478 research outputs found

    Anthropological Perspectives on the Life of the Five Land forms People

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    The life style of the ancient Tamils is well known by the five types of landforms (Kurinji, Mullai, Marutham, Neithal, Pallai). Numerous cultural elements are connoted with the five types of landforms. Though the world is widely spread it is divided into five types of landforms. These five types of landforms were found out during Sangam period of Tamilnadu. The life style and the mode of all the five landforms are completely different. In literary tradition, Kurinji is a land filled with mountains and hilly regions. In Tamilnadu human life life has been seen since the Stone Age and they record the lifestyle of the Great Age

    A Novel Marine Predators Optimization based Deep Neural Network for Quality and Shelf-Life Prediction of Shrimp

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    Consumer satisfaction and food safety are prime concerns for seafood retailers and wholesalers. Shrimp and its products are popular all over the world and play a significant part in maintaining a healthy diet by delivering a variety of nutrients and health benefits. Fresh shrimp and shrimp products, on the other hand, are very perishable and vulnerable to the rapid formation of disagreeable scents and tastes, as well as a rapid decay process. Shrimp freshness has previously been determined using a variety of techniques, but earlier techniques lacked adequate precision. To overcome this issue, in this manuscript, a Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (Hyb-CNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) optimized with Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) for shrimp freshness detection (SFD-Hyb-CNN-SVM-MPA) is proposed for classifying the freshness shrimp and non-freshness shrimp. The real time dataset is given to mean curvature Flow (MCF) filtering method and its pre-processed images are given to the Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine classifier for classifying the freshness shrimp and non-freshness shrimp. Generally, The Hyb-CNN- does not demonstrate the implementation of any optimization techniques for identifying the ideal parameters and assuring correct classification. The proposed Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) is considered for optimizing the hyper parameter of Hyb-CNN and SVM which is executed in MATLAB and certain performance measures are used to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach such as precision, recall, f-measure, accuracy, computation time. The proposed method attains lower computational time39.89%, 43.78%, and 52.67%, higher accuracy 21.35%, 18.56%, and 13.56% compared with the existing methods, like shrimp freshness detection using Deep shrimp Net (SFD-D-SHNet), shrimp freshness detection using artificial neural network and k-neighbour network (SFD-ANN-KNN), shrimp freshness detection using convolutional neural network (SVM-FCCD) respectively

    Komodifikasi Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna Upacara Piodalan (Studi Deskripsi Kualitatif Pada Umat Hindu di Pura Bhuwana Agung Saraswati Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang komodifikasi bentuk, fungsi, dan maknaUpacara Piodalan yang dilaksanakan di Pura Bhuwana Agung Saraswati Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Struktural Fungsional yang dikemukakan oleh Talcott Parsons dan teori interaksionisme simbolik dari George Herbert Mead. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, data yang diambil dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Untuk menjamin validitas data digunakan triangulasi sumber data, sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan adalah model interaktif. Salah satu budaya tradisional yaitu Upacara Piodalan pada masyarakat Hindu Surakarta yang tampaknya mengalami perubahan bentuk setelah terjadinya perubahan cara hidup yang praktis disebabkan oleh globalisasi. Seiring dengan perkembangan masyarakat Surakarta sekarang ini Upacara Piodalan yaitu upacara peringatan berdirinya Pura Bhuwana Agung Saraswati dilestarikan sebagai sarana kerukunan interen umat Hindu di Kota Surakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk Upacara Piodalan dilaksanakan dengan upakara atau sesaji yang cukup besar tapi tidak yang paling mewah (madya). Fungsi upacara piodalan ialah fungsi pelayanan kepada Tuhan, fungsi sosial ekonomi, fungsi budaya dan seni, dan fungsi edukatif. Sedangkan makna upacara piodalan yaitu makna religius, makna ungkapan rasa syukur, makna sosial kemasyarakatan, makna budaya dan seni. Terdapat dimensi internal dan eksternal yang menyebabkan terjadinya komodifikasi dalam Upacara Piodalan.Upacara Piodalan dalam agama Hindu mengandung banyak simbol, memberikan pengetahuan bahwa terdapat kompleksitas pemikiran umat Hindu, yang menyangkut interaksi sosial yang bertujuan terjadinya integrasi sosial. Upacara Piodalan ternyata memiliki nilai-nilai budaya yang sangat tinggi menjadi penting untuk dikaji keberadaannya. Kata kunci : Komodifikasi, Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna Upacara Piodala

    Barriers to availing refractive error services among an urban slum population in Mumbai, India

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    Barriers to availing refracti ve error services among an urban slum population in Mumbai, India. Background: A refractive error project for management of refractive errors in adults was undertaken in the urban slums of Mumbai, India. The project looked at the burden of refractive errors in the predominantly lower socio economic status groups as well as what common barriers prevent access to refractive services amongst this population. This presentation highlights the barriers that were elicited for availing and accessing refractive error services among the urban slum population in Mumbai, India. AIM: The study aimed to identify the common barriers to availing & accessing refractive error services among an urban slum population in Mumbai, India. Methods : A situation analysis of the community, with respect to availability of services was done as a part of the service delivery planning. The analysis revealed that services were available but the community was not accessing the same. Based on the situation analysis report a questionnaire with all perceived barriers was developed and the same was validated. Service delivery was done by establishing vision centers within the community. Trained health workers performed a door to door vision screening, identified and referred the needy population to the vision centre. Here the questionnaire was run by trained social workers on the people visiting the centers for eye examinations, who were referred by the social workers. Results : Data analysis was carried out to know the reasons for not availing the services within the community. Of the 4070 subjects who visited the vision centre, 4039 case records were complete and analyzed. The demographic associations of the use of spectacles and reasons for not availing services were assessed with age, gender, education, socioeconomic status. On further analyses it was revealed, that, 3373 (83.5%) were aware of their poor vision, of these 2000 people did not visit an eye doctor. When the questions were analyzed as economic reasons and lack of awareness, lack of awareness superseded economic reasons, as lack of awareness was 54.5% Vs economic was 53.70%. Conclusion: When refractive error service delivery was planned for this population, besides providing free spectacles, emphasis on generating awareness for need for refractive errors was also considered

    Disposition of uric acid upon administration of ofloxacin alone and in combination with other anti-tuberculosis drugs

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    Disposition of uric acid upon administration of ofloxacin (O) alone and in combination with other anti-tuberculosis drugs, rifampicin (R), isoniazid (H) and pyrazinamide (Z) was studied. Twelve male healthy volunteers were investigated on four different occasions with the four drugs alone or in combinations. A partially balanced incomplete block design was adopted and the subjects were randomly allocated to each group. Uric acid concentration in urine samples excreted over 0-8 hr, were determined after coding the samples. There was significant decrease in the group receiving Z when compared to other groups. Though there was a decrease in uric acid excretion in the group receiving O, it was not statistically significant. Rifampicin and H seem to increase the uric acid excretion. The incidence of arthralgia was mainly due to Z and not due to either O or other drugs in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

    An Iterative Design with Variable Step Prototype Filter for Cosine Modulated Filter Bank

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    A systematic and self controlled prototype filter design approach for multichannel Cosine Modulated Near Perfect Reconstruction (NPR) filter bank is proposed in this paper. The primary goal is to design a prototype filter with enhanced performance i.e., minimum amplitude distortion and aliasing error. This algorithm approximates 3dB cutoff frequency very close to π/2M. This is achieved by selecting suitable step size which is a function of transition width. If the selection of step size is too fine, the objective function oscillates. Whereas, if step size is coarse, 3dB cutoff frequency will not be close to π/2M. This will degrade the overall performance of the prototype filter. Thus by choosing the step size as a function of transition width and varying the step size from coarser to finer level, the minimum amplitude distortion and aliasing error can be definitely achieved. The proposed filter is designed using two input parameters: number of subbands M and attenuation A and all other system parameters are derived from it to avoid heuristic inputs. Simulation results indicate better performance with reference to algorithms existing in literature. In addition, the design approach is systematic and self controlled

    Hybrid Approach for Emotion Classification of Audio Conversation Based on Text and Speech Mining

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    AbstractOne of the greatest challenges in speech technology is estimating the speaker's emotion. Most of the existing approaches concentrate either on audio or text features. In this work, we propose a novel approach for emotion classification of audio conversation based on both speech and text. The novelty in this approach is in the choice of features and the generation of a single feature vector for classification. Our main intention is to increase the accuracy of emotion classification of speech by considering both audio and text features. In this work we use standard methods such as Natural Language Processing, Support Vector Machines, WordNet Affect and SentiWordNet. The dataset for this work have been taken from Semval -2007 and eNTERFACE’05 EMOTION Database

    Sediment analysis

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    Air dry soil should be ground to pass through a 0.5 mm sieve. A 2.5 g soil sample is suspended in 50 ml of NaHCO3 solution of pH 8.5 along with 1 teaspoon of carbon black. Fine suspension is shaken for a period of 30 minutes. The solution is filtered through a Whatman No.40 or other suitable filter paper. A 5 ml aliquot of clear filtrate is pipetted in to 25 ml vol. flask. A volume of 5ml acid molybdate is added and the flask is allowed to stand for the generation of CO2. After that add 10 ml distilled water, then 1 ml stannous chloride (working solution), by immediate shaking and make up the volume to 25 ml and mix thoroughly. Prepare a blank as above and read the intensity of colour developed, at 660 nm, after 10 minutes and within 20 minutes

    Bibliography: Diseases, Parasites and Toxicology of Perna viridis,Crassostrea madrasensis and Villorita cyprinoids (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of India

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    A proper understanding of the hazards associated with the fishery products on national basis has been the primary objective of the AP Cess Funded National Network Project on National Risk Assessment Programme for Fish and Fish Products for Domestic and International Markets. In this connection, the bibliography is prepared with the sole aim to compile all the available literature on this subject to produce a ready source of reference material for future investigators. In spite of the meticulous task and completeness, the authors express their regrets for any errors or omissions