2,112 research outputs found

    An asymptomatic 11 year child with ruptured sinus of Valsalva

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    Ruptured sinus of Valsalva (RSOV) is a rare lesion in a paediatric age group. A right sinus of Valsalva aneurysm usually ruptures into the right ventricle, while aneurysms of non-coronary sinus do so into the right atrium. RSOV usually presents in the third decade of life with congestive heart failure and is more common among Asians with male predominance. It may present as acute cardiogenic shock and sudden death or may remain completely asymptomatic with incidental detection by a murmur. Surgery is indicated as early as possible, once the diagnosis is made as without surgery, most cases will eventually succumb to uncontrollable congestive heart failure. This article reports an 11 year old child with the diagnosis of ruptured sinus of Valsalva.peer-reviewe

    Reform for Midwest urban schools--conference summary

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    Education - Middle West - Chicago (Ill.)

    The Handling and Re-Management of the Product Failed in the Production Process of PT Kedawung Setia

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    PT Kedawung Setia Industrial Tbk manufactures and sells enamel products in Indonesia. Founded in 1973 and headquartered in Surabaya, Indonesia. PT Kedawung Setia main products are pot and household appliances lined with enamel. Enamel is a kind of special paint that makes the kitchen equipment become colorful so that is better seen and impress ‘luxury'. PT Kedawung Setia does not produce ordinary kitchen utensils, but rather a high-end kitchen appliances to be exported and able to be bought in large supermarkets. Thus it is certainly important for PT. Kedawung Setia to really pay attention to every detail of its production steps to minimize the occurrence of production failure. However the product defect seems to be quite difficult to avoid and still a problem that is putting a risk to the company. This paper aims to analyze the problem in production and display alternative solutions to reduce production failure which causes defect products. The result shows that it can be done via re-management of the defect product to be a new product with good quality adding up a diversification of products for the company

    Mechanisms Of Telomere Maintenance In Trypanosoma Brucei

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    Telomeres are a nucleoprotein structure at the end of the chromosome and are essential for genome integrity and chromosome stability. Telomere lengths are primarily maintained by a telomerase-mediated pathway but can be maintained by a homologous recombination-mediated pathway. However, detailed mechanisms of telomere maintenance are still unclear in many eukaryotes, including an important human pathogen, Trypanosoma brucei. Telomeres can be elongated by telomerase in T. brucei, a causative agent of fatal sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in cattle. T. brucei evades host immune response by regularly switching its major surface antigen, variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), a process known as antigenic variation. The telomere structure and telomere proteins play critical roles in T. brucei pathogenesis. In mammalian, yeast, and plant cells, ssDNA binding proteins with OB-fold domains play important roles in coordinating telomere G- and C-strand syntheses. However, no such protein has been described in T. brucei to be specifically associated with the telomere. We identified POLIE, an A-type DNA polymerase, as a crucial telomere complex component in T. brucei and essential in maintaining telomere integrity in T. brucei. Depletion of POLIE in T. brucei leads to an increased amount of DNA damage at telomere/subtelomere, increased frequency of gene conversion-mediated VSG switching, and an increased amount of the telomeric circles (T-circles), suggesting a potential role of POLIE in suppressing DNA recombination at the telomere and the subtelomere. However, I find that telomeric and subtelomeric DNA recombination is unlikely to be mediated by the increased telomeric R-loop level as the telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) level is significantly lower in POLIE-depleted cells. The telomere G-rich 3’overhangs are dramatically elongated in POLIE-depleted cells, indicating a potential role of POLIE to coordinate telomere G- and C-strand syntheses and suggesting that the long telomere 3’ overhang can induce more telomeric and subtelomeric recombination. In addition, I find that POLIE inhibits telomerase-dependent telomere G-strand extension, identifying POLIE as the first telomere protein that potentially suppresses telomerase in T. brucei. Moreover, depletion of POLIE greatly increases the amount of telomeric C-circles which can be derived from replication stress in the telomere C-strand. Importantly, the elongated telomere 3’ overhang and elevated telomeric C-circle level phenotypes are independent of the telomerase, which suggests that POLIE may promote the telomere C-strand synthesis. Therefore, we identified that POLIE plays a major role in suppressing telomere recombination, coordinating telomerase-mediated telomere G-strand extension, and telomere C-strand synthesis, and maintaining telomere integrity in T. brucei

    Optimalisasi Fungsi Masjid Pendekatan Superimposisi (Desain Masjid Bulak)

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    Masjid memiliki peran penting dalam kemajuan peradaban manusia pada masa kejayaan islam. Namun saat ini di Indonesia masjid mengalami penyempitan makna dan fungsi. Jumlahnya banyak namun tidak berkualitas dan tidak makmur. Menghadirkan peran fungsi masjid yang sebenarnya diharapkan dapat menjadikan masjid pusat kegiatan masyarakat dan menyelesaikan masalah kemiskinan di kelurahan kedung cowek. Permasalahan desain yang timbul adaalah bagaimana masjid dapat menjadi pusat dari beragam kegiatan dan ibadah masyarakat kecamatan kedung cowek. Untuk mewujudkan itu berarti masjid harus mewadahi berbagai aktivitas dengan beragam program, berarti menggabungkan tempat ibadah yang diharuskan kondusif dengan tempat umum yang kurang kondusif. Untuk menjawab permasalahan desain tersebut digunakan pendekatan desain superimposisi. Program di eksplorasi sedemikian rupa untuk menimbulkan event-event baru yang tidak terduga agar masjid hidup dan makmur. Metode desain yang dipakai adalah programmatic dissociations yang dipakai Bernard tschumi dalam mendesain Tokyo opera house. Hasil rancangan berupa masjid yang terbuka dan menjadi wadah pusat kegiatan masyarakat

    Interference of five problematic weed species with rice growth and yield

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    Five weed species namely, Cyperus rotundus L., Cyperus difformis L., Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link., Paspalum paspaloides (Mich.) Scribner, and Marsilea minuta L. were selected for the assessment of their level of competition with two commonly grown rice varieties viz. Basmati-385 and Super Basmati. Root and shoot growth as well as grain yield, in both rice cultivars, were adversely affected due to the weed competition in the field experiments. In general, Super Basmati was found to be comparatively more tolerant to weed infestation than Basmati-385. There were 6 to 40% and 21 to 56% reduction in grain yield of Super Basmati and Basmati-385, respectively, due to different weed species. E. colonum was found to be the most damaging weed which resulted in the highest grain yield losses of 56 and 42% in Basmati-385 and Super Basmati, respectively. P. paspaloides was found to be the second most damaging weed species which caused 47% yield losses in Basmati-385. It was concluded from the study that E. colonum was the most competitive weed. It resulted in the highest yield losses in rice especially in var. Basmati-385.Keywords: Rice, weeds, yield losses

    Sustained remission in a case of lupus nephritis with cyclosporin therapy

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in severe form still presents a major therapeutic challenge. Aggressive treatment of severe renal lesions has improved the prognosis of renal disease over the last decade. However, this benefit is quite frequently offset by the side effects and toxicity of the treatment. Moreover, the disease may appear to be poorly responsive to treatment with steroids and cytotoxic drugs. We report a case of lupus nephritis that relapsed despite having adequate steroid and cytotoxic therapy, but later was successfully treated with cyclosporin. Fifteen months after discontinuing the treatment with cyclosporin, the patient continued to remain in remission

    Heavy metal flocculation at Pirbazar River, Banadar Anzali, south west Caspian Sea

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    Heavy metal flocculation process was studied in the year 2002 in order to determine the interaction of water in Pirbazar River with Caspian Sea water. The effects of various salinity concentrations of Caspian Sea water were studied on determined heavy metals including Fe, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd and Cr level of Pirbazar River using APHA method of extraction and measurement. The results illustrated that the level of heavy metal concentration in Pirbazar River were above standard limits and the extent of flocculation depended on both the salinity level and the heavy metal itself. The maximum flocculation for Cd and Cr were recorded at 7.65ppt, for Zn and Fe at 9.35ppt while for Pb and Cd were at 2.55ppt salinity. The order of flocculation with respect to percentage of original concentrations was found to be Zn > Fe > Cr> Cu > Cd> Pb

    Cutaneous manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus in Pakistani patients

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    Objective: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune process in which cutaneous lesions occur in majority of patients. This study from Karachi, Pakistan was conducted to determine the pattern and prevalence of such lesions in SLE in Pakistani patients.Methods: One hundred ninety eight patients with SLE fulfilling the clinical and laboratory criteria of the American Rheumatology Association were examined between 1986 and 2001 for the presence of cutaneous manifestations.Results: Skin changes noted were: noncicatricial diffuse alopecia (22%), malar rash (31%), mucosal lesions (20%), discoid eruptions (15%), photosensitivity (33%), vascular lesions (20%), pruritus (17%), and pigmentary changes (22%). Peripheral gangrene, chronic ulcers, Raynauds phenomenon, urticaria, chilblains, thrombophlebitis, palmar erythema, and erythema multiform were rare. Anti ANA and anti dsDNA were positive in 93% and 83% patients respectively.CONCLUSION: A different clinical pattern was noted in our patients than reported previously

    Evaluation of the anxiolytic effect of Nepeta persica Boiss. in mice

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the anxiolytic effects of hydroalcoholic extract (HE) of Nepeta persica Boiss. (Lamiaceae) on the elevated plus-maze (EPM) model of anxiety. The extract of arial parts of the plant was administered intraperitoneally to male NMRI mice, at various doses, 30 min before behavioural evaluation. The HE extract of N. persica at the dose of 50 mg kg−1 significantly increased the percentage of time spent and percentage of arm entries in the open arms of the EPM. This dose of plant extract affected neither animal's locomotor activity nor ketamine-induced sleeping time. The 50 mg kg−1 dose of the plant extract seemed to be the optimal dose in producing the anxiolytic effects, lower or higher doses of the plant produce either sedative or stimulant effects. At 100 mg kg−1, the plant extract increased the locomotor activity. These results suggested that the extract of N. persica at dose of 50 mg kg−1 possess anxiolytic effect with less sedative and hypnotic effects than that of diazepam and causes a non-specific stimulation at 100 mg kg−1
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