16 research outputs found

    Unconditional sentence of imprisonment from perpective of theory and practice

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    Nepodmíněný trest odnětí svobody z pohledu teorie a praxe Disertační práce JUDr. Jiří Pleva Abstrakt Předkládaná disertační práce je vedena snahou vyjádřit některé názory k současné teorii i praxi týkající se nepodmíněného trestu odnětí svobody a poskytnout některé podněty k případné změně. Základním mottem předloženého pojednání je konstatování, že primárním znakem ukládaného trestu je újma působená pachateli trestného činu. Argumenty uznávaných autorů, případně vlastními, chce autor prokázat neúčinnost ukládaných trestů v případech, kdy následný výkon těchto trestů nebude pro pachatele dostatečně citelný, přičemž konkrétní citelnost trestu je možno alespoň přibližně stanovit pouze ad hoc vzhledem k poměrům konkrétního pachatele. Vybranými případy ze soudní i vězeňské praxe se pak snaží vyvrátit obecně rozšířené tvrzení, že nepodmíněný trest odnětí svobody je vždy nejpřísnějším druhem trestu. Autor se v práci pokouší zdůraznit důležitost všech základních účelů trestu, doposud upravených v § 23 zákona č. 140/1961 Sb., trestního zákona, které nemohou být při úvahách o ukládání trestu ani po nabytí účinnosti zákona č. 40/2009 Sb., trestního zákoníku opomíjeny. V duchu smíšené teorie trestání pak vyjadřuje přesvědčení o nevhodnosti ukládání trestu odnětí svobody tehdy, pokud by bylo možno učinit závěr o jeho...Unconditional sentence of imprisonment from perspective of theory and practice Dissertation JUDr. Jiří Pleva Abstract Author tried to express his opinions to contemporary theory and practice concerning the unconditional sentence of imprisonment and provide some impulses to an appropriate change in his thesis. The basic motto of the introduced discourse was the statement that the prime sign of the imposed sentence is the loss (evil) caused to the criminal. Author wanted to prove the ineffectiveness of the imposed sentences in the cases when the subsequent execution of the punishments will not be for the criminal appreciable enough, whereas the factual appreciability of the punishment is only ad hoc to be stated regarding to the situation of the particular offender. Generally extended statement was disproved, that the unconditional sentence of imprisonment was always the strictest form of punishment, by the chosen cases from the court room and also from the prison practice. In thesis author tried to emphasize the importance of all basic purposes of the punishment, until now modified in § 23 of the Criminal code (1961) which cannot be left out at considerations either about imposing sentence or after the coming into force of the new Criminal code (2009). In spirit of the mixed theory of punishment he expressed...Department of Criminal LawKatedra trestního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Analysis of locking self-taping bone screws for angularly stable plates

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    Paper focuses on biomechanics, specifically on locking cortical bone screws in angularly stable plates used for the treatment of bone fractures in the medical fields of traumatology and orthopaedics. During extraction of titanium-alloy implants, problems are encountered in an effort to loosen some locking bone screws from the locking holes of an angularly stable plate and the subsequent stripping of the internal hexagon of the screw head. The self-locking of the screw-plate threaded joint was verified by calculation and the effect of the angle of the thread on the head of the locking cortical bone screw on self-locking was evaluated. The magnitude of the torque, causing the stripping of the internal hexagon (the Inbus type head) of a locking cortical bone screw with a shank diameter of 3.5 mm from Ti6Al4 V titanium alloy to ISO 5832-3, was determined experimentally. Also, it was experimentally found that the rotation of the screwdriver end with a hexagonal tip inside the locking cortical bone screw head during stripping of the internal hexagon causes strain of the screw head perimeter and thereby an increase of thread friction. The effect of tightening torque on the possibility of loosening of the locking cortical bone screw from the locking hole of an angularly stable plate was assessed experimentally. From the evaluation of five alternative shapes of locking cortical bone screw heads in terms of the acting stress and generated strains, it follows that the best screw is the screw with the Torx type head, which demonstrates the lowest values of reduced stress and equivalent plastic strain. Based on experiments and simulations the authors recommend that all global producers of locking cortical bone screws for locking holes of angularly stable plates use the Torx type heads, and not heads of the Inbus type or the Square, PH, PZ types.Web of Science37462561

    Marketing planning in construction company

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    Pro svou diplomovou práci jsem si zvolil téma „Marketingové plánování ve stavebním podniku“. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. V první části jsem se zaměřil na teoretické informace o marketingovém mixu, SLEPT analýze, marketingové strategii a rozpočtu. V praktické části popisuji charakteristiku společnosti ALPINE Bau CZ a.s. a také návrh marketingového plánu pro tuto společnost.For my thesis I chose the topic "Marketing planning in the construction business." The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the first part I focused on theoretical information about marketing mix, SLEPT analysis, marketing strategy and budget. The practical part describes the characteristics of company ALPINE Bau CZ as and a marketing plan for this company.

    Sources for Financing of Construction Project Realized by Municipality

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    Pro svou bakalářskou práci jsem si zvolil téma „Zdroje financování stavebního projektu realizovaného obcí“. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část obsahuje charakteristiku projektu a popis možností financování veřejných zakázek. V praktické části popisuji financování a charakteristiku projektu Odpadové centrum Hošťálková. To je vesnice, ve které jsem se narodil a dosud také žiji. Hlavním cílem práce je uvést čtenáře do problematiky financování projektů menších obcí naší republiky.For my bachelor thesis I chose the topic "Source for financing of construction project realized by municipality." The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part includes a description of the project and a description of financing options contracts. The practical part describes the characteristics of project financing and Waste Centre Hošťálková. There is a village where I was born and still live. The main objective is to introduce the reader to the functioning financing projects of small communities of our country.

    Endovascular repair of thoracic aorta injury: 17 years of single-center experience

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    Background: Traumatic thoracic aortic transection is one of the most severe complications of high-energy injuries, but pa-tients rarely receive treatment, and it is fatal in the vast majority of cases. Due to the complexity of surgical revision for transection, endovascular repair with stent graft implantation is the preferred approach. Material/Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the short-term and long-term treatment results for 31 patients (29 men, 2 wom-en) treated at the Interventional Radiology Department, University Hospital Ostrava, for the isthmus part of a descending thoracic aorta injury between 2004 and 2020. Results: The median patient age was 48 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 28-63 years). The most common causes of in-jury were traffic accidents and falls or jumps, with the trauma location at the Ishimaru zones 2 to 4 of the aor-tic isthmus. Aortic stent grafts were successfully implanted in all patients; 13% of patients had complications and 10% died due to the trauma severity. The median procedure duration was 30 min (IQR: 25-43 min) and the median hospital stay was 29 days (IQR: 28-63 days). Conclusions: Aortic stent graft implantation appears to be a safe and effective method for dealing with thoracic aorta inju-ry, with a low complication rate and high patient survival. The endovascular approach is the method of choice for treating this severe disease, and a multidisciplinary approach for emergency medical treatment with a com-prehensive trauma protocol is essential.Web of Science27art. no. e93447

    Mechanics of screw joints solved as beams placed in a tangential elastic foundation

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    This article deals with a new original analytical solution of deformation, force and stress states in wood screw joints up to the limit values of pulling out/breaking the screw. The screws are under tension. The wood-to-screw interaction is effectively simplified by introducing several physical model variants using a tangential elastic non-linear foundation. The experimental verification of the proposed models using pull-out tests (i.e., pulling out screws from dry spruce wood in laboratory conditions) confirms the correctness of the proposed models of the elastic linear/non-linear foundation. The validity of the model is also analytically and experimentally verified in the biomechanical model of pulling out screws from the femur of a bovine/human cadaver, which confirms and expands the validity of newly designed screw joint models outside the timber structure area.Web of Science1112art. no. 561

    Analytical, stochastic and experimental solution of the osteosynthesis of the fifth metatarsal by headless screw

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    This paper evaluates the various approaches to strength and stiffness analysis of fracture osteosynthesis using a headless Herbert screw. The problem has been extensively addressed using several scientific approaches, namely the analytical approach, stochastic approach, experimental approach, and (marginally) using the finite elements method. The problem is illustrated on the use of a prototype headless screw Ti: 4.0/1.4 x 30/7 (manufacturer: Medin, Czech Republic) and the surgical treatment of the fifth metatarsal fracture. Mathematical equations for the analytical calculation of the maximum stresses in the screw were established for tensile/compression loading. This problem is also interesting because of its static indetermination in tension and compression; for this reason, it was necessary to use the deformation condition, i.e., the relationship between screw extension and bone contraction. The stochastic (probabilistic) approach, i.e., application of the Monte Carlo method, takes advantage of the mathematical equations derived during the analytical solution by respecting of the natural variabilities and uncertainties. The analytical and stochastic approaches were validated by measurements on porcine bones and by the finite element method. The data measured experimentally were also processed and used for deriving an equation, appropriately approximating the data. The main part of the measurement was to determine the axial force generated during osteosynthesis with a headless screw. The obtained compressional force was used to determine the maximal stress in the screw and bone. Finally, the methods were compared. In this paper, comprehensive and original approaches based on the authors' experience with multiple methods are presented. Obtained results are necessary for headless screw designers during optimalization of the implants and are also useful for surgeons developing new surgical techniques. This biomechanical problem was solved in cooperation with the engineering industry and physicians to improve the quality of care for patients with trauma in orthopedics and surgery.Web of Science1219art. no. 961

    Unconditional imprisonment and its serving

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    Katedra trestního právaDepartment of Criminal LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult