3,295 research outputs found

    Metallicities and dust content of proximate damped Lyman alpha systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Composite spectra of 85 proximate absorbers (log N(HI)>20 and velocity difference between the absorption and emission redshift, dv<10,000 km/s) in the SDSS are used to investigate the trends of metal line strengths with velocity separation from the QSO. We construct composites in 3 velocity bins: dv<3000 km/s, 30006000 km/s, with further sub-samples to investigate the metal line dependence on N(HI) and QSO luminosity. Low (e.g. SiII and FeII) and high ionization (e.g. SiIV and CIV) species alike have equivalent widths (EWs) that are larger by factors of 1.5 -- 3 in the dv<3000 km/s composite, compared to the dv>6000 km/s spectrum. The EWs show an even stronger dependence on dv if only the highest neutral hydrogen column density (log N(HI)>20.7) absorbers are considered. We conclude that PDLAs generally have higher metallicities than intervening absorbers, with the enhancement being a function of both dv and N(HI). It is also found that absorbers near QSOs with lower rest-frame UV luminosities have significantly stronger metal lines. We speculate that absorbers near to high luminosity QSOs may have had their star formation prematurely quenched. Finally, we search for the signature of dust reddening by the PDLAs, based on an analysis of the QSO continuum slopes relative to a control sample and determine a limit of E(B-V)<0.014 for an SMC extinction curve. This work provides an empirical motivation for distinguishing between proximate and intervening DLAs, and establishes a connection between the QSO environment and galaxy properties at high redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Last Eight-Billion Years of Intergalactic SiIV Evolution

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    We identified 24 SiIV absorption systems with z <~ 1 from a blind survey of 49 low-redshift quasars with archival Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectra. We relied solely on the characteristic wavelength separation of the doublet to automatically detect candidates. After visual inspection, we defined a sample of 20 definite (group G = 1) and 4 "highly-likely" (G = 2) doublets with rest equivalent widths W_r for both lines detected at > 3 sigma. The absorber line density of the G = 1 doublets was dN_SiIV/dX = 1.4+0.4/-0.3 for log N(Si+3) > 12.9. The best-fit power law to the G = 1 frequency distribution of column densities f(N(Si+3)) had normalization k = (1.2+0.5/-0.4) x 10^-14 cm2 and slope alpha = -1.6+0.3/-0.3. Using the power-law model of f(N(Si+3)), we measured the Si+3 mass density relative to the critical density: Omega(Si+3) = (3.7+2.8/-1.7) x 10^-8 for 13 < log N(Si+3) < 15. From Monte Carlo sampling of the distributions, we estimated our value to be a factor of 4.8+3.0/-1.9 higher than the 2 . From a simple linear fit to Omega(Si+3) over the age of the Universe, we estimated a slow and steady increase from z = 5.5 --> 0 with dOmega/dt_age = (0.61+/-0.23) x 10^-8 Gyr^-1. We compared our ionic ratios N(Si+3)/N(C+3) to a 2 < z < 4.5 sample and concluded, from survival analysis, that the two populations are similar, with median = 0.16.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, added figures and new analysis, results have changed, accepted to Ap

    The survival of gas clouds in the Circumgalactic Medium of Milky Way-like galaxies

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    Observational evidence shows that low-redshift galaxies are surrounded by extended haloes of multiphase gas, the so-called 'circumgalactic medium' (CGM). To study the survival of relatively cool gas (T < 10^5 K) in the CGM, we performed a set of hydrodynamical simulations of cold (T = 10^4 K) neutral gas clouds travelling through a hot (T = 2x10^6 K) and low-density (n = 10^-4 cm^-3) coronal medium, typical of Milky Way-like galaxies at large galactocentric distances (~ 50-150 kpc). We explored the effects of different initial values of relative velocity and radius of the clouds. Our simulations were performed on a two-dimensional grid with constant mesh size (2 pc) and they include radiative cooling, photoionization heating and thermal conduction. We found that for large clouds (radii larger than 250 pc) the cool gas survives for very long time (larger than 250 Myr): despite that they are partially destroyed and fragmented into smaller cloudlets during their trajectory, the total mass of cool gas decreases at very low rates. We found that thermal conduction plays a significant role: its effect is to hinder formation of hydrodynamical instabilities at the cloud-corona interface, keeping the cloud compact and therefore more difficult to destroy. The distribution of column densities extracted from our simulations are compatible with those observed for low-temperature ions (e.g. SiII and SiIII) and for high-temperature ions (OVI) once we take into account that OVI covers much more extended regions than the cool gas and, therefore, it is more likely to be detected along a generic line of sight.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A High Signal-to-Noise Ratio Composite Spectrum of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows

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    We present a composite spectrum of 60 long duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows with redshifts in the range 0.35<z<6.7 observed with low resolution optical spectra. The composite spectrum covers the wavelength range 700-6600 A in the rest frame and has a mean signal-to-noise ratio of 150 per 1 A pixel and reaches a maximum of ~300 in the range 2500-3500 A. Equivalent widths are measured from metal absorption lines from the Lya line to ~5200 A, and associated metal and hydrogen lines are identified between the Lyman break and Lya line. The average transmission within the Lyman forest is consistent with that found along quasar lines of sight. We find a temporal variation in fine structure lines when dividing the sample into bursts observed within 2 hours from their trigger and those observed later. Other lines in the predominantly neutral gas show variations too, but this is most likely a random effect caused by weighting of individual strong absorption lines and which mimics a temporal variation. Bursts characterized with high or low prompt GRB energy release produce afterglows with similar absorption line strengths, and likewise for bursts with bright or faint optical afterglows. Bursts defined as dark from their optical to X-ray spectral index have stronger absorption lines relative to the optically bright bursts. The composite spectrum has strong CaII and MgII absorption lines as commonly found in dusty galaxies, however, we find no evidence for dust or a significant molecular content based on the non-detection of diffuse interstellar bands. Compared to starburst galaxy spectra, the GRB composite has much stronger fine structure lines, while metal absorption lines are weaker.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 24 page

    High-Redshift Metals. II. Probing Reionization Galaxies with Low-Ionization Absorption Lines at Redshift Six

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    We present a survey for low-ionization metal absorption line systems towards 17 QSOs at redshifts z_em=5.8-6.4. Nine of our objects were observed at high resolution with either Keck/HIRES or Magellan/MIKE, and the remainder at moderate resolution with Keck/ESI. The survey spans 5.3 < z_abs < 6.4 and has a pathlength interval \Delta X=39.5, or \Delta z=8.0. In total we detect ten systems, five of which are new discoveries. The line-of-sight number density is consistent with the combined number density at z~3 of DLAs and sub-DLAs, which comprise the main population of low-ionization systems at lower redshifts. This apparent lack of evolution may occur because low ionization systems are hosted by lower-mass halos at higher redshifts, or because the mean cross section of low-ionization gas at a given halo mass increases with redshift due to the higher densities and lower ionizing background. The roughly constant number density notably contrasts with the sharp decline at z > 5.3 in the number density of highly-ionized systems traced by C IV. The low-ionization systems at z~6 span a similar range of velocity widths as lower-redshift sub-DLAs but have significantly weaker lines at a given width. This implies that the mass-metallicity relation of the host galaxies evolves towards lower metallicities at higher redshifts. These systems lack strong Si IV and C IV, which are common among lower-redshift DLAs and sub-DLAs. This is consistent, however, with a similar decrease in the metallicity of the low- and high-ionization phases, and does not necessarily indicate a lack of nearby, highly-ionized gas. The high number density of low-ionization systems at z~6 suggests that we may be detecting galaxies below the current limits of i-dropout and Ly-alpha emission galaxy surveys. These systems may therefore be the first direct probes of the `typical' galaxies responsible for hydrogen reionization.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Ap

    The nature of proximate damped Lyman alpha systems

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    We present high resolution echelle spectra of 7 proximate damped Lyman alpha (PDLA) systems whose relative velocity separation from the background quasar is Delta V < 3000 km/s. Combining our sample with a further 9 PDLAs from the literature we compare the chemical properties of the proximate systems with a control sample of intervening DLAs. Taken at face value, the sample of 16 PDLAs exhibits a wide range of metallicities, ranging from Z ~ 1/3 Z_sun down to Z ~ 1/1000 Z_sun, including the DLA with the lowest N(SiII)/N(HI) yet reported in the literature. We find several pieces of evidence that indicate enhanced ionization and the presence of a hard ionizing spectrum in PDLAs which lead to properties that contrast with the intervening DLAs, particularly when the N(HI) is low. The abundances of Zn, Si and S in PDLAs with log N(HI) > 21, where ionization corrections are minimized, are systematically higher than the intervening population by a factor of around 3. We also find possible evidence for a higher fraction of NV absorbers amongst the PDLAs, although the statistics are still modest. 6/7 of our echelle sample show high ionization species (SiIV, CIV, OVI or NV) offset by >100 km/s from the main low ion absorption. We analyse fine-structure transitions of CII* and SiII* to constrain the PDLA distance from the QSO. Lower limits range from tens of kpc up to >160 kpc for the most stringent limit. We conclude that (at least some) PDLAs do exhibit different characteristics relative to the intervening population out to 3000 km/s (and possibly beyond). Nonetheless, the PDLAs appear distinct from lower column density associated systems and the inferred QSO-absorber separations mean they are unlikely to be associated with the QSO host. We speculate that the PDLAs preferentially sample more massive galaxies in more highly clustered regions of the high redshift universe.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Abstract abridged

    Probing the IGM/Galaxy Connection IV: The LCO/WFCCD Galaxy Survey of 20 Fields Surrounding UV Bright Quasars

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    We publish the survey for galaxies in 20 fields containing ultraviolet bright quasars (with z_em 0.1 to 0.5) that can be used to study the association between galaxies and absorption systems from the low-z intergalactic medium (IGM). The survey is magnitude limited (R~19.5 mag) and highly complete out to 10' from the quasar in each field. It was designed to detect dwarf galaxies (L ~ 0.1 L*) at an impact parameter rho 1Mpc (z=0.1) from a quasar. The complete sample (all 20 fields) includes R-band photometry for 84718 sources and confirmed redshifts for 2800 sources. This includes 1198 galaxies with 0.005 < z < (z_em - 0.01) at a median redshift of 0.18, which may associated with IGM absorption lines. All of the imaging was acquired with cameras on the Swope 40" telescope and the spectra were obtained via slitmask observations using the WFCCD spectrograph on the Dupont 100" telescope at Las Campanas Observatory (LCO). This paper describes the data reduction, imaging analysis, photometry, and spectral analysis of the survey. We tabulate the principal measurements for all sources in each field and provide the spectroscopic dataset online.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal Supplements; 20 pages, only 6 figures shown in this version. See http://www.ucolick.org/~xavier/WFCCDOVI/index.html for a full-length manuscript and other supportive materia
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