138 research outputs found

    La presència de les lletres catalanes en România Literară, revista emblemàtica de la Unió dels Escriptors de Romania: anàlisi del període 1968-1989

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    With the interruption of the sovietization process and the implementation of the national communism, Romania has experienced an international openness not only in the political sphere, but al so in the frame of the cultural and literary relations with Europe. This openness implied the revival of the cultural interchanges with the European countries, even with those that presented some kind of "problematic" issues, as Spain case was, because of its dictatorial politics. Between 1968 and 1989, the main literary Romanian review, România Literară, granted important spaces to the peninsular cultural events and Catalonia occupied a privileged place due, by one side, to the interest its authors and specially its painters and sculptors arose and, by the other side, to its communist tendencies in struggle with the right-left politics of the ruling regime. This paper analyses the articles about Catalonia published in România Literară in this period, standing out the kind of information that have been allowed to arrive from this peculiar country, Els Països Catalans, and the intervention of censorship and manipulations operated on this information. This paper analyses the articles about Catalonia published in România Literară in this period, standing out the kind of information that have been allowed to arrive from this peculiar country, Els Països Catalans, and the intervention of censorship and manipulations operated on this information

    Entre l’espasa franquista i el mur comunista: les traduccions del català al romanès entre 1968 i 1989

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    En la dècada dels seixanta, tant a Espanya com a Romania, els règims totalitaris obrien una fràgil però esperançadora bretxa en les fronteres que fins aquell moment aïllaven quasi completament aquests països del món de la democràcia i de la pluralitat. A Romania les traduccions sortien de l’espai confinat al fons soviètic per a donar a conèixer valors universals fins aleshores vetades al públic, mentre que a Espanya el català guanyava terreny, amb esforços i tenacitat, en el món literari i cultural del qual havia estat relegat per la visió unitarista del règim franquista. La presència de les lletres catalanes a Romania des de l’obertura al diàleg intercultural i fins a la caiguda dels règims totalitaris (1975 a Espanya i 1989 a Romania) és escassa, però no obstant això rellevant, no solament perquè les obres traduïdes ocupen un lloc destacat en el panorama literari català, sinó també perquè són portaveus d’una identitat catalana que el poble romanès desconeixia. I si la substància lìrico-narrativa d’aquestes obres enfoca el món català a cavall entre la realitat i la ficció, l’aparat filològic que les acompanyen en la versió traduïda repara en el fenomen de la censura a l’espai català que desperta en el públic romanès ecos de la seva pròpia experiència sociocultural. Aquest article es proposa seguir panoràmicament el procés traductològic de les quatre obres catalanes vessades al romanès (Els plàtans de Barcelona, La pell de brau i altres poemes, Tirant lo Blanc i Fortuny) indagant en el rerefons de la seva selecció, en la intromissió i/o esquivament de la censura romanesa i en les repercussions d’aquest joc polìtic d’ocultació i denúncia

    Transició, aberració... pseudofotogrames de la societat postcomunista en el cinema romanès de començament de mil·leni

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    Tot i que els cineastes d’aquest període rebutgen el terme de nova onada o generació (Serban, 2009, págs. 16-21), se situen en un context històric que reclamava, per la supervivència de la filmografia romanesa, una innovació substancial en la sèptima art. La incomoditat buscada es manifesta també en l’estètica minimalista, característica d’una gran part d’aquestes noves propostes cinematogràfiques. La bellesa és desterrada d’aquestes històries que desvesteixen per dins l’ésser humà, el tempo objectiu és lent, en contrast amb la tensió interna que viuen els personatges, la música no interfereix amb la resposta emocional dels espectadors

    Commande sous contraintes de systèmes dynamiques multi-agents

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    The goal of this thesis is to propose solutions for the optimal control of multi-agent dynamical systems under constraints. Elements from control theory and optimization are merged together in order to provide useful tools which are further applied to different problems involving multi-agent formations. The thesis considers the challenging case of agents subject to dynamical constraints. To deal with these issues, well established concepts like set-theory, differential flatness, Model Predictive Control (MPC), Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) are adapted and enhanced. Using these theoretical notions, the thesis concentrates on understanding the geometrical properties of the multi-agent group formation and on providing a novel synthesis framework which exploits the group structure. In particular, the formation design and the collision avoidance conditions are casted as geometrical problems and optimization-based procedures are developed to solve them. Moreover, considerable advances in this direction are obtained by efficiently using MIP techniques (in order to derive an efficient description of the non-convex, non-connected feasible region which results from multi-agent collision and obstacle avoidance constraints) and stability properties (in order to analyze the uniqueness and existence of formation configurations). Lastly, some of the obtained theoretical results are applied on a challenging practical application. A novel combination of MPC and differential flatness (for reference generation) is used for the flight control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des solutions aux problèmes liés à la commande optimale de systèmes dynamiques multi-agents en présence de contraintes. Des éléments de la théorie de commande et d'optimisation sont appliqués à différents problèmes impliquant des formations de systèmes multi-agents. La thèse examine le cas d'agents soumis à des contraintes dynamiques. Pour faire face à ces problèmes, les concepts bien établis tels que la théorie des ensembles, la platitude différentielle, la commande prédictive (Model Predictive Control - MPC), la programmation mixte en nombres entiers (Mixed-Integer Programming - MIP) sont adaptés et améliorés. En utilisant ces notions théoriques, ce travail de thèse a porté sur les propriétés géométriques de la formation d'un groupe multi-agents et propose un cadre de synthèse original qui exploite cette structure. En particulier, le problème de conception de formation et les conditions d'évitement des collisions sont formulés comme des problèmes géométriques et d'optimisation pour lesquels il existe des procédures de résolution. En outre, des progrès considérables dans ce sens ont été obtenus en utilisant de façon efficace les techniques MIP (dans le but d'en déduire une description efficace des propriétés de non convexité et de non connexion d'une région de faisabilité résultant d'une collision de type multi-agents avec des contraintes d'évitement d'obstacles) et des propriétés de stabilité (afin d'analyser l'unicité et l'existence de configurations de formation de systèmes multi-agents). Enfin, certains résultats théoriques obtenus ont été appliqués dans un cas pratique très intéressant. On utilise une nouvelle combinaison de la commande prédictive et de platitude différentielle (pour la génération de référence) dans la commande et la navigation de véhicules aériens sans pilote (UAVs)

    Indoor experimental validation of MPC-based trajectory tracking for a quadcopter via a flat mapping approach

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    Differential flatness has been used to provide diffeomorphic transformations for non-linear dynamics to become a linear controllable system. This greatly simplifies the control synthesis since in the flat output space, the dynamics appear in canonical form (as chains of integrators). The caveat is that mapping from the original to the flat output space often leads to nonlinear constraints. In particular, the alteration of the feasible input set greatly hinders the subsequent calculations. In this paper, we particularize the problem for the case of the quadcopter dynamics and investigate the deformed input constraint set. An optimization-based procedure will achieve a non-conservative, linear, inner-approximation of the non-convex, flat-output derived, input constraints. Consequently, a receding horizon problem (linear in the flat output space) is easily solved and, via the inverse flat mapping, provides a feasible input to the original, nonlinear, dynamics. Experimental validation and comparisons confirm the benefits of the proposed approach and show promise for other class of flat systems

    Un inspirado maridaje traductológico: fidelidad y subversión en la versión rumana de los poemas de Salvador Espriu

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    In totalitarian systems, poetry and theatre act as safety valves and as instruments of denunciation. Both genres, in original or translated form, are in the censorship spotlight and rarely manage to escape the filtering process. This paper examines by what means the Romanian poet and translator Dumitru Trancă managed to dodge the censorship filter and to publish some of the poems of the Catalan writer Salvador Espriu. The translator’s subversive intention shows clearly through distinct mechanisms: 1. focus on Espriu’s social poetry, especially on La pell de brau (The Bull-hide); 2. choice of themes that fostered comparisons between the oppressed Romania under the communism, by one hand, and the oppressed Catalonia and Spain under the Francoism by the other and 3. insertion of Romanian folkloric rhythms and symbols to cast light on the similar oppressive mechanisms

    Enhancements on a saturated control for stabilizing a quadcopter: adaptive and robustness analysis in the flat output space

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    This paper extends our previous study on an explicit saturated control for a quadcopter, which ensures both constraint satisfaction and stability thanks to the linear representation of the system in the flat output space. The novelty here resides in the adaptivity of the controller's gain to enhance the system's performance without exciting its parasitic dynamics and avoid lavishing the input actuation with excessively high gain parameters. Moreover, we provide a thorough robustness analysis of the proposed controller when additive disturbances are affecting the system behavior. Finally, simulation and experimental tests validate the proposed controller

    Flat trajectory design and tracking with saturation guarantees: a nano-drone application

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the problem of trajectory planning and tracking of a quadcopter system based on the property of differential flatness. First, B-spline characterisations of the flat output allow for optimal trajectory generation subject to waypoint constraints, thrust and angle constraints while minimising the trajectory length. Second, the proposed tracking control strategy combines feedback linearisation and nested saturation control via flatness. The control strategy provides bounded inputs (thrust, roll and pitch angles) while ensuring the overall stability of the tracking error dynamics. The control parameters are chosen based on the information of the a priori given reference trajectory. Moreover, conditions for the existence of these parameters are presented. The effectiveness of the trajectory planning and the tracking control design is analysed and validated through simulation and experimental results over a real nano-quadcopter platform, the Crazyflie 2.0

    Resilient Microgrid Energy Management Algorithm Based on Distributed Optimization

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    This article proposes a fully distributed energy management algorithm for dc microgrids, resilient to different faults. Specifically, we employ distributed model-predictive control to deal with the uncertainty that characterizes the microgrid operation. The optimization problem is solved at each time step through a distributed optimization algorithm, which has three main advantages: 1) agents of the network require a small computational power; 2) local information is not shared among the network nodes, hence preserving a certain level of privacy; and 3) it is suitable for implementation in large-scale systems. The resilience property of the algorithm stems from additional constraints that are enforced in order to store in the system enough energy to sustain the microgrid in the case of utility grid or line fault. Simulation results show that the algorithm is suitable to schedule the operation of agents that are always connected to the microgrid (e.g., loads) as well as agents that may be connected and disconnected (e.g., electric vehicles)
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