235 research outputs found

    Estilos de trabajo e inteligencias múltiples

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    El objetivo del trabajo es determinarla validez yflabilidad del modelo dejos estilos de trabajo, fundamentado en la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples (IM). Primero, se analizan los componentes de dicha teoría y su incidencia en el curriculum escolar. En segundo lugar, se estudia el procedimiento de evaluación. Además, se presentan los resultados del estudio empírico realizado con una muestra de 237 alumnos pertenecientes a Educación Infantil y Primaria, escolarizados en centros públicos y privados de la Región de Murcia. Del estudio realizado se desprende que los estilos están asociados a las diferentes inteligencias; además, el inventario de estilos de trabajo arroja una validez y fiabilidad altamente consistente.________________________________ The objective of this work is to determinate the validity and reliability of the model of work styles, as set out In the theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI). First, we analyze the components of this theory and their Incidence in the school curriculum. Second, we study the evaluation procedure. Additionally, we present the results of an empirical study carried out with a sample of 237 students in public and private nursery and primary schools in the province of Murcia, Spain. The study carried out reveals that the styles are associated with the different Intelligences. Furthermore, the inventory of styles shows a highly consistent validity and reliability

    The role of knowledge and of general intellectual skills in the acquisition of complex learning

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es examinar la relación existente entre la habilidad intelectual y la habilidad de organización del conocimiento dentro de un modelo más general sobre los factores explicativos de la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades. Se trata de comprobar si se produce un efecto compensatorio entre la habilidad intelectual general y la habilidad para organizar el conocimiento, así como establecer si el aprendizaje de los sujetos que obtienen un mayor conocimiento en un dominio particular viene predicho/explicado por las mismas variables que explican el aprendizaje de los sujetos que obtienen un menor conocimiento. Los resultados, en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios, indican que no se produce un efecto de interacción entre ambos factores, sino más bien un efecto aditivo. No obstante, sí se observa que el efecto de la inteligencia no es el mismo en los distintos niveles de conocimiento adquirido.The main aim of this work is to examine the relation existing between intellectual ability and the ability to organize knowledge, within the scope of a more general model on the factors explaining the acquisition of knowledge and skills. It attempts to check if a compensatory effect takes place between the general intellectual ability and the ability to organize knowledge. It also attempts to establish whether the learning in people with broader knowledge of a specific domain is determined or explained by the same variables accounting for the learning in people who get smaller knowledge. The results, in a sample of university students, reveal that no interaction takes place between both factors; rather than that, intellectual ability and the quality of the conceptual organization have an additional effect. Nevertheless, it is observed that the effect of intelligence is not the same on the different levels of acquired knowledge

    Los estilos intelectuales: teoría e implicaciones educativas

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    Los estilos intelectuales hacen referencia a la forma que tienen las personas de utilizar la inteligencia triárquica. Se define como el autogobiemo mental que las personas hacen de sus mecanismos intelectuales para adaptarse al medio; mecanismos útiles que la gente, al igual que las sociedades, emplea para sobrevivir

    Improving Motivation And Continuous Assessment In Engineering Classrooms Through Student Response Systems

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    The use of Student Response Systems (SRS) is highly recommended to encourage the active and meaningful learning of students in each lecture. SRS promotes the motivation of students and improves the system of continuous assessment. One of the most popular applications designed for SRS is Socrative (Socrative n.d.). The use of Socrative gives real meaning to continuous assessment, since the teacher has an easily manageable record of the evolution of their students‘learning and will help the teacher to schedule both formative and summative assessment. The application allows the detection of topics that each student may not have understood and determines the percentage of the entire class with the same difficulty. Beyond the use of Socrative as an evaluation instrument, sufficiently referenced, in this article we present different methodologies supported by SRS implemented in engineering studies at the University the Salamanca. The methodologies aim to promote autonomous work outside the classroom, and in face-to-face classes, to maintain the attention and lead the reasoning of the students to facilitate learning. The influence of the methodologies proposed by the authors on a series of indicators related to the motivation and commitment of the students to the subjects will be presented. To the best of our knowledge, most of the work on SRS have been applied to non-university educational levels and for assessment purposes and very few of them have applied SRS to undergraduate engineering studies. The novelty of this work lies in introducing new methodologies supported by SRS in university engineering studies

    Confirmatory factor analysis of the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (Level H) in a spanish sample: Preliminary results

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    En el presente trabajo se comparan distintos modelos teóricos acerca de la estructura subyacente del STAT (Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test), nivel H, utilizando las técnicas de Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. La comparación de los distintos modelos se realiza mediante el empleo de una estrategia de análisis jerárquico factorial confirmatorio y de comparación de modelos anidados, bajo diferentes asunciones, relativas a un concepto unidimensional de la inteligencia, un concepto factorial tradicional y un modelo triárquico. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que el modelo que logra un mejor ajuste a los datos empíricos es el basado en una concepción triárquica de la inteligencia. Estos resultados se discuten atendiendo a la validez conceptual de la teoría triárquica.This study compares different theoretical models on the underlying structure of the STAT (Stenberg Triarchic Abilities Test), level H, by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis techniques. This comparison of different models is made by applying a strategy of Hierarchical Confirmatory Factor Analysis (HCFA) and a strategy of comparison of nested models, with the acceptance of some theories, such as the unidimensional concept of intelligence, the traditional concept of Factor, and the Triarchic Model. The results obtained reveal that the model that best meets empirical data is the one based upon a triarchic concept of intelligence. These results are analised with reference to the conceptual validation of the Triarchic Theory

    Un examen de la validez externa del STAT (Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test)

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    El objetivo de nuestra investigación es comprobar la validez externa de tipo predictivo del STAT (Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test). Para ello llevamos a cabo análisis de correlación y de regresión múltiple entre las puntuaciones obtenidas en el STAT, las conseguidas en el «g» de Cattell y un criterio externo: el rendimiento académico, en una submuestra de alumnos (n= 595) de 5º y 6º de E.G.B. elegida al azar. Los resultados de dichos análisis correlacionales y predictivos, evidencian que: 1) el STAT parece estar comprometido con el rendimiento académico en mayor medida que lo está el factor «g» de Cattell; 2) son la subpruebas analítica y práctica del STAT, las que tienen una mayor relación con el rendimiento; y 3) sin embargo, la subprueba creativa está menos relacionada con el rendimiento.The aim of our investigation is to check the external and predictable validity of the STAT. To do we carried out the test of multiple correlation and drop between the marks obtained in the STAT, the ones in the «g» of Cattell and an external guideline: the academic performance in a subsample of pupils (n= 595) of the 5th and 6th years of Primary Education chosen at random. The results of these correlative and predictable tests demonstrate that: 1) The STAT seems to be linked to a greater extent with the academic performance than the factor «g» of Cattell is; 2) the analytical and practical subtests of the STAT have a greater connection with the performance; and 3) however, the creative subtest is connected to a lesser extent with the performance