41 research outputs found

    Medically Serious Suicide Attempts in Personality Disorders

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    Nearly lethal suicide attempts; Personality disorders; Serious suicide attemptsIntentos de suicidio casi letales; Trastornos de la personalidad; Intentos de suicidio gravesIntents de suïcidi gairebé letals; Trastorns de la personalitat; Intents de suïcidi greusMedically serious suicide attempts (MSSA) represent a subgroup of clinically heterogeneous suicidal behaviors very close to suicides. Personality disorders (PD) are highly prevalent among them, together with affective and substance use disorders. However, few studies have specifically analyzed the role of PD in MSSA. These suicide attempts (SA) are usually followed by longer hospitalization periods and may result in severe physical and psychological consequences. The aim of this study is to compare the profile of MSSA patients with and without PD. MSSA were defined according to Beautrais ‘criteria, but had to remain hospitalized ≥48 h. Overall, 168 patients from two public hospitals in Barcelona were evaluated during a three-year period. Mean hospital stay was 23.68 (standard deviation (SD) = 41.14) days. Patients with PD (n = 69) were more likely to be younger, female, make the first and the most serious SA at a younger age, reported recent stressful life-events and more frequently had previous suicide attempts compared to those without PD. However, no differences were found with regards to comorbid diagnoses, current clinical status, features of the attempt, or their impulsivity and hopelessness scores. Therefore, focusing on the subjective, qualitative experiences related to MSSA among PD patients may increase understanding of the reasons contributing to these attempts in order to improve prevention strategies in the future.The authors have no personal or financial conflicts of interest

    A comparison of medically serious suicide attempters admitted to intensive care units versus other medically serious suicide attempters

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    Medically serious suicide attempts (MSSA) represent a subgroup of clinically heterogeneous suicidal behaviours very close to deaths by suicide. A simple definition of an MSSA is a suicide attempt with life-threatening consequences, regardless of the severity of the attempter's mental disorder. Few studies have specifically analysed the heterogeneity of MSSA. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe the profile of individuals who made a highly severe MSSA and to compare those admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU) - including Burn Units- with other MSSA admitted to other medical and surgical units. The study sample consisted of 168 patients consecutively admitted to non-psychiatric wards from two public hospitals in Barcelona after an MSSA during a 3-year period. In order to select more severe MSSA, the minimum hospital stay was expanded from Beautrais' definition of ≥ 24 h to ≥ 48 h. Mean hospital stay was 23.68 (SD = 41.14) days. Patients needing ICU treatment (n = 99) were compared to other MSSArs (n = 69) that were admitted to other medical and surgical units, not requiring intensive care treatment, with an initial bivariant analysis followed by a logistic regression analysis using conditional entrance. Medically serious suicide attempters (MSSArs) spent more time hospitalized, more frequently reported recent stressful life events, were more likely to have at least one prior suicide attempt (SA) and their current attempt was more frequently non-planned, compared to the profile of MSSArs reported in previous studies. The most frequent method was medication overdose (67.3%) and jumping from heights (23.2%). Among those who chose more than one method (37.6%), the most frequent combination was medication overdose and drug use. Affective disorders and personality disorders were the most frequent diagnoses. Higher educational level, history of previous mental disorders and prior lifetime suicide attempts were significantly more frequent among those admitted to ICU compared to other MSSArs. Patients needing admission to ICU less frequently used self-poisoning and cuts. MSSA needing ICU admission can be regarded clinically as similar to attempts resulting in suicide. More research on this type of highly severe suicide behaviour is needed due to its serious implications both from a clinical and public health perspective

    Association between depressive and anxious symptoms with cognitive function and quality of life in drug-resistant epilepsy

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABDepressive/anxious disorders and cognitive impairment are frequent comorbidities in epilepsy and have a more deleterious effect in DRE.•Studies concerning the relationship between anxiety and depression and cognitive performance in DRE are scarce.•Higher scores in HADS are associated with lower QOLIE-31 scores and might be considered as predictors of QOL in DRE.•A relationship between anxious and depressive symptoms -measured with HADS and SCL-90R- and cognition might not exist.•There remains an unexplored study area regarding this relationship which requires more attention to improve the assessment of DRE

    Socket shield technique: A systematic review of human studies

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    Background and Purpose Alveolar bone resorption after dental extraction frequently leads to situations in which long-term function and esthetic success of rehabilitations with dental implants is a challenge. Socket shield has been described as an alternative technique to maintain the alveolar ridge when placing immediate implants. The aim of this review is to evaluate the medium- and long-term clinical outcomes of the socket shield technique in human studies. Material and Methods This review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. An electronic search was conducted in four databases: (1) The National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE/PubMed) via Ovid; (2) Web of Science (WOS); (3) SCOPUS; and (4) Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). The Cochrane Collaboration tool, the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale and The Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tool were used to assess the quality of evidence in the studies reviewed. Results Six articles were included in this review. The studies analysed showed lower rates of horizontal and vertical alveolar bone resorption, better maintenance of the buccal plate, less marginal bone loss and better esthetic results than simple placement of immediate implants. However, a lack of homogeneity was found in evaluation methods of the different outcomes, surgical procedures and prosthetic management. Conclusions Based on the results of this review, it is possible to suggest that socket shield technique could be a good alternative in terms of alveolar bone maintenance, marginal bone stability and aesthetic outcomes in immediate implant treatment. However, it is not possible to recommend this technique as an alternative treatment with the same long-terms predictability as conventional immediate implants

    p38γ and p38δ regulate postnatal cardiac metabolism through glycogen synthase 1

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    During the first weeks of postnatal heart development, cardiomyocytes undergo a major adaptive metabolic shift from glycolytic energy production to fatty acid oxidation. This metabolic change is contemporaneous to the up-regulation and activation of the p38γ and p38δ stress-activated protein kinases in the heart. We demonstrate that p38γ/δ contribute to the early postnatal cardiac metabolic switch through inhibitory phosphorylation of glycogen synthase 1 (GYS1) and glycogen metabolism inactivation. Premature induction of p38γ/δ activation in cardiomyocytes of newborn mice results in an early GYS1 phosphorylation and inhibition of cardiac glycogen production, triggering an early metabolic shift that induces a deficit in cardiomyocyte fuel supply, leading to whole-body metabolic deregulation and maladaptive cardiac pathogenesis. Notably, the adverse effects of forced premature cardiac p38γ/δ activation in neonate mice are prevented by maternal diet supplementation of fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation. These results suggest that diet interventions have a potential for treating human cardiac genetic diseases that affect heart metabolism.G.S. is a YIP EMBO member. B.G.T. was a fellow of the FPI Severo Ochoa CNIC program (SVP-2013-067639) and currently is funded by the AHA-CHF (AHA award number: 818798). V.M.R. is a FPI fellow (BES-2014-069332) and A.M.S. is a fellow of the FPI Severo Ochoa CNIC program (BES-2016-077635). This work was funded by the following grants: to G.S.: funding from the EFSD/Lilly European Diabetes Research Programme Dr Sabio, from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MINECO-FEDER SAF2016-79126-R and PID2019-104399RB-I00), Comunidad de Madrid (IMMUNOTHERCAN-CM S2010/BMD-2326 and B2017/BMD-3733) and Fundación Jesús Serra; to P.A.: Ayudas para apoyar grupos de investigación del sistema Universitario Vasco (IT971-16 to P.A.), MCIU/AEI/FEDER, funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-095134-B-100); Excellence Network Grant from MICIU/AEI (SAF2016-81975-REDT and 2018-PN188) to PA and GS; to J.V.: funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PGC2018-097019-B-I00), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria grant PRB3 (PT17/0019/0003- ISCIII-SGEFI / ERDF, ProteoRed), and “la Caixa” Banking Foundation (project code HR17-00247); to J.P.B.: funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2019-105699RB-I00, RED2018‐102576‐T) and Escalera de Excelencia (CLU-2017-03); to J.A.E.: funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities MINECO (RED2018-102576-T, RTI2018-099357-B-I00), CIBERFES (CB16/10/00282), and HFSP (RGP0016/2018). RAP (XPC/BBV1602 and MIN/RYC1102). The CNIC is supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Epilepsy surgery in drug resistant temporal lobe epilepsy associated with neuronal antibodies

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    We assessed the outcome of patients with drug resistant epilepsy and neuronal antibodies who underwent epilepsy surgery. Retrospective study, information collected with a questionnaire sent to epilepsy surgery centers. Thirteen patients identified, with antibodies to GAD (8), Ma2 (2), Hu (1), LGI1 (1) or CASPR2 (1). Mean age at seizure onset: 23 years. Five patients had an encephalitic phase. Three had testicular tumors and five had autoimmune diseases. All had drug resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (median: 20 seizures/month). MRI showed unilateral temporal lobe abnormalities (mainly hippocampal sclerosis) in 9 patients, bilateral abnormalities in 3, and was normal in 1. Surgical procedures included anteromesial temporal lobectomy (10 patients), selective amygdalohippocampectomy (1), temporal pole resection (1) and radiofrequency ablation of mesial structures (1). Perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates were seen in 7/12 patients. One year outcome available in all patients, at 3 years in 9. At last visit 5/13 patients (38.5%) (with Ma2, Hu, LGI1, and 2 GAD antibodies) were in Engel's classes I or II. Epilepsy surgery may be an option for patients with drug resistant seizures associated with neuronal antibodies. Outcome seems to be worse than that expected in other etiologies, even in the presence of unilateral HS. Intracranial EEG may be required in some patients

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España, 2019: informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    RESUMEN Objetivo: comunicar los datos de nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) obtenidos del registro del grupo NADYA-SENPE (www.nadyasenpe.com) del año 2019. Material y métodos: análisis descriptivo de los datos recogidos de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con NPD en el registro NADYA-SENPE desde el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2019. Resultados: se registraron 283 pacientes (51,9 %, mujeres), 31 niños y 252 adultos procedentes de 47 hospitales españoles, lo que representa una tasa de prevalencia de 6,01 pacientes/millón de habitantes/año 2019. El diagnóstico más frecuente en los adultos fue “oncológico paliativo” y “otros” (21,0 %). En los niños fue la enfermedad de Hirschsprung junto a la enterocolitis necrotizante, las alteraciones de la motilidad intestinal y la pseudoobstrucción intestinal crónica, con 4 casos cada uno (12,9 %). El primer motivo de indicación fue el síndrome del intestino corto tanto en los niños (51,6 %) como en los adultos (37,3 %). El tipo de catéter más utilizado fue el tunelizado tanto en los niños (75,9 %) como en los adultos (40,8 %). Finalizaron 68 episodios, todos en adultos: la causa más frecuente fue el fallecimiento (54,4 %). Pasaron a la vía oral el 38,2 %. Conclusiones: el número de centros y profesionales colaboradores con el registro NADYA va incrementándose. Se mantienen estables las principales indicaciones y los motivos de finalización de la NPD

    Innovación en las enseñanzas universitarias: experiencias presentadas en las III Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL

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    En este libro se recoge un conjunto de experiencias de innovación educativa desarrolladas en la ULL en el curso 2011-12. Se abordan distintos ámbitos y ramas del conocimiento, y ocupan temáticas variadas que han sido desarrolladas con rigor, y con un claro potencial para su extrapolación a efectos de la mejora educativa en el ámbito universitario. Esta publicación constituye una primera edición de una serie que irá recogiendo las experiencias de innovación educativa de la ULL. Este es un paso relevante para su impulso en nuestra institución, como lo es el de su vinculación con la investigación educativa, para potenciar su publicación en las revistas científicas en este ámbito cada vez más pujante y relevante para las universidades. Sobre todo representan el deseo y el compromiso del profesorado de la ULL para la mejora del proceso educativo mediante la investigación, la evaluación y la reflexión compartida de nuestras prácticas y planteamientos docentes