubtedly, the program "Mesa Educadora" is a formative action of great importance, however, the educators have exposed the need for more education spaces, in which they can discuss the complex issues of early childhood education, especially those related to the ludic and play universeMestradoEducaçãoMestre em Educaçã

    Erasmus : Uma experiência para toda a vida.

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioPretendeu-se estudar o impacto que estudar noutro país da Europa, através do programa Erasmus, tem nos alunos Portugueses, que mudanças sentiram nas suas vidas logo após o regresso, e como é que essas mudanças influênciaram as suas vidas e em que áreas. Foi feito um estudo exploratório qualitativo através de uma análise de conteúdo. A amostra foi constituída por 12 sujeitos, todos estudantes Portugueses que tenham frequentado o curso numa Universidade em Portugal, e que tenham participado no programa Erasmus. Foi utilizada uma entrevista semi-dirigida, contruída a partir de um pré-teste. Pode-se concluir que o Erasmus produz um impacto nos alunos, tanto na altura em que regressam a casa como mais tarde, sendo até um impulsionador de um desenvolvimento interno precoce.The aim of the study was to find out the impact that studying in another European country through Erasmus exchange program, have, in Portuguese students, what differences they felt in their lives right after returning and how those changes influence their lives and in which areas. It was made a qualitative, exploratory study, through a content analysis. The sample included 12 subjects, all Portuguese University students who did their studies in Portugal and when on Erasmus. An interview was made, build on base of a pre-test made before. We can conclude that Erasmus produces an impact on the students, by the time they get back from Erasmus as well as later, and can be a booster an internal early development

    Interactive/automated method to count bacterial colonies

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    The growth and maintenance of bacteria on agar plates (Petri dishes) has long been a common practice in microbiology. The number of colonies in a culture is usually counted manually to calculate the concentration of bacteria, however, this process is time-consuming, tedious and error prone. Most automated counting systems, existing on the literature, perform adequately when the colonies are well spaced, large, circular in shape and with good contrast from the background. When these assumptions are violated, most automated colony analysis systems can rapidly lose reliability, accuracy and utility. To address the above problems, the goal of this study is to design and implement a cost-effective, software-centred system that accepts general digital camera images as its input, for detecting as well as enumerating bacterial colonies in a fully automatic manner. An interactive semi-automatic system is also proposed to overcome any error from fully automatic system. The two systems (automated and interactive) combine thresholding, median filter and morphological operations to segment the colonies on a Petri dish image. The next step consists in separating the individual colonies from the clustered colonies. Then, the units colonies are counted. To separate and count the clustered colonies, the automatic system uses a watershed transformation and the interactive system uses the clicks of the user. The proposed systems are capable to reduce the manpower and time required for counting colonies while producing correct colony counting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sobre la recepción de la obra piagetiana en Argentina: el caso de Aníbal Ponce

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    El trabajo se propone revisar algunas vías de recepción de la obra piagetiana en Argentina, principalmente a partir de la figura de un actor clave y representativo de una generación de nuestro país: Aníbal Norberto Ponce. Partimos de la hipótesis que afirma que en Argentina, la obra de la Escuela de Ginebra ha sido recepcionada principalmente con un doble interés convalidante. Por una parte, el de la fundamentación teórica que las hipótesis piagetianas aportaron a la pedagogía nueva; por otra, la referida al rol central e ineludible que las lecturas de la obra adquirieron, a mediados de siglo XX, para pensar una Psicología evolutiva orientada a la infancia. La matriz que definió el experimentalismo positivista a comienzos de siglo XX no fue reemplazada por otra de nuevo cuño, sino que fue la que albergó de manera ecléctica la recepción de las investigaciones psicológicas que contenían la crítica al paradigma de la "físca social".Eje temático: Historia del psicoanális.Facultad de Psicologí

    Sobre la recepción de la obra piagetiana en Argentina: el caso de Aníbal Ponce

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    El trabajo se propone revisar algunas vías de recepción de la obra piagetiana en Argentina, principalmente a partir de la figura de un actor clave y representativo de una generación de nuestro país: Aníbal Norberto Ponce. Partimos de la hipótesis que afirma que en Argentina, la obra de la Escuela de Ginebra ha sido recepcionada principalmente con un doble interés convalidante. Por una parte, el de la fundamentación teórica que las hipótesis piagetianas aportaron a la pedagogía nueva; por otra, la referida al rol central e ineludible que las lecturas de la obra adquirieron, a mediados de siglo XX, para pensar una Psicología evolutiva orientada a la infancia. La matriz que definió el experimentalismo positivista a comienzos de siglo XX no fue reemplazada por otra de nuevo cuño, sino que fue la que albergó de manera ecléctica la recepción de las investigaciones psicológicas que contenían la crítica al paradigma de la "físca social".Eje temático: Historia del psicoanális.Facultad de Psicologí

    Dynamics of pastures and fodder crops for Mirandesa cattle breed - II Mineral composition

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    Mirandesa cattle are a local breed from the Northeast region of Portugal, playing an important role on the maintenance of the rural spaces, contributing to the fixation of the populations and to the environmental preservation. The aim of this study is to characterize the feed resources (mineral composition) available along the year in this farming system. The animals graze natural pastures in Spring and beginning of Summer, being after fed with hays (of natural pasture or oat) and straws (oat, barley or wheat). Samples of feeds were taken from three different farms in two consecutive years and analysed for crude protein (CP), cell wall components, minerals and in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD). Data were evaluated using ANOVA statistical approach. Results of organic composition of feeds were presented by Galvão et al. (EAAP, 2005). For mineral composition, seasonal variations were observed in natural pastures with decreases of K and P (from Spring to Summer 2 to 0.97 and 0.33 to 0.18% DM, respectively). Farm variations were observed for Ca, K and Mg. Regarding hays composition, differences were observed for Ca and Mg contents which was lower for oat hay, compared with that from natural pasture (0.16 vs 0.32 and 0.08 vs 0.15% DM, respectively). The composition of straws varied between farms and type of straw