4 research outputs found

    Metabolic syndrome, adiposity, diet, and emotional eating are associated with oxidative stress in adolescents

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    Background:聽Metabolic syndrome (MS), a condition related to adiposity and oxidative stress, can develop in adolescence, a critical stage in life that impacts health in adulthood. However, there is scarce scientific research about the relationship between lifestyle factors, emotion management, and oxidative stress in this phase of life.Aim:聽To analyze whether nutritional parameters, lifestyle factors, emotion management, and MS in adolescents are associated with oxidative stress measured by the biomarker 8-isoprostane.Methods:聽A cross-sectional study was carried out in 132 adolescents (48.5% girls, aged 12 卤 0.48 years) and data were collected on nutritional parameters (anthropometric measurements, biochemical analyzes, and blood pressure), lifestyle factors (physical activity, sleep, and diet), and emotion management (self-esteem, emotional eating, and mood). 8-isoprostane was analyzed in spot urine samples. The study population was categorized in three groups (healthy, at-risk, and with MS) using the International Diabetes Federation definition of MS in adolescents. To capture more complex interactions, a multiple linear regression was used to analyze the association between 8-isoprostane and the aforementioned variables.Results:聽Urinary 8-isoprostane levels were significantly higher in the MS group compared to the healthy group (1,280 卤 543 pg./mg vs. 950 卤 416 pg./mg respectively). In addition, univariable analysis revealed positive significant associations between 8-isoprostane and body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio, body fat percentage, blood lipid profile and glucose, emotional eating, and refined cereal intake. Conversely, a negative significant association was found between 8-isoprostane and sleep duration and fish intake. The multiple linear regression analysis revealed associations between 8-isoprostane and LDL-c (尾聽= 0.173 value of聽p聽= 0.049), emotional eating (low聽尾聽= 0.443, value of聽p聽= 0.036; high聽尾聽= 0.152, value of聽p聽= 0.470), refined cereal intake (尾聽=0.191, value of聽p聽= 0.024), and fish intake (尾聽= -0.187, value of聽p聽= 0.050).Conclusion:聽The MS group, LDL-c, emotional eating, and high refined cereals and low fish intakes were associated with higher levels of oxidative stress in an adolescent population.</p

    Salud cardiometab贸lica y estr茅s oxidativo en adolescentes del programa Salud Integral

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    Programa de Doctorat en Alimentaci贸 i Nutrici贸[spa] La adolescencia es una etapa trascendental en la vida de las personas, la adquisici贸n de h谩bitos saludables en ese per铆odo contribuir谩 a una mejor calidad de vida. La salud cardiometab贸lica y su relaci贸n con la salud mental cada vez se hace m谩s presente en el campo cient铆fico; en una etapa potencialmente moldeable como la adolescencia, es importante comprender mejor esta relaci贸n. Programas de salud como es el Programa SI! secundaria, permiten fomentar la salud a la vez que se estudia la poblaci贸n para entender mejor esta etapa de vida. Las enfermedades cardiometab贸licas presentan en com煤n un estado de estr茅s oxidativo, el cual es principalmente desencadenado por la obesidad, hiperglucemia, dislipidemia e hipertensi贸n, resultado de un estilo de vida poco saludable. Este desbalance a nivel del equilibrio redox intracelular, caracterizado por una mayor actividad pro-oxidativa en comparaci贸n con la actividad anti-oxidante, provoca modificaciones estructurales y funcionales en las prote铆nas, l铆pidos, carbohidratos y 谩cidos nucleicos, generando as铆 biomarcadores del estr茅s oxidativo como el 8-isoprostano. El desequilibrio redox conduce a una disfunci贸n mitocondrial, si esta se presenta de forma cr贸nica produce una disfunci贸n a nivel celular, generando as铆 diversas patolog铆as, entre las cuales se encuentra la disfunci贸n endotelial, la cual es caracterizada por una disminuci贸n en la biodisponibilidad del 贸xido n铆trico. La alimentaci贸n saludable, la actividad f铆sica, el control saludable del IMC, sue帽o y salud mental contribuyen a la calidad de vida. Por el contrario, el tabaco, la obesidad y la falta de educaci贸n pueden contribuir a enfermedades cardiometab贸licas. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis confirman la importancia de una alimentaci贸n saludable, demostrando que el consumo de frutas y hortalizas incrementan los polifenoles en orina, aumentando el 贸xido n铆trico lo cual va asociado a una disminuci贸n de la presi贸n arterial, indicando de forma indirecta, que existe una mejor funci贸n endotelial. Tambi茅n se observa que el consumo de cereales refinados junto con un bajo consumo de pescado y la alimentaci贸n emocional est谩n asociados con el 8-isoprostano y el LDL- c, mostrando un mayor estado de estr茅s oxidativo.[eng] Adolescence is a transcendental stage in people's lives, the acquisition of healthy habits during this period will contribute to a better quality of life. Cardiometabolic health and its relationship with mental health are becoming increasingly noticeable in the scientific field; in a potentially moldable stage like adolescence, it is important to better understand this relationship. Health programs such as the SI! Program Secondary, allows to promote health while studying the population to provide a better understanding of this stage of life. Cardiometabolic diseases have in common a state of oxidative stress, which is mainly triggered by obesity, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension, as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. This disequilibrium at the level of the intracellular redox balance, characterized by a higher pro-oxidative activity compared to anti-oxidant activity, causes structural and functional modifications in proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, thus generating oxidative stress biomarkers such as 8-isoprostane. The redox imbalance leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, and if it occurs chronically, it causes cellular dysfunction and thus various pathologies, among which is endothelial dysfunction, which is characterized by a decrease in nitric oxide bioavailability. Healthy eating, physical activity, healthy BMI control, sleep, and mental health, all contribute to quality of life. On the contrary, tobacco, obesity, and lack of education can contribute to cardiometabolic diseases. The results obtained in this thesis confirm the importance of a healthy diet, demonstrating that the intake of fruits and vegetables increase urine polyphenols, increasing nitric oxide, which decreases blood pressure, indirectly indicating that there is a better endothelial function. Our findings also confirm that the intake of refined cereals together with a low intake of fish and emotional eating are associated with 8-isoprostane and LDL-c, showing a higher state of oxidative stress

    Efecto de la mezcla de 谩cido linoleico conjugado,cis-9, trans-11 y trans-10, cis-12, en la respuesta a la insulina en un modelo experimental diabetizado con dieta hipercal贸rica.

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    La Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que en el mundo hay m谩s de 346 millones de personas con diabetes (Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud, 2011), por esta raz贸n es importante buscar alternativas para disminuir y/o controlar esta patolog铆a y los problemas asociados a ella. Se ha observado que el consumo de 谩cido linoleico conjugado (CLA) compuesto principalmente por dos is贸meros: cis-9, trans-11 y trans-10, cis-12, tienen un efecto ben茅fico en la diabetes mellitus. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto que ejerce la mezcla de 谩cido linoleico conjugado cis-9, trans-11 y trans-10, cis-12, en la respuesta a la insulina en un modelo experimental con hiperglucemia, por medio de un bioensayo el cual fue dise帽ado en dos fases, la primera consisti贸 en la inducci贸n de diabetes en ratones machos C57BL/6NHsd administrando una dieta hipercal贸rica, alta en grasa y carbohidratos simples. Esta fase concluy贸 cuando al menos 24 ratones presentaron una hiperglicemia >140 mg/dL (15 semanas)

    Salud cardiometab贸lica y estr茅s oxidativo en adolescentes del programa Salud Integral

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    [spa] La adolescencia es una etapa trascendental en la vida de las personas, la adquisici贸n de h谩bitos saludables en ese per铆odo contribuir谩 a una mejor calidad de vida. La salud cardiometab贸lica y su relaci贸n con la salud mental cada vez se hace m谩s presente en el campo cient铆fico; en una etapa potencialmente moldeable como la adolescencia, es importante comprender mejor esta relaci贸n. Programas de salud como es el Programa SI! secundaria, permiten fomentar la salud a la vez que se estudia la poblaci贸n para entender mejor esta etapa de vida. Las enfermedades cardiometab贸licas presentan en com煤n un estado de estr茅s oxidativo, el cual es principalmente desencadenado por la obesidad, hiperglucemia, dislipidemia e hipertensi贸n, resultado de un estilo de vida poco saludable. Este desbalance a nivel del equilibrio redox intracelular, caracterizado por una mayor actividad pro-oxidativa en comparaci贸n con la actividad anti-oxidante, provoca modificaciones estructurales y funcionales en las prote铆nas, l铆pidos, carbohidratos y 谩cidos nucleicos, generando as铆 biomarcadores del estr茅s oxidativo como el 8-isoprostano. El desequilibrio redox conduce a una disfunci贸n mitocondrial, si esta se presenta de forma cr贸nica produce una disfunci贸n a nivel celular, generando as铆 diversas patolog铆as, entre las cuales se encuentra la disfunci贸n endotelial, la cual es caracterizada por una disminuci贸n en la biodisponibilidad del 贸xido n铆trico. La alimentaci贸n saludable, la actividad f铆sica, el control saludable del IMC, sue帽o y salud mental contribuyen a la calidad de vida. Por el contrario, el tabaco, la obesidad y la falta de educaci贸n pueden contribuir a enfermedades cardiometab贸licas. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis confirman la importancia de una alimentaci贸n saludable, demostrando que el consumo de frutas y hortalizas incrementan los polifenoles en orina, aumentando el 贸xido n铆trico lo cual va asociado a una disminuci贸n de la presi贸n arterial, indicando de forma indirecta, que existe una mejor funci贸n endotelial. Tambi茅n se observa que el consumo de cereales refinados junto con un bajo consumo de pescado y la alimentaci贸n emocional est谩n asociados con el 8-isoprostano y el LDL- c, mostrando un mayor estado de estr茅s oxidativo.[eng] Adolescence is a transcendental stage in people's lives, the acquisition of healthy habits during this period will contribute to a better quality of life. Cardiometabolic health and its relationship with mental health are becoming increasingly noticeable in the scientific field; in a potentially moldable stage like adolescence, it is important to better understand this relationship. Health programs such as the SI! Program Secondary, allows to promote health while studying the population to provide a better understanding of this stage of life. Cardiometabolic diseases have in common a state of oxidative stress, which is mainly triggered by obesity, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension, as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. This disequilibrium at the level of the intracellular redox balance, characterized by a higher pro-oxidative activity compared to anti-oxidant activity, causes structural and functional modifications in proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, thus generating oxidative stress biomarkers such as 8-isoprostane. The redox imbalance leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, and if it occurs chronically, it causes cellular dysfunction and thus various pathologies, among which is endothelial dysfunction, which is characterized by a decrease in nitric oxide bioavailability. Healthy eating, physical activity, healthy BMI control, sleep, and mental health, all contribute to quality of life. On the contrary, tobacco, obesity, and lack of education can contribute to cardiometabolic diseases. The results obtained in this thesis confirm the importance of a healthy diet, demonstrating that the intake of fruits and vegetables increase urine polyphenols, increasing nitric oxide, which decreases blood pressure, indirectly indicating that there is a better endothelial function. Our findings also confirm that the intake of refined cereals together with a low intake of fish and emotional eating are associated with 8-isoprostane and LDL-c, showing a higher state of oxidative stress