230 research outputs found

    Opportunistic Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A Potential Risk Sold in Food Products

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    In recent decades, fungal infections have emerged as an important health problem associated with more people who present deficiencies in the immune system, such as HIV or transplanted patients. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the emerging fungal pathogens with a unique characteristic: its presence in many food products. S. cerevisiae has an impeccably good food safety record compared to other microorganisms like virus, bacteria and some filamentous fungi. However, humans unknowingly and inadvertently ingest large viable populations of S. cerevisiae (home-brewed beer or dietary supplements that contain yeast). In the last few years, researchers have studied the nature of S. cerevisiae strains and the molecular mechanisms related to infections. Here we review the last advance made in this emerging pathogen and we discuss the implication of using this species in food products.RP-T was supported by CICYT grants (ref. AGL2012-39937-CO2-01 and -02) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and FEDER. This work was supported by grant PROMETEO (project PROMETEO/2009/019) from the Generalitat Valenciana.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Increased mannoprotein content in wines produced by Saccharomyces kudriavzevii Ă— Saccharomyces cerevisiae hybrids

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    Several wine quality aspects are influenced by yeast mannoproteins on account of aroma compounds retention, lactic-acid bacterial growth stimulation, protection against protein haze and astringency reduction. Thus selecting a yeast strain that produces high levels of mannoproteins is important for the winemaking industry. In this work, we observed increased levels of mannoproteins in S. cerevisiae × S. kudriavzevii hybrids, compared to the S. cerevisiae strain, in wine fermentations. Furthermore, the expression of a key gene related to mannoproteins biosynthesis, PMT1, increased in the S. cerevisiae × S. kudriavzevii hybrid. We showed that artificially constructed S. cerevisiae × S. kudriavzevii hybrids also increased the levels of mannoproteins. This work demonstrates that either natural or artificial S. cerevisiae × S. kudriavzevii hybrids present mannoprotein overproducing capacity under winemaking conditions, a desirable physiological feature for this industry. These results suggest that genome interaction in hybrids generates a physiological environment that enhances the release of mannoproteins.R. Pérez-Torrado was supported by the JAEDOC postdoctoral program. L. Pérez-Través was supported by an I3P fellowship from the CSIC. This work was supported by CICYT grants (ref. AGL2012-39937-CO2-01 and AGL2012-39937-CO2-02 and AGL2015-67504-C3-1-R) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and FEDER, and by grant PROMETEO (Project PROMETEO/2009/019) from the Generalitat Valenciana.Peer reviewe

    Ethanol Effects Involve Non-canonical Unfolded Protein Response Activation in Yeast Cells

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a conserved intracellular signaling pathway that controls transcription of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis related genes. Ethanol stress has been recently described as an activator of the UPR response in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but very little is known about the causes of this activation. Although some authors ensure that the UPR is triggered by the unfolded proteins generated by ethanol in the cell, there are studies which demonstrate that protein denaturation occurs at higher ethanol concentrations than those used to trigger the UPR. Here, we studied UPR after ethanol stress by three different approaches and we concluded that unfolded proteins do not accumulate in the ER under. We also ruled out inositol depletion as an alternative mechanism to activate the UPR under ethanol stress discarding that ethanol effects on the cell decreased inositol levels by different methods. All these data suggest that ethanol, at relatively low concentrations, does not cause unfolded proteins in the yeasts and UPR activation is likely due to other unknown mechanism related with a restructuring of ER membrane due to the effect of ethanol.EN was supported by a FPU grant from the Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y Ciencia (ref. AP2009-0787). This work was supported by grants AGL2012-39937-C02-01 and AGL2015-67504-C3-1-R from the Spanish Government and FEDER and by grant PROMETEO (project PROMETEOII/2014/042) from Generalitat Valenciana to AQ.Peer reviewe

    The role of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in industrial winemaking

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    The fermentation of grape juice into wine is a complex microbiological process, in which yeasts play a central role. Traditionally, identification and characterization of yeast species have been based on morphological and physiological characteristics. However, the application of molecular biology techniques represents an alternative to the traditional methods of yeast identification and are becoming an important tool in solving industrial problems. Although Saccharomyces cerevisiae is responsible for the alcoholic fermentation, the presence of non-Saccharomyces species could be important since they produce secondary metabolites, which can contribute to the final taste and flavor of wines

    Molecular evolution in yeast of biotechnological interest

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    The importance of yeast in the food and beverage industries was only realized about 1860, when the role of these organisms in food manufacture became evident. Since they grow on a wide range of substrates and can tolerate extreme physicochemical conditions, yeasts, especially the genera Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces, have been applied to many industrial processes, Industrial strains of these genera are highly specialized organisms that have evolved to utilize a range of environments and ecological niches to their full potential. This adaptation is called “domestication”. This review describes the phylogenetic relationships among Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces species and the different mechanisms involved in the adaptive evolution of industrial yeast strains

    Stabilization process in Saccharomyces intra- and interspecific hybrids in fermentative conditions

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    We evaluated the genetic stabilization of artificial intra-(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and interspecific (S. cerevisiae × S. kudriavzevii) hybrids under wine fermentative conditions. Large-scale transitions in genome size and genome reorganizations were observed during this process. Interspecific hybrids seem to need fewer generations to reach genetic stability than intraspecific hybrids. The largest number of molecular patterns recovered among the derived clones was observed for intraspecific hybrids, particularly for those obtained by rare-mating. Molecular marker analyses revealed that unstable clones could change during the industrial process to obtain active dry yeast. When no changes in molecular markers and ploidy were observed after this process, no changes in genetic composition were confirmed by comparative genome hybridization, considering the clone as a stable hybrid. According to our results, under these conditions, fermentation steps 3 and 5 (30–50 generations) would suffice to obtain genetically stable interspecific and intraspecific hybrids, respectively. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(4):213-224]Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae · Saccharomyces kudriavzevii · rare-mating in yeast · molecular markers · DNA content evaluation · stabilization of genome

    Alternative Glycerol Balance Strategies among Saccharomyces Species in Response to Winemaking Stress

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    Production and balance of glycerol is essential for the survival of yeast cells in certain stressful conditions as hyperosmotic or cold shock that occur during industrial processes as winemaking. These stress responses are well-known in S. cerevisiae, however, little is known in other phylogenetically close related Saccharomyces species associated with natural or fermentation environments such as S. uvarum, S. paradoxus or S. kudriavzevii. In this work we have investigated the expression of four genes (GPD1, GPD2, STL1, and FPS1) crucial in the glycerol pool balance in the four species with a biotechnological potential (S. cerevisiae; S. paradoxus; S. uvarum; and S. kudriavzevii), and the ability of strains to grow under osmotic and cold stresses. The results show different pattern and level of expression among the different species, especially for STL1. We also studied the function of Stl1 glycerol symporter in the survival to osmotic changes and cell growth capacity in winemaking environments. These experiments also revealed a different functionality of the glycerol transporters among the different species studied. All these data point to different strategies to handle glycerol accumulation in response to winemaking stresses as hyperosmotic or cold-hyperosmotic stress in the different species, with variable emphasis in the production, influx, or efflux of glycerol.BO was supported by CAPES the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (Brazilian Ministry of Education). This work has been supported by grants AGL2012-39937-C02-01 and AGL2015-67504-C3-1-R from the Spanish Government, FEDER, and Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/2014/042 to AQ, GA CR 15-03708S from the Czech National Foundation to HS, and by the European Commission FP7: Marie Curie Initial Training Network CORNUCOPIA no. 264717 to AQ and HS.Peer reviewe

    Ethanol Cellular Defense Induce Unfolded Protein Response in Yeast

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    Ethanol is a valuable industrial product and a common metabolite used by many cell types. However, this molecule produces high levels of cytotoxicity affecting cellular performance at several levels. In the presence of ethanol, cells must adjust some of their components, such as the membrane lipids to maintain homeostasis. In the case of microorganism as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ethanol is one of the principal products of their metabolism and is the main stress factor during fermentation. Although, many efforts have been made, mechanisms of ethanol tolerance are not fully understood and very little evidence is available to date for specific signaling by ethanol in the cell. This work studied two S. cerevisiae strains, CECT10094, and Temohaya-MI26, isolated from flor wine and agave fermentation (a traditional fermentation from Mexico) respectively, which differ in ethanol tolerance, in order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the ethanol stress response and the reasons for different ethanol tolerance. The transcriptome was analyzed after ethanol stress and, among others, an increased activation of genes related with the unfolded protein response (UPR) and its transcription factor, Hac1p, was observed in the tolerant strain CECT10094. We observed that this strain also resist more UPR agents than Temohaya-MI26 and the UPR-ethanol stress correlation was corroborated observing growth of 15 more strains and discarding UPR correlation with other stresses as thermal or oxidative stress. Furthermore, higher activation of UPR pathway in the tolerant strain CECT10094 was observed using a UPR mCherry reporter. Finally, we observed UPR activation in response to ethanol stress in other S. cerevisiae ethanol tolerant strains as the wine strains T73 and EC1118. This work demonstrates that the UPR pathway is activated under ethanol stress occurring in a standard fermentation and links this response to an enhanced ethanol tolerance. Thus, our data suggest that there is a room for ethanol tolerance improvement by enhancing UPR response.EN was supported by a FPU grant from the Ministerio de EducaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte (ref. AP2009-0787). RP was supported by a JAEDOC postdoctoral program (IATA-CSIC), co-funded by FSE. This work has been supported by grants AGL2012-39937-C02-01 from the Spanish Government, FEDER and Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEOII/2014/042 to AQ. We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    Enhanced enzymatic activity of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the cryophilic Saccharomyces kudriavzevii

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    During the evolution of the different species classified within the Saccharomyces genus, each one has adapted to live in different environments. One of the most important parameters that have influenced the evolution of Saccharomyces species is the temperature. Here we have focused on the study of the ability of certain species as Saccharomyces kudriavzevii to grow at low temperatures, in contrast to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We observed that S. kudriavzevii strains isolated from several regions are able to synthesize higher amounts of glycerol, a molecule that has been shown to accumulate in response to freeze and cold stress. To explain this observation at the molecular level we studied the expression of glycerol biosynthetic pathway genes and we observed a higher expression of GPD1 gene in S. kudriavzevii compared to S. cerevisiae in micro-vinification conditions. We observed higher enzymatic activity of Gpd1p in S. kudriavzevii in response to osmotic and cold stress. Also, we determined that S. kudriavzevii Gpd1p enzyme presents increased catalytic properties that will contribute to increase glycerol production. Finally, we evaluated the glycerol production with S. cerevisiae, S. kudriavzevii or a recombinant Gpd1p variant in the same background and observed that the S. kudriavzevii enzyme produced increased glycerol levels at 12 or 28°C. This suggests that glycerol is increased in S. kudriavzevii mainly due to increased Vmax of the Gpd1p enzyme. All these differences indicate that S. kudriavzevii has changed the metabolism to promote the branch of the glycolytic pathway involved in glycerol production to adapt to low temperature environments and maintain the NAD+/NADH ratio in alcoholic fermentations. This knowledge is industrially relevant due to the potential use, for example, of S. cerevisiae-S. kudriavzevii hybrids in the wine industry where glycerol content is an important quality parameter

    Stabilization process in Saccharomyces intra and interspecific hybrids in fermentative conditions

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    We evaluated the genetic stabilization of artificial intra- (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and interspecific (S. cerevisiae Ă— S. kudriavzevii) hybrids under wine fermentative conditions. Large-scale transitions in genome size and genome reorganizations were observed during this process. Interspecific hybrids seem to need fewer generations to reach genetic stability than intraspecific hybrids. The largest number of molecular patterns recovered among the derived clones was observed for intraspecific hybrids, particularly for those obtained by rare-mating. Molecular marker analyses revealed that unstable clones could change during the industrial process to obtain active dry yeast. When no changes in molecular markers and ploidy were observed after this process, no changes in genetic composition were confirmed by comparative genome hybridization, considering the clone as a stable hybrid. According to our results, under these conditions, fermentation steps 3 and 5 (30-50 generations) would suffice to obtain genetically stable interspecific and intraspecific hybrids, respectively
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