29 research outputs found


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    English Lecturers are responsible for designing various teaching approaches, instruction, and efficient classroom management procedures to promote a productive atmosphere and interactive classroom experience for all, especially in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) classes. Therefore, this study aimed to explore by what methods lecturers construct interactive speaking activities in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) classes. This study used qualitative design through a case study approach. It was conducted in Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Makassar Indonesia. Ten students of the Publishing study program participated in this study. First, the researcher collected the data from observations, focused group discussions, document analysis, and photographs or videos. The data were then analyzed in six stages: preparing raw data, organizing and preparing data for analysis, reading and coding data (themes or descriptions) by hand or a computer, and connecting the theme/description. The last was interpreting the meaning of the theme/description. The finding shows lecturers constructed interactive speaking activities by starting with asking the students challenging in learning English and what the students hoped in ESP for publishing course. Then the lecturer covered the ESP materials by designing various communicative and interactive activities that were categorized into three primary activities: individual presentation, paired oral performances, and group speaking practice. These activities developed the students' motivation, self-confidence, and English communicative competence.  English Lecturers are responsible for designing various teaching approaches, instruction, and efficient classroom management procedures to promote a productive atmosphere and interactive classroom experience for all, especially in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) classes. Therefore, this study aimed to explore by what methods lecturers construct interactive speaking activities in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) classes. This study used qualitative design through a case study approach. It was conducted in Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Makassar Indonesia. Ten students of the Publishing study program participated in this study. First, the researcher collected the data from observations, focused group discussions, document analysis, and photographs or videos. The data were then analyzed in six stages: preparing raw data, organizing and preparing data for analysis, reading and coding data (themes or descriptions) by hand or a computer, and connecting the theme/description. The last was interpreting the meaning of the theme/description. The finding shows lecturers constructed interactive speaking activities by starting with asking the students challenging in learning English and what the students hoped in ESP for publishing course. Then the lecturer covered the ESP materials by designing various communicative and interactive activities that were categorized into three primary activities: individual presentation, paired oral performances, and group speaking practice. These activities developed the students' motivation, self-confidence, and English communicative competence. &nbsp


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    People are not born with the genetic imprint of particular culture because it is the set of knowledge and behavior and the interpretation of both as habits acquired and learned by the members of society through interaction and socialization by using different media such as film.Ā  Lilting is a film that presents the issue of cultural value. It is a British drama that cultivate a vibrant dynamic between Western way of life and Asian stories. This qualitative descriptive research focused on the exploration of intercultural values from the perspective of Western-Asian Way of Life to find out the differences among British, Chinese and Indonesian culture. Data were obtained from audio visual material of lilting film and other documents, e.g. newspaper and journal about lilting film. The techniques of data analysis were done by watching, writing some notes, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The result shows that lilting contains some cultural knowledge especially the difference of western and Asian way of life, language used by England and China, cultural biases (ethnocentric, stereotype, discrimination and prejudice), peopleā€™s perception about homosexual, the way people look at kissing in public place, the way to offer food, the way people speak up in direct conversation, the process of assimilation and acculturation to a new culture, the function of a professional translator, and the most important lesson of how difficult to communicate when we do not have little bit knowledge and information of other language and culture

    Listening-based Communicative Instructional Approach at the Indonesian Gigantic Immersive Environment

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    Abstract: Creative Innovation in teaching critically influences students' success. This paper investigates teachers' teaching methods in an Indonesian gigantic English immersive Environment. The qualitative study, which involved eight participants, was conducted in a "let's speak class" at Mr. Pepsi Upgrade, Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri. Data were gained from classroom observation, interviews, photos, and documents. They were analyzed in six stages, from preparing the data to interpreting the description meaning. Findings promote that teachers teach using technology, like a listening-based communicative instructional approach (L-CIA mode). Six phases were trained, from giving ice breaking to singing together. It stimulates the students' speaking skills.Abstrak: Inovasi Kreatif dalam mengajar sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan siswa. Artikel ini menginvestigasi metode pengajaran guru dalam Lingkungan imersif Inggris yang sangat besar di Indonesia. Kajian kualitatif yang melibatkan delapan partisipan ini dilakukan dalam sebuah "kelas ayo berbicara" di Mr. Pepsi Upgrade, Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri. Data diperoleh dari observasi kelas, wawancara, foto, dan dokumen. Mereka dianalisis dalam enam tahap, mulai dari menyiapkan data hingga menafsirkan makna deskripsi. Temuan mempromosikan bahwa guru mengajar menggunakan teknologi, seperti pendekatan pembelajaran komunikatif berbasis mendengarkan (mode L-CIA). Enam fase dilatih, mulai dari ice breaking hingga bernyanyi bersama. Ini merangsang keterampilan berbicara siswa


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    This paper investigated the immersive environment's contributing factors in developing learners' metacognitive learning strategies in an Indonesian English village. This study applied qualitative design through an ethnographic approach involving 14 participants from six English-speaking courses in ā€œKampung Inggris Pare,ā€ Indonesia. Data were collected from observation, interviews, and photographs, then analyzed in six stages: preparing raw data, organizing data for analysis, reading all the data, coding data, communicating the theme/description, and interpreting the meaning. The results indicated that the English village accommodates establishing the Authentic Immersion Environment, English Camps, and exciting classroom activities. The elements assisted the learners in centering, planning, arranging, monitoring, and evaluating their learning while studying and staying for some months in this environment. This study promotes three elements of an English village-based immersion environment and presents how their role commits to developing learners' metacognitive learning strategies in learning English. Abstrak: Makalah ini menyelidiki faktor-faktor pendukung lingkungan imersif dalam mengembangkan strategi pembelajaran metakognitif siswa di kampung bahasa Inggris Indonesia. Penelitian ini menerapkan desain kualitatif melalui pendekatan etnografi yang melibatkan 14 responden dari enam kursus berbahasa Inggris di ā€œKampung Inggris Pare,ā€ Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dari observasi, wawancara, dan foto, kemudian dianalisis dalam enam tahap: menyiapkan data mentah, mengorganisir data untuk analisis, membaca semua data, mengkodekan data, mengkomunikasikan tema/deskripsi, dan menafsirkan makna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kampung Inggris mengakomodasi pembentukan Authentic Immersion Environment, English Camps, dan kegiatan kelas yang menyenangkan. Unsur-unsur tersebut membantu siswa dalam memusatkan, merencanakan, mengatur, memantau, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran mereka selama belajar dan tinggal beberapa bulan di lingkungan tersebut. Penelitian ini mempromosikan tiga element lingkungan imersi berbasis kampung bahasa Inggris dan menyajikan bagaimana peran mereka berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan strategi pembelajaran metakognitif siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris


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    Behind the problems faced in the implementation of teaching English in schools, on the contrary, learning activities in Kampung Inggris Pare are reported as having exciting and enjoyable in terms of topics and exercises they do in the classroom. The teaching methods are varied, broad, and challenging. The variation of the topics avoids boredom in the learning. Therefore, this study investigated the teaching methods conducted in this immersive environment. This qualitative study was conducted in Peace, Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, East Java, Indonesia. Six participants participated in this study. The data were collected through observations, interviews, documents, and visual photos. The data shows that, in teaching speaking, tutors in English Village Pare utilize a variety of media and integrated language skills, for example, by using visual media in the form of images. Five phases will be trained to achieve communicative goals in language learning, namely: pay attention to the pictures to store the concept in mind, construct the ideas about the photos (perception), regulate the way to express the ideas (mind mapping), speak up (describing the picture or anything to talk), communicative comprehension (speaking and listening session as a speaker or listener), and after review and practice the phases or activities many times, the students finally will reach the speaking fluency (ignoring filler and stuck), respect to the time, and communicative skills. This method can lead students to become successful language learnersBehind the problems faced in the implementation of teaching English in schools, on the contrary, learning activities in Kampung Inggris Pare are reported as having exciting and enjoyable in terms of topics and exercises they do in the classroom. The teaching methods are varied, broad, and challenging. The variation of the topics avoids boredom in the learning. Therefore, this study investigated the teaching methods conducted in this immersive environment. This qualitative study was conducted in Peace, Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, East Java, Indonesia. Six participants participated in this study. The data were collected through observations, interviews, documents, and visual photos. The data shows that, in teaching speaking, tutors in English Village Pare utilize a variety of media and integrated language skills, for example, by using visual media in the form of images. Five phases will be trained to achieve communicative goals in language learning, namely: pay attention to the pictures to store the concept in mind, construct the ideas about the photos (perception), regulate the way to express the ideas (mind mapping), speak up (describing the picture or anything to talk), communicative comprehension (speaking and listening session as a speaker or listener), and after review and practice the phases or activities many times, the students finally will reach the speaking fluency (ignoring filler and stuck), respect to the time, and communicative skills. This method can lead students to become successful language learner


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    The collaboration of Digital Technology and learning has become one great topic recently. Many people try to search for good ways to support their teaching and learning process through digital technology. Technology has offered many kinds of applications that can help students and teachers. The Music platforms and podcasts consist of many things that can help the students improve their English, especially their English skills. In this literature review, I would like to find and share the role of Digital Technology in supporting studentsā€™ Listening through music platforms and podcasts. And the methodology that I would like to use is the qualitative method in which there will be some interviews and videos in collecting the data. And reading through all the results of the interviews and drawing some connections between digital technology and the learning process to analyze the data, the participants are from X Grade students of Makassar Adventists Senior High School. As a result, those students who are active with digital technology, especially the music platforms and podcasts, have better listening skills than those who are not. Here the writer found out that digital music platforms and podcasts can support studentsā€™ listening skills.The collaboration of Digital Technology and learning has become one great topic recently. Many people try to search for good ways to support their teaching and learning process through digital technology. Technology has offered many kinds of applications that can help students and teachers. The Music platforms and podcasts consist of many things that can help the students improve their English, especially their English skills. In this literature review, I would like to find and share the role of Digital Technology in supporting studentsā€™ Listening through music platforms and podcasts. And the methodology that I would like to use is the qualitative method in which there will be some interviews and videos in collecting the data. And reading through all the results of the interviews and drawing some connections between digital technology and the learning process to analyze the data, the participants are from X Grade students of Makassar Adventists Senior High School. As a result, those students who are active with digital technology, especially the music platforms and podcasts, have better listening skills than those who are not. Here the writer found out that digital music platforms and podcasts can support studentsā€™ listening skills


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    When we agree with the internalization of a foreign language acquisition centered in the classroom, teacher talk plays the most important role to achieve the success of teaching and learning. However, a high intensity of teacher talk and the hesitation of instructional language choice become two common problems are usually faced. Therefore, it seems important to present a variety of literature reviews to be considered by teachers which may be used as the reference to solve the problem. This study presented the concept of teacher talk at classroom interaction, monolingual and bilingual approach in EFL classroom and some previous research findings ā€œthe rationales for supporting bilingual approachā€ which were gained from some articles. This study suggests that teachers have to control the quantity and quality of their talk to gain an effective teaching and learning process in the EFL classroom. It is more advantageous to reduce Teacher Talk Time and increase Student Talk Time based on the studentsā€™ need because too much teacher talk will have an impact on decreased student learning motivation. When teaching EFL students, it will be helpful for overcoming cognitive difficulties if teachers insert mother tongue for the certain condition such as to translate difficult words from reading the text and to explain grammar. However, the teachers have to keep a principled and judicious use of mother tongue because a very high proportion of it also limits the studentsā€™ achievement. If the students are exposed more to the second language, they will become more successful

    Indonesian Studentsā€™ Growth Perception of an English Immersion Program

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    Becoming a part of an English village as a form of immersion program differs significantly from studying English in a classroom setting where students can directly practice speaking in real-life situations. This study looks at how Indonesian students perceive the benefits of intense classes in an English Immersion ProgramĀ on their cognitive development both during and after the program. The biggest Indonesian English Village, Kampung Inggris Pare, was the location. This qualitative case study involving participant observation, interviews, and photos included 14 participants. An interactive analytic model was then used to gather, reduce, present, and make conclusions from the data. According to the study, most participants improvedĀ after taking intense English classes in Kampung Inggris Pare, especially in the cognitive areas. Vocabulary was the area where they felt most Heavily Upgraded (HUg), followed by fluency and pronunciation. This study suggests that an immersion program like English Village is one way to address several issues with English learning in schools. An English Immersion Program's intense sessions might be advantageous for students

    Demotivational Factors of Non-English Major Students in Learning English

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    The low score obtained by the students is one of the factors, which scale down non-English major students ā€˜motivation in learning English, and vise versa. This case results the students seem to be indifferent to this important lesson. Demotivation is discussed due to its negative orientation and it has direct educational implications. Thus, it seems necessary to investigate and explore demotivational factors in learning English of non-English major students in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. The subject of this qualitative case study was learners of information system and computer department in STMIK Bina Adinata, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. A total of 51 students responded to the questionnaire which analyzing 30 items of six demotivational constructs use Guttman scale format and 6 students of the third semester in academic year 2018/ 2019 who got the lowest scores in the last semester represented in-depth interviews to dig deeper their perception about demotivational factors they perceived during learning English at college. The results show that lecturers' inappropriate teaching method, inadequate facilities, grammatically teaching material, lack of students' self-confidence, low score, little chance to practice and lack of students' awareness were the most demotivating factors for non-English major students. This information then can be used as a basic goal setting, method, strategy, and relevant learning materials with the needs of graduates. However, the lecturer is the most important key who can restore students' motivation in English language learning


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    This article attempts to present the way to increase studentsā€™ speaking skill through project assessment in Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach. This article was explored in qualitative design using descriptive method to find out how the project assessment runs and functions and find out the studentsā€™ perception of project assessment. Assessment is an activity to answers the question of what is the result such as what is being learned by the students, what is the impact being made by instruction, what is working, what is not working, what can students do and what is the faculty accomplishing. And then, it measures the studentsā€™ achievement that can cover three aspects of learning namely cognitive, affective and psychomotoric. Project assessment in Project Based Learning is offered to increase the studentsā€™ speaking skill because it is an assessment of assignment that must be completed by students in particular period of time. The assignment is contextualizes learning by investigation form beginning from collecting, organizing, evaluating, until presenting the data with problems to be solved or products to be developed.