7,366 research outputs found

    Gendering dynamic capabilities in micro firms

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    Gender issues are well-researched in the general management literature, particular in studies on new ventures. Unfortunately, gender issues have been largely ignored in the dynamic capabilities literature. We address this gap by analyzing the effects of gender diversity on dynamic capabilities among micro firms. We consider the gender of managers and personnel in 124 Ukrainian tourism micro firms. We examine how a manager’s gender affects the firm’s sensing capacities and investigate how it moderates team gender diversity’s impact on sensing capacities. We also investigate how personnel composition impacts seizing and reconfiguration capacities. We find that female managers have several shortcomings concerning a firm’s sensing capacity but that personnel gender diversity increases this capacity. Team gender diversity has positive effects on a firm’s seizing and reconfiguration abilities. Our study advances research on gender diversity and its impact on firm capabilities and illustrates its relevance for staffing practices in micro firms

    Usos Públicos do Passado: os Jovens e a Ditadura nos Canais de História no Youtube

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Arte, Cultura e História da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Licenciatura em História.. Orientação: Profa. Dra. Juliana P. C. BalestraO trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada no Curso de História – Licenciatura da Unila sobre os usos públicos da Ditadura civil-militar do Brasil em cinco canais de História no YouTube, apresentados por jovens professores de História e direcionados a jovens estudantes em situação escolar, em geral se preparando para provas, concursos e exames de larga escala, como vestibulares e o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio – ENEM. O objetivo foi conhecer as narrativas sobre a Ditadura que circulam nesses canais e observar como os jovens interagem com elas por meio do registro de comentários. A metodologia utilizada envolveu a análise dos vídeos postados sobre o tema e dos comentários a eles referidos. Para tanto, tomou-se como referência os conceitos de história pública e cultura digital.El trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada en la carrera de Profesorado de Historia de la Unila sobre los usos públicos de la Dictadura cívico-militar de Brasil en cinco canales de Historia en YouTube, presentados por jóvenes profesores de Historia y dirigidos a jóvenes estudiantes en situación escolar, en general preparándose para exámenes de larga escala, como vestibulares y el Examen Nacional de la Enseñanza Media - ENEM. El objetivo fue conocer las narrativas sobre la Dictadura que circulan en esos canales y observar cómo los jóvenes interactúan con ellas a través del registro de comentarios. La metodología utilizada implicó el análisis de los vídeos publicados sobre el tema y de los comentarios a ellos referidos. Para ello, se tomó como referencia los conceptos de histórica pública y cultura digita

    Nonuniversal power law scaling in the probability distribution of scientific citations

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    We develop a model for the distribution of scientific citations. The model involves a dual mechanism: in the direct mechanism, the author of a new paper finds an old paper A and cites it. In the indirect mechanism, the author of a new paper finds an old paper A only via the reference list of a newer intermediary paper B, which has previously cited A. By comparison to citation databases, we find that papers having few citations are cited mainly by the direct mechanism. Papers already having many citations ('classics') are cited mainly by the indirect mechanism. The indirect mechanism gives a power-law tail. The 'tipping point' at which a paper becomes a classic is about 21 citations for papers published in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science database in 1981, 29 for Physical Review D papers published from 1975-1994, and 39 for all publications from a list of high h-index chemists assembled in 2007. The power-law exponent is not universal. Individuals who are highly cited have a systematically smaller exponent than individuals who are less cited.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Contextual factors among indiscriminate or larger attacks on food or water supplies, 1946-2015

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    This research updates previous inventories of malicious attacks on food and water to include data from 1946 through mid-2015. A systematic search of news reports, databases and previous inventories of poisoning events was undertaken. Incidents that threatened or were intended to achieve direct harm to humans, and that were either relatively large (number of victims > 4 or indiscriminate in intent or realisation were included. Agents could be chemical, biological or radio-nuclear. Reports of candidate incidents were subjected to systematic inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as validity analysis (not always clearly undertaken in previous inventories of such attacks). We summarise contextual aspects of the attacks that may be important for scenario prioritisation, modelling and defensive preparedness. Opportunity is key to most realised attacks, particularly access to dangerous agents. The most common motives and relative success rate in causing harm were very different between food and water attacks. The likelihood that people were made ill or died also varied by food/water mode, and according to motive and opportunity for delivery of the hazardous agent. Deaths and illness associated with attacks during food manufacture and prior to sale have been fewer than those in some other contexts. Valuable opportunities for food defence improvements are identified in other contexts, especially food prepared in private or community settings

    Building Stochastic Feedback Models from Limited Data; A Maximum Entropy-Based Solution

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    Grundeinkommen: Idee und Vorschläge zu seiner Realisierung

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    Die Mehrwertsteuer (Umsatzsteuer) ist die Steuer mit dem größten Steueraufkommen. Für sie gibt es noch keinen Steuerfreibetrag. Ein "Mehrwertsteuerfreibetrag" ließe sich auf dem Wege einer "Negativen Mehrwertsteuer" realisieren. Diese orientiert sich an dem Konzept der "Negativen Einkommensteuer", das Milton Friedman 1962 vorgestellt hat. Die Kosten für die Einführung einer solchen "Negativsteuer" belaufen sich auf zehn bis 20 Mrd. Euro p. a. Sie trägt zu einer Stabilisierung der Konjunktur bei

    Conception d'antennes souples et de conducteurs magnétiques artificiels en bande UHF

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    The invention of antennas was the base of wireless communications appearance at the dawn of the twentieth century. Originally metal objects for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves, antennas have steadily become more complex to meet the impressive development of wireless communications. It is in this context that the concept of wearable antennas was born less than two decades ago opening a new field of research namely flexible antennas. It is in this framework that this thesis is dedicated to the design of flexible antennas for UHF band.A first study enabled the design of a flexible antipodal Vivaldi antenna [150-900 MHz] for Technical Section of the Army. Six of these antennas are intended to be placed under a balloon inflated with helium for receiving RF signals.A second study was conducted in collaboration with the company Syrlinks and CNES. The objective of the project is to design flexible antennas for tracking people with ARGOS system (401 and 466 MHz). The selected solution is a planar PIFA which width is smaller than lambda/3. This antenna has the advantage of being thin and light. The flexible material used is a silicone rubber and it was selected among several others due to some dielectric characterizations. However, the drawback of this antenna is that it has a quasi-omnidirectional radiation pattern. Since it was not possible to use a reflector metal plane due to size constraints, it was decided to design a flexible artificial magnetic conductor (AMC). However, the design of AMCs in the lower UHF band is challenged with the miniaturization difficulties. Two concepts of small size (compared to the wavelength) AMCs unit cells were developed to work around this problem. The first solution uses interdigitated capacitors and the second a double layer structure. For these two concepts, a circuit model is proposed and validated by experimental measurements. The measurement of the AMC associated antenna demonstrates a bandwidth sufficient for ARGOS applications and a radiation pattern mostly directed in the direction opposite to that of the AMC.L'invention de l'antenne fût à la base de la création des communications sans fil à l'orée du XXe siècle. A l'origine des objets métalliques destinés à transmettre et recevoir des ondes électromagnétiques, les antennes n'ont cessé de se complexifier pour satisfaire l'impressionnant développement des communications sans fil. C'est dans ce contexte qu'est né le concept d'antenne « wearable » il y a moins de deux décennies ouvrant un nouveau champ de recherche sur les antennes souples. C'est dans ce cadre que ce travail de thèse se consacre à la conception d’antennes souples en bande UHF.Une première étude a permis de concevoir une antenne Vivaldi antipodale [150 - 900 MHz] souple pour la Section Technique de l'Armée de Terre. Six de ces antennes sont destinées à être placées sous un ballon gonflé à l'hélium pour réceptionner des signaux RF.Une seconde étude est effectuée en collaboration avec la société Syrlinks et le CNES. L'objectif du projet est de concevoir des antennes souples pour le suivi de personnes avec le système ARGOS (401 et 466 MHz). La solution retenue est une PIFA planaire de largeur inférieure à lambda/3. Elle a l'avantage d'être fine et légère. Le matériau souple employé est un caoutchouc silicone sélectionné parmi plusieurs matériaux souples grâce à des caractérisations diélectriques. Cependant, le problème de cette antenne est qu'elle possède un rayonnement quasi-omnidirectionnel. Etant donné qu'il n'était pas envisageable d'utiliser un plan réflecteur métallique pour des raisons de dimensions, il a été décidé de concevoir un conducteur magnétique artificiel (CMA) souple. Toutefois, la conception de CMA dans le bas de la bande UHF se heurte à des difficultés de miniaturisation. Pour contourner ce problème, il a été développé deux concepts de CMA à cellules unitaires de faibles dimensions devant la longueur d'onde. La première solution utilise des capacités interdigitées et la seconde une structure double couche. Pour ces deux concepts, un modèle circuit est proposé et validé par des mesures expérimentales. Les mesures de l'association CMA - antenne montrent une bande passante suffisante pour des applications ARGOS et un rayonnement majoritairement dirigée dans la direction opposé à celle du CMA

    La Presse, v. 48 n. 30 (November 18, 1931)

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    La Presse volume 48 number 30, Edition Americainehttps://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/lapresse/1000/thumbnail.jp
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