55 research outputs found

    O aprendizado do alemão-padrão por alunos bilíngües : pesquisas e ações

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    This paper aims to contribute to the rich discussion that has been developed in this journal throughout previous editions. Many authors have already written here about their considerations and praxis regarding bilingualism, bilingual contexts and bilingual education from different perspectives. Thus, this paper also brings to discussion aspects of the education in bilingual settings in Brazil, where people speak Portuguese and a variety of German basis called Hunsrückisch as their mother tongue. Moreover, this paper aims to be an account of results from different researches, which deal with the advantages of speaking dialect to learn standard German and the prejudices, learners coming from minority languages confront

    Os conceitos Língua Materna, Segunda Língua e Língua Estrangeira e os falantes de línguas alóctones minoritárias no Sul do Brasil

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    As linguist, we always have to deal with terms like First, Second and Foreign Languages, but many times we don’t notice, how peculiars they are and how specific and difficult are their definitions. In Brazil, we have peculiar situations of immigrant languages, which are spoken in some groups of people in some communities in their day-by-day. There is much controversy related to the denomination we give to these linguistic varieties, what concerns its status and its relationship with the other neighbor or concurrent varieties. In this paper, we intend to discuss theoretically the terms above, transporting the denomination and its application to the reality of some bilingual communities from Rio Grande do Sul, in which people speak minority languages of Germanic origins. On the basis of empirical tests, we aim to give here a profile of the socio linguistic situation of these minority varieties what concerns its speakers, the foreign language teachers (specially of the High-German) and the community in general

    As interferências da língua materna e o aprendizado do Alemão como língua estrangeira por crianças bilíngües

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    A learner's mother tongue influences the acquisition or learning of another language, regardless of whether we are dealing with a second or a foreign language. But there are other factors influencing these processes. One can therefore only analyze these interferences by taking into account certain factors which include elements transferred from the mother tongue, elements from other languages that the learner has already learned, and elements coming from the language being learned or acquired. Moreover, these so-called interferences do not only occur at the linguistic level, but also at the extralinguistic level. This paper describes and discusses these factors in order to describe the process of learning German as a foreign language in Brazil and its peculiarities with regard to bilingual education. Through the description and analysis of empirical data and on the basis of the theory of the "great hypotheses", this text aims at better understanding the relationship between first and foreign/second language and their mutual interferences.Die Muttersprache beeinflusst den Erwerbs- oder Lernprozess einer weiteren Sprache – unabhängig davon, ob es sich dabei um eine Zweit- oder um eine Fremdsprache handelt. Es gibt aber auch andere Faktoren, die bei diesen Prozessen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Daher kann man den Einfluss anderer Sprachen beim Erwerb oder Erlernen einer weiteren Sprache nur dann richtig einschätzen, wenn mehrere Faktoren für die Analyse untersucht werden. Der hier beschriebene Ansatz bezieht sich daher sowohl auf Elemente, die aus der Muttersprache transferiert werden, als auch auf solche aus anderen zuvor erlernten Sprachen und schließlich auf Elemente aus der Zielsprache selbst. Daneben sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass diese sogenannten Interferenzen nicht nur auf linguistischer, sondern auch auf extralinguistischer Ebene vorkommen. Der vorliegende Artikel zielt darauf ab, diese Faktoren zu beschreiben und zu diskutieren, um den Lernprozess des Deutschen als Fremdsprache in Brasilien sowie seine Besonderheiten in Bezug auf die bilinguale Erziehung zu charakterisieren. Durch die Beschreibung und die Analyse empirischer Daten soll, ausgehend von der Theorie der Großen Hypothesen, über die Beziehungen zwischen Erst- und Fremd- bzw. Zweitsprache sowie deren gegenseitigen Interferenzen reflektiert werden

    Os imigrantes alemães e seus descendentes no Brasil:a lìngua como fator identitário e inclusivo

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    O passado do Brasil como colônia portuguesa desenhou o desenvolvimento da história e da gente brasileira. Entretanto, as ondas migratórias de outros povos europeus também exerceram função inquestionável na formação da diversidade lingüística,  étnica, social, cultural e política característica do país. Os imigrantes alemães no Brasil, por exemplo, sofreram muitas vezes, durante o processo de adaptação e modificação (tanto de seu dia-a-dia como de sua língua), com aspectos negativos próprios de minorias estrangeiras: a exclusão identitária e o preconceito. Junto a razões geográficas e históricas, também fatores sociais contribuíram para esse quadro. O presente artigo visa a descrever esse processo através da lingüística, observando as fases distintas pelo qual passou. Como base, exemplo e fonte foram utilizadas pesquisas sobre o alemão falado atualmente no Brasil, traçando assim uma ligação direta entre língua, identidade e integração social. O trabalho mostrará como os fatores lingüísticos influenciaram e marcaram o processo integrativo

    Os conceitos Língua Materna, Segunda Língua e Língua Estrangeira e os falantes de línguas alóctones minoritárias no Sul do Brasil

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    As linguist, we always have to deal with terms like First, Second and Foreign Languages, but many times we don’t notice, how peculiars they are and how specific and difficult are their definitions. In Brazil, we have peculiar situations of immigrant languages, which are spoken in some groups of people in some communities in their day-by-day. There is much controversy related to the denomination we give to these linguistic varieties, what concerns its status and its relationship with the other neighbor or concurrent varieties. In this paper, we intend to discuss theoretically the terms above, transporting the denomination and its application to the reality of some bilingual communities from Rio Grande do Sul, in which people speak minority languages of Germanic origins. On the basis of empirical tests, we aim to give here a profile of the socio linguistic situation of these minority varieties what concerns its speakers, the foreign language teachers (specially of the High-German) and the community in general

    As interferências da língua materna e o aprendizado do alemão como língua estrangeira por crianças bilíngües

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    A learner’s mother tongue influences the acquisition or learning of another language, regardless of whether we are dealing with a second or a foreign language. But there are other factors influencing these processes. One can therefore only analyze these interferences by taking into account certain factors which include elements transferred from the mother tongue, elements from other languages that the learner has already learned, and elements coming from the language being learned or acquired. Moreover, these so-called interferences do not only occur at the linguistic level, but also at the extralinguistic level. This paper describes and discusses these factors in order to describe the process of learning German as a foreign language in Brazil and its peculiarities with regard to bilingual education. Through the description and analysis of empirical data and on the basis of the theory of the “great hypotheses”, this text aims at better understanding the relationship between first and foreign/second language and their mutual interferences.Die Muttersprache beeinflusst den Erwerbs- oder Lernprozess einer weiteren Sprache – unabhängig davon, ob es sich dabei um eine Zweit- oder um eine Fremdsprache handelt. Es gibt aber auch andere Faktoren, die bei diesen Prozessen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Daher kann man den Einfluss anderer Sprachen beim Erwerb oder Erlernen einer weiteren Sprache nur dann richtig einschätzen, wenn mehrere Faktoren für die Analyse untersucht werden. Der hier beschriebene Ansatz bezieht sich daher sowohl auf Elemente, die aus der Muttersprache transferiert werden, als auch auf solche aus anderen zuvor erlernten Sprachen und schließlich auf Elemente aus der Zielsprache selbst. Daneben sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass diese sogenannten Interferenzen nicht nur auf linguistischer, sondern auch auf extra- linguistischer Ebene vorkommen. Der vorliegende Artikel zielt darauf ab, diese Faktoren zu beschreiben und zu diskutieren, um den Lernprozess des Deutschen als Fremdsprache in Brasilien sowie seine Besonderheiten in Bezug auf die bilinguale Erziehung zu charakterisieren. Durch die Beschreibung und die Analyse empirischer Daten soll, ausgehend von der Theorie der Großen Hypothesen, über die Beziehungen zwischen Erst- und Fremd- bzw. Zweitsprache sowie deren gegenseitigen Interferenzen reflektiert werden

    Contribuição do português para a constituição lexical do hunsrückisch em situação de contato linguístico

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    O presente artigo aborda o contato linguístico Hunsrückisch-português, existente predominantemente no Sul do Brasil, apontando algumas influências da língua majoritária, o português, na língua minoritária de imigração de base alemã, Hunsrückisch. Com foco em empréstimos lexicais, visamos mostrar como a situação de contato influenciou o corpus e o status do Hunsrückisch – no entanto, fazendo a ressalva de que nem tudo no sistema linguístico desta variedade é influência do português. O estudo de empréstimos nessa variedade é importante, pois o Hunsrückisch pode se constituir como língua-ponte para o aprendizado do alemão standard, atribuindo a ele uma utilidade prática e abrindo para ele e aos estudos contrastivos um espaço dentro do âmbito escolar, onde, até então, eles não tinham lugar.This article discusses the linguistic contact between Hunsrückisch and Portuguese that exists predominantly in Southern Brazil, pointing out some influences of the majority language, Portuguese, on the German-based minority language, Hunsrückisch. Focusing on lexical loans, we aim to show how the contact situation influenced the corpus and the status of Hunsrückisch - however, noting that not everything in the linguistic system of this variety is influenced by Portuguese. The study of borrowings in this variety is important, given the role of Hunsrückisch as a bridge language for Brazilian learners of standard German, and gives the former a practical utility, creating a place for contrastive studies that it formerly has not had in this context

    The double face of teaching German as a foreign language in Brazil

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    Há no Brasil inúmeras regiões onde a prática diária de uma variante da língua alemã (Hunsrückisch) é mantida devido ao grande número de imigrantes alemães que chegaram a esses locais ao longo dos séculos 19 e 20. Nesse artigo, resumidamente, são descritos aspectos relacionados à motivação dos alunos e à sua produção na língua estrangeira, a partir de dados levantados em pesquisas e entrevistas desenvolvidas com alunos de duas escolas em contexto bilíngue português-alemão, no qual a variante do alemão é uma língua minoritária. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar em que medida estão sendo respeitados e promovidos os direitos linguísticos dessa comunidade.In several regions of Brazil, we find the daily practice of a linguistic variation of the German language. This is the result of the large number of German-speaking immigrants coming to Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries. In this article, we briefly describe issues related to the motivation and linguistic production of learners of German, taking into account research and interviews with students from two bilingual Portuguese- German schools in which the German variant is a minority language. The study evaluates the extent to which the linguistic rights of this community are being respected and promoted

    O hunsrückisch no Brasil : a língua como fator histórico da relação entre Brasil e Alemanha

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    Devido à grande imigração de língua alemã para o Brasil, a relação entre Brasil e Alemanha apresenta aspectos peculiares muito interessantes. Do ponto de vista lingüístico, a existência ainda hoje de variedades de base germânica no dia-adia de inúmeras comunidades no sul do Brasil é um dado extremamente valioso, que muito mostra dessa relação. Pretendemos, com este artigo, apresentar alguns aspectos do hunsrückisch – uma dessas línguas de imigração –, caracterizando-a como um fato histórico, uma herança cultural dos imigrantes de língua alemã.Because of the great immigration of German speakers to Brazil, the relationship between Brazil and Germany shows peculiar and very interesting aspects. From the linguistic point of view, the remnants of German linguistic influences still present today in many communities in south Brazil provides extremely valuable data. In this paper we intend to present some aspects of the hunsrückisch – one of these immigration languages – characterizing it as a historical fact, a cultural heritage of German speaking immigrants

    O hunsrückisch no Brasil: a língua como fator histórico da relação entre Brasil e Alemanha

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    Devido à grande imigração de língua alemã para o Brasil, a relação entre Brasil e Alemanha apresenta aspectos peculiares muito interessantes. Do ponto de vista lingüístico, a existência ainda hoje de variedades de base germânica no dia-a-dia de inúmeras comunidades no sul do Brasil é um dado extremamente valioso, que muito mostra dessa relação. Pretendemos, com este artigo, apresentar alguns aspectos do hunsrückisch – uma dessas línguas de imigração –, caracterizando-a como um fato histórico, uma herança cultural dos imigrantes de língua alemã