388 research outputs found

    Geophysical Exploration of Vesta

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    Dawn’s year-long stay at Vesta allows comprehensive mapping of the shape, topography, geology, mineralogy, elemental abundances, and gravity field using it’s three instruments and highprecision spacecraft navigation. In the current Low Altitude Mapping Orbit (LAMO), tracking data is being acquired to develop a gravity field expected to be accurate to degree and order ~20 [1, 2]. Multi-angle imaging in the Survey and High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) has provided adequate stereo coverage to develop a shape model accurate to ~10 m at 100 m horizontal spatial resolution. Accurate mass determination combined with the shape yields a more precise value of bulk density, albeit with some uncertainty resulting from the unmeasured seasonally-dark north polar region. The shape and gravity of Vesta can be used to infer the interior density structure and investigate the nature of the crust, informing models for Vesta’s formation and evolution

    The reference frames of Mercury after MESSENGER

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    We report on recent refinements and the current status for the rotational state models and the reference frame of the planet Mercury. We summarize the performed measurements of Mercury rotation based on terrestrial radar observations as well as data from the Mariner 10 and the MESSENGER missions. Further, we describe the different available definitions of reference systems for Mercury, which are realized using data obtained by instruments on board MESSENGER. In particular, we discuss the dynamical frame, the principal-axes frame, the ellipsoid frame, as well as the cartographic frame. We also describe the reference frame adopted by the MESSENGER science team for the release of their cartographic products and we provide expressions for transformations from this frame to the other reference frames

    Visualizing planetary data by using 3D engines

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    We examined 3D gaming engines for their usefulness in visualizing large planetary image data sets. These tools allow us to include recent developments in the field of computer graphics in our scientific visualization systems and present data products interactively and in higher quality than before. We started to set up the first applications which will take use of virtual reality (VR) equipment

    An Assemblage of Lava Flow Features on Mercury

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    In contrast to other terrestrial planets, Mercury does not possess a great variety of volcanic features, its history of volcanism instead largely manifest by expansive smooth plains. However, a set of landforms at high northern latitudes on Mercury resembles surface flow features documented on Earth, the Moon, Mars, and Venus. The most striking of such landforms are broad channels that host streamlined islands and that cut through the surrounding intercrater plains. Together with narrower, more sinuous channels, coalesced depressions, evidence for local flooding of intercrater plains by lavas, and a first-order analysis of lava flow rates, the broad channels define an assemblage of flow features formed by the overland flow of, and erosion by, voluminous, high-temperature, low-viscosity lavas. This interpretation is consistent with compositional data suggesting that substantial portions of Mercury's crust are composed of magnesian, iron-poor lithologies. Moreover, the proximity of this partially flooded assemblage to extensive volcanic plains raises the possibility that the formation of these flow features may preface total inundation of an area by lavas emplaced in a flood mode and that they escaped complete burial only due to a waning magmatic supply. Finally, that these broad channels on Mercury are volcanic in nature yet resemble outflow channels on Mars, which are commonly attributed to catastrophic water floods, implies that aqueous activity is not a prerequisite for the formation of such distinctive landforms on any planetary body

    Ceres' spectral link to carbonaceous chondrites - Analysis of the dark background materials

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    Ceres’ surface has commonly been linked with carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) by ground‐based telescopic observations, because of its low albedo, flat to red‐sloped spectra in the visible and near‐infrared (VIS/NIR) wavelength region, and the absence of distinct absorption bands, though no currently known meteorites provide complete spectral matches to Ceres. Spatially resolved data of the Dawn Framing Camera (FC) reveal a generally dark surface covered with bright spots exhibiting reflectance values several times higher than Ceres’ background. In this work, we investigated FC data from High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) and Ceres eXtended Juling (CXJ) orbit (~140 m/pixel) for global spectral variations. We found that the cerean surface mainly differs by spectral slope over the whole FC wavelength region (0.4–1.0 ÎŒm). Areas exhibiting slopes <−10% ÎŒm−1 constitute only ~3% of the cerean surface and mainly occur in the bright material in and around young craters, whereas slopes ≄−10% ÎŒm−1 occur on more than 90% of the cerean surface; the latter being denoted as Ceres’ background material in this work. FC and Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (VIR) spectra of this background material were compared to the suite of CCs spectrally investigated so far regarding their VIS/NIR region and 2.7 ÎŒm absorption, as well as their reflectance at 0.653 ÎŒm. This resulted in a good match to heated CI Ivuna (heated to 200–300 °C) and a better match for CM1 meteorites, especially Moapa Valley. This possibly indicates that the alteration of CM2 to CM1 took place on Ceres

    Thermal fracturing on comets: Applications to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    We simulate the stresses induced by temperature changes in a putative hard layer near the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with a thermo-viscoelastic model. Such a layer could be formed by the recondensation or sintering of water ice (and dust grains), as suggested by laboratory experiments and computer simulations, and would explain the high compressive strength encountered by experiments on board the Philae lander. Changes in temperature from seasonal insolation variation penetrate into the comet’s surface to depths controlled by the thermal inertia, causing the material to expand and contract. Modelling this with a Maxwellian viscoelastic response on a spherical nucleus, we show that a hard, icy layer with similar properties to Martian permafrost will experience high stresses: up to tens of MPa, which exceed its material strength (a few MPa), down to depths of centimetres to a metre. The stress distribution with latitude is confirmed qualitatively when taking into account the comet’s complex shape but neglecting thermal inertia. Stress is found to be comparable to the material strength everywhere for sufficient thermal inertia (≳ 50 J m−2 K−1 s−1∕2) and ice content (≳ 45% at the equator). In this case, stresses penetrate to a typical depth of ~0.25 m, consistent with the detection of metre-scale thermal contraction crack polygons all over the comet. Thermal fracturing may be an important erosion process on cometary surfaces which breaks down material and weakens cliffs
