739 research outputs found

    Phytocoenotic Distribution of Hulthemia persica (Michaut ex Juss.) Bornm. (Rosaceae) under Different Ecological Conditions in Uzbekistan

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    The paper presents some of the results of the 2020–2022 studies of 7 communities with the participation of a poorly studied forage and melliferous species, Hulthemia persica, in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The research goal is to identify the phytocenotic confinement of the poorly studied forage and melliferous species H. persica in various environmental conditions in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Phytocoenotic studies in 7 communities have shown that the population numbers of H. persica in the Tashkent Region (Parkentsay) are satisfactory. However, in recent years the strong impact of anthropogenic factors, primarily livestock grazing under natural growing conditions, has affected this species’ abundance, which has gradually disappeared. Large-scale exploration and prospecting, with the development of the oil and gas industry and other technogenic factors, has harmed the state of H. persica; therefore, populations lack young individuals and the cover provided by this species is relatively low. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen protection measures, which the authors also recommend using for degraded pastures in the desert and foothill regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A detailed survey of natural populations and monitoring their condition should be carried out. In particular, H. persica is a promising plant adapted to various environmental conditions and can be used in degraded pastures in desert and foothill regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

    Current state of Anabasis salsa pasture varieties in Karakalpak Ustyurt (Uzbekistan) due to Aral Sea drying

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    This article is devoted to the study of the current state of 2 pasture varieties of the biyurgun type: Anabasis salsa with the participation of Caroxylon orientale, Artemisia terrae-albae and A. kemrudica; Anabasis salsa with Caroxylon orientale and Artemisia terra-albae and Convolvulus fruticosus, Lycium ruthenicum, Anabasis brachiata, Nanophyton erinaceum, Nitraria schoberi, Malacocarpus crithmifolius and Xylosalsola chiwensis, with single Crambe edentula specimens distributed across the territory of Karakalpak Ustyurt (Uzbekistan) under the influence of Aral Sea drying. The Anabasis salsa pasture type occupies a larger area than that occupied by the other pasture types in Karakalpak Ustyurt (2 664 774 ha) and accounts for 36.4% of the total territory, which includes 9 pasture varieties. This type is common on takyr, loamy saline soils and, high-gypsum soils. The area of the studied pasture varieties, soil cover nature, projective cover percentage, landscape plant species, species placement, forage yield and recommended seasonality of use were determined. According to our observations the investigated pasture varieties are recommended for use as autumn-winter pastures

    Social Resilience and Adaptation in Urban Areas of the United States Facing Financially Insecure Aging: Case Study of Phoenix Metropolitan Area

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    As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age in the coming decades, American metropolitan areas face the serious problem of an increased demand for supportive services. This situation is complicated by the fact that many of the elderly will have limited financial resources, leading to a growing number of seniors struggling with poverty and financial insecurity. At the same time, federal funding for social services is shrinking, and local organizations will play a key role in supporting the low-income elderly in American metropolitan areas. The concept of social resilience offers a useful starting point for understanding the mechanisms that hinder or enable local communities and individuals, in order to recognize and cope with the slow, continuous changes that these demographic changes present. A resilient metropolitan area is one in which markets, local political structures, communities, and individuals continually adapt to changing conditions. This research focuses on the adaptive resilience of the Phoenix metropolitan area through the ability of systems to support low-income seniors to age in place, independently, for as long as possible. Phoenix is an attractive retirement location, and the case study aims to understand if and how the metropolitan area is preparing for the impending demographic changes, viewed as a lasting disturbance. The research uses a descriptive quantitative approach based on triangulation of an online survey of local governments, expert interviews with representatives of local organizations working with the aging population, and document analysis. The major findings for the research period from 2012 to 2014 show that local level actors of public and nonprofit sectors demonstrated involvement in the network of support for the aging population, where nonprofit actors are mainly dependent on the decisions and funding of the public sector and rely increasingly on volunteer support. The current study found that only a few of the participating actors from the public sector expressed clear recognition of the extent of financial insecurity among seniors. Research also revealed an understanding of poverty as predominantly focusing on the personal faults of members of society, which does not require any proactive action from the government. The existing network of services is targeted to reactive support services, which promotes individual resilience and responsibilization. Community services, which can provide prolonged independent aging in place, are less developed or in the early stages of development; operation of these services anticipates significant involvement of volunteers as well. Funding shortages challenge the ability of the public and nonprofit sectors to maintain the existing level of support services for a growing population, and actors need to compensate through local partnerships and innovations. From a theoretical perspective, the research results show that adaptation to the growing number of aging people is emerging in the Phoenix metropolitan area, while financial insecurity is widely considered the personal responsibility of seniors. A reliance on public engagement also refers to individual resilience and can be seen as the next step of a responsibilization process in American society. Thus, the role of individual resilience is growing in American society compared to the role of social or community resilience. A balance should be found that recognizes the power of and limits to both individual and social resilience in creating a social realm that benefits all citizens

    Prospects for modernization of social and labor relations and reduction of conflicts and social tensions in the workplace

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    This research paper explores the transformative landscape of the modern workplace, focusing on the dynamic interplay between the modernization of social and labor relations and the resolution of conflicts. Examining various approaches and scenarios, the study delves into the adoption of flexible work arrangements, integration of technology, and heightened emphasis on diversity and inclusion as pivotal strategies shaping contemporary work environments. Challenges such as technological disruption, globalization, and shifting workforce expectations are considered, highlighting the need for adaptive solutions. The paper underscores the significance of open communication, employee empowerment, and participatory decision-making in fostering positive social and labor relations. A proactive and comprehensive conflict resolution framework, including training programs, mediation services, and clear policies, is delineated as essential for addressing disputes constructively. The role of empathy, diversity appreciation, and transparent communication in conflict resolution is emphasized. In conclusion, the research emphasizes that successful modernization efforts demand a holistic understanding of diverse employee needs. It argues for organizations to remain agile, continually adapting policies to create inclusive, engaging, and equitable workplaces. The resolution of conflicts, guided by human-centric values, becomes integral to this transformative journey, enriching the workplace experience for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole

    Ecological State of Navoi Region (1940-80s)

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    In the article, the policy of industrialization in the 40-80s of the 20th century in the Navoi region, the placement of industrial enterprises in the city centers and densely populated areas, the fact that the production products of the industrial enterprises, especially in the Navoi region, served the interests of the former union, not the country, but the chemical and oil products, is a statement based on historical sources. done Information is given about the harm caused to the environment by the waste of industrial enterprises as a result of the neglect of the material and technical bases of industrial enterprises, the lack of technical equipment, and the rapid implementation of productio

    The organization of innovative activity of english teachers

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    The following article deals with problems of the organizing innovative activities for theEnglish language teachers. There are given stages of the organization of innovative activities forteachers to conduct innovative English language sessions

    The Role and Status of Linguistic Markers in the System of Symbols

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    This article focuses on the semiotic aspect of linguistics, which describes the characteristics, types, classifications, relationships, and the specific status of linguistic characteristics of human beings and other creatures, their consciousness, their thinking and communication. Linguists, who are the followers of the theory of linguistic theory, have their relation to the theory of evolution and determine the factors of further development of this theory. As you know, Ferdinand de Saussure, one of the founders of the theory of language, said that language was a semiotic phenomenon at the time, and that linguistics should be regarded as a component of semiotics (cognac). It is also recognized by other theoretical scholars that language performs as a symbol of language, immanent, fundamental character of the sign language. At the present time, the definition of Ferdinand de Saussure as a system of conditional symbols is accepted without any objection. Nevertheless, the semiotics, semiotics, and semiotics of linguistics, the semiotics of each national, in particular, of the Uzbek language, are the specific and general aspects of linguistics, linguistics, semiotics, linguistics, the position of which is not well-researched. Frankly speaking, the fundamental and fundamental character of the language is characterized by general (thesis) in the theory of language theory. However, without a comprehensive and profound study of the semiotic nature of special languages, without the generalization of these, it is impossible to establish a general theory of the nature of the language.Keywords: character, language, semiotics, linguistics, symbols, word, motivation

    Human textuality as an interdisciplinary problem: the relationship of the genome, gunas of nature and biological destiny of a human being

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    The purpose of this work is by relying on the interdisciplinary aspect to provide evidence in defense of the thesis about the textual nature of a human being. The author believes that a human being is a text on the biological and metaphysical levels of matter, and an interdisciplinary approach is able to discover the mutual relationship between the gunas of nature, genes and the biological destiny of a human being. An interdisciplinary approach is used as the lead. The author relies on scientific data of genetics, epigenetics, philosophy of language, linguistics, philosophy and philosophy of religion. The paper presents a comparison, analysis of scientific data of the Humanities and natural Sciences about a human being. The novelty of the work is determined by the interdisciplinary approach to the problem of human textuality. The linguistics help to understand the structure of DNA as a linguistic structure. The philosophies of religion help to notice the similarities between genetic polymorphism and karma, gunas and genes. The epigenetics help to capture the special relationship between nutrition, stress and epigenetic landscape, human mood and biological destiny. Philosophy helps to notice the interdisciplinary connections between the Humanities and natural Sciences and to bring the study of a human being to a new level of understanding


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    The article discusses the artistic features of the epos “Davlatyorbek”, provides a brief overview of the works in Uzbek folklore devoted to the artistry of the epic, moreover, valuable comments by several folklorists were given, which emphasizes the importance of artistic skill in the Uzbek epic. We study such syntactic tools from the text of the epos as contrast and gradation. Their place in the artistry of the work is illuminated. The article discusses the contrast method, which is widely used in epic works and is considered an important artistic tool for plotting, identifying compositional and stylistic methods.Keywords: “Davlatyorbek”, epic, epos, contrast, gradation, poetics, Khorezm

    Collective Modes of Anyons Localized in 2D Anisotropic Harmonic Potential

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    The goal of our research is to investigate the collective modes of the anyons localized in 2D parabolic well and get the right exact expression for their collective mode frequencies. A study of the collective motion of atomic gases, localized in the harmonic trap, belongs to class of actual and interesting problems of physics of ultra-cold atomic and molecular systems. A topology of  systems allows to exist the particles, whoes statistics may be orbitrary between bosons and fermions, therefore they call anyons. And these anyons are described with parameter and may be determined in the interval between ones for bosons and fermions. The one of intriguing problem of ultra-cold atomic gases is a study of the role of the anyon statistics to the system centre mass mode frequencies
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