33 research outputs found

    Sturing van spuiwaterafvoer bij een biologische luchtwasser door middel van meting van de elektrische geleidbaarheid = Discharge water control by electrical conductivity measurement at a bioscrubber

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    A bioscrubber treating air from a pig house was monitored during 7 months. Ammonia removal, air flow and pH and EC of the water were measured continuously. Water discharge was controlled by EC measurement of the water

    Determination of ammonia concentrations in air from livestock housing systems : Reference method using gas washing as applied by Wageningen Livestock Research

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    This document is elaborated to give a description of the gas washing method as applied by Wageningen Livestock Research (WLR gas washing method). This measurement method is commonly used as the reference method for ammonia concentration measurements for the determination of ammonia emissions from agricultural activities (livestock housing, manure storage, field application of manure). The objective of this document is to specify the performance characteristics of the method, and the procedure for preparation and deployment of this method in practice to measure ammonia concentrations from livestock housing systems

    Ammoniakemissiearme verharde uitlopen voor varkens = Outside, hardened yards with low ammonia emissions for pigs

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    In this study requirements and example designs are given of pig houses with outside yards with low ammonia emission

    Emissie van stikstofverbindingen uit luchtwassers met biologische wasstap

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    In de regel wordt aangenomen dat in luchtwassers met een biologische behandelingsstap ammoniak uit stallucht wordt omgezet in nitraat en nitriet, dat vervolgens met het spuiwater wordt afgevoerd. Er zijn echter aanwijzingen dat onder bepaalde condities (grote) hoeveelheden andere gasvormige stikstofverbindingen kunnen ontstaan en emitteren. Uit de steekproef die is uitgevoerd, blijkt dat bij biologische luchtwassers met een lage pH (<6,5) grote hoeveelheden stikstofoxyden (NOy) kunnen ontwijken naar de lucht. Voor dergelijk luchtwassers is de netto stikstofverwijdering veel lager dan de ammoniakverwijdering---In a biotrickling filter treating animal house exhaust air, ammonia is usually converted to dissolved nitrite and nitrate and subsequently removed with the discharge water. However, under certain operating conditions other types of gaseous nitrogen compounds may be emitted to the air. From the survey that was conducted it follows that at low pH values (<6.5) large amounts of gaseous nitrogen oxides (NOy) may be emitted from biotrickling filters. As a result, the net nitrogen removal of these scrubbers is much lower than the ammonia removal efficienc

    Fijnstofemissie uit stallen: luchtwassers = Dust emission from animal houses: air scrubbing techniques

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    In this study emissions of fine dust (PM10 and PM2.5) from pig and poultry houses provided with air filtration techniques were determined. In addition, emissions of ammonia, greenhouse gases and odour were determined

    Emissies uit een vleeskuikenstal met geconditioneerd luchtinlaat, biologische wasser en denitrificatie-unit : Meetprogramma Integraal Duurzame Stallen

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    This study reports the emissions of ammonia, odour, fine dust (PM10 and PM2.5), methane and nitrous oxide from a broiler house with a heat exchanger, biological air scrubber and denitrification unit

    Emissies uit een ligboxenstal voor melkvee met roostervloer voorzien van een bolle rubber toplaag en afdichtflappen in de roosterspleten : meetprogramma Integraal Duurzame Stallen

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    This study reports the emissions of ammonia, odour, fine dust (PM10 and PM2.5), methane and nitrous oxide from a loose housing dairy cattle barn with cubicles provided with a slatted floor with a rubber top layer and rubber flaps between the slats