Differential flatness has been used to provide diffeomorphic transformations
for non-linear dynamics to become a linear controllable system. This greatly
simplifies the control synthesis since in the flat output space, the dynamics
appear in canonical form (as chains of integrators). The caveat is that mapping
from the original to the flat output space often leads to nonlinear
constraints. In particular, the alteration of the feasible input set greatly
hinders the subsequent calculations. In this paper, we particularize the
problem for the case of the quadcopter dynamics and investigate the deformed
input constraint set. An optimization-based procedure will achieve a
non-conservative, linear, inner-approximation of the non-convex, flat-output
derived, input constraints. Consequently, a receding horizon problem (linear in
the flat output space) is easily solved and, via the inverse flat mapping,
provides a feasible input to the original, nonlinear, dynamics. Experimental
validation and comparisons confirm the benefits of the proposed approach and
show promise for other class of flat systems