1,570 research outputs found

    Two-Level Systems in Evaporated Amorphous Silicon

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    In ee-beam evaporated amorphous silicon (aa-Si), the densities of two-level systems (TLS), n0n_{0} and P‾\overline{P}, determined from specific heat CC and internal friction Q−1Q^{-1} measurements, respectively, have been shown to vary by over three orders of magnitude. Here we show that n0n_{0} and P‾\overline{P} are proportional to each other with a constant of proportionality that is consistent with the measurement time dependence proposed by Black and Halperin and does not require the introduction of additional anomalous TLS. However, n0n_{0} and P‾\overline{P} depend strongly on the atomic density of the film (nSin_{\rm Si}) which depends on both film thickness and growth temperature suggesting that the aa-Si structure is heterogeneous with nanovoids or other lower density regions forming in a dense amorphous network. A review of literature data shows that this atomic density dependence is not unique to aa-Si. These findings suggest that TLS are not intrinsic to an amorphous network but require a heterogeneous structure to form

    I Hates To Get Up Early In The Morn

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    Adolescents care but don't feel responsible for farm animal welfare

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    Adolescents are the next generation of consumers with the potential to raise standards of farm animal welfare—to theirsatisfaction—if their preferences and concerns are translated into accurate market drivers and signals. There are no published data about adolescent views of farm animal welfare to allow meaningful design, implementation, and evaluation of educational strategies to improve consideration of—and behavior toward—farm animals. Knowledge of farm animal welfare, as well as beliefs and attitudes about farm animal welfare and behavioral intention relevant to it were determined in a sample of ukadolescents, using a survey incorporating an extended version of the theory of planned behavior and novel assessment tools. Our results indicate that adolescents have only a limited knowledge of welfare problems for farm animals and welfare-relevant product labels. Intentions to identify welfare standards for the animals from whom their food was derived were weak. Although they cared about farm animal welfare and agreed with fundamental principles—for example, the provision of space and the absence of pain and suffering—like adults they held limited belief in the power and responsibility that they possess through their choices as consumers; responsibility was often shifted to others, such as the government and farmers

    Two-dimensional tetramer-cuprate Na5RbCu4(AsO4)4Cl2: phase transitions and AFMorder as seen by 87Rb NMR

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    We report the Rb nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) results in a recently synthesized Na5RbCu4(AsO4)Cl2. This complex novel two-dimensional (2D) cuprate is an unique magnetic material, which contains layers of coupled Cu4O4 tetramers. In zero applied magnetic field, it orders antiferromagnetically via a second-order low-entropy phase transition at TN = 15(1) K. We characterise the ordered state by 87Rb NMR, and suggest for it a noncollinear rather than collinear arrangement of spins. We discuss the properties of Rb nuclear site and point out the new structural phase transition(s) around 74 K and 110 K.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of SCES'05, Vienna 200

    South Carolina Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Agriculture, Partnering for Success in Migratory Bird Treaty Act Compliance: A Case Study

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    The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is responsible for maintaining over 8,400 bridges statewide and several species of migratory birds use these structures as nesting locations. These birds, including their nests and eggs, are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). During a review of MBTA compliance in 2014, SCDOT concluded that they had no procedures in place to allow take to occur when active migratory bird nests were found within project limits. Project delays were the only management method available when active nests were found. SCDOT entered a Cooperative Service Agreement with USDA Wildlife Services (WS) in 2016 to address MBTA compliance on SCDOT projects. The agreement called for WS to manage migratory birds at bridge projects to prevent project delays. WS would repeatedly visit bridge projects, survey the bridges for nests, and remove the nests before they became active. Since 2016, WS has inspected 233 bridges and migratory birds were present at approximately 66% of those bridges with a total of 9,250 inactive nests being removed using a variety of methods. Since the partnership’s inception, construction delays due to migratory birds have been completely avoided with an average cost per project of $1,525. With the passage of a new motor fuel user fee in South Carolina, SCDOT plans to replace 465 bridges over the next 10 years. This increase in work will require continued development and implementation of the partnership to effectively meet the rapidly growing transportation needs while minimizing impacts to species protected under the MBTA

    Validation of Multibody Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories II Parachute Simulation with Interacting Forces

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    A capability to simulate trajectories of multiple interacting rigid bodies has been developed, tested and validated. This capability uses the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories II (POST 2). The standard version of POST 2 allows trajectory simulation of multiple bodies without force interaction. In the current implementation, the force interaction between the parachute and the suspended bodies has been modeled using flexible lines, allowing accurate trajectory simulation of the individual bodies in flight. The POST 2 multibody capability is intended to be general purpose and applicable to any parachute entry trajectory simulation. This research paper explains the motivation for multibody parachute simulation, discusses implementation methods, and presents validation of this capability

    Orbital Manuvering System Design and Performance For the Magnetosperic Multiscale Constellation

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    The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, launched on March 13, 2015, is the fourth mission of NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probe program. The MMS mission consists of four identically instrumented observatories that function as a constellation to provide the first definitive study of magnetic reconnection in space. Since it is frequently desirable to isolate electric and magnetic field sensors from stray effects caused by the spacecraft's core-body, the suite of instruments on MMS includes six radial and two axial instrument-booms with deployed lengths ranging from 5-60 meters (see Figure 1). The observatory is spin-stabilized about its positive z-axis with a nominal rate slightly above 3 rev/min (RPM). The spin is also used to maintain tension in the four radial wire-booms. Each observatory's Attitude Control System (ACS) consists of digital sun sensors, star cameras, accelerometers, and mono-propellant hydrazine thrusters-responsible for orbital adjustments, attitude control, and spin adjustments. The sections that follow describe performance requirements, the hardware and algorithms used for 6-DOF estimation, and then similarly for 6-DOF control. The paper concludes with maneuver performance based on both simulated and on-orbit telem

    Tackling Health Inequalities in Scotland: an Innovative Approach to Implement the ‘Early Years’ Policy into Practice

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    Major health inequalities existing across the world and are often closely linked with degrees of social disadvantage. Scotland is fully committed to tackling this major challenge of health and social inequalities. One key focus is ensuring that every child and young person has equal access to opportunities and health improvements. This is supported by a series of national guidelines and ‘early years’ policy drivers. To implement these policies in practice, one National Health Service (NHS) health board (Lanarkshire) in collaboration with the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), adopted an innovative approach to develop the Best Possible Start (BPS) program of focused activity to reshape ‘early years’ services and ways of working. The foundation for the program was the national transformational initiative ‘Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)’. This is based on the belief that the developments of the child and their experiences in the early years have a major impact on the child’s future life chances. The early nurturing environment is seen crucial in influencing emotional attachment. The BPS program focused on reshaping and streamlining the related health services in the early years between preconception and early school years. This is incorporated in the universal pathway of care encompassing all ‘early years’ services and related professionals. This universal pathway of care is underpinned with evidence based practice, workforce development, building research capacity and influencing leadership in the workplace. This paper presents a detailed overview of the BPS program including the structure, strategic aims and the rationale underpinning the pathway of care
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