8 research outputs found

    Recent Arctic ozone depletion: Is there an impact of climate change?

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    After the well-reported record loss of Arctic stratospheric ozone of up to 38% in the winter 2010–2011, further large depletion of 27% occurred in the winter 2015–2016. Record low winter polar vortex temperatures, below the threshold for ice polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) formation, persisted for one month in January 2016. This is the first observation of such an event and resulted in unprecedented dehydration/denitrification of the polar vortex. Although chemistry–climate models (CCMs) generally predict further cooling of the lower stratosphere with the increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs), significant differences are found between model results indicating relatively large uncertainties in the predictions. The link between stratospheric temperature and ozone loss is well understood and the observed relationship is well captured by chemical transport models (CTMs). However, the strong dynamical variability in the Arctic means that large ozone depletion events like those of 2010–2011 and 2015–2016 may still occur until the concentrations of ozone-depleting substances return to their 1960 values. It is thus likely that the stratospheric ozone recovery, currently anticipated for the mid-2030s, might be significantly delayed. Most important in order to predict the future evolution of Arctic ozone and to reduce the uncertainty of the timing for its recovery is to ensure continuation of high-quality ground-based and satellite ozone observations with special focus on monitoring the annual ozone loss during the Arctic winter

    The Lavoisier mission: A system of descent probe and balloon flotilla for geochemical investigation of the deep atmosphere and surface of Venus

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    Lavoisier mission is a joint effort of eight European countries and a technological challenge aimed at investigating the lower atmosphere and the surface of Venus. The mission consists of a descent probe and three balloons to be deployed below the cloud deck. Its main scientific objectives may be summarized as following : (i) composition of the deep atmosphere : noble gas (elemental/isotopic), molecular species (elemental/isotopic), oxygen fugacity; vertical/horizontal/temporal variability; (ii) infrared spectroscopy and radiometry (molecular composition, radiative transfer); (iii) dynamics of the atmosphere : p, T, acceleration measurements, balloon localization through VLBI, meteorological events signed by acoustic waves, atmospheric mixing as imprinted on radioactive tracers; (iv) surface morphology and mineralogy through near infrared imaging on dayside, surface temperature through NIR imaging on nightside. Additional tentative objectives are search for (a) atmospheric electrical activity (optically, radioelectrically, acoustically), (b) crustal outgassing and/or volcanic activity : acoustic activity, horizontal/vertical distribution of radioactive tracers, (c) seismic activity : acoustic waves transmitted from crust to atmosphere, and (d) remanent and/or intrinsic magnetic field. Lavoisier was proposed to ESA in response to the F2/F3 mission Announcement of Opportunity at the beginning of 2000, but it was not selected for the assessment study, A wide international partnership was created for this occasion, including Finland (FMI), France (IPSL, MAGIE, Universite Orsay, IPSN, INPG, CEA, IPGP, Obs. Paris-Meudon), Germany (MPAe, Univ. Muenster), Hungary (KFKI, Univ. Eotvos), Portugal (OAL), Russia (IKI), Spain (IAA), United Kingdom (Univ. Oxford). (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Update on diabetes mellitus and related oral diseases

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