45 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze whether the LDR, IPR, APB, NPL, IRR, FBIR, BOPO, and APYDM have a significant effect on ROA simultaneously and partially to the Regional Development Bank. The samples are three banks, namely: BPD west Kalimantan; BPD south Kalimantan; BPD south Sulawesi. Collection methods in this research is collection data from publication financial report of regional bank in Bank Indonesia website starts from the first quarter of 2010 to four quarter of 2013. Data analysis techniques in this research is descriptive analysis and use of multiple linear regression analyzes. The results showed that the LDR, IPR, APB, NPL, IRR, FBIR, BOPO, and APYDM have a significant effect on ROA simultaneously on the Regional Development Bank. NPL, IRR, and BOPO partially the negative effects that does not have a significant impact on the ROA Regional Development Bank. IPR, APB, FBIR, and APYDM. Partially have no significant positive effect on ROA in the Regional Development Bank. On the other hand, partially LDR have a significant positive effect on ROA in the Regional Development Bank. Key words : Regional Development Bank, LDR, IPR, APB, NPL, IRR, FBIR, BOPO, APYDM, RO

    Physical Characteristics: Rehydration, Porosity Diameter, and Colors of Instant Pempek Out of Treatment with Freeze Drying Pressure

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    The objective of this study was to study the freeze drying pressure on the rehydration, the porosity diameter, and the color of the instant pempek. Pempek is a typical food of the city of Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia which contains lots of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and other micro nutrients. Pempek is a processed food product made from the mixture of main ingredients of milled Snakehead fish, tapioca starch, salt, and water. The dough is shaped into the forms called lenjer (sausage-like bar), pastel (oyster shape), otak-otak (wrapped in banana leaf), keriting (curly), and kapal selam (submarine) in the form of wet pempek.Instant pempek is obtained from processing the wet pempek by using freeze drying pressure technique with the pressure of 0.002 bar, 0.004 bar, 0.006 bar and 0.008 bar at a condensing temperature of -50oC. The pressure has a very significant effect on rehydration, diameter of porosity, and color (lightness, chroma, hue). Instant pempek has the characteristics of porosity diameter size 1138.21 μm, rehydration (amount of water absorbed) 17.04 g, lightness 83.01%, chroma 18.29%, and hue 89.93%. Keywords: Freeze Drying, Rehydration, Instant Pempe

    Minuman Fungsional dari Kombinasi Kopi Robusta Natural Anaerob, Ekstrak Katekin Gambir dan Pinang Muda

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    Suharto FF, Santoso B, Wijaya A, Priyanto G.  2022. Functional drink from combination of natural anaerobic coffee, gambier catechin extracts and young areca nut. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang 27 Oktober 2022. pp. 423-442. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).This study aimed to determine the effect of natural anaerobic robusta coffee formulation, raw extract of catechin gambier and young areca nut on the characteristics of functional coffee. This study used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), namely the formulation of natural anaerobic robusta coffee, gambier catechin crude extract and young areca nut powder. Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Each treatment was as follows: 100% natural anaerobic robusta coffee: 0% crude catechin gambier extract: 0% young betel nut powder; 89% natural anaerobic robusta coffee: 7% crude extract of gambier catechins: 4% young areca nut powder; 86% natural anaerobic robusta coffee: 7% crude extract of gambier catechins: 7% young areca nut powder; 83% natural anaerobic robusta coffee: 7% raw extract of gambier catechins: 10% young areca nut powder; 80% natural anaerobic robusta coffee: 7% crude extract of gambier catechins: 13% powdered areca nut. The parameters observed in this study were chemical characteristics (pH, total phenol, antioxidant activity, water content and ash content), physical characteristics (colour) and sensory tests (color, taste and aroma). The results showed that the addition of gambier catechin extract and powdered areca nut significantly affected the color (lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*)), total phenol and antioxidant activity. The best treatment was a combination of natural anaerobic robusta coffee 80%: 7% gambier catechin crude extract: young areca nut 13% based on antioxidant activity and total phenol with characteristic pH 5.21, total phenol 171.07 mgGAE/g, antioxidant activity 23.28 ppm, 7.17% water content and 5.98% ash content

    Pengaruh Lama Pengukusan terhadap Kualitas Sensoris Kue Delapan Jam

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    This research intended to reveal the role of steaming time in developping the sensories attribute of kue delapan jam and to unravel the reason underlying the local wisdom in cooking traditional cakes. The treatment was steaming time consist of 2 , 4, 6, and 8 hours. Sensory evaluation assessed by 30 panelist. Laboratory test for browning index also conducted to represent the stages of Maillard reaction. Sensory evaluation showed that the steaming time influenced the moistness, solidity, texture, color, appearance, taste, aroma, flavor and over all acceptance of the cake significantly. Panelist gave the highest sensories quality for 8 hours steaming. The 8 hour steaming showed that brown colored pigment formed adequate enough to colour the cake perfectly, and the volatile compound have been able to give distinctive flavor and aroma completely. The sensories quality of KDJ which was steamed fro 8 hours did not significantly differ with that steamed for 6 hour

    Karakteristik Edible Film dengan Penambahan Filtrat Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) dan Filtrat Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya L.)

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    Santoso et al, 2019. Characteristics of Edible Film with Addition of the Gambir Filtrate (Uncaria gambir Roxb) and Papaya Leaf Filtrate (Carica papaya L.). pp. 176-183.Edible film is a thin layer of biodegradable packaging made from hydrocolloid, lipid and a mixture of both and can serve as a carrier packaging for antibacterial compounds with adding gambir filtrate and papaya leaf filtrate. The objective of the research was to analyze the effect of the gambir filtrate (Uncaria gambier Roxb) and papaya leaf filtrate (Carica papaya L.) on the characteristics of edible film. The research used a Completely Randomized Factorial Design with two factors and each treatment was repeated three times. The frist factor was concentration of the filtrate Gambir (0%, 2.5% and 5%) and the second factor was the concentration of the papaya leaf filtrate (0%, 2.5% and 5%). The research showed that the concentration of the filtrate gambir significant effect on percent of elongation, antibacterial, thickness and water vapour transmission rate. The concentration of the papaya leaf filtrate significantly affected the antibacterial, thickness, percent of elongation and a pressure strength. The best treatment based on some physical and microbiological characteristics is that A3B3 has a thickness 0.174 mm, percent of elongation 20%, pressure strength 90.80 (N / m2), water vapour transmission rate 21.16 (gm-2.day-1) and a inhibition zone for microbe 7.97 mm

    Perbedaan Teknik Kastrasi Terhadap Bobot Badan, Panjang dan Volume Skrotum pada Sapi Bali

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengamati perbandingan teknik kastrasi pada caudal dan vas deferent terhadap bobot badan, panjang dan volume skrotum pada sapi Bali. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2016 dilaksanakan dikandang percobaan Jurusan Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sriwijaya. Metode penelitian menggunakan 6 ekor sapi Bali dibagi menjadi  dua  teknik,  Pertama  3  ekor  sapi   yang  dikastrasi  dengan  teknik pemotongan pada  caudal (P0) dan kedua 3  ekor sapi  yang dikastrasi dengan teknik pemotongan pada vas deferent (P1) metode statistik yang digunakan adalah uji  T-Test.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukan  adanya  perbedaan  bobot  badan  pada kedua metode teknik kastrasi pada caudal maupun pada vas deferent, sedangkan pada panjang dan volume skrotum tidak memberikan perbedaan yang secara signifikan terhadap perlakuan kedua metode kastrasi baik pada caudal maupun vas deferent.