460 research outputs found

    Women in the Sciences

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    A Critical Analysis of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature Comparing the Effects of Traditional Versus Community Policing on Quality of Life and Associated Quality of Life Issues

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    There are two major issues that will be addressed in this study to determine if they influence the selection of an appropriate policing strategy. The first is citizen perception of whether crime has decreased or increased in their community. The second is whether the length of time a citizen has lived in the community has an effect on their perception of crime and their attitude towards a specific policing strategy. Historically, each policing strategy, although at times labeled differently (professional policing, team policing, neighborhood policing, zero-tolerance policing), has evolved and adapted based on various dynamics within police organizations and the communities they serve. This study provides the background to the problems faced by today\u27s police organizations in determining which policing strategy effectively meets their goals, and how community perceptions of crime and the fear of crime influence, police and community selection of the appropriate strategy that meets their needs


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    Prelude to a Theory of Musical Representation

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    In this paper, I present the beginnings of a resemblance theory of representation. I start by surveying the contemporary philosophical debate surrounding musical representation and reveal that its main interlocutors share a conception of artistic representation as a mode of meaningful communication. I then show how conceiving of artistic representation in this way severely limits music’s possibilities as a medium for representation. Next, I propose an alternative conception of representation that, despite its widespread acceptance outside of the philosophy of art, has been largely denigrated within it: namely, that representation fundamentally depends on structural resemblance. Finally, I demonstrate how conceiving of artistic representation as grounded upon structural resemblances, rather than as a mode of meaningful communication, provides us with a more accurate picture of both (a) how music represents and (b) how we perceive and appreciate musical representations

    Men's perceptions, experiences and responses to domestic violence: a comparative study of immigrant and South African men in the Johannesburg inner city

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    This report presents findings from a comparative qualitative study conducted in the Johannesburg inner city. The study sought to understand immigrant and South African heterosexual men’s perceptions, experiences, and responses to domestic violence. Drawing on social constructionist theory, the research investigates whether migration and nationality influenced how heterosexual men perceived, experienced, and responded to domestic violence. The study used qualitative methodology and relied on original empirical research. In total, participants (consisting of six immigrant and six South African men) were identified through purposive and snowballing sampling methods. Semi-structured interview guides were used to collect data, which was then analysed using thematic content analysis. Findings of the study revealed that migration influenced the way in which immigrant men experienced and responded to domestic violence in South Africa. However, migration did not have an impact on how immigrant men perceived domestic violence. This means that the ways in which immigrant men perceived domestic violence was the same as they perceived it in their home countries. However, the ways in which they were experiencing and responding to it in South Africa was different from the ways they used to experience and respond in their home countries (migrant sending countries). The South African participants did not attribute their perceptions, experiences and responses to migration. Instead, they attributed their experiences to the over insistence on rights by women, and the failure of law enforcement agencies to ensure that men who are victims of domestic violence are also heard. Findings also revealed that nationality differences between immigrant men and South African men did not influence the ways in which these two groups perceived and understood the term ‘domestic violence’. Thus, migrant men and South African men understood the term in the same way. The definitions of domestic violence that participants reported were different from the traditional definitions and categorizations of domestic violence. Participants defined domestic violence in accordance with their perceptions and experiences, as there was a thin line between perceptions and personal experiences. Further analysis showed that men understood domestic violence as being physical, emotional, and verbal. The findings of the study also revealed that immigrant men believed that their susceptibility to domestic violence was due to migration because of the perception that South African domestic violence legislation favours women. Furthermore, South African men attributed ‘favouritism on terms of the law’ towards women as an issue that made women take advantage of the policy framework to initiate violence towards their intimate partners. These men suggest that women do this in the knowledge that men are generally not believed when they (i.e. men) make reports of domestic violence

    The Varieties of Musical Experience

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    Many philosophers of music, especially within the analytic tradition, are essentialists with respect to musical experience. That is, they view their goal as that of isolating the essential set of features constitutive of the experience of music, qua music. Toward this end, they eliminate every element that would appear to be unnecessary for one to experience music as such. In doing so, they limit their analysis to the experience of a silent, motionless individual who listens with rapt attention to the sounds produced by either musicians a on stage, a stereo, or a portable device. This approach is illustrated in recent work by Nick Zangwill. Drawing on essentialist assumptions, Zangwill concludes that properly musical experience is effectively disembodied and radically private. While this seems plausible when we consider the essentialists’ paradigm case, Zangwill’s conclusion seems odd once we consider the wide variety of ways that people experience music. One’s body and social situation seem ineluctably enmeshed within the experience of, e.g., hot jazz played in a nightclub, where listeners bob their heads and dance to the music, cheer on the musicians, and socialize with their fellow concertgoers. The question this paper aims to answer is: should we consider this and similar experiences of music properly “musical”? I maintain that we should. Far from the world of pure music that Zangwill and others relegate properly musical experience, I conclude that our musical experiences are fully enmeshed within the somatic, affective, and interpersonal dimensions of human life

    It Can Happen Here Too: Cyberbullying on College Campuses [brochure]

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    While much of the emphasis on cyberbullying has been on elementary and adolescent youth, there is growing evidence that it is happening at the college level as well. Students, faculty members, and administration have all been affected by cyberbullying, which at times, has resulted in ruined personal and professional reputations. It is difficult to grasp how often cyberbullying happens amongst adults, because they are usually too embarrassed to come forward. According to Working to Halt Online Abuse’s 2010 Cyberbullying Statistics, those in the 18-30 age range had been victimized most often. Increasingly, research is being presented that shows that many students are victims of cyberbullying, and more needs to be done to protect them, and educate those who perpetuate this harmful practice

    Lhorraine London Polite

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    Lhorraine London Polite transitioned to Andrews University in August 2014 when her husband, Michael, was called to serve as associate chaplain here. Shortly thereafter, Lhorraine was called to serve as project manager and assistant to me as the dean of the School of Graduate Studies & Research, and in 2015, she continued her role with me as I transitioned into my new role as provost. Born in Panama City, Panama, Lhorraine relocated with her family to the U.S. when she was 8 years old. The difficulty of the acclimation process still lingers today. She and her family have dedicated their lives to be champions for the cause of those who have similar stories to theirs, and use their successes to reach others who are also navigating difficult lives. I am honored to have worked with Lhorraine for the past three years. Her excellence in service is refreshing. Lhorraine’s Andrews Heart is on display every day; she flourishes by sharing that heart. She enjoys serving our diverse student body because she understands what it’s like to take a risk, start from scratch, acclimate to a new culture and push through until the goal is reached. You can read Lhorraine’s full story in Stories of Andrews at andrews.edu/stories, where you will also find stories of others here at Andrews University. Lhorraine, thank you for sharing your Andrews Heart! You epitomize the Spirit of Andrews. Christon Arthurhttps://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/stories-2017-fall/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Hemodynamic alterations at the Blood-Brain Barrier and optimization of renal denervation treatment to prevent vascular impairment

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    Les cèl·lules endotelials microvasculars cerebrals de la Barrera Hematoencefàlica exhibeixen un fenotip protector que està altament induït per estímuls bioquímics i biomecànics. Entre aquests, la tensió tallant és una força mecànica provocada per la circulació que intensifica la unió cel·lular i limita el transport a nivell capil·lar. Diferents estudis han provat que els patrons de flux anormals redueixen les propietats funcionals de l’endoteli macrovascular. Les alteracions hemodinàmiques i estructurals, com la hipertensió o la rigidesa arterial, són alguns exemples de condicions vasculars que augmenten la tensió tallant i la pulsatilitat, les quals arriben i afecten aigües avall a la unitat neurovascular. Altres estudis clínics mostren que aquestes alteracions son rellevants en la patogènesi de malalties neurodegeneratives com alguns tipus de demència i esclerosi múltiple. En aquest treball, s’han avaluat els efectes de l’augment de la tensió tallant i la pulsatilitat a nivell cel·lular a la Barrera Hematoencefàlica com a interfase entre el sistema vascular i cerebral. S’ha dissenyat i caracteritzat un model in vitro dinàmic de la Barrera Hematoencefàlica per a permetre el cultiu de cèl·lules endotelials microvasculars i exposar-les a tensió tallant i a factors solubles produïts per cèl·lules veïnes en cocultiu. S’han exposat cèl·lules endotelials microvasculars cerebrals humanes a patrons de flux fisiològics i patològics. El rang fisiològic va augmentar la expressió dels marcadors d’unió estreta Zonula Occludens 1 i Claudina 5. Tant la tensió tallant elevada com la pulsatilitat van disminuir l’expressió d’aquests marcadors al nivell basal i van alterar la morfologia de les unions estretes i la activitat del transportador actiu P-glicoproteïna. A més, es van exposar cèl·lules a tensió tallant seguida per condicions fisiològiques i es va observar una recuperació reversible de l’expressió dels marcadors d’unió estreta. També es va constatar que les condicions hemodinàmiques que alteren el fenotip de barrera van correlacionar amb vies de senyalització relacionades amb les unions estretes. Aquestes troballes suggereixen que, en cas de restauració de les condicions de flux, les propietats funcionals de la Barrera Hematoencefàlica podrien recuperar-se. Evidències recents dels efectes de la denervació renal pel tractament de la hipertensió i dels marcadors de Barrera Hematoencefàlica fan d’aquesta tecnologia un candidat apte per la restauració de la hemodinàmica cerebrovascular. La denervació renal és una tecnologia innovadora pel tractament de la hipertensió resistent que es basa en l’ablació dels nervis simpàtics al voltant de les arteries renals. Tot i que s’ha demostrat la seva seguretat, els resultats d’eficàcia obtinguts en estudis clínics són encara poc concloents. La comprensió de la microanatomia arterial és essencial per predir futurs resultats d’eficàcia. S’ha realitzat un estudi in vivo per avaluar la distribució de nervis i ganglis limfàtics al voltant d’arteries renals i l’efecte de tractaments de denervació senzills i dobles. Es van identificar les regions distals de l’arteria renal com a localitzacions òptimes pel tractament, donat que aquestes van presentar una major densitat de nervis propers a la paret arterial i una menor àrea de ganglis limfàtics. El tractament doble va incrementar l’arc circumferencial afectat en les arteries renals i per tant presenta una probabilitat més elevada per incrementar l’eficàcia. Els patrons de tensió tallant anormals, inherents a malalties vasculars sistèmiques, condueixen al deteriorament de la Barrera Hematoencefàlica. Aquest pot corregir-se mitjançant intervencions hemodinàmiques. La denervació renal és un tractament amb potencial que necessita una major caracterització per poder correlacionar els seus efectes a la pressió sanguínia i a les propietats funcionals de la Barrera Hematoencefàlica.Las células endoteliales microvasculares cerebrales de la Barrera Hematoencefálica exhiben un fenotipo protector que está altamente inducido por estímulos bioquímicos y biomecánicos. Entre ellos, la tensión cortante es una fuerza mecánica provocada por la circulación que intensifica la unión celular y limita el transporte a nivel capilar. Distintos estudios han probado que los patrones de flujo anormales reducen las propiedades funcionales del endotelio macrovascular. Las alteraciones hemodinámicas y estructurales, como la hipertensión o la rigidez arterial, son algunos ejemplos de condiciones vasculares que aumentan la tensión cortante y la pulsatilidad, las cuales alcanzan y afectan aguas abajo en la unidad neurovascular. Otros estudios clínicos muestran que dichas alteraciones son relevantes en la patogénesis de enfermedades neurodegenerativas como algunos tipos de demencia y esclerosis múltiple. En este trabajo, se han evaluado los efectos del aumento de la tensión cortante y la pulsatilidad a nivel celular en la Barrera Hematoencefálica como interfaz entre el sistema vascular y cerebral. Se ha diseñado y caracterizado un modelo in vitro dinámico de la Barrera Hematoencefálica para permitir el cultivo de células endoteliales microvasculares y exponerlas a tensión cortante y a factores solubles producidos por células vecinas en cocultivo. Se han expuesto células endoteliales microvasculares cerebrales humanas a patrones de flujo fisiológicos y patológicos. El rango fisiológico aumentó la expresión de los marcadores de unión estrecha Zonula Occludens 1 y Claudina 5. Tanto la tensión cortante elevada como la pulsatilidad disminuyeron la expresión de dichos marcadores a niveles basales y alteraron la morfología de las uniones estrechas y la actividad del transportador activo P glicoproteína. Además, se expusieron células a tensión cortante alterada seguida por condiciones fisiológicas y se observó una recuperación reversible de la expresión de marcadores de unión estrecha. También se constató que las condiciones hemodinámicas que alteran el fenotipo de barrera correlacionaron con vías de señalización relacionadas con las uniones estrechas. Estos hallazgos sugieren que, en caso de restauración de las condiciones de flujo, las propiedades funcionales de la Barrera Hematoencefálica podrían recuperarse. Evidencias recientes de los efectos de la denervación renal para el tratamiento de la hipertensión y de marcadores de Barrera Hematoencefálica hacen de esta tecnología un candidato apto para la restauración de la hemodinámica cerebrovascular. La denervación renal es una tecnología novedosa para el tratamiento de la hipertensión resistente que se basa en la ablación de los nervios simpáticos alrededor de las arterias renales. Aunque se ha demostrado su seguridad, los resultados de eficacia obtenidos en estudios clínicos son aún poco concluyentes. El entendimiento de la microanatomía arterial es esencial para predecir futuros resultados de eficacia. Se ha realizado un estudio in vivo para evaluar la distribución de nervios y ganglios linfáticos alrededor de arterias renales y el efecto de tratamientos de denervación sencillos y dobles. Se identificaron las regiones distales de la arteria renal como localizaciones óptimas para el tratamiento ya que estas presentaron mayor densidad de nervios cercanos a la pared arterial y la menor área de ganglios linfáticos. El tratamiento doble incrementó el arco circunferencial afectado en las arterias renales y por lo tanto presenta una mayor probabilidad para incrementar la eficacia. Los patrones de tensión cortante anormales, inherentes a enfermedades vasculares sistémicas, conducen al deterioro de la Barrera Hematoencefálica. Éste puede corregirse mediante intervenciones hemodinámicas. La denervación renal es un tratamiento con potencial que necesita una mayor caracterización para poder correlacionar sus efectos en la presión sanguínea y las propiedades funcionales de la Barrera Hematoencefálica.Microvascular endothelial cells at the Blood-Brain Barrier exhibit a protective phenotype, which is highly induced by biochemical and biomechanical stimuli. Amongst them, shear stress, a mechanical force prompted by circulation, enhances junctional tightness and limits transport at capillary-like levels. It has long been proven that abnormal flow patterns reduce functional features of macrovascular endothelium. Hemodynamic and structural alterations such as hypertension or arterial stiffness are examples of vascular conditions that increase shear stress and pulsatility, which reach and affect downstream at the neurovascular unit. Clinical studies have shown that such alterations are relevant in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such as types of dementia and multiple sclerosis. In this work, the effects of high shear stress and pulsatile stimuli were evaluated at the cellular level of the Blood-Brain Barrier as the interface between the vascular and cerebral systems. A dynamic in vitro model of the Blood-Brain barrier was designed and characterized in order to allow exposure of microvascular endothelial cells to shear stress and soluble factors produced by neighboring cells in co-culture. Human brain microvascular endothelial cells were exposed to both physiological and pathological flow patterns. Physiologic shear upregulated the expression of tight junction markers Zonula Occludens 1 and Claudin-5. High shear stress and/or pulsatility, decreased their expression to basal levels and altered junctional morphology and P-glycoprotein efflux activity. Furthermore, cells were exposed to altered shear stress patterns followed by restoration of physiological capillary-like conditions. Reversible recovery on the expression of tight junction markers was observed. Flow conditions that disturb barrier phenotype commensurated with junctional signaling pathways. This finding suggests that if flow conditions are restored, the Blood-Brain Barrier functional features may be recovered. Recent evidence of effects of renal denervation in hypertension treatment and Blood-Brain Barrier markers makes this technology a suitable candidate for hemodynamic cerebrovascular restoration. Renal denervation is a novel technology for treatment of resistant hypertension by ablation of sympathetic nerves in renal arteries. While proven safe, efficacy results in clinical trials are still inconclusive. Understanding arterial microanatomy is critical to predict future efficacy outcomes. An in vivo study was performed to evaluate nerve and lymph node distributions around renal arteries and the effect of single and dual denervation treatments. Distal regions of the renal artery were identified as the optimal target locations, as they showed the highest nerve density close to the lumen and the lowest lymph node area. Dual treatment increased circumferential affected arc in renal arteries and have a higher probability to increase efficacy. Abnormal shear stress inherent to systemic vascular disease leads to Blood-Brain Barrier impairment, which could be reverted by hemodynamic interventions. Renal denervation is a potential therapy that needs to be further characterized in order to correlate its effects on blood pressure decrease and functional features of the Blood-Brain Barrier.