112,783 research outputs found

    On the classification of constrained extrema

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    Using simple arguments, accessible to students of advanced calculus with an interest in Mathematics, we show the equivalence of several criteria, scattered in the literature, to classify the critical points of functions of two or three variables when restricted to side conditios

    Preventivni vidik ukrepov proti korupciji

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    Ključni namen prispevka bo transparentnost zoperstavljanja korupciji tako v zasebni kot v javni sferi. Prispevek bo izhajal iz pravne materije ukrepov za boj proti korupciji iz Konvencije ZN proti korupciji. Skušala bom prikazati aplikativno delovanje predpisanih ukrepov v RS

    The Economic Effects of the Protestant Reformation: Testing the Weber Hypothesis in the German Lands

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    Following Max Weber, many theories have hypothesized that Protestantism should have favored economic development. With its religious heterogeneity, the Holy Roman Empire presents an ideal testing ground for this hypothesis. Using population figures of 272 cities in the years 1300–1900, I find no effects of Protestantism on economic growth. The finding is precisely estimated, robust to the inclusion of various controls, and does not depend on data selection or small sample size. Protestantism has no effect when interacted with other likely determinants of economic development. Instrumental variables estimates, considering the potential endogeneity of religious choice, are similar to the OLS results

    Ekonomický růst a jeho environmentální a sociální souvislosti

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    Článek shrnuje současné argumenty pro a proti ekonomickému růstu s důrazem na argumentaci „zvýšené efektivnosti“ a „ nahraditelnosti zdrojů“, v závěru stručně přestavuje hnutí udržitelného nerůstu.Článek shrnuje současné argumenty pro a proti ekonomickému růstu s důrazem na argumentaci „zvýšené efektivnosti“ a „ nahraditelnosti zdrojů“, v závěru stručně přestavuje hnutí udržitelného nerůstu.The paper summarises current arguments for and against economic growth with emphasis on the argumentation of "enhanced effectiveness" and "resource substitutability", in the final part it briefly introduces the concept of sustainable degrowth

    Card Game Maryáš For Mobile Devices

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    Práce se zabývá vývojem mobilní aplikace založené na programovacím jazyce Java - J2ME. Aplikací je karetní hra Mariáš, přičemž uživatel může zvolit hru proti lidem nebo proti počítači, který se rozhoduje na základě expertního systému. Expertní systém je možné aktualizovat prostřednictvím HTTP komunikace.This thesis deals with development of application for mobile phones programmed in Java - J2ME. The application is a card game Marias. User can choose play with two other people or with computer which is managed by expert system. This expert system is able to updade its "knowledgebase" via HTTP communication.

    Chess Program with Various Chess Variations

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    Hlavním úkolem bylo vytvořit program umožňující hru člověka proti počítači a počítače proti počítači s možností volby vybraných variant šachů. Začátek práce opisuje algoritmy pro hraní her a jich různé vylepšení. Následuje opis vybraných variant, ohodnocovací funkce, jejich změn, návrh programu a grafického užívatelského rozhraní.The main task was create a program allowing human play against the computer and computer to computer with the option selected variants of chess. To start work describes algorithms for playing games and their various features. The following is a copy of selected options, evaluation function, the changes on top of the program and the graphical user interface.

    Ugotavljanje indikatorskih bakterij fekalnega onesnaženja in prisotnosti vrste Escherichia coli, ki tvori encime β-laktamaze v črni vodi

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    The aim of this study was to identify and quantify faecal indicator bacteria in blackwater collected from a source separation unit and determine the amount of E. coli isolates resistant to antimicrobials and their potential to produce extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESβLs) and metallo-β-lactamases (MβLs), which hydrolyse the most important antibiotics used in clinical practice. Most of the isolates were resistant to amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (36.4 %), followed by ticarcillin with clavulanic acid (22.7 %) and tetracycline (18.2 %). ESβL-producing genes blaCTX-M and blaTEM were found in three (13.6 %) and four (18.2 %) E. coli strains, respectively, while MβL genes were found in two (9.1 %). By separating at source, this pilot study clearly shows that gastrointestinal bacteria of healthy people can be an important source of antibiotic resistance released into the environment through wastewaters. One way to prevent that is to treat wastewater with a combination of TiO2, UV light, or ozone, as successful methods to remove resistant bacteria and prevent their spread in the environment.V vzorcih črne vode, ki je ena od frakcij odpadne vode, smo ugotavljali prisotnost in število fekalnih indikatorskih bakterij, vključno z bakterijo Escherichia coli (E. coli). Pri osamljenih sevih E. coli smo ugotavljali njihovo odpornost proti izbranim antibiotikom in njihov potencial za tvorbo nekaterih β-laktamaz razširjenega spektra in metalo-β-laktamaz. Preizkušeni sevi so bili najpogosteje odporni proti amoksicilinu s klavulansko kislino (36,4 %), tikarcilinu s klavulansko kislino (22,7 %) in tetraciklinu (18,2 %). Nukleotidne sekvence za blaCTX-M in blaTEM smo našli pri treh (13,6 %) in štirih (18,2 %) sevih, medtem ko smo gene za izbrane metalo-β-laktamaze ugotovili pri dveh (9,1 %) sevih E. coli. Pilotna študija, z ločevanjem odpadne vode na viru nastanka, kaže, da so bakterije v prebavnem traktu zdravih ljudi lahko pomemben vir prenosa odpornosti proti antibiotikom v okolju preko odpadne vode. Eden izmed načinov za preprečevanje širjenja odpornosti proti antibiotikom je čiščenje odpadne vode z uporabo kombinacije TiO2, UV svetlobe in ozona, ki so se pokazale kot uspešne metode za odstranjevanje bakterij, odpornih proti antibiotikom

    Nejvyšší soud vrací právo

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    Článek je o boji zákonnosti proti porušování práva v protikorupční kampani. Porušování zákonnosti byť odůvodněné mediální podporou není v právním státě přípustné


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    Th e paper analyzes the course of the process of historical research of the personality of Andrej Hlinka. One of the most signifi cant fi gures of the Slovak history in general became the subject of interest of the Slovak historians only gradually, slowly and with big diffi culties. Nevertheless, historians´ opinions which have been formed in particular period connections refl ect specifi - cally and typically the peripeties of the development of the Slovak national issue and phases of interest (disinterest) of historiography in this personality, and they represent a unique source of the view of collective historical memory of the national community, of the formally desired and naturally formed development of the community´s notion of the values of its own past.No historical monograph on Hlinka was published in 1939-1989. However, important references, period evaluations and observations can be found in synthetically oriented works of the following historians: František Hrušovský, František Bokes, Július Mésároš and Ľubomír Lipták and others. Th e personality of Hlinka was either suppressed or evaluated one-sidedly negatively. Th e year 1968 brought a certain change in this direction and revaluation of Hlinka’s personality. Th e period of normalization in 70s and 80s created a larger space to remember Hlinka’s personality, however, its interpretation was again shift ed towards negative side. The social and political change aft er 1989 and current state of research corroborate natural comeback of the personality in its environment, however, they also mirror a disproportion between spontaneously preserved “heritage of (the Slovak) historical memory” (heritage of the memory of majority of the national community, respectively) and institutionally created “memory of the heritage”.

    [Serumska protitelesa proti proteinu p53 kot tumorski označevalci za sledenje bolnikov z Ne-Hodgkinovimi limfomi?]

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    Background. Tumor suppressor gene p53 is mutated in approximately 21% of patients with nonHodgkin\u27s lymphomas (the percentage varying from 0 up to 67% depending upon the histological type). Most of the mutations are point missense mutations resulting in nuclear accumulation of altered protein. Roughly one third of patients with overexpression of p53 protein develop circulating anti p53 antibodies. The present study was aimed at defining the usefulness of serial serological determinations of autoantibodies to p53 for clinical follow up of NHL patients. Patients and methods. Serum levels of antibodies to p53 were determined in various time intervals in three lymphoma patients (who had elevated serum levels at the time of diagnosis) for maximum two years using the commercially available ELISA kit p53-Autoantikoerper ELISA2. Generation. Results. In all three cases the temporal patterns of anti p53 antibodies reflected accurately disease progression or regression, and even foretold a relapse ten months in advance. The reflection of disease regression by autoantibodies lagged approximately three months behind the morphological disappearance of the disease due to a long half life of the antibodies. Conclusion. Our results confirmed the usefulness of antibodies to p53 as tumor markers for follow up of lymphoma patients, yet the subset of patients that could be appropriately followed up with this method is very limited due to the low proportion of patients that develop immune response to p53 protein.Izhodišče. Mutacije tumorskega supresorskega gena se pojavljajo pri približno 21% bolnikov z Ne-Hodgkinovimi limfomi (odstotek variira od 0 do 67% glede na histološki tip Ne-Hodgkinovega limfoma). Prevladujejo t.i. mutacije s spremenjenim smislom (mutacije"missense"), ki posledično privedejo do kopičenja spremenjenega proteina v jedrih tumorskih celic. Približno tretjina bolnikov, pri katerih se spremenjeni protein p53 kopiči v jedrih tumorskih celic, se na takšno kopičenje odzove z nastankom krožečih protiteles proti proteinu p53. S pričujočo raziskavo smo želeli določiti dinamiko gibanja serumskih protiteles proti proteinu p53 glede na trenutno stanje bolezni in naosnovi tega sklepati o vrednosti protiteles proti proteinu p53 kot tumorskihoznačevalcev za sledenje bolezni. Bolniki in metode. Serumsko koncentracijo protiteles proti proteinu p53 smo določali v različnih časovnih razmikih (v skupnem trajanju največ dveh let) pri treh bolnikih z Ne-Hodgkinovim limfomom in sicer z ELISA metodo p53-Autoantikoerper ELISA 2. Generation. Rezultati. Pri vseh treh bolnikih je dinamika gibanja serumskih protiteles proti proteinu p53 natančno odražala izboljšanje ali poslabšanje maligne bolezni, naraščanje koncentracije protiteles smo namreč opazili celo že deset mesecev prej, preden smo klinično potrdili ponovitev bolezni. Upadanje koncentracije protiteles proti proteinu p53, kot odraz zmanjševanja tumorske mase, pa je zaostajalo približno dva do tri mesece za klinično sliko,kar je seveda posledica dolgega razpolovnega časa omenjenih protiteles. Zaključek. Naši rezultati potrjujejo, da so serumska protitelesa proti proteinu p53 primerna kot tumorski označevalci za sledenje bolnikov z Ne- Hodgkinovimi limfomi. Žal pa je število bolnikov, pri katerih lahko uporabimo takšen način sledenja, zelo omejeno, ker se le manjši delež bolnikov na kopičenje spremenjenega p53 proteina v jedrih tumorskih celic odzove z nastankom protiteles