312 research outputs found

    Collapse of the N=28 shell closure in 42^{42}Si

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    The energies of the excited states in very neutron-rich 42^{42}Si and 41,43^{41,43}P have been measured using in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy from the fragmentation of secondary beams of 42,44^{42,44}S at 39 A.MeV. The low 2+^+ energy of 42^{42}Si, 770(19) keV, together with the level schemes of 41,43^{41,43}P provide evidence for the disappearance of the Z=14 and N=28 spherical shell closures, which is ascribed mainly to the action of proton-neutron tensor forces. New shell model calculations indicate that 42^{42}Si is best described as a well deformed oblate rotor.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. let

    Spectroscopy of 26^{26}F

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    The structure of the weakly-bound     926^{26}_{\;\;9}F17_{17} odd-odd nucleus, produced from 27,28^{27,28}Na nuclei, has been investigated at GANIL by means of the in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy technique. A single γ\gamma-line is observed at 657(7) keV in 926^{26}_{9}F which has been ascribed to the decay of the excited J=2+2^+ state to the J=1+^+ ground state. The possible presence of intruder negative parity states in 26^{26}F is also discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Direct observation of long-lived isomers in 212^{212}Bi

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    Long-lived isomers in 212Bi have been studied following 238U projectile fragmentation at 670 MeV per nucleon. The fragmentation products were injected as highly charged ions into the GSI storage ring, giving access to masses and half-lives. While the excitation energy of the first isomer of 212Bi was confirmed, the second isomer was observed at 1478(30) keV, in contrast to the previously accepted value of >1910 keV. It was also found to have an extended Lorentz-corrected in-ring halflife >30 min, compared to 7.0(3) min for the neutral atom. Both the energy and half-life differences can be understood as being due a substantial, though previously unrecognised, internal decay branch for neutral atoms. Earlier shell-model calculations are now found to give good agreement with the isomer excitation energy. Furthermore, these and new calculations predict the existence of states at slightly higher energy that could facilitate isomer de-excitation studies.Comment: published in PRL 110, 12250

    β decay of 129Cd and excited states in 129In

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    J. Taprogge et al.; 11 pags.; 8 figs.; 2 tabs.; PACS number(s): 23.20.Lv, 23.40.−s, 21.60.Cs, 27.60.+j©2015 American Physical Society. The β decay of 129Cd, produced in the relativistic fission of a 238U beam, was experimentally studied at the RIBF facility at the RIKEN Nishina Center. From the γ radiation emitted after the β decays, a level scheme of 129In was established comprising 31 excited states and 69 γ -ray transitions. The experimentally determined level energies are compared to state-of-the-art shell-model calculations. The half-lives of the two β-decaying states in 129Cd were deduced and the β feeding to excited states in 129In were analyzed. It is found that, as in most cases in the Z < 50, N 82 region, both decays are dominated by the ν0g7/2 → π0g9/2 Gamow–Teller transition, although the contribution of first-forbidden transitions cannot be neglected.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under contracts FPA2009-13377-C02 and FPA2011-29854- C04, the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under grant PROMETEO/2010/101, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. NRF-2012R1A1A1041763), the Priority Centers Research Program in Korea (2009-0093817), OTKA contract number K-100835, JSPS KAKENHI (Grant No. 25247045), the European Commission through the Marie Curie Actions call FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF under Contract No. 300096, the US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357, the “RIKEN foreign research program,” and the German BMBF (No. 05P12RDCIA and 05P12RDNUP) and HIC for FAIR.Peer Reviewe

    Structural evolution in the neutron-rich nuclei 106Zr and 108Zr

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    The low-lying states in 106Zr and 108Zr have been investigated by means of {\beta}-{\gamma} and isomer spectroscopy at the RI beam factory, respectively. A new isomer with a half-life of 620\pm150 ns has been identified in 108Zr. For the sequence of even-even Zr isotopes, the excitation energies of the first 2+ states reach a minimum at N = 64 and gradually increase as the neutron number increases up to N = 68, suggesting a deformed sub-shell closure at N = 64. The deformed ground state of 108Zr indicates that a spherical sub-shell gap predicted at N = 70 is not large enough to change the ground state of 108Zr to the spherical shape. The possibility of a tetrahedral shape isomer in 108Zr is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    β-Decay Half-Lives of 110 Neutron-Rich Nuclei across the N = 82 Shell Gap: Implications for the Mechanism and Universality of the Astrophysical r Process

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    G. Larusso et al.; 7 pags.; 5 figs.; 2 tabs.; PACS numbers: 23.40.-s, 26.30.Hj, 27.60.+j© 2015 American Physical Society. The β-decay half-lives of 110 neutron-rich isotopes of the elements from 37Rb to 50Sn were measured at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. The 40 new half-lives follow robust systematics and highlight the persistence of shell effects. The new data have direct implications for r-process calculations and reinforce the notion that the second (A ≈ 130) and the rare-earth-element (A ≈ 160) abundance peaks may result from the freeze-out of an (n, γ) ⇄ (γ,n) equilibrium. In such an equilibrium, the new half-lives are important factors determining the abundance of rare-earth elements, and allow for a more reliable discussion of the r process universality. It is anticipated that universality may not extend to the elements Sn, Sb, I, and Cs, making the detection of these elements in metal-poor stars of the utmost importance to determine the exact conditions of individual r-process events.Part of the WAS3ABi was supported by the Rare Isotope Science Project which is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST) and National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea. This work was partially supported by KAKENHI (Grants No. 25247045, No. 2301752, and No. 25800130), the RIKEN Foreign Research Program, the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Contracts No. FPA2009-13377-C02 and No. FPA2011-29854-C04), the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357, the NASA Grant No. NNX10AH78G, and the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA Contract No. K100835.Peer Reviewe

    Isomer Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich 165,167Tb

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    Open Access JournalWe present information on the excited states in the prolate-deformed, neutron-rich nuclei 165;167Tb100;102. The nuclei of interest were synthesized following in-flight fission of a 345 MeV per nucleon 238U primary beam on a 2 mm 9Be target at the Radioactive Ion-Beam Factory (RIBF), RIKEN, Japan. The exotic nuclei were separated and identified event-by-event using the BigRIPS separator, with discrete energy gamma-ray decays from isomeric states with half-lives in the _s regime measured using the EURICA gamma-ray spectrometer. Metastable-state decays are identified in 165Tb and 167Tb and interpreted as arising from hindered E1 decay from the 7/2-[523] single quasi-proton Nilsson configuration to rotational states built on the 3/2-[411] single quasi-proton ground state. These data correspond to the first spectroscopic information in the heaviest, odd-A terbium isotopes reported to date and provide information on proton Nilsson configurations which reside close to the Fermi surface as the 170Dy doubly-midshell nucleus is approached.postprin

    Two-neutron and core-excited states in Pb 210: Tracing E3 collectivity and evidence for a new β -decaying isomer in Tl 210

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    Yrast and near-yrast levels up to an I=17 spin value and a 6-MeV excitation energy have been delineated in the "two-neutron" Pb210 nucleus following deep-inelastic reactions involving Pb208 targets and a number of heavy-ion beams at energies ∼25% above the Coulomb barrier. The level scheme was established on the basis of multifold prompt and delayed coincidence relationships measured with the Gammasphere array. In addition to the previously known states, many new levels were identified. For most of the strongly populated states, spin-parity assignments are proposed on the basis of angular distributions. The reinvestigation of the ν(g9/2)2, 8+ isomeric decay results in the firm identification of the low-energy E2 transitions involved in the 8+→6+→4+ cascade, and in a revised 6+ level half-life of 92(10) ns, nearly a factor of 2 longer than previously measured. Among the newly identified states figure spin I=4-10 levels associated with the νg9/2i11/2 multiplet, as well as yrast states involving νg9/2j15/2, νi11/2j15/2, and ν(j15/2)2 neutron couplings. The highest-spin excitations are understood as 1p-1h core excitations and the yrast population is found to be fragmented to the extent that levels of spin higher than I=17 could not be reached. Four E3 transitions are present in the Pb210 yrast decay; three of these involve the g9/2→j15/2 octupole component, as reflected in the 21(2) and >10 Weisskopf unit enhancements of the B(E3) rates of the first two. The fourth, 16+→13-E3 transition corresponds to the 3- core octupole excitation built on the νi11/2j15/2 state, in analogy to a similar E3 coupling to the νj15/2 level in Pb209. Shell-model calculations performed for two-neutron states and 1p-1h Pb208 core excitations are in good agreement with the data. Evidence was found for the existence of a hitherto unknown high-spin β-decaying isomer in Tl210. Shell-model calculations of the Tl210 levels suggest the possibility of a 11+ long-lived, β-decaying state, and the delayed yields observed in various reactions fit rather well with a Tl210 assignment