791 research outputs found

    Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Review on Hodgkin lymphoma, with data on clinics, and the genes involved

    Erfahrungen aus fünfzehn Jahren Parotischirurgie der Klinikum Dortmund gGmbH

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    Die Arbeit vergleicht u.a. die Operationstechnik der laterofacialen Parotidektomie (l.P.) mit der Tumorexstirpation (E.) bei gutartigen Parotistumoren. Es wurden 798 Patienten untersucht, die an der Gl. parotis operiert wurden. Die Häufigkeit von postoperativen Funktionseinschränkungen des N. facialis war nach l. P. höher als nach E., konnte aber durch das Neuromonitoring gesenkt werden. Der Vorteil der l. P. ist die höhere Tumorrezidivfreiheit, die höhere postoperative Komplikationsrate kann durch Verfahrensstandardisierung und Einsatz technischer Hilfsmittel reduziert werden. Die l. P. ist derzeit das Standardverfahren zur Entfernung gutartiger Parotistumoren aus den lateralen Anteilen der Gl. parotis

    Square patterns in Rayleigh-Benard convection with rotation about a vertical axis

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    We present experimental results for Rayleigh-Benard convection with rotation about a vertical axis at dimensionless rotation rates in the range 0 to 250 and upto 20% above the onset. Critical Rayleigh numbers and wavenumbers agree with predictions of linear stability analysis. For rotation rates greater than 70 and close to onset, the patterns are cellular with local four-fold coordination and differ from the theoretically expected Kuppers-Lortz unstable state. Stable as well as intermittent defect-free square lattices exist over certain parameter ranges. Over other ranges defects dynamically disrupt the lattice but cellular flow and local four-fold coordination is maintained.Comment: ReVTeX, 4 pages, 7 eps figures include

    Ammonia and other parent molecules in comet 10P/Tempel 2 from Herschel/HIFI and ground-based radio observations

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    The Jupiter-family comet 10P/Tempel 2 was observed during its 2010 return with the Herschel Space Observatory. We present here the observation of the (J, K) = (1, 0)-(0, 0) transition of ammonia at 572 GHz in this comet with the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) of Herschel. We also report on radio observations of other molecules (HCN, CH3OH, H2S and CS) obtained during the 1999 return of the comet with the CSO telescope and the JCMT, and during its 2010 return with the IRAM 30-m telescope. Molecular abundances relative to water are 0.09%, 1.8%, 0.4%, and 0.08% for HCN, CH3OH, H2S, and CS, respectively. An abundance of 0.5% for NH3 is obtained, which is similar to the values measured in other comets. The hyperfine structure of the ammonia line is resolved for the first time in an astronomical source. Strong anisotropy in the outgassing is present in all observations from 1999 to 2010 and is modelled to derive the production rates.Comment: 6 pages and 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Period Stabilization in the Busse-Heikes Model of the Kuppers-Lortz Instability

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    The Busse-Heikes dynamical model is described in terms of relaxational and nonrelaxational dynamics. Within this dynamical picture a diverging alternating period is calculated in a reduced dynamics given by a time-dependent Hamiltonian with decreasing energy. A mean period is calculated which results from noise stabilization of a mean energy. The consideration of spatial-dependent amplitudes leads to vertex formation. The competition of front motion around the vertices and the Kuppers-Lortz instability in determining an alternating period is discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the Deep Impact Encounter

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    We report on the Hubble Space Telescope program to observe periodic comet 9P/Tempel 1 in conjunction with NASA's Deep Impact mission. Our objectives were to study the generation and evolution of the coma resulting from the impact and to obtain wide-band images of the visual outburst generated by the impact. Two observing campaigns utilizing a total of 17 HST orbits were carried out: the first occurred on 2005 June 13-14 and fortuitously recorded the appearance of a new, short-lived fan in the sunward direction on June 14. The principal campaign began two days before impact and was followed by contiguous orbits through impact plus several hours and then snapshots one, seven, and twelve days later. All of the observations were made using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). For imaging, the ACS High Resolution Channel (HRC) provides a spatial resolution of 36 km (16 km/pixel) at the comet at the time of impact. Baseline images of the comet, made prior to impact, photometrically resolved the comet's nucleus. The derived diameter, 6.1 km, is in excellent agreement with the 6.0 +/- 0.2 km diameter derived from the spacecraft imagers. Following the impact, the HRC images illustrate the temporal and spatial evolution of the ejecta cloud and allow for a determination of its expansion velocity distribution. One day after impact the ejecta cloud had passed out of the field-of-view of the HRC.Comment: 15 pages, 14 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Icarus special issue on Deep Impac

    EAC-1A: A novel large-volume lunar regolith simulant

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    The European Astronaut Centre (EAC) is currently constructing the European Lunar Exploration Laboratory (LUNA), a large training and operations facility to be located adjacent to EAC at the DLR (German Aerospace Centre) campus in Cologne, Germany. With an estimated representative lunar testbed area of approximately 660 m(2), a large volume of lunar regolith simulant material is needed for this purpose. In this study, a basanitic sandy silt from a quarry located in the Siebengebirge Volcanic Field is evaluated as a large-volume source of material. The focus of this project has been to conduct a physical and chemical characterisation of the fine-grained material to be used in LUNA;the European Astronaut Centre lunar regolith simulant 1 (EAC-1A). The physical characterisation tests undertaken include sphericity, density measurements, cohesion and static angle of repose, with mineralogical investigations via petrographical analysis with optical microscope and SEM, XRF, XRD and DSC measurements. The results of the EAC-1A tests are compared to published data on existing widely used lunar regolith simulants, namely JSC-1A, JSC-2A, NU-LHT-3M, DNA and FJS-1