3,295 research outputs found

    A coupled FEM/BEM approach and its accuracy for solving crack problems in fracture mechanics

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    AbstractThe finite element (FEM) and the boundary element methods (BEM) are well known powerful numerical techniques for solving a wide range of problems in applied science and engineering. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so that it is desirable to develop a combined finite element/boundary element method approach, which makes use of their advantages and reduces their disadvantages. Several coupling techniques are proposed in the literature, but until now the incompatibility of the basic variables remains a problem to be solved. To overcome this problem, a special super-element using boundary elements based on the usual finite element technique of total potential energy minimization has been developed in this paper. The application of the most commonly used approaches in finite element method namely quarter-point elements and J-integrals techniques were examined using the proposed coupling FEM–BEM. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed approach have been assessed for the evaluation of stress intensity factors (SIF). It was found that the FEM–BEM coupling technique gives more accurate values of the stress intensity factors with fewer degrees of freedom

    Experimental investigation and simplistic geochemical modeling of CO2 mineral carbonation using the mount tawai peridotite

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    In this work, the potential of CO2 mineral carbonation of brucite (Mg(OH)2) derived from the Mount Tawai peridotite (forsterite based (Mg)2SiO4) to produce thermodynamically stable magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) was evaluated. The effect of three main factors (reaction temperature, particle size, and water vapor) were investigated in a sequence of experiments consisting of aqueous acid leaching, evaporation to dryness of the slurry mass, and then gas-solid carbonation under pressurized CO2. The maximum amount of Mg converted to MgCO3 is ∼99%, which occurred at temperatures between 150 and 175 °C. It was also found that the reduction of particle size range from >200 to <75 μm enhanced the leaching rate significantly. In addition, the results showed the essential role of water vapor in promoting effective carbonation. By increasing water vapor concentration from 5 to 10 vol %, the mineral carbonation rate increased by 30%. This work has also numerically modeled the process by which CO2 gas may be sequestered, by reaction with forsterite in the presence of moisture. In both experimental analysis and geochemical modeling, the results showed that the reaction is favored and of high yield; going almost to completion (within about one year) with the bulk of the carbon partitioning into magnesite and that very little remains in solution

    Radio Detection of Cosmic Ray Extensive Air Showers: present status of the CODALEMA experiment

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    Data acquisition and analysis for the CODALEMA experiment, in operation for more than one year, has provided improved knowledge of the characteristics of this new device. At the same time, an important effort has been made to develop processing techniques for extracting transient signals from data containing interference.Comment: september 200

    Radiodetection of Cosmic Ray Extensive Air Showers

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    We present the characteristics and performance of a demonstration experiment devoted to the observation of ultra high- energy cosmic ray extensive air showers using a radiodetection technique. In a first step, one antenna narrowed band filtered acting as trigger, with a 4 σ\sigma threshold above sky background-level, was used to tag any radio transient in coincidence on the antenna array. Recently, the addition of 4 particle detectors has allowed us to observe cosmic ray events in coincidence with antennas

    Selective nanomanipulation using optical forces

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    We present a detailed theoretical study of the recent proposal for selective nanomanipulation of nanometric particles above a substrate using near-field optical forces [Chaumet {\it et al.} Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 88}, 123601 (2002)]. Evanescent light scattering at the apex of an apertureless near-field probe is used to create an optical trap. The position of the trap is controlled on a nanometric scale via the probe and small objects can be selectively trapped and manipulated. We discuss the influence of the geometry of the particles and the probe on the efficiency of the trap. We also consider the influence of multiple scattering among the particles on the substrate and its effect on the robustness of the trap.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figure

    Surface effect on forced vibration of DNS by viscoelastic layer under a moving load

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    The surface effect for a forced vibration of a double-nanobeam-system (DNS) coupled by a viscoelastic layer under a moving constant load is studied in this paper. The viscoelastic layer that couples the nanobeams to each other, is modelled as spring-damper system. The Euler- Bernoulli theory and a simply supported boundary condition are considered for both nanobeams. By using the analytical solution, the dynamic displacement is obtained by considering the surface elasticity and residual tension effect on each nanobeams. Furthermore, the several significant parameters such as the velocity of the moving load, spring constant, damping coefficient and also the surface effect have been studied using some plots and examples. Finally, by observing the diagrams it was concluded that as the length of the beams reduces, the surface effect has a considerable effect on each of nanobeams especially at Nano scale, where it was not achieved by classic theories

    Stress intensity solutions for cracked plates by the dual boundary method

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    This paper presents the application o f the dual boundary element method for the determination o f stress intensity factors in plate bending problems. The loadings considered include internal pressure, and also combined bending and tension. Mixed mode stress intensity factors are evaluated by a crack surface displacement extrapolation technique and the J-integral technique. The boundary element results for the case studies considered in the paper have been compared with either analytical or finite element results and in all cases good agreement has been achieved.Описано застосування методу подвійних граничних елементів для визначення коефіцієнтів інтенсивності напружень у задачах, що пов’язані зі згином пластин. Умови навантаження включають внутрішній тиск та комбінацію згину з розтягом. Коефіцієнти інтенсивності напружень для змішаних мод оцінюються за допомогою методу екстраполяції переміщення поверхні тріщини та методу J-інтеграла. Результати розрахунків методом граничних елементів для досліджуваних випадків навантаження порівнюються із даними аналітичних чи скінченноелементних розрахунків. Отримано їх хорошу збіжність.Описано применение метода двойных граничных элементов для определения коэффициентов интенсивности напряжений в задачах, связанных с изгибом пластин. Исследуемые условия нагружения включают внутреннее давление и комбинацию изгиба с растяжением. Коэффициенты интенсивности напряжений для смешанных мод оцениваются с помощью метода экстраполяции перемещения поверхности трещины и метода J-интеграла. Результаты расчетов методом граничных элементов, полученные для рассматриваемых случаев нагружения, сравниваются с данными аналитических или конечноэлементных расчетов. Получено их хорошее соответствие

    Effect of cylinder de-activation on the tribological performance of compression ring conjunction

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    The paper presents transient thermal-mixed-hydrodynamics of piston compression ring-cylinder liner conjunction for a 4-cylinder 4-stroke gasoline engine during a part of the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC). Analyses are carried out with and without cylinder de-activation (CDA) technology in order to investigate its effect upon the generated tribological conditions. In particular, the effect of CDA upon frictional power loss is studied. The predictions show that overall power losses in the piston-ring cylinder system worsen by as much as 10% because of the increased combustion pressures and liner temperatures in the active cylinders of an engine operating under CDA. This finding shows the down-side of this progressively employed technology, which otherwise is effective in terms of combustion efficiency with additional benefits for operation of catalytic converters. The expounded approach has not hitherto been reported in literature

    Landsat-8, advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer, and WorldView-3 multispectral satellite imagery for prospecting copper-gold mineralization in the northeastern Inglefield Mobile Belt (IMB), northwest Greenland

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    © 2019 by the authors. Several regions in the High Arctic still lingered poorly explored for a variety of mineralization types because of harsh climate environments and remoteness. Inglefield Land is an ice-free region in northwest Greenland that contains copper-gold mineralization associated with hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages. In this study, Landsat-8, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), and WorldView-3 multispectral remote sensing data were used for hydrothermal alteration mapping and mineral prospecting in the Inglefield Land at regional, local, and district scales. Directed principal components analysis (DPCA) technique was applied to map iron oxide/hydroxide, Al/Fe-OH, Mg-Fe-OH minerals, silicification (Si-OH), and SiO2 mineral groups using specialized band ratios of the multispectral datasets. For extracting reference spectra directly from the Landsat-8, ASTER, and WorldView-3 (WV-3) images to generate fraction images of end-member minerals, the automated spectral hourglass (ASH) approach was implemented. Linear spectral unmixing (LSU) algorithm was thereafter used to produce a mineral map of fractional images. Furthermore, adaptive coherence estimator (ACE) algorithm was applied to visible and near-infrared and shortwave infrared (VINR + SWIR) bands of ASTER using laboratory reflectance spectra extracted from the USGS spectral library for verifying the presence of mineral spectral signatures. Results indicate that the boundaries between the Franklinian sedimentary successions and the Etah metamorphic and meta-igneous complex, the orthogneiss in the northeastern part of the Cu-Au mineralization belt adjacent to Dallas Bugt, and the southern part of the Cu-Au mineralization belt nearby Marshall Bugt show high content of iron oxides/hydroxides and Si-OH/SiO2 mineral groups, which warrant high potential for Cu-Au prospecting. A high spatial distribution of hematite/jarosite, chalcedony/opal, and chlorite/epidote/biotite were identified with the documented Cu-Au occurrences in central and southwestern sectors of the Cu-Au mineralization belt. The calculation of confusion matrix and Kappa Coefficient proved appropriate overall accuracy and good rate of agreement for alteration mineral mapping. This investigation accomplished the application of multispectral/multi-sensor satellite imagery as a valuable and economical tool for reconnaissance stages of systematic mineral exploration projects in remote and inaccessible metallogenic provinces around the world, particularly in the High Arctic regions