Ruptured sinus of Valsalva (RSOV) is a rare lesion in a paediatric age group.
A right sinus of
Valsalva aneurysm usually ruptures into the right ventricle, while aneurysms of non-coronary sinus
do so into the right atrium.
RSOV usually presents in the third decade of life with congestive heart
failure and is more common among Asians with male predominance.
It may present as acute
cardiogenic shock and sudden death or may remain completely asymptomatic with incidental
detection by a murmur. Surgery is indicated as early as possible, once the diagnosis is made as
without surgery, most cases will eventually succumb to uncontrollable congestive heart failure.
This article reports an 11 year old child with the diagnosis of ruptured sinus of Valsalva.peer-reviewe